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the council can KISS my ASS

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384 nsfw ロリ
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400 nsfw cute&funny
425 cat cuny
400 nsfw uohh
NSFW 350

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After being exposed to other monster catching franchies, I can safely say this. Every single "Pokémon Killer" or every monster catching show had better writing, characters, designs, stories, and gameplay than Pokémon itself. Pokémon is legitimately bottom of the barrel trash compared to even the most mediocre monster catching show. Digimon Tamers by itself solos the entirerty of the Pokémon series, including movies and manga. The only time the Pokémon series ever had anything remotely close to a good story was with Black and White, combined with certain arcs of the manga and Mystery Dungeon. Nintendo and GameFreak made a monster that has had a stranglehold on the genre for over 2 decades. I'm ashamed of liking it over others like Digimon, Medabots and Yokai Watch.
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My favorite and the most badass Digimon.
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>Build Divide
Just read a quick synopsis of the anime and it doesn't sound like the usual TCG ad at all, picked up
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I prefer vague mon-like elements/characters implemented in otherwise unrelated games over actual mon-oriented games.
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pokémon just makes me so comfy
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Monster Rancher is going to be in a fitting game tournament for some reason.

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motoi sakuraba or yuka kitamura?
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Miki Higashino for me. Such a shame maternity leave pushed her out of the industry.
Literally who?

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Why are Cetra like this?
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I think it is the only version that would've worked because after playing rebirth i truly do not understand the purpose of this cover because even in zack's world there is another cloud, not only Aerith. The cover is just meh.
you didn't even play the game dude she was never impaled
Aertith is toriyamas second waifu after lightning. Same VA too
Okay..? She's not on the cover tho

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Shady Sands wasn't a state or a nation. It was the capital of Shady state and the NCR nation. It was a single city. Nuking it should not have destabilized the NCR core states, either there'd have been a new capital in Shady state or perhaps in one of the five (5) other core states. Shady Sands could not have truly fallen before late 2281 at the earliest. Arguing that the dateless nuke isn't the same as the "Fall" that has a date on it is a pedantic cope, since if that was intended it would've been clear. And Shady Sands wasn't ever in fucking Los Angeles, that's an entirely different NCR state.
And Aradesh was the first president, an ethnic Indian (not native American, INDIA indian) who descended from Vault Dwellers, so it makes no sense that essentially Vault-Tec nukes their own people.
Also the Desert Rangers would've broken off from the NCR if it collapsed, maybe bringing NCR Rangers with them, and would be doing their business trying to bring back peace, law and order to the California wasteland. The Followers of the Apocalypse are running a fucking Medical University in LA too as recently as New Vegas! Where are they?
And the NCR built their buildings in beautiful post-war pale sandstone and adobe.
You can't read flow charts lmao, Shady Sands is whatever Bethesda wants it to be, get used to it.
>Also the Desert Rangers would've broken off from the NCR if it collapsed, maybe bringing NCR Rangers with them, and would be doing their business trying to bring back peace, law and order to the California wasteland. The Followers of the Apocalypse are running a fucking Medical University in LA too as recently as New Vegas! Where are they?
You do realize they can only fit so much into each episode and season?
>Nuking it should not have destabilized the NCR core states
it didnt, the NCR had been in a period of steady decline, as explicitly stated multiple times in New Vegas. if they didnt get the dam they were fucked due to over extending and not having enough resources to support everything.
>since if that was intended it would've been clear
it was clear to anyone with an IQ above 60 because we can read timelines unike you, retard lol
>And Shady Sands wasn't ever in fucking Los Angeles
it wasnt in LA in the show either, god you are stupid
>And Aradesh was the first president, an ethnic Indian (not native American, INDIA indian) who descended from Vault Dwellers, so it makes no sense that essentially Vault-Tec nukes their own people.
Also the Desert Rangers would've broken off from the NCR if it collapsed, maybe bringing NCR Rangers with them, and would be doing their business trying to bring back peace, law and order to the California wasteland
this is just you autistically arguing for your own headcanon lmao
god, what a pathetic post
>literal Fallout 1 and 2 characters and events are headcanon now
terrible bait
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Beth's vision of Fallout in a nutshell:

>The bombs just dropped
>Remember the 50's?
>Wacky! Awesome!

They do not care nor will ever care. They want their license to be GOAT'ed as a franchise but their antics are outdated and are even sussed out by normies at this point. Still, they can't die soon enough. Posting in an NCR bread.

other posters are why gatekeeping should be encouraged. let them enjoy their goyslop TV show.

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Fallout 3 is better than new vegas
Try making a fallout 3 thread without mentioning new vegas.
Envy is a sin Todd
last time OP made this thread, he ultimately admitted his IQ was low
You need to give at least one reason as to why you think so. Otherwise there's nothing to talk about.
And Stalker is better than all fallout game
Maybe play your favourite game next time instead of engaging in dick measuring content
>last time OP made this thread, IQ let ultimately seethes because they conceded their IQ was lower than OP, a chad fallout 3 conneseur.

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Can I skip 1 and get straight to the meat? Is there a story recap?
Why would you want to skip the only good game in the trilogy?
its a nothing burger so far
fym get to the meat, 1 is the meat
2 is good too but tried to reinvent itself and feels like a different franchise entirely, 3 is just something you play to get to know the ending plus Citadel dlc
Just watch the game on youtube you zoomer faggot 0 focus gold fish memory.

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>You don't battle the field
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>Final Fantasy XIII
It's sci-fi not fantasy game
>the battle is in a metro station
>Bad Company 3 announced
>Every trailer looks soulless
>the writing is all Marvel quips
>Campaign is extra
>No server browsing
>No fields
>No battles
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>Field on Enemy
>The Enemy is on the field instead

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When the hell did it become Tuesday, what am I going to play today?!
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Light of my Goblin
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Your average goblin looks 10x hotter than those grotesque creatures.
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landlady tummy
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based and goblin pilled

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Games that made you transition into a better human being
>This game BROKE me
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your thread is going to be shit
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i learned about gun safety and mental intrusions and how illusory this reality is
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Posting the classic egg-cracker

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delta emulator is the biggest thing to happen in gaming
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>no speedup
It's shit
>itoddlers discover emulation
How many features does Delta have in comparison to say, RetroArch? Is there fast forward and shit?
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There has been other sideloaded emulators better than shitlta
devs can't viral this shit at all

If there's ever another Xenogears/saga/blade/whatever game, the franchise needs to go back to its roots as an unsubtle Gundam fanfic.
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Gears is a Victory fanfic? Eh, I don't really see it to be honest. It's more X with a bit of G.

But in X's case(that's Xenoblade X), the cute girls are piloting the mechs. You'd think that would help.
Next Xenoblade will have Faux Mmo on foot combat and the mecha gameplay will be action. Just kidding.
You know that and I know that, but the guy browsing the catalog for threads doesn’t know that. Maybe you should tell him.
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I just want the freedom of movement X had back.
I liked how you could climb areas you were meant to have the mech for if you were creative enough.
But even when I use a cute girl for the OP image, still nobody wants to chat.

The exploration was a lot of fun, but I feel like it was inherently limited by the fact it's an RPG.

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>30 hour save file
>Killed in underworld all my shit is in the lava
>Backup gear, killed
>Scraps, killed

Fuck this fucking game I feel like crying.
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2D Minecraft
>Play mode that heavily punishes you for dying in certain spots
>Get complacent and somehow die over lava knowing that lava destroys most pre-hardmode material and not using mirror the moment you have less than 100 hp
Not to be a captain hindsight but you brought this on yourself , be more careful next time because those fucking hellbats are no joke
sex with green slime
hardcore terraria is a fun challenge, really makes you approach the game differently
>2d minecraft meme claims another victim
many such cases

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What is the appeal of gacha?
Lolis, lolibabas, kyojiri lolis, oppai lolis and kemono lolis.

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looks like project diva is dead.
just bite the bullet and make Miku a vtuber

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>It's like in the great video games, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy…
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>Get a porn thread going!
This is your brain on world of warcraft.
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I wouldn't say that since pic rel my boy lives out our everyones dream.
Hugging a Breadloli and smashing that Bakerussy every night.
but it does have a post game

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>go on reddit
>search up for solutions to vidya related problem
>example "how to activate infinite ammo in re5"
>there's always this top scored fucker saying shit like "UHM PERSONALLY I THINK ITS BETTER TO PLAY WITHOUT INFINITE AMMO GOOD XIR"
>screw reddit and look for guides on youtube because looking for solutions through whatever some "intellectual" has to say is shitting up the actual solutions
why does that website even exist besides being an echo chamber of ideology based goyims who farm karma and sell it
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yeah but the funny thing is that I do not give a fuck in what way do you want to play your game, your opinion is worthless to me
>blurry and laggy as shit
i miss the tutorial kino
I love searching something up and being led to a 2+ year old reddit thread, and going through giving all the shit, safe opinions downvotes, and all the based opinions upvotes.
Nothing better than seeing an old heated argument thats really close in votes, and my one vote up or down turning the tide of opinion to the based side.
Just reddit things.
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>Expecting leddit to be like GameFAQs used to be in the 2000s
You xirs can't be serious
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>create thread asking "is there any way to do XYZ ? or alternatively, a mod that allows XYZ ?"
>game is relatively ancient so don't expect any replies soon
>days later
>oh sweet a reply ! let's see...
>"why would you want to do that ?"

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Family-friendly games having the sickest soundtracks should be the norm.
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I bought this game and it runs nice so thanks
Most guns you can find in chests, it's only a select few that are only available from the shop. I don't know which ones though. I think the tesla cannon is one.
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>inb4 controller
>deleted uoh posts
If you ever needed proof janitors can't delete threads, this is it
I really hate how this is genuinely one of the best indie games ever made and you can't even talk about it here. Gotta make room for the 30th gacha thread I guess.

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