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internet is so weird to me

you will find niche problem that has no solutions what so ever but then u come across a youtube video with 456 views in 2013 with sandstorm Darude in background where the poster communicates via text in a notepad
a chain series of moggings in which the onion is left non existent
my question is why even upload that video?
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idk nigga i just wanna figure out of my ex ghosted me or actually died tired of women acting like literal bags of shit
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Internet just shows our true nature across mediums

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Are there any benefits to having a big dick?
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OP >>77536792 is good example of what constitutes a big dick
How big are you? Is it girthy too?
back in the day, 6 inches around used to be considered "super girthy"
nowadays, with all the girth fixation, the same girth would only amount to "average"...
Women love it over erotic web chats. and barely care irl.
t. A slut I befriended on discord was obsessed with it ("it" being masturbating for each other over webcam) and the girl I lost my v-card to didn't seem to care.
How large are you? What girth?

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>talking to nice guy at a party
>we get along
>decide to hang out a bit
>on our last outing I was talking about my bf
>he starts acting funny and says he needs to go.

Why do guys do this? Men elaborate, do you always think with your cocks? I want friends but l guess if I'm not spreading my legs you want nothing to do with me?

pic related, all l'm good for I guess.
it's fucking miserable how many men don't see us as anything but potential sex, eventually you'll find someone who isn't an idiot though. my best friend of a few years now is a man, though he's over 10 years older than me, ig he's had enough time to realize being an asshole is shitty lol
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>pic related, all l'm good for I guess.
and half the time you're not even good for that you fucking whore. Your worth is your hole, and talking to a cunt with a bf is a waste of time.

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why did you give up on life?
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I hope all of you find some light, clarity and peace. There is so much pain in this thread.
thank you so much, i'm not incel anymore
>I hope all of you find some light, clarity and peace. There is so much pain in this thread.
and honestly, as much i make lots of thread, i really didn't expect to have this much posts

and i'm not even kidding, i feel bad for every anon who posted here
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A lot of people are feeling the decline
no definite in-group to belong to and sacrifice for. being an indebted, atomized wageslave in a stagnant and failing civilization isn't appealing.

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Why do some men think porn is more important than the women who love them?
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>one in a million
there is no inherent implication

special or unremarkable
Milliarden it is then.
My mind is going. I can feel it.
Not you. My friend in his late 80s. He also has lost his cane almost once an hour or so. I've been trying to tell him to get one that stands upright on its own. I might just order it myself.
Dear R9K,

The job hunt continues, I saw a guy talk about underselling yourself in interviews and resumes, I definitely think I do that. So this time I'm gonna set the bar higher than the floor for the next month or so and roll the dice. Don't really have too much going on without work. Also don't have any friends so I spent the day job hunting and blowing bubbles in my backyard. I hope I get a remote job one day so I can move into the country and raise birds. Hope you guys are doing good


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>text a girl from college
yep, it's over.
I can't say I cared about it that much but this type of things just get me thinking anxiously, I can't even put my thoughts into words I'm just confused trying to rationalize the situation, not because I find it unreal that this happened but because I wonder why, what's the other person like, what are the societal rules that lead to something like this happening. She could have replied and I would have noticed she wasn't interested and stopped talking to her, but she couldn't even be bothered to do that.
I feel like a fucking buffoon, I'm just another of the dozens of males trying to fight for the female's attention. Makes me feel pretty confused thinking about this, just accepting that females inherently have more value because of biology and they get to pick the most attractive males, which doesn't include me I guess.
I just want to stop thinking about all this, I want to be at peace fellas, I want to stop being so uneasy for not being able to figure reality out, I want to find a spot in life where I no longer worry about all this. I don't know if I should embrace depression again and be an absolute piece of shit or if I should try to improove
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>I'm just another of the dozens of males trying to fight for the female's attention.
Being a male is so humiliating.
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>add people from college to normiebook
>post my autistic shit
>everyone unfriended me
Yeah it sucks but that's just the name of the game. What you put so much focus and effort and all your hopes and dreams into is nothing more than a passing curiosity to her. She is probably talking to as you say a dozen other males.

So take the hint and cast a wide net. You are going to fail many many times before you hit the one that responds positively.

Your problem like so many anons is that you think it's some grand personal failure. Do you really want to peg your life to some whore who isn't going to respect you? No I think not. Don't think of it as getting rejected think of it as figuring out which bitches aren't a good match for you. When the right one comes along you won't even have to try. She will text back, she will put in effort to reciprocate yours.
>you think it's some grand personal failure

Not OP, but it definitely is.

There are guys in the world that girls are excited to hear from. There are guys in the world where they text a girl and she freaks out and asks all her friends what she should write back. There are guys in the world where girls sit around and have drinks or coffee and painstakingly analyze everything he has ever said and every step he has ever taken in their relationship or "situationship" to try to figure out what it means. There are guys in the world where girls go shopping and try to buy outfits SPECIFICALLY because they are hoping he'll like them.

Some guys are like this for almost all girls; some guys are only this important to one or two girls.

That's not me, and it's never me.

And yeah, that's a grand personal failure.
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and that's why you post anonymously. we can't block you.

When did men stop writing heartfelt love letters to women instead of texting them?
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So you admit you aren't attracted to these men and just keep them around in case Chad bolts.
Chad can write
And roasties in my middle class were all like
>Omg hes so romantic sigh

I wrote a heartfelt love letter to my crush with no sexual references and she called me a creep
now go pretend you're capable of love and deserve to be treated as human in another thread lmao
lolno, chad has a rotation, a roster, a whole fuckin army of bitches at his beck and call. beta faggots are the ones who pin their hopes on one ho and get crushed when it doesn't work
the decline of romance and love in a nutshell.

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My only standard for a woman is she being a virgin (I'm obviously one too)and gentle.
I genuinely love all types of women, asian, black, white, tall, short, huge breasts, super petite breasts, skinny, muscular, chubby and almost every combination under the sun, just don't be over 220lbs(if you're above 6' then I'm okay till 250lbs) and extremely ugly, like a 2/10

Those standards are so low that it barely can be called a standard and yet woman say that I ask too much.
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I will never understand why men sleep around or watch pornography
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Anon, there're only 2 women (either biofems or mtf trannies) lashing out itt. Or maybe even one singular whore with a split personality.
Nobody's really arguing. Virgin women are based, period.
Why would I melt in anyway lil bro? I used to be a virgin just like your wife. We all had to go through that phase in our lives where we didnt have sex yet. I think it is a problem that men dont want to admit that they only care about looks, but thats not a reason to argue
>just used her and tossed her aside whether it was for one night or for a couple of years.
>for a couple of years.
So do you just expect a woman to have never have slept with her previous partners, even if they were in a committed relationship? Or does she need to have zero dating experience? If you do get a virgin, will you wait until marriage before sleeping with her, or do you want a woman who somehow values her virginity but is also willing to throw those values in the trash once she meets you?
>wanting a virgin is having "unreasonably high standards" because women are whores

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The last person/online friend who talked to me on a regular basis ghosted me. What do I do now? I don't want to be alone with my thoughts.
/soc if you're desperate enough.
whenever i look at art, i remember that god drew it. and i get this twistingly confused feeling. like i shouldnt be enjoying a picture hes drawn. this happens literally every single time i look at something art related. i literally cant watch TV anymore.
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make new friends at a convention. Comics video games anime whatever you are into

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I want to become a Quant. Any other 115+ IQ autistic anons also want to do this? It would be nice if I had someone to study math with and hold each other accountable. Preferably we would form a study group for this goal.
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I do this for money. It's pretty comfy.
i have both math and econ degrees, but have been neeting for a few months after graduating and turning down my job offers, enjoying doing absolutely nothing for the first time in my life.
i'm considering becoming a quant. i'd imagine the finance industry would be easy to make good money since average finance bro is mid iq and can't do math. just feel like working in finance could be mundane and the line of work isn't entirely fulfilling
we need a good high IQ STEM board. /sci/ is for people who think they are smart but generally uneducated. other sites are useful only for homework or studying, like Stack Exchange
THere is a channel on this topic.

I created a server for us to discuss becoming quants.


is it normal to be really afraid of going outside? i'd be afraid to go outside without a knife or something i don't get how people just go out there so nonchalantly
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you want to see coin, otho
>It's mostly harmless out there.
how can you be sure? i'm always afraid people will bother me.
lol, why would they talk to you? the guys outside are having sex with your mom
my parents are dead anon
cope, theres no escape from this prison

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There is zero point in dating. No one here has enough sexual market value to keep anyone.
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How do we solve market failure?
Online dating is broken
>How do we solve market failure?
Let it collapse and recover on its own.
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I will just look at the trends and wonder how low they will go.
My ex gf called 2 days ago and had me on the phone for 4 hours
I had to put up with that shit for 4 hours and didn't even get to fuck her
We live in different states now

Well, fuck, /r9k/. I said I wasn't gonna do another one of these threads for a while but. I don't know. I'm pretty lonely. And a couple days ago a few anons said they liked these so I guess I can keep doing them. MTFemboy, back at it again with the shitty Paint drawings. Kill me.

I just had a funny experience at the gas station that I wanna draw. And I'm on my way to a drunkenness of indeterminate mood. So I guess we can just chill. Same as always. Chill, AMA, I will answer all questions posed to me honestly, even if they are embarrassing. Just whatever. If I get drunk enough maybe you can see me do some embarrassing shit too.
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can't be mean, it's the truth
it definitely sounds like the voice of a lot of the troons I've talked too, but honestly I don't see that as a bad thing, it's sweet if nothing else
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no i dont im a natal male i just listened to too much Linkin Park in the womb and I had chronic anemia in childhood which made me end up looking like a fucked up negatively androgynous twinkhon. SO blame Chester. RIP

i understand.

it's just one laugh. the rest of that clip is me drunkenly rapping "LIES GREED MISERY" and sounding like a complete fucking faggot there's one part where I unironically go UWAAAAH its so cringe

now what the fuck else am I drawing myself doing. just gimme something. an idea. or i'll come up with something. i'm on a creative streak I finished a SIXTEEN THOUSAND WORD story today
draw urself as a cheerleader
I second this lol
You forgot the adams apple

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If you're an incel and never experienced romantic love this is a quick and easy way to know what it feels like.
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If only our minds didn't always want more...
I guess it's all the same even with love. We will never be happy. Fated to always be chasing the next hit.
i carry naloxone just so i can have this button on my purse for virtue signaling
based alert WOMP WOMP based alarm going off WOMP WOMP
It's not actually the same feeling, it's still euphoric but different
I wish you were wrong

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Is crystalcafe unironically just trannies because if so that is fucking weird lol
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This isn't even from crystal cafe
l can fix you
This website is Crystal Cafe thoever
Its more female than CC, farm doesnt have any infiltrators
Most "women" online are MtFs. Always have been.

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