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Hello there, friends. Do you have 30+ general threads?
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Feels like middle-aged hobby groups don't really exist anymore. You either ppst on reddit or hang out with dubiously aged furries and trannies which just makes me feel out of place at best
But anon i have a family
did they ever really exist? i cant think of anything
Ah, yes

The forgiveness

The forgetfulness

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Why are women like this?

Females are willing to hook up with the most retarded, abusive, irresponsible, mentally ill, drug addicted, criminal men imaginable.
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You're such a passive aggressive faggot, stop being so mad and just tell me what kind of woman you believe a robot belongs with.
Can't tell if bait or you legitimately can't understand sarcasm
yeah this is me at 2:42 on a mostly red shirt day
"Robot" doesn't define a recognizable class of person, despite what your 4chan rotted brain might think. But if you want my opinion as to who YOU should be with, then the answer is simple. Go to a graveyard, find the headstone engraved with the prettiest girl name, and fuck whatever lies beneath the soil
You think the 91 IQ woman who sat behind you in chemistry and failed has *any* conception of what is a valuable trait in a man is? Do you think her brain can comprehend that (you) exist while she's not looking at you?

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Tell me why you are still a virgin, anon/femanon.

> If she has iq under 140 i dont need her. 130 is ok if she does anal. She can have whatever iq if she has a Nobel prize, 120+ if a nominee.
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That's too hard
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I'm a heterosexual male bottom too, but also sexually. I only ever want to get pegged and eat pussy, never PiV. I don't care how unlikely it is, there only needs to be one single woman in the whole world who has an interest in this because I want lifelong monogamy.
I'm not a virgin but I'm definitely single because of my standards.

My standards aren't even unrealistic though and they're the opposite of unreasonable. Reason being, I'm only interested in relationships that have the potential to lead towards eventual marriage, I don't want to waste time for either party. On top of that, relationships are a big investment because girls demand all of your free time and attention. Given those 2 factors, it only makes sense for me to pursue girls who meet my standards.

Anyway, here are my standards.
-Located within reachable distance.
-Not fat.
-Pretty, I don't need a 10/10 but she needs to be at least somewhat attractive.
-Hasn't been ran through.
-Not a retard.
-Functional human being who is doing something with her life.

On my end, I'm an extremely eligible bachelor. I have the 666 that girls all want and I'm handsome on top of that and so on. My only real downsides are being a bit older and some girls might rule out my ethnicity. Despite being an extremely eligible bachelor, I don't have a GF who meets my reasonable standards. Girls are retarded.
>That's too hard
I know. I understand some people want to chill but I'm kind of an intense person even when I'm just doing my hobbies or travelling. I would want to get the most out of everything. Even when I'm just chilling, I take it to the max by sleeping and doing absolutely nothing lol.
>big tits
uhhh hi.

>A massive drug index of almost any chemical you'll consume with general information for each.
>Virtual tripsitting and drug combo information.
>Drug discussion board, trip report, library, and other informational index.
>Drug testing services (may or may not be regional).

Ahoy! On the comedown from an entactogen today. Been drinking tons of water and only feel a light headache. Played the piano and practiced russian, feelsgoodman.
Pic rel is sourced from tripsit.me, and is a general rule of thumb, not absolute (it may be reasoned with).
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So far theres no concern besides from these groups. Read the Zyprexa Papers you cunt.
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Anyone think it's a good idea to take a little bit of of LSD with my GF on a theme park? I'm kind of worried I might get uncomfortable with thinking she's mad at or things like that. I would aim for a low dose though (around threshold) so maybe it would be safe. Anyone done acid in this kind of environment before?

I've been (a bit) high on shrooms with her before in her house and it was comfy, but I dunno if the more chaotic situation would be worse.
LSD at a theme park sounds like a horrible idea to me. If you're taking drugs together you should try MDMA or speed, those would blend with a theme park a lot better.

Now if it was a music festival or something that's a different story.
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That sounds awful, I only like being around people on my wavelength when tripping. Animals are fun but people are overwhelming, an entire park of normies would take a mind of steel. Plus the giggle stage would be awkward, I would end up laughing at misfortunate shaped people. controlled environments work best
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Eh, maybe you're right. I'm not sure if I have access to good E right now though, people around here often lace it with fucking meth.

That has been my experience as well. I've always enjoyed psychedelics best on my own, there's a reasonable chance of it being worse than sobriety if I'm uncomfy.

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What is going on? I see a lot of boo-hoo for me's here today.
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You have to gaslight brown girls and make them think they are not good enough so they chase you.
can't imagine being this socially handicapped
She is blonde.
Well he didnt get her with his looks so a good sense of humor and probably money is all he has
i will write or read what i see

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"Just be confident" works btw. The only reason it doesn't work for you is that you don't know what being confident means. Most of you think being unapologetically an asshole without putting effort is being confident, it's not. That just makes you an asshole.
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I agree, having a personality plays a massive part on it. Being confident only enhances that. But I also think everyone recommends the "just be confident" because if you're confident for long enough you will end up developing a personality for good or for worst just by being out there for long enough.
Well yeah, i sperged about history to my female coworkers and they were genuinely interested and we had some good laughs. If you genuinely share stuff you really like and are passionate about then people will recognise that and are happy to engage; the ones who pull a variation of "ugh le cringe", not just being disinterested but actually trying to bring you down, are literal brats mentally and you can safely treat them as such
anon they are called woman not roasties, that might be a good place to start.
>The only reason it doesn't work for you is that you don't know what being confident means
Incels think it means just being an aloof dick who benches a lot, but in reality it's just having an attractive face. When you have an attractive face, everything you do will be seen in a positive light because people are programmed to like you at all costs.
you had us in the first half

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what do men even wanna hear when talking to a girl... I don't understand why all of them go for stuck up snooty bitches. why not a gf you can be NEET with??!!!
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why do we have to talk if we are neeting together? some basics to check if you are a psycho and then we are done.
>no hands posted
>no vocaroo posted
>pretending to be the generic uwu anime avatarfag
You're a man.
Absolutely, They all are
Cute, you're blushing
I always wanted to lick a cute nerdy neet girls pussy while she played vidya :3
>You're a man.
men can be this cute?

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waking up with weird alien markings and taking it easy
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>do u drink anything sweet?
Yogurt, fruit juice, almond milk... I mostly just drink water, really.
>r u making le backrooms?
It's a liminal space. I find it extremely soothing for some reason.
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>r there any other mods you'd like besides the ones u mentioned?
Most of the mods I played with last time were pretty fun so add whichever seem the most interesting
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I wonder if hutao anon is okay
it's been 2 days already
what was le question?
wut fruit juic do u like the most?
>It's a liminal space. I find it extremely soothing for some reason.
u enjoy the isolation dont u
I'll ad some if they catch my eye
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>wut fruit juic do u like the most?
Hard to say, but I like apricot juice. Berry juice is also nice. What about you?
>u enjoy the isolation dont u
I like them because they give surrealistic vibes. They also make me nostalgic somehow.
>I wonder if hutao anon is okay
He said he'll come back on monday.
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>We can make one for sure.
I remember it taking an eternity to get to the point of making trains but once it's set up it scratches the same itch that Transport Tycoon does.

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Thread for discussions about selfharm and mutual support

Tired Thursday Edition

>How are you doing ?
>Any plans for today?
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
>Why did you hurt yourself?
>Is there anything bothering you right now?
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snooze time. good night.
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oh goodnight goodnight ^^

I'll dream as well :3
goodnight frens
late night bump before going to sleep

which side do you prefer
Prefer for what? If I had a girl I'd want her to be healthy and not a dumb starving bitch all the time. Left looks fun to throw around though, but right has cushion for plapping so equal
left because im left as well (male)
right. stay healthy
right looks better of these two but id prefer whatever the midpoint is, skinny is nice but left is too skinny

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>wear cap like this
>female coworker tells me that I look like I straight walked out of a 1920s czech movie
Is that a good thing?
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She's making fun of you fucking autist.
would you know i wore a hat like that in the 2010s?
Your coworkers a fucking idiot. Czech Republic didnt exist until 1993 and even if they were around in the 1920s, they wouldnt be making films.

You should definitely follow her home and do things to her down a dark alley though. Youd never get caught coz theyd be out there looking for a 104 year old Czech guy.
The only guys who are allowed to wear that are russian boomers

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I want to become a Quant. Any other 115+ IQ autistic anons also want to do this? It would be nice if I had someone to study math with and hold each other accountable. Preferably we would form a study group for this goal.
If you are also a high-IQ autist who also wants to become a quant add me @


on ye old 'cord
Sad. No ads yet.
Normie board. I hope there is a better place to find fellow high IQ autistic STEM enthusiasts.
I'll fling you a message once I get my pc back.
I do this for money. It's pretty comfy.

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I went to the local gas station to buy beer like I usually do, and the clerk said "haven't seen you in a while". I'm autistic and don't know how to make small talk, so I just kind of laughed and said nothing. What should I have said in this situation?
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>be me
>buy the same sandwich at some local bakery every time I have university classes during lunch break
>do this for like a year
>always tell myself to not be nervous, I know this interaction, I can do it without sperging out
> 1) go in, say good morning 2) say "one mozzarella tomato sandwich please" 3) recieve sandwich and pay 4) say have a nice day, leave
>so one day I go in, try to do my routine
>suddenly I'm interrupted before I can even state my order
>girl behind counter smiles at me and asks "the usual?"
>brain overloaded, try to go back on script, basically don't actknoledge her and say "one mozzarella tomato sandwich please"
>It must have sounded robotic because she looks at me funny/weird, I must have stuttered or something
>recieve sandwhich, place the money on the counter and storm out.
>never went back there.


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No I'm not, it is extremely common for me to see people in public on their phones completely oblivious to the world around them.
>some people are just that autistic
I understand 10 seconds of silence, but 2 fucking minutes? You are falling for obvious bait
So they should talk to you instead of looking at their phones? Kek
These can be almost completely static exchanges, like asking "How have you been." "Fine. And you.", but the "Haven't seen you around for a while." from a service worker would usually also qualify.
No that would be too much to handle if everyone I saw doing that talked to me instead lmao. It's just an observation. It was even like this 10+ years ago so this is nothing new.

im going to slepe
can someone pls wish me goodnight? please
goodnight anon, sleep tight
dont forget you exist
yes sir I wont
and thank you
ypu have a good night or day too
bitch I said good night already, go to sleep or you're going to see me in your dreams you sonnva bitch
i dont know who y are

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Why are young men so obsessed with older women these days?
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I am 19 and I cheated on my 18yearold zoomer gf with a 28yo off /soc/. I came in inside and was called "her good boy". she also closed my mouth shut multiple times, meanwhile zoomer girl doesn't like birth control bcs "muh hormones".
My wife is ten years older than me and it's hard to explain. There's definitely a fetish element to it because the age difference is very hot to me and she likes to play up the mommy stuff and holy fuck can she push my buttons just right, but she is also more mature mentally. It's kind of hard to explain because I'm a fucking autist who's bad with words but like she makes me feel appreciated and loved and when I get home from work I feel like people missed me while I wasn't there.
They aren't.
This psyop was cringeworthy when they tried to make Cougartown a popular show in 2009, and it's still cringeworthy now.
I am both a hag lover and zoomette enjoyer
kek its literally because of mommy issues. you cant thank single moms for this

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