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Nostalgia edition.

thread questions
>your type
>Do you feel needed? Do you want to?
>What is a word you think has lost it's punch?
>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?
>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
>Do you care for the people around you? Do they care for you?

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.
>The reader should understand that these four criteria of types of human behavior are just four viewpoints among many others, like will power, temperament, imagination, memory, and so on. There is nothing dogmatic about them, but their basic nature recommends them as suitable criteria for a classification. They are also useful in understanding one's own prejudices.
>-C.J. Jung

Anons Guide to Jungian Typology

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It's what the algorithm gods bless me with and in turn I decided to share with you. Here are some other things that are recommended for me. What type am I? Psychoanalyze me.
>I really really love a movie called conspirators of pelasure, the whole thing is on youtube.

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Wrong i'm an infp and i like isekai harems where i can self insert
but that's also "fantasy" isn't it
>how do you find stuff like this?
As I said above, I found it hit and miss for myself. I do enjoy some comedy (Ruthless People and Reno 911 come to mind), but it's generally not my thing. As for the three movies listed at the end; I never saw Barbie, and thought Fight Club was meh, but I did indeed love Desperado.

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I am on my way to drunk and just want some random talks for the evening/night. No I have no one else to talk too atm.

Discord: frogboi7507
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If I ignore"you anons it is because one might go to sleep and explore glorious oblivion after drinking.
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Yaaal mind if I...post an anime girl again anons?
>saving a png as jpg
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I found the original
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I will post this whenever I see a png saved as a jpg from now on

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>What is your fetish?
>Would you do it?
>How often do you masturbate?
>Hair color/Race?

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Tell me why you are still a virgin, anon/femanon.

> If she has iq under 140 i dont need her. 130 is ok if she does anal. She can have whatever iq if she has a Nobel prize, 120+ if a nominee.
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That's too hard
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I'm a heterosexual male bottom too, but also sexually. I only ever want to get pegged and eat pussy, never PiV. I don't care how unlikely it is, there only needs to be one single woman in the whole world who has an interest in this because I want lifelong monogamy.
I'm not a virgin but I'm definitely single because of my standards.

My standards aren't even unrealistic though and they're the opposite of unreasonable. Reason being, I'm only interested in relationships that have the potential to lead towards eventual marriage, I don't want to waste time for either party. On top of that, relationships are a big investment because girls demand all of your free time and attention. Given those 2 factors, it only makes sense for me to pursue girls who meet my standards.

Anyway, here are my standards.
-Located within reachable distance.
-Not fat.
-Pretty, I don't need a 10/10 but she needs to be at least somewhat attractive.
-Hasn't been ran through.
-Not a retard.
-Functional human being who is doing something with her life.

On my end, I'm an extremely eligible bachelor. I have the 666 that girls all want and I'm handsome on top of that and so on. My only real downsides are being a bit older and some girls might rule out my ethnicity. Despite being an extremely eligible bachelor, I don't have a GF who meets my reasonable standards. Girls are retarded.
>That's too hard
I know. I understand some people want to chill but I'm kind of an intense person even when I'm just doing my hobbies or travelling. I would want to get the most out of everything. Even when I'm just chilling, I take it to the max by sleeping and doing absolutely nothing lol.
>big tits
uhhh hi.

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I want to become a Quant. Any other 115+ IQ autistic anons also want to do this? It would be nice if I had someone to study math with and hold each other accountable. Preferably we would form a study group for this goal.
If you are also a high-IQ autist who also wants to become a quant add me @


on ye old 'cord
Sad. No ads yet.
Normie board. I hope there is a better place to find fellow high IQ autistic STEM enthusiasts.
I'll fling you a message once I get my pc back.
I do this for money. It's pretty comfy.

Get legit.
Legit Get
become bonafide

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I've been the same since I was 14 except that now I'm no longer able to enjoy all things even food. living past 21 doesn't matter your soul will soon be dead and you'll understand that. I'd like to still be a teenager to feel things, to have strong dreams, to enjoy anime and video games and to feel emotions with music.

Spazzed out brain kind of day.
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Three 750ml bottles? That is quite a lot to drink, I admire your liver. What snacks are you having with it, or just drinking straight? I'm drinking wine personally, on an empty stomach.
0.5l I think. I did eat sum cheese or something. Damn. I should get wine. Fancier alcohol less urge to get drunktarded.
Wine and cheese pairs really nicely too. Do you prefer red or white wines? Having some small smoked meats like sausages also goes well with wine and cheese. Fancy alcoholism rather than vodka and bread. It comes on slower too compared to vodka which starts to hit you all at once.
It's time to YUGIOH
Am having hugest lapses in memory ever now. Not sure who you people are uwu. White wine dries the mouth too much.

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>mom makes me wear some of my sisters clothes one time because all my clothes were dirty
>hanging out with girl in middle school and she asked to dress me up in some of her clothes

why did these evil women doom me to a life of unbearable gender dysphoria?

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I don't date ethnics
sorry, not sorry!

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I am coming home from work in one hour. I have all the drugs.

>look at myself in the mirror
>remember iwnbaw
>day ruined
time to literally start crying again because i can't be a girl what the fuck is wrong with me
>this attention whore
right away on your mind?
sorry anon its just how i feel

what does that mean?

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Was Jim Crow even that bad for black people? Lynching blacks for being black and pouring bleach in colored swimming pools...it all sounds fake.
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>racist war
Lmao Lincoln wanted to round up (legal since suspending habeas corpus) and deport all the niggers to a colony-nation in Central America named Linconia. The north had just as racist intentions. It was entirely about making the south economically dependent on the north.

If the US is a house, and niggers are the raccoon caught in a cage and brought in, Lincoln wanted to release it outside but ended up letting it loose inside.
anon the declaration of succesion is full of references and reasons to succeed for slaver, union soldiers wrote in their messages that they are fighting for slavery and the south relied on slave labout for much of it economy. besides those are lincoln ideas it has nothing to do with the south reasons to succeed. also the declaration literally says 'Its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition' The civil war is and always will be about slavery.
Wait until you see what else the people who made this made up, it starts with H
I think mostly blacks lived decent lives but weren't allowed to do some things or had to segregate. Maybe isolated incidents happened, but it's probably exaggerated in this day and age for further gibbs.
>besides those are lincoln ideas
American colonization society. Liberia well before Linconia. Absolutely not just Lincolns idea.

I didnt say it wasnt about slavery and the economics of it. It wasnt about slavery and the racism of it. That quote was an appeal to the northerners equally racist sentiments to let them keep it for the economic benefits.

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We are not in Africa

Being a good person doesnt mean anything
This is what a wrongdoer would claim.

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This is the NOMAP flag.

If you are over 18 and have ever been attracted even once in passing to someone under 18 you are NOMAP.

What do you think of destigmatizing being MAP and MAP pride?
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What about her, physically, changes in one day? If we are just talking about the law, then gtfo. The law used to be you could own other human beings as property. Give me a definition of minor that is actually meaningful. There are plenty out there, give me even one.
>What about her, physically, changes in one day? If we are just talking about the law, then gtfo

Being a NOMAP is about the law bro.

the whole fucking thing about the law or there would be no issue if there was no law
Attraction isn't a legal category, you stupid fuck
Just let this thread die samefag
>Attraction isn't a legal category, you stupid fuck

did not say it was

The phrase MAP means minor attracted person

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