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back in 2015 a bunch of moroccan Incels started marrying Syrian refugees and it somehow turned into a Facebook trend, so women got angry and started marrying BBC, one of them married a sub saharan and let him live with her in her parents' house, so he stole their money and gold jewels and used it to take the boat to Spain and sent her a fuck you video after arriving

Do anons believe in evolution?
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One of you always needs to be there. One of you can not be there.
The second guy is literally me although I'm 19 not 25
who fucking makes this type of shit? it's a genuine mental illness

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Enough of pessimism and depression, give me your strongest copium line, now anons.
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I don't know if you read the news, but David Beckham is taking Mark Wahlberg to court over a $20 million business venture gone awry.

This is all well and good, except that if you have $5000 worth of assets (which I suspect describes a lot of robots) then this would be like you going to court because someone sold you an ounce of mediocre weed. This would be like you becoming so upset over $200-300 you feel the need to include bureaucrats.

It's never about getting what you want. That's not how our psychology works. If you always focus on what you lack then it's never going to be enough, because, and this ought to be emphasized, *you've trained yourself to focus on what you lack*. Happiness is a discipline, not an event. If you can cultivate perspective, if you can become habitually grateful for even the fact you get to eat every day, you can be happier than the richest and most successful people who typically become rich and successful due to chronic feelings of lack.

I myself have been quite successful, and the fact is success made me miserable. Maybe it will be different for you? And I'm certainly not trying to dissuade anyone from pursuing their dreams, but the point is you really don't know whether you will be better off once you get what you want. We haven't evolved to predict what will make us happy in the long term, nature prioritises greed and fear over happiness, and so there's every possibility that you will get what you want only to become more miserable than you've ever been.

You can never fall too far, and if you are somewhat comfortable with the life you're living, then that's a real blessing you probably ought to be more conscious of. Comfort is highly underrated, don't be a stoic, and don't be a pure hedonist, instead be an epicurean who understands the greatest good to be comfort.
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>give me your strongest copium line,
The strongest copium line is the one that destigmatizes coping itself because it's a net positive.
If everyone killed themself because they knew they would always suffer and some things would never get better, we'd all be dead and none of the good things in life would ever happen.
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You're too cowardly to kill yourself, which means you've failed to fail at life = You won by default.
Anger. Can't be sad if you are constantly angry. Too angry to die.
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>tfw no hairy gf
life sucks
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Skin color too, kek.
Also, why is your hair grey? Are you an old fart?
Doubt it, the scar is small and normally very low so it can't even be seen when wearing small panties.
C section scars are horizontal. I have seen women with vertical belly divides like that before, but I have no clue what causes it.
Oh LMAO I just looked it up and apparently tummy tucks leave a scar like that. She looks great though, probably a good move on her part.

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>21 years old
>6'2, 230 lbs, not fat because I go to the gym
>currently 3 years into college, first year was in-person but it sucked so I went online (got a scholarship due to good grades)
>work as a forklift driver at a warehouse for shit pay despite busting my ass
>busting my ass at work bc there's a 23 year old girl I work with who's friendly to me that I kinda like but has mental issues and says/does some really off-putting things sometimes for no reason
>used to live in an apartment with my dad, who canceled the lease to move in with some girl who works with him, now I'm moved in with my mom 30 mins away from work.
>family sucks and everyone is a bum who smokes weed and drinks, brother dropped from High School to be a weed dealer but now is just a NEET who steals money from my mom for drugs
>dog died a while ago, he was my closest companion
>no real friends other than coworker when she isn't being weird, never had a real GF or anything like that
>a bit of a retard socially
>was thinking about moving in with my grandparents in their Florida home, starting over out there

Is there hope anons? I feel like there's nothing left for me here and my best option is to either start over or just full on shoot myself in the head. I don't want to move all the way out there and have it be a worse experience, but I'd do ANYTHING for a little crumb of purpose or direction in my life.
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Not being smart, dropping from college and smoking weed would probably solve all my problems but I have this desire to be the only smart one in my family and finish college, it's like my brain is wired to focus on not fitting in and doing my own thing
I actually think Florida would be a nice place to move to. It's got better weather and it's more relaxed
You could always try for a commission.
Recruitment is fucked and you can get decent jobs and contracts.
>but maybe I don't want to smoke weed and be a drug addict NEET?
is that what you're doing now or your only other option...
it will never stop being funny to other people BECAUSE you will feel bad for yourself
No, I've never smoked weed my entire life. I hate the smell and it makes me nauseous. My siblings and mom smoke more than just weed every day and if they don't, they'll cry and start freaking out. I don't want to end up like them.

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So u think /v/ would be as mad if character was white instead of black ?
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jesus was white washed but i never see anybody complain about that
>mlk being white is the same as black samurai being...black
This is an astronomically retarded take, holy shit. How do you people function?
no one complains about whitewashing, they do it too often
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>Japanese people would never make a black samurai
Kinda funny that it says he mastered Japanese as a language when in reality he couldn't speak a lick of it. He also appears in Nioh, by the way.

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I've used a shitton of skin care products hoping that it will cure my acne. I've used different types of Shampoo and other useless shit, hoping that it will cure my extreamly oily hair, and only one thing cured it all. Water. Yes, that's right. Fucking water. Using no products whatsoever, just water. My routine is basically this: Wash my face in the morning with ICE COLD water and then wash my hair while massaging my scalp with warm(ish) water and before finishing everything i use cold water, and after this, i dry myself up. Before sleeping, i wash ONCE MORE my face with cold water. Repeat this EVERY SINGLE DAY, and only wash your hair once a day, not twice, you will stress your hair. And DON'T FUCKING FORGET to wash your hair EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. And i swear to God, doing this routine for a year now i've got no acne anymore and no oily hair, my face has never been so fucking clear and my hair looks so fucking majestic. Don't fall for the cosmetic and skin care meme Anons, they will only take your money while showing in the beginning progress, and then everything will be worse than before. Fuck skin care industries and cosmetic bullshit too. Take care of yourselves anons, we can all make it.

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All problems created by humanity are due to corruption and ignorance, I want to turn to Jesus Christ but what if Jesus isn't real? Ironically Christians and atheists are similar on desiring death to escape from this wicked world, the only difference is that I think Christianity discourages suicide while atheists are far more likely than the religious to commit suicide. So what is there left to do?
Have faith. Hes coming back soon. Eclipse was 40 days ago which means stuff could potentially get crazy tomorrow
it's really just the boomers that fucked this world up. the future is bright once these leeches start dying off

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Why do some men think porn is more important than the women who love them?
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Big toolkit with lots of ideas swirling around but nothing I'm actually inspired to make.
And to be honest, there's not enough alcohol in this world to drown this fledgling's suffering into.
Suffering, only from his limited perspective.
that will
most likely stay
like that.
I'm starting to get more concerned. You don't remember answers I gave briefly ago anymore, and it's not a one-off. It's many times in a short period.

I really wish I could support you more. I know it's lonely living by yourself, but moving to where I live would be impractical for you, and me moving to you would be way too much for me. These visits will have to do.

Your story is inspiring, and I will remember you the rest of my life. I don't know if you'll be passing away soon, but I know to value the time we still have together.
>one in a million
there is no inherent implication

special or unremarkable
Milliarden it is then.

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why the fuck do i get so fucking sad at night? anyone else? i hate being awake at late hours because of this shit.
Just up and thinking about how fucking tired i am of only having a life online, i legit have nothing
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Just know that if you don't do anything soon to treat your depression, then it will begin to takeover your life. You'll start to feel like how you do now, but 24/7. I literally laid in bed until 5pm today just staring at the ceiling. I can't even watch anime or play video games like I used to. It's miserable.
happens to me sometimes as well
I get you I want to at least create an online presence for myself or make more online friends instead of literally just lurking lol
I sort of have that in a few MMO gaming circles since i'm kind of a top end player and a lot of people want to play with me but it doesn't really make me feel any better. It feels like acievements and friendships worth nothing. None of these people would care if i got seriously sick or something, even people i have a good time with online as friends. I don't believe online friendships can ever be genuine unless you start to meet up irl. No matter how much you vibe with someone they are nothing but an NPC in your computer. I want to be more than that
its when you stop getting replies

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When i'm on the metro i will often stare at the cute girls there and sometimes they will catch me and start staring intently back at me, does it mean that they find me cute as well?
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Sometimes they will lock stares with you THROUGH the reflection
fuck why did I find this so funny
Go outside more often
hi i just saw this but you can tell but if it was me and i saw a cute boy staring at me id like look away in a flustered / blushing mannar and probably try to take more peeks back
also if shes smiling. if it's blank face dont even try lol
I haven't had a girl look away flustered like that but i have done that myself after having a girl stare at me

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Thread for discussions about selfharm and mutual support

Tired Thursday Edition

>How are you doing ?
>Any plans for today?
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
>Why did you hurt yourself?
>Is there anything bothering you right now?
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Finally back. The picnic was pretty awesome, we played board games and I ate burgers and hot dogs. But I actually met some people and it took a whole ass year but I finally feel like I've made some relationships in this city outside of work. I think next year will be a lot better than this one, and this one wasn't even TOO bad. I'm looking forward to the future even though I'm also really anxious about it.
i feel like i lost the fight today
it sucks because i feel like i really really tried my best and it still beat me
i feel like when you run so much and you're tired and your legs are giving up but you keep running until you eventually throw up and have to stay there disgusted and collapsed
I'm not good at this but no one else replied so I will
It's not like you fuck up once and then it's over. Making a mistake isn't enough to justify quitting. You don't play one wrong note when you're playing an instrument and throw it in the trash. You recognize that you fucked up, decide to do better in the future, and keep going. It's not the end of the world. You'll be okay.

honestly I struggle to even want to quit. It's one of the only things that brings me happiness, when I was in high school I did it constantly, sometimes six or seven times a day, multiple cuts each time. It always felt so nice coming back from the bathroom and having my teachers tell me I was suddenly so much happier and bubblier, it was the best.

But then everyone found out and I started being tailed by staff no matter where I was, even in the bathroom, even during lunch, and started getting intensely bullied to the point where I decided to quit. I made some online friends who tried to help keep me accountable and to this day I still try to stay clean for them. I still cut occasionally, and it usually makes me feel so much better in the moment but then I know I have to tell them because I'm not about to lie to my friends, and then I feel guilty, and they get upset. I don't know what to do honestly, it's kind of miserable without it, I've been so much more suicidal since I stopped I think, only two attempts before and over six since.
I'm trying to hard to not relapse but it's getting really fucking difficult. Atleast I have alcohol.

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HOLY SHIT. Roblox just deleted TussleClobber 420K (a Warhammer 40K clone with 150K players). now theres no other warhammer games on roblox wtf are we supposed to play now?
You're suppose to read the Sacred Scriptures. They have been rewritten in a way everybody can understand. You cannot waste your entire life ignoring God.
wait for 40k total war
and there are many other total war games

man that's so weird right under our noses existed this popular thing
you must be 18 or older to post here
>i meant 40k games

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How do I stop idealizing moids and falling in love to quickly and then breaking up with them when they turn out not to be how I built them in my head
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go to therapy and stop taking female hormones
just force yourself not to think about them, dont let your thoughts drift to them for fantasizing
Just stop your transition.
Being a man is not that bad, really.

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Just watched some old videos of me growing up. My father regulary filmed with his Hi8 camera. I can't really describe the feelings I have during videos. They give me a warm but also very sad feeling at the same time.
How proud my parents and grandparents where. How cute it is to watch me walking the first steps, me learning how to eat, driving around with an RC car, build something with legos, me sitting in front of a PC playing my first vidya or similar over the years.
It is so cute. And most people will never have that because of the hedonistic consumerism society of today.
But it is not only that. Also the interactions of the grown ups in the videos. No toxicity, people just enjoying the moments together. My parents and the neighbours where inviting each other regulary although they had very little in common.
It feels like we've lost something as a society.
I like this thread bumping it so more people see

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