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One of my favorite games of all time. Never got a (proper, good) sequel. Is there even a retrobait indie game that apes it? I loved the village and the power sucking from enemies.
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In japanese version was Scribe Shanky also effeminate/gay? Or was it added on purpose in western release? I've seen a bit of early cutscenes of japanese version of the game where he introduces Musashi to Library books and whatnot, and didn't hear any of that faggy accent from English version.
Please don't do this to this thread
He's asking a genuine question about the localization, put your gun away.
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And to make it funnier, the gay in those sentences was original gay which meant simply "happy" because I said so. Homosexuality destroyed.
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I remember being in elementary school and snapping a large stick into a big stick and a little stick and swinging them around the woods like I was Musashi wielding Lumina and Fusion. Had the biggest crush on Bubbles.

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Was it cancelled? Free money is gone.
So did it finally kill the franchise?
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the controlls 100% suck.
I get MS forced them to do it but still.
And Aniversary should have been an Xbone game desu. It ran like dick on the 360.
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Average Fable character design fan.
and they would mock you lmao
I like how they cut that part out
lmao what the fuck in even going on with zoomers
That's not a female, it's a body type 1

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Honestly what level of brainrot do you need to have to constantly associate anything you see in a game with something LGBTQ related? I know you’ll just blame some culture war angle or some ethnic group but seriously I want to know. You think about it more than actual normalfags do.
I wish Miku was my son
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How many super mutants are left anyway? There’s still Unity remnants 50 years after the first game and there’s not many around 80 years later in New Vegas.
From what I understand they're considered unwelcome at best in NCR territory and kill on sight further east, so the majority of remaining super mutants are either lone wanderers, small opportunistic groups like Davison's, or holed up in minor factions like Jacobstown or Utobitha.
Thats a man.

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The voice actor for JD Fenix has been teasing that the next Gears of War will be at the Xbox showcase this June. What should we expect?
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>horde mode even more ruined somehow
>still can't join half-way matchs
Dead franchise.
dead IP, no one cares
Could Gears still have been relevant if they never went with the annoying female MC route? Or would it still have fallen off just over time?
seeing how every franchise turns into shit one way or another
it would have happened anyway

Where were you when you realized Granblue was GOTY?
>beat Persona 3 Remake (downgrade remake)
>beat Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (Ubislop)
>beat Dragon's Dogma 2 (sadly unfinished)
>beat Rise of the Ronin (who?)
It has no actual competition this year and it just keeps getting better and better with every update:

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what kind of outfits are fitting and reasonable for video game elves to wear?
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would look great in this

I finally conquered my first map (faeries)
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The downsides of Heroes 5 in my opinion are.

>Art style. I don't think I need to elaborate
>Visual clarity. Items don't stand out like in Heroes 3 and it's easy to miss things
>zoom out is still way too close to the overworld map
>AI takes forever to finish a turn. I know H5.5 tries to fix that, but it's still an issue

Other than that it's a good follow up to Heroes 3.
>AI takes forever to finish a turn. I know H5.5 tries to fix that, but it's still an issue
and while the AI is taking their eternal turns, you only hear your town music, at least in multiplayer
that fucking sucks, what happened to the AI themes?
One big issue I have with it is that the maps are a lot less complex than H3. Cramping 3d objects must've cost a lot of computational power so they axed the map complexity.
Inferno suffers from having no real strategies. Demon farming is worse skeleton farming, efreet armageddon is worse than most other armageddon strats (better than battle dwarves i guess)
Oh yeah, definitely that.

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Should unlock on Steam within the hour(s) and currently available on consoles.

Ignore shitposters, Barry tier schitzos, that one .webm poster, and people who were filtered by previous games/Scarlet Grace.
never played a saga game before, is this a good starting point?
I played the demo and it was too weird. Like a random bunch of events just happening.
this looks like a parody of a jrpg from the promo art
>never played a saga game before
SaGa games are pretty much self contained other than sharing names for mechanics and terms sometimes.

If you prefer a good turn-based gameplay system and DND/Tabletopesque level of soft story telling and freedom over presentation (which in this game and Scarlet Grace is really just serviceable/poor) and a linear narrative then SaGa games for you. Scarlet Grace, the previous game, has a Top 3 JRPG battle system, even the journalists who get filtered by them admit the combat systems are GOAT level.
You'd probably be better off starting from Romancing SaGa 3 or SaGa Frontier.

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Stellar Blade has been under attack from trannies and other cultists who are offended the game's mere existence, so I made this simple visual guide to explain the censorship controversy they're desperately trying to stir up.
ah, the cope session has begun
they're patching the "hard r" joke too, just accept your chinkshit game bent to the will of the westoids
post the version with pit hair
post the version with pubic hair

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Sicne there's already a 3x3 up, post your 3x3/4x4/5x5's etc. in there instead of here. This thread is for filling out templates like this one. It doesn't have to be exactly picrel, any similar template works fine. Just as long as it's NOT a 3x3 or a similar image. Thanks for contributing if you do take the time to fill one out.
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I'll fill this out if the threads still up. It's a lot to fill out.
Kurohyou is based. Was snoot your first VN or something?
This one's going to take a while.
>best combat
>neo twewy
>Was snoot your first VN or something?
First romance VN, usually more of a plot person. Never really had a game affect me like that before or after I played it, so that's why it's there.

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It's just one costume, but still
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This is a ps5 exclusive
>gook parryslop is the savior of gaming chuds have been waiting for
I’m not going to lie, I don’t see the appeal. Koreans don’t make good games. Is this just a /pol/fag meme?
I cancelled my digital preorder and preordered a physical disc.
Also in Europe, will let you guys know if this is legit tomorrow.
Not my problem, I am gonna play it on PC with nude mods.
the "uncensored" version is probably too much.
Might make the game look like a porn game instead.

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Do you think video game voice actors get the respect they deserve? Do you think they deserve higher pay?
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Which one do you think is the best fuck?
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>all those e-celebs who exposed themselves as bandwagoning faggots thanks to her
She tanked her career by breaking NDAs.
They’re exclusively a package deal, never apart
anyone can make a voice, they aren't special for doing vidya

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>Female characters with British accent
my one weakness‥
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I mean her outfit is pretty modest when compared to the PDZ design. Joanna’s Nintendo 64 design exudes Dot Matrix vibes, just without the Imodium-green skin.
Now that I think about it, I think those two singlehandedly ruined my taste in women.
we are now one year past Perfect Dark's events
I guess, but I always liked how A. they’re tall and B. they’re always accompanied by some annoying shorty sidekick (Elvis for Joanna and Enzo for Dot) that makes them look even taller. I always identified with the “annoying little sidekick” since I’m an annoying little bro myself, so that’s why I think Joanna and Dot are what I seek in a woman (aside from both being witty, quippy action girls).
Man, if I ever want to find me a girl like that, I gotta get my gym game up.
OG for sure. The Zero design may as well be a completely different character.

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Why are good roguelites so far and few in between?
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randomizing maps and loadouts (within reason) is great, it makes you feel like you're playing the game for the first time again
Such as?
You are essentially arguing any game with RNG is a slot machine while also probably failing to realize there are almost no games completely devoid of it. Far more games use RNG than not but because you don't think about it in most of the games you play you view yourself as superior. You are a true fucking pseud. So self-absorbed with your own intelligence you don't realize the argument your making isn't even something you agree with.
dungeon crawl
>the genre centred around infinite replayability and depth in game mechanics is ridiculously difficult to get right, what a shocker!

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Look at this goat!
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Yet you browse /v/ every day. Curious!
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I'm loooking
You know what to do

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I love video games so much!
Thank you Jesus for video games!
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Give me some good season-themed vidya games.
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She's got my vote
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Do I really have to lie and say I am 7 or so? I don't wanna say I am a 40 year old virgin.
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the glowies already know you like characters for little girls at this point, just roll with it

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vidya webms thread.
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this is essential soicore
Look at that screen and how he's not moving the gun and tell me that's "skill"
Unlike all the replies, aside being a streamer he's an actual faggot.
Extremely stressful
She cute. Any porn?

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Just finished it and I have no idea what happened. What happened to the town's inhabitants? Why did Kaufmann have a change of heart at the end? How much of the story was real? Who is that baby at the end? Have you seen a little girl? Just turned 7 last month... Short, black hair... My daughter.
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It sucks how little fog all the other games had. 2 has plenty but its overshadowed by everything else. And the snow, too.
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Thanks for the inspiration bros.
Pic is the Nintendo Power that seduced me.
I tried playing Origins recently, seeing as it was the most SH-like of the western games, but all it did was piss me off. There's something seriously off about that game and I don't know specifically what it is. Maybe I got too grumpy that the emulator would plummet to 5 fps whenever there was a monster on screen.
Really cool idea hampered by the inclusion of the terrible "run from monster" sequences. It should have been purely exploration and character interaction, the "action" was wholly unnecessary and actually makes the game worse as a whole.

Shattered Memories has very strong atmosphere and exploring the town had me spooked in a way I hadn't been spooked since playing something like Myst or Riven for the first time. You can make a person feel creeped out, uncomfortable, and even scared without fighting monsters.
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*cough cough*

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>make return to form game homage to classic fire emblem
>it flops
Its over FEveteranbros
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>cute mom
>coma groomed (You) into being good
>cute. mom
>voiced by Kotono Mitsuishi
>can’t bang her, barely in the game
I enjoyed Engage a lot but this was a huge fuckup

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