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But that's okay and let me explain

When I decided to play Dishonored, I also decided to play Dark Souls 2. When Souls 2 was kicking my ass, I would turn on Dishonored to let off some steam. The game literally doesn't ask you to be good and you can play fast and loose unlike a rigid souls game. I used to think EVERY game should be impossibly difficult, but sometimes, you just want to relax and pretend you're a stealthy assassin guy with super powers.

Also not pictured is the DLC, and it turned out to be good.
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>do no powers ghost run
>is way easier than with powers, you're in and out of missions in like 10 minutes
>don't have to hunt down whale crests or whatever they're called
cool game design bro
Every run is easier after you've beaten the game once or twice. No powers in D2 kicked my ass so I just restarted with powers and had a much better time.
well yeah its an easy game what did you expect
Fuck off with this braindead bullshit. Try to get the void star achievement without cheating and come back and tell me how well you did. Bonus points if you figure it out by yourself without a guide. That is, if you can even do it, with or without a guide.
>Dishonored is for braindead retards
Lmao filtered.

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Fallout ended with new Vegas
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Enclave sure, I'm sure there's plenty of U.S. Government remnants around the state itself. BoS I'm not as sure, to get all the way from California to D.C. would require some time without vehicles. But 117 years time? I don't know why Beth didn't just set it before Fallout 2 other than to justify slapping that 3 on there.
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well alrighty then
>76 and 4 above 3 and tactics
shittiest taste ever LOL
>Burned Man is literally just some nigga who survived being burned alive and starts to spew cringe Christian bullshit
Being underaged isn’t an excuse to be retarded.
>what's 76

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>You need a constant reminder that you're doing too much and that it's just a game.

Would you guys mind it if MGS1 Delta makes significant story changes? For example Liquid surviving FOXDIE and killing Ocelot instead or the Otacon ending being made canon as the only ending available.

How would you react to this FF7R style of reimagining for the Delta series?
seems pointless but I don't care either way
pointless how? it would make a new timeline and infinite possibilities for new games
I really could not care less about "more games" without kojima or original team, made for sake of money.
you can have it all.

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Advance Wars (and AWBW!) thread.
How the FUCK do you react without sounding mad? This comes right in the middle of a live match.

Also was Kanbei's error mission in the advanced campaign on GBA always this hard? I remember beating it as a kid, but now I can't. What changed?
Kanbei's error is a meme for being easy on the normal campaign but ridiculously hard on the hard campaign
>Kanbei's error
Try Rivals KEK
Advance Campaign is literally "manipulate the shitty AI or lose".
Hi Mangs. Yes, you ARE the only one who cares about Advance Wars by Web.
Doubt it. He's leaked his tabs on stream several times and it's always exclusively /feg/ and/or /pol/.

>last DMC game sucked
>last Bayo game sucked
>last Ninja Gaiden game sucked
>will probably never get a sequel to any of these games
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Razor Edge is the third worst game in the series.
>Enemy design is shite
>input lag lmao
>lacking the weapons from the first two games
>cicada should already be part of the Ryu kit
>worst campaign and boss (in a series known for bad bosses)
>One of the worst ryu kits
>Best enemies are enemies from the last game (what a failure)
There's nothing redeemable about it except that it's not NG3 or yaba
I don't think anyone knows how to criticize dmc. The biggest problem with the vanilla version is the glitches and you have to play the game at 30fps for the gameplay not to break. It really is a great action game though. Apart from the glitches I also think that the game doesn't have much of a unique identity as later ninja theory games are more unique
What’s the consensus on Splatterhouse?
He's talking about DMC in general and likely just using the "m" to be incendiary since that's the only reason anyone does so if they've played a single game in the franchise or have any knowledge of it. Also doing that typical /v/ thing where you say "this is shit because..." and then you just list aspects of what the thing is and act like that constitutes a reason, which is barely one step above "this is shit because it sucks lmao" or outright misinformation.
>It really didnt though, youre just being a faggot. "Muh she didnt get paid enough!"

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>destroys Dragons Ligma 2
>annihilates Rebirthtroons
>vanquishes Starshitters
Game Of The Year is 100% confirmed for Kingdomchads.
What are you playing it on?
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why's he getting blown away by an explosion that's in the other room and away from him completely?
He got hit by a chunk of the barrel
>real "fire arrows" were little burning spears that could go a couple of meters at slow speed, used to set fire to hay roofs.
hard to say what's going on with a still image. could just be that he lost balance and is falling over, maybe he stepped back himself reflexively.

nothing like they were in the game, which was cinematic rain of fire arrows during night time like in the movies

can barely be done in modern times, demonstration shots are at low speed and close range.
i really don't understand why people insists on trying to prove me wrong every single time i bring up that fire arrows were never used. just the logistics of providing fire to all the archers in a large scale battle 400 years ago would have been absolutely insane.
>annihilates Rebirthtroons
May they be gone forever.

>imagine hand drawing a game for 10 years only for it to get 70 metacritic
l o l
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I’ve haphazardly followed the development for about 6 years lmao. I’ve had projects I’ve worked hard on for 6 months not gain any traction and it sucks. I can’t imagine how soul crushing this shit must feel.
>check steam tags
>walking simulator
>hollywood rejects so talentless they even fail at impressing gaymers, the majority of whom never even read a book
It's probably not woke then
Gone home got 10s and there's barely even a game there.
>Reviews mentioning all you do is walk from cutscene to cutscene
Why couldn't they have made it a point&click adventure game? You don't have to sacrifice your story in the slightest and you give the player something to do simultaneously.

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Which BG3 girl is your favorite?
For me, it's Shadowheart. I love her so much.
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They know how much it would piss off old fans to make Minsc potentially gay and Jaheria potentially lesbo because muh canon.
Bite Karlach's tongue.

Ride Karlach.

Fill up Karlach.

Spank Karlach.
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Karlach was made to have her abs and tits cummed on
by me specifically!

>More of Ella Purnell

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>Try not to be so jaded.
>Saying this on 4cham
>On /v/
>On a thread about a video game adaption
Anon, I like the show too, but know your audience man.
retards don't count as people. and only retards would watch this Funko Pop slop
hes not evil, he's clearly an anti-hero. the protagonist willingly engages with him and even partners with him in the end.
He murders a bunch of people who saved him from torture and slaughtered an entire town in cold blood because he felt like it. He is literally an ugly, evil, emasculated white man.
And he racemixes like a good boy.

Literally too much for modern gamers (I'm not reading)
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I like how illya is portraid always as an innocent and pure cup
but we all know she's the most fucked up in the head
That's kuro go away gay headcanon nigger
get mad bitch
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>embedtranny thread
fuck, i replied to myself

go suck a dick

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>they actually removed the voice line
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How exactly is this different from saying "killed herself" or "suicide"?
Have you seen PD3?
Because "suicide" is a no-no word people use dumb euphemisms to get around it on basedboi website like plebbit.
kinda set you up for that one

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Human Revolution was better than Deus Ex 1. Prove me wrong: Protip you can't.
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>or at least late stage cyberpunk ala System Shock 1?
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>effective than just giving them exoskeletons which is a tech we already have
What the fuck you're right.
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Reboot it.
>no references to the original, so no one will complain about the lore being shitted on
>no aesthetic/tech inconsistency issues
>no need to consider whether to retcon IW or not, or how to follow up multiple endings again
>can just freeze the unfinished nuDX trilogy in case they ever want to come back to it
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So how much longer until this is real? Hell maybe we'll see Fallout Power Armor.
Any tips for DE1? Tried playing it once and got filtered hard.

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I'm glad that normalfags don't care about Senran Kagura, too many of them would bitch about the ages.
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Oldfags seem really gay
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I love this hag like you wouldnt believe

>mario gets sexually assaulted multiple times in the game
>the only controversy people talk or care about is the tr*nny sister
Why is this?
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That's a girl so it's ok
>bbbbut she has a huge futa cock!!!
So? Futanaris are still real girls unlike trannies
both are abominations. kys urself faggot
>insanely hot
That picture even without the retarded foot fetish shit looks barely fappable, anon. Outside of subjective stylization, the lighting is not good and her left hand is terrible. The hyper detailed feet are just one more bad part of the pic. If that's passable to you then it gives me a lot of confidence in my art progress because I'm not even there yet and I already know it looks not great.
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Why the fuck they making foot art of a character that doesnt have feet. You need to die
Nintendo Treehouse needs to be nuked desu

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Girls you want to marry
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You give off suicide vibes.
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I honestly always thought Aerith was the pure one and Tifa the slut one. After finally playing the game Aerith is kind of a slut while Tifa too doormat
Remake Aerith was too sweet and the best one
Rebirth Aerith felt like some manipulative slut who just wants the boy prize
Nice and cultured. I'd like to read with her.

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What do you expect from the Nikke 1.5 anniversary? More shitty melodramatic flashback stories? More goddess wank?
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at this point I think I got more SSRs from purple mold than gold, despite opening much fewer amount.
>accidentally pulled Bay spending free tickets from event to farm molds
That could've been my Crown bros
I have no idea what that is so it's probably shit
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When are they gonna add more rehab girls already
Hopefully never. The system is trash.

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Why is soloq so fucking bad? Especially turf and series. Some of these people act like they haven't picked up a controller ever in their life or have 0 situational awareness.
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Nah, already way too late. Let's just get yours and be done with it.
>no one's posted the splatfest art yet
It's so over.
I'll give it 5 more tries tonight, getting tired
This is getting egregious.

>that Shiver and Big Man
Love it

Few last attempts, then.
forgot about that, that doesn't count

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I can't play Fallout 4 on PS4 because the game freezes at start menu . And must delete all DLC fist . Update patch fix on 25th . What the hell ? Is this normal for Bethesda ?
Such boring toon, holy shit.
cute bunny
whats it from

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"did you say nerd?"
Not 'nerd' -- 'node'.

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