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>people want a PC portable
>even if it's not portable
Ok, but why are we pretending it's in the same category as the Switch?
that literally makes no sense
Portable /= pocketable. A laptop's portable even though it's not portable. I think mainly people like PC gaming anywhere not just behind the desk. And it's about the same price as a low end desktop anyway so if you don't wanna buy something expensive might as well get it I guess.
The deck is massive and nintendo always aims cheap with significant profit margins, you combine these things and its impossible for the switch to match even 3 or 4 year old hardware.
>Portable /= pocketable

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What went on?
>capcom give limited dev time and budget to bait itsuno into making his game again so he can stress test and give good insight on the RE engine
>use all feedback data and insight to polish MHWilds as it is their magnum opus
tl;dr DD2 took the bullet to increase MHWilds chances to be a success
DD2 reuse some of MHWorld assets btw, like the gathering animation
Not enough mod support
Bad game got a bad sequel
Turns out it wasn't "le evil" capcom that was the problem with DD. The devs are just retards
>DD2 reuse some of MHWorld assets btw, like the gathering animation
The wilds of Battahl is pretty much the first area from mhw

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/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday

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unaware of invisible walls
that's cute
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WIP https://files.catbox.moe/vtjtaj.png
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look at the size of those thighs

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>Kunesh Come: Deliverance 2
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Braindead easy
They nerfed the bow by gatekeeping it behind high strength and not giving you a reticle.

Mods can fix the latter but once you acquire a midranged longbow you'll oneshot everything in the game including the guy who took your father's sword.

Hopefully KCD2 has a crosshair/reticle for the bow and crossbow.
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>beat Hans in the bow tutorial.
>beat Hans in the dueling tutorial
>beat him to a bloody pulp in the tavern
>become best bros
How did they do it?
Just started the first game. Shit's unplayable. I've been stuck in the tutorial area for hours unable to progress because devs thought it would be funny to give me option to play dice from the get-go. What sick man puts gambling right at the start of the game?
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I'm also a dice chad on my first playthrough
Can't wait to get cheat dice and brute force every win, depriving the people of Rattay of an income

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*breathes in*
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I miss when games had CGI cutscenes (that took actual effort to make), bros.
>200 million dollar games are now 400 million dollar games
no thanks
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see >>674328037
>The Stanley Straight Line

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steam or internet friends will never be real friends
you dont have either
OP doesn't have to worry about people wanting to be his friend so it's a non-issue.
Why else would he post here?
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When I was 12 I started finding interesting/likeminded nerds on socials, so I gradually added them all in private chats/groups
By the time I was 15, I had a group of 20 people or so (half of which were regulars on this site) that spent most of their free time chatting together
By the time I was 18, we had multiple annual meetings and vacations together
By the time I was 21, I convinced half of them to come live in my city
Now I'm almost 30 and we still hang out together most weekends

You have to work on it from the very beginning but it truly pays in the long run
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I wish this still affected me

I wish I still had an ego

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Why don't they just let him play his video game?
a man denied his crew
Inshallah the gaming industry will taste my shoe
Why the fuck is he so hairy?

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They patched the performance. Now you can finally beat Warrick the Torn
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In a previous thread that's sadly not even archived anymore I claimed that it's very obvious many of the negative comments online were by Chinese bots and/or (paid) haters due to them being so entrenched in an anti-West culture war. What made it obvious is that many of the written comments were so obviously badly translated that any retard should be able to notice. Some anon said I'm coping and just inventing stuff. Pic related is what the game director of Wicked and boss of Moon Studios tweeted today. You guys gotta keep your eyes open and be vigilant when it comes to Chinese propaganda attempting to shit on Western works. It's not a conspiracy theory. It's CCP policy to to create an aura of negativity online against Western media and works of all kind.
>tools break resource nodes in 3 hits, 1 if you use iron tools
>durability up
Good shit. When you can craft from chests instead of needing to run back and forth it'll be worth doing another playthrough
>chests as in multiple so obviously has a house already
>still on fucking iron tools
my man what the fuck are you doing
You can press the attack button while shimmying and your character will tap against the wall which will attract enemies if you want to go for a sneaky backstab.
there's like 2 or 3 places in the entire game where you need to use it to get to a chest or a shiny and not like you even need those since all loot is random and you ain't missing much with a single chest, I don't know why they felt the need to make every wall and door huggable, especially since it interferes with door opening as well.
oh and there's a fucking knock on the wall as well, this is probably the most worthless stealth element in an action game I've ever seen.

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>have a drink
>suddenly desire to play video games
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>Have a drink
>Need to take a piss
>After doing so I always get sleepy
Man, I hate alcoholics.
>3 uncles
>2 of them dead already
I'm not only because I'm a sperg.
Every time I speak with one, "they don't have a problem with alcohol".
Fuck that, nothing will fill the void but you can just not make things worse.
>drink another drink
>and another
>and another
>all of a sudden it's been 10 hours and all you've done is shitpost and listen to music
correct, temporary brain damage is required to enjoy vidyaslop.
>too drunk to do green text

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I'd like one Jefuty, hold the liger please.
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>jefety mindbroken
>mendo cheers her up
>next mission is literally called dead end

>Jefuty is lead to believe she might actually have something, ANYTHING go right for once in her thousands of lives
>instantly has it torn away from her
>several times
why is MICA like this
They seem a bit underequipped for ELIDs. Though they are just on transport duty.
Suffering builds character
Jefuty is a stand in for mica team themselves
While mendo stands for the love of the fans

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>Bethesda : Fallout 76 had over 1 million players in a single day (and almost 5 million across all Fallout games in a single day)

Make a good game and people will play it. It as simple as that and Bethesda makes the best games.
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>every IP I ever loved has been turned into primarily racemixing propaganda
This franchise is dead. I loved Fallout in my youth - the lore and gameplay were unrivaled. But seeing how Bethesda has flanderized this franchise, plus the influx of trannies and normalfags into the Fallout fandom has completely ruined it for me.

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After being exposed to other monster catching franchies, I can safely say this. Every single "Pokémon Killer" or every monster catching show had better writing, characters, designs, stories, and gameplay than Pokémon itself. Pokémon is legitimately bottom of the barrel trash compared to even the most mediocre monster catching show. Digimon Tamers by itself solos the entirerty of the Pokémon series, including movies and manga. The only time the Pokémon series ever had anything remotely close to a good story was with Black and White, combined with certain arcs of the manga and Mystery Dungeon. Nintendo and GameFreak made a monster that has had a stranglehold on the genre for over 2 decades. I'm ashamed of liking it over others like Digimon, Medabots and Yokai Watch.
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>In combat, you have to think you have to plan, and strategize (if the game is at all hard).
Sure, but this isn't the case in most of the monster capturing games including Pokemon. It's just tap the super effective attack and off you go. Even Red or Cynthia round 2 you can just hit 100 or bring in some legendaries and they melt without you thinking about comabt, and both are optional.
>It has nothing else if you take combat out.
It has capturing the monsters to collect for your Pokedex. Them being able to battle is just a bonus. LGPE was pretty much exactly this with trainer battles even barely there, and the actual difficult stuff was postgame optional stuff where you get your Pokemon to 100 and feed it a billion candies to wipe the same Pokemon that has less candies because you don't need to think even in challenges meant for those. Hell, both PLA and LGPE even removed abilities and held items. They had to patch in postgame battling content for PLA even. Game Freak clearly thinks a lot of the combat stuff is optional considering they still don't let you know your exact IVs and EVs and it took them until the most recent games (Like S&M onward) to add bottlecaps, ways to learn egg moves, and change your nature.
>These games don't have puzzles or anything to sink your teeth into most of the time. Because the battles are what keep you occupied.
Again, depends on the game. With Pokemon specifically the puzzles are usually optional, but the general point of Pokemon is to run around capturing Pokemon to beat the gym leaders while filling out the Pokedex. You even have options to phone the professors about your progress and get rewarded with exploration items for the progress. You get rewarded by being put into the Hall of Fame, sure, but it's a paltry reward compared to the certificates from the devs in each game as they are more personalized. Then again, you can easily make the argument the the HoF is more personalized due to the animations each game.
Medabots on GBA had an awesome battle system, you shut your whore mouth or better specify you are talking about later games.
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>You're going to be capturing more pokemon than you have straight up battles.
Do you just get multiple of the same Pokemon? Why do you need three crawdaunts? At least in DQM you need multiples for the creation of certain monsters as seen here.
I never played one I just needed to think of spemthing
Granted I don't remember if you pass down moves like that
You can you pass down packs of them and you can combine some of them. What you can't pass down are traits. Which are like pokemon abilities but the small monsters have three and bigger ones have more.
> there's far less build variety in DQM than there is in pokemon
Why? Can you elaborate on this without talking out your ass.
>Anon, you're just saying that DQM is less complex.
HOW? WHERE DID YOU GET THAT? I am just going to throw the fact what a monster is weak to is dependent on the species and there no types.
>That's not what an Ad hominem is
I don't know saying I am not qualified to speak on a subject sounds close enough to me.
I feel like you are just trying to demean me so you look more right or something. Do I actually have to list off all the shit I can remember playing to make you shut up about that and argue me directly like a man.
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Meanwhile hundreds of Pokemon have shit designs and the fanbase ignores it. I don't get why they get a pass just because they were thrown into the same game Gengar is running around in. For every "marketable" mon you have so many others that will never get any proper attention. And for every Pokemon you shit on, one fag will come out of the woodworks and claim it's their favorite.

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No discuss
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>From crossover thread to a shitty wojak zoomer meme thread.
Why does /v/hu thread quality fluctuate so much?
I 1CCd most of them (not counting the non-canon ones) on izi moudo
Why is Reisen like this >>674330627
it's fine dude, no pressure. Try IN normal, is one of the easiest
Turian, RType, Gradius, Einhander. JetsNGuns, Angel at Dusk, Jet Lancer, Drainus if you want something more modern. Don't listen to cavefags and jump into danmaku autism unless you really want that shit in your life and chances are you don't.

>most enjoyable version of Amy is the one that is as far from her Canon personality as possible
Makes you think
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They made a joke once that she has a Sonic doll that she keeps secret and hides from everyone. What do you think she does with it anon?
You drive in fancy cars 4MA4D
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>enter thread
>don't read
>post amy
Heavy disagree, if you want cunny just go for Cream at that point

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>best OST in the entire gaming sphere
>no proper rips alone, all including some level of audio boosting and loss
HOW? OST thread btw.
>great ost
>only some of it was officially released
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>Made for a HL2 mod in 2009
>Released on Vinyl for first time last year along with a new CD release
Love it.
love when the files in the game are more compressed than a nokia too
pretty banging

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What's the first thing you're going to do once 4.6 drops?
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roll her
then put her in the teapot bench
Nothing. Idgaf about Arle. Sick and tired of Pyro main DPS units so fuck of Mihoyo. Why don't you remove the shitty stamina system and then we'll talk.
go to the island in the middle of the ocean, probably through the Desert
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>not the lumidouce heart
>not the new boss arena
do dailies

the genshit experience

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>visiting /vr/ after being on /v/ for so long
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>another thread
Stop it you fucking loser
Is there another thread
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hmmmm, im thinking 3 more should be made
If it makes you feel better, retro is a tier newer than Vintage. NES and SNES is now vintage.

>Established in ME1/2: The Reapers cleanse all advanced life every 50k years
>No one have ever defeated them conventionally
>They finally arrive
>Let's bring all species to Earth so we can liberate Earth
>And uh, uhhh, uhhhh stop the Reapers from coming to Earth...yeah!
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3 being bad all around isn't some unpopular opninion you know
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>what else did EA fuck up like that?
Mass effect 3 legendary edition with all the content in it was a lot better than I expected. I played the game on release and hated it, and refused to get any of the dlcs. Getting to play it all these years later and it was pretty good with all the content, minus the abysmal ending and asspulls about the reapers.
Does it change ME1 a lot?

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post 'em, talk about 'em
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Research & Development is the best
The Specialists
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>Mr Whirly final boss fight
Does it still work after the latest HL1 patch?
I have no idea. I haven't played it in over a decade.

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What's the most 2000's game out there?
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You could probably at least partially attribute it to devs wanting to show off fancy new water effects since the technology had just gotten to the point where you could make it look good, and a pretty tropical beach is a nice way of doing that.
Perfect Dark Zero
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.dot hack infection
Sonic Adventure 2 or Ace Combat 04.

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