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How come Valve and Epic, once id copycats, ended up becoming multibillion industry titans while id themselves sold out to the big corpos?
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Yuji Naka was like this before his court drama
>American McGee
holy shit it's his actual name
>holy shit it's his actual name
Read his life story sometime, it's pretty fucked up.
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So who was ultimately in the wrong?
When people talk about the fall of id they always talk about the big names, but those weren't the people that allegedly screwed up the company

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But wait, Meteor hasn't even been summoned yet...

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Just keep spamming your retarded troll shit retard.
From what I can tell, here's what's going on with the black materia.

>There is a timeline where Cloud actually rescues Aerith from falling at the Temple of the Ancients
>this is shown when Cloud is starting to wake up in the Forest of the Ancients. A white whisper passes between a scene where Cloud is bringing her up to safety before another one where they're on the ground
>this is probably showing us a timeline where Cloud can resist Sephiroth, which is the one where Aerith lives
>Cloud and Aerith go to the Temple of the Ancients, Cloud never gives Sephiroth the black materia and never falls with Aerith, Cloud can go to the City of the Ancients with Aerith and so is in time to save her
>Cloud still has the black materia, Aerith is still alive, Aerith might still have the white materia

Nomura told us the static scenes are Cloud rejecting reality. So when he realises he has the black materia, he rejects the reality where he was supposed to never have it.
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Why are nips obsessed with timeline and multiverse shit?
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There are 2 Aeriths in the ending.
>when the party is by the water after burying aerith
>when the party is readying the tiny bronco
Lifestream. Red could sense her, her dress doesn't react to the Tiny Bronco
>the one who said don't look up
Probably Lifestream Aerith, her voice is projected into Cloud's head
>the one who talked to cloud after everyone had boarded
Jenova. Her dress now can react to the Tiny Bronco and she can speak now.
>the one who said goodbye after the plane has flown away
Lifestream. Again the voice sounds projected.

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ITT: God tier flash games.
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I had a version of this downloaded on my first PC. I barely ever used that thing, except to play this.
there was an armorgames production that had 2-3 games, it was a a point and click narrative game about immortality i think. shit was kino
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fucking superman
thanks for the thread folks
Lenny Loosejocks

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Is your favorite video game menus or parkour?
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parkour always
i need to go fast and menus too slow
Okay but he asked about fighting games, not party games

Menu or walking simulator.
Persona 5 - menus
Twilight Princess - parkour
RE2:Remake - tough, but I’m thinking menus
Just call it movie.
>Counter-Strike: menu. Apex: movie.

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When did Fortnite turn into a platform like Roblox? What is the appeal?
the game would be much better if that's what raven team leader looked like
Is Fortnite popular for the Battle Royale or all the other games within it?
>When did Fortnite turn into a platform like Roblox?
Like a month after it was released
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Getting to play as Peter Griffin and one-tapping retards before Gangnam Styling on their corpses

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All I’m asking for is a good MHA game that isn’t a shitty arena fighter or BR
How would you do a mha game anon? Post your thoughts in less than a minute to prove this isn't a porn dump.
Didn't she lose her limbs?
That's kinda hot.

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Give each other another chance, I'm sure you two can work it out
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te quiero mucho pato
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Bunkertroons mad!
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Have monster girl games gone stale?
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Youmaen just recently got a full TL.
There hasn't been one with good gameplay ever released. No monster girl hero shooter, moba, or RPG game.
Fuck. I'd play any game with a cute lamia or spider girl character even if they're just one of 100 characters and main them. Except the only one that has them is like dota 2 and it's fucking awful.

why can't modern games?
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Marathon did this by splitting the upper and lower body into different sprites

Sweet baby makes sure mirrors are disabled so trannys can feel accepted. Otherwise trannys are too weak mentally to handle basic shit like reflections. Devs use this fact to be lazy when it comes to mirrors.

Basically, we have shitty game tech all around because of useless crying tranny faggots
>No MetaShadow Warrior
bro I play as female MCs cause I want to stare at a woman. Why would I want to see reflections as a male MC what am I gay?
You're trying too hard, shill.

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>no drift DI
>tons of endlag
>can't combo at 0%
>dash attacks don't combo
>techchase: the game
Did they even know why Rivals 1 was so good? I unironically believed in them, but I'm not kidding, it kind of plays like total trash, and apparently they're not ever going to add Drift Di back.
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This game shot itself in the foot. It finally got a tiny bit of momentum and they announced a fucking online pass of all things. They went back on it but it was too fucking late by then. What little momentum they had got killed.
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Doubles is mad fun but there's a bunch of little annoyances they didn't smooth over
>same exact stage list as 1v1; they couldn't even do the small favor of banning the tiny stages
>no way to vote to scramble teams, and nobody seems to understand when i flip between colors it means i want a new partner
>when one person leaves the lobby is just dead, as matchmaking won't make up for the lost player. and you can't even run ffa or 1v1s, it won't let you go into a match unless four players ready up (even when there are only 2 or 3 left)
you talk like a nigger loving wigger therefore i invalidate your blogposting opinion
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Is it region locked? I didn't get an invite.
Did I just get scammased for $50?
check your kickstarter email for a link to a thing called pledge manager

is this fucking real?
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no (spanish)
more like nu-lefties and their eternal love for trannies and third wave feminists.
it's butt-fuckingly real anon, i'm sorry
Fuckin gottem

Can I have your fucking Pikachu NOW?
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AIshitters on full cope
The more artistic power you have the more you can squeeze out of the tools anyways. go to technology or hentai and search sdg. the model I use is autismmixDPO. the frontend you'll use to run that model is called automatic1111 (or a fork of that)
looks like samey shit
I have not used AI other than Bing AI for images. How do I get started with this?
jessie is for ash

A bad game is a bad game. Doesn't matter what series it comes from., if it's a bad game in that series it's a bad game in general. Make a new IP at that point.
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Banjo Nuts n Bolts is a good game. It's just not a good Banjo game.
But if they dont change the name the IP will stagnate
CoD became massive after going from WW2 to modern warfare and adding killstreaks, in other words innovating the formula.
Nowadays those ips are so massive they will sell no matter what, but to get there innovation was needed.
>innovating the formula.
Killstreaks were present in original MW games. If anything they regressed to sell more. How is it innovation?
>Make a new IP at that point.
More like don't make that game at all


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>95% of all the best vidya adventures are in games that look like this
>the other 5% are in low poly 3D games

Why did modern 3D games drop the ball, why do they all feel so mundane

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do you think we will ever get another ark system ys game or an adol only adventure?
also are you looking forward to ysx?
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You dumbasses said 9 was bad/ bad ost it wasnt. The sewers and desert are GOATED
Meanwhile I can remember like 2 songs from Origin. Now that shit middling
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I'm genuinely not sure if you're trolling or not but just the opening to Origin is better than anything in 9.

origins is really good though and has an amazing ost, ys9 is fine but definitely nowhere near as good as origins
X doesn't use the party system but still looks like shovelware
Then the opening area, water area, lava area, sand area, final boss music all suck. As flaccid as my cock

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pre-rendered environments are pure kino
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Why not use them in full 3D now?
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Myst: The Thread?
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You used to have impressive scenery with fixed camera angles that sometimes let you know how huge things were in comparison to the characters. Now it's like HURR CAMERA MUST BE BEHIND CHARACTER'S SHOULDERS AT ALL TIMES NO YOU CAN'T ENJOY THE SCENERY, BUT HERE'S A SHITTY CAMERA MODE THAT LET'S YOU LOOK AT IT IN FIRST PERSON BUT YOU CAN'T SEE SHIT

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>"the Day 1 censorship patch is my true artistic vision"
said the man who sold his soul to the devil
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Is gooner the new meme word?
Of course the parrots in here are spreading it like wildfire.
Guess "slop" is getting too old for them now.
Somehow gooner replaced coomer and I don't even know when it happened
To give the benefit of the doubt, depending on how you translate this he says "The final version that we have to show is indeed the 1.002 version" which doesn't necessarily translate to "this is my true artistic vision."
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I do not understand this argument. Like the internet is also full of trannies and faggots, but that doesn't stop commiefornians from demanding more of them in vidya. And what is even the genuine vidya content that goes unquestioned into vidya, that you shouldn't search for elsewhere?
>true artistic vision looks like a last minute change that doesn't even match the true artistic vision of his inventory icons

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>we have dragon's dogma at home
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This was one of those games I kept playing till I realized it was very late. We better get Dark arisen 2 in november.

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>be me
>be aging millenial post 40
>reminisce past gaming experiences
>mmo's, action games, arpgs
>fps was never an issue
>be today
>state of the art games
>modern technology
>powerful engines
>jet engine GPU cards
>sorry, 30fps is the best we can do
>you're gonna have to buy the $900 GPU and consume enough power to fuel a sweatshop and we could get you to 40-50 fps, with dips
What led to this? Is technology breaking down? Why does an modern arpg that looks no better than diablo 2 hog my entire memory? Why is 100GB+ becoming the standard of game file sizes?
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The industry is being flooded with poos. Why hire 50 competent devs when you can hire 4000 pajeets to poop onto keyboards for a fraction of the price?
Part of it is lack of talent and nobody giving a fuck about optimization anymore; but another huge problem is that modern computer systems are so complex and messy that it's basically impossible for a single person to understand anymore.

Windows is a good example of this, in the early days of windows you actually had some programmers who understood every part of the OS, you think there's a single programmer who understands the entire Windows OS now? Fuck no they just keep building on the ramshackle mess and just hope nothing breaks. Programs are filled with tech debt and ductape solutions now, C# used to be considered a high level langauge, now it's considered a low level language, because programming is just increasingly more levels of abstract shit. All this applies to video games as well. Practically everyone uses third party engines like Unreal and Unity now.
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>C# low level

Scary times
Fucking behemoths. And standardization forces browsers to be larger and larger to even work, basically being an OS running on top of your OS
You were lied to technology was never gonna be advanced like it was in back to the future pt 2 or the Jetsons

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