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how do i talk to people irl? i haven't talked to anyone irl excluding my parents since i was like 14 and i'm afraid to even try at this point.
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This discourse will explain things for you in dept, if you're really interested.


I recommend just being genuine and kind, giving people the benefit of the doubt the first few times, and being vocal if someone is upsetting you. These rules probably won't work as much if you get annoyed easily or struggle with empathy or something tho
Yeah, besides my family I only speak with the clerk lady to say what bread I want
it's hard to be genuine when i get uncomfortable just from talking to someone

that's understandable, I used to be the same way. Ultimately I think it just takes practice, though even now years after I got a job and started leaving my house more I struggle to get through shifts at work.

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What is going on? I see a lot of boo-hoo for me's here today.
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Well he didnt get her with his looks so a good sense of humor and probably money is all he has
i will write or read what i see
They're a couple and knew they were on camera and had a running inside joke where they'd do this to each other often. The girl talked about it when it went viral.
Bro isn't as socially inept as you think I guess, huh xddd
high inhib. He wants to kiss her, but he just can't make himself do it because what if he's wrong? The crowd doesn't help. He's likely almost paralyzed with overthink.
where did it all go? the family resemblance got rid of it

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This is the NOMAP flag.

If you are over 18 and have ever been attracted even once in passing to someone under 18 you are NOMAP.

What do you think of destigmatizing being MAP and MAP pride?
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Baited everyone award
>"No one here is making that claim."
>immediately makes that claim
No one is falling for it.
Have you tried jumping feet first into a wood chipper, pedo?
>This is the Motte&Bailey fallacy mentioned earlier.

If you have ever been attracted to a minor even for one second when you were 13 then at that time you were a MAP.

it means minor attracted person; that is all
Excellent reillustration of the fallacy, but it's unnecessary, we already know you should kill yourself.
>Excellent reillustration of the fallacy, but it's unnecessary, we already know you should kill yourself.
How is that a falacy

if there were SAP (salamander attracted people) and you were attracted to a salamander then you would be a SAP

no fallacy

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>wear cap like this
>female coworker tells me that I look like I straight walked out of a 1920s czech movie
Is that a good thing?
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based history knower.
i mean this with the best intent
you'll look like a fucking retard wearing this hat unless you are over the age of 60
czechs is as old as any european ethnic group
If you put a flatcap on in my country no one would bat an eye. They'd just think you are a farmers son/farmer or a very rural person, which a lot of people are
But Czechs haven't been making movies that long

Hey anon, why not just get a qt Thai girlfriend (male)?
OrriginaI Bump!
I absolutely would a Thai ladyboy gf. I don't care, call me gay. They are good at it and they seem fun from the clips I see
Don't worry, it's not gay. Thai ladyboys have more woman in them than western girls could ever dream of.

When did men stop writing heartfelt love letters to women instead of texting them?
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>people management skills
We will see who's laughing when masses of muslim fanatics keep spreading their faith to incel losers, and you are forced to be held as a breeding reserve for some dirty old rich guy who bought you off for a few animals. Treating people like reserves, lol, you deserve this tragic future.
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>Write some gay love letter telling the bitch about how you feel
>Get nothing
>DM her "my place in an hour?"
>Get pussy
That's why you whores don't get any love letters
So you admit you aren't attracted to these men and just keep them around in case Chad bolts.
Chad can write
And roasties in my middle class were all like
>Omg hes so romantic sigh

I wrote a heartfelt love letter to my crush with no sexual references and she called me a creep
now go pretend you're capable of love and deserve to be treated as human in another thread lmao

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r9k, click on da link and get a randum superpower
I got: Thundercloud Manipulation
I was unironically thinking about making this thread an hour ago but forgot the website
>Unlocked Travel
>can travel freely anywhere anytime
moon and sea bases

A lot of Asian dramas have pathetic low-life protagonists where something (that appeals to betas and incels specifically) happens to them

>Squid Game
>The 8 Show
>Alice In Borderland
>Death's Game
>All Of Us Are Dead
>Mask Girl
>The Glory

It's like they went on 4chan for ideas for shows
South korea isnt even asian anymore its an unofficial american territory

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Realizing youre expendable and mean nothing is really liberating. Youre not some hot shit and never will be and even if you are special you will never be that special and will be forgotten real quick. What matters is getting through comfortably, everything else is a meme really. Its still better to achieve something than not but it doesnt make that much difference and doesnt really matter. It sounds like some depressing talk but to me it feels comforting.Things are fine beca- HEY IM WALKING HERE!!!, because thats just how they are. And even if things suck and you did horrible things, does it really matter? Youre probably not even real plus there are soooo many like you. Its just fine you know. You will forget about it all in the end anyway.
if i just have to be 1 thing, it's definitely don't be able to be 1 thing
The problem with this is that as comforting as this may be, you eventually become too comfortable with fading away and life catches up to you. In the end everything is as it is but in the meantime you have to keep up with things or they will bite you right in the ass.
>You will forget about it all in the end anyway.
You are so right
I need to become ever more numb, roger. Just this time it cant be through jeavy drug use as that numbness never lasts. I must find a numbness that i could even cultivate life to life.

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You guys must be the biggest set of losers ever,
I am 20 years old, never tried dating before in my life.
But decided to finally give it ago, so I downloaded the standard assortments of apps, and not only do I get plenty of matches with women, but they message me first as well. I would not describe myself as ugly, but I wouldn't say I'm super attractive either.

Literally all you need to do is put yourself out there without being an absolute dreg on society.
if you describe yourself as "I <3 vidya games and anime" you are gonna be a fucking loser, cus you are one.
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Just checked, it's the same fucking picture, either OP is larping as this retard, or he is actually is said retard.
yeah i'm sure women ignore incels because of their "generic" haircuts and boring t-shirts, couldn't have anything to do with their ugly as fuck faces lmao, get fucking real

you literally deserve to drown in acid
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The incel threat is simply a fabrication by rent-seeking NGO's and feminists.

The first "incel shooting" was the Isla Vista shooting, which you could reasonably say was an incel shooting as Elliot Rodger did indeed refer to himself explicitly as an "incel" and much of his motivation aligns closely with 'incel beliefs', although most incels are never seriously calling for violence and wouldn't take part in such violence. It's also important to note he killed various males and hated "successful" males and even wanted to kill his own brother, so reducing his act to 'misogyny' is ridiculous, but rent-seeking feminists were literally appropriating the shooting for their own ideological purposes literally in the first 24 hours after the shooting.

Since then, including Alek Minassian etc. There have been realistically maybe 20-25 deaths from "incel attacks" if you want to call them that.

The rent-seeking NGO's and feminists however are happy to revise the number up as high as possible, so the UK government (being "informed" by one such NGO) claims as many as 59 deaths from incel attacks.

So 59 deaths over 10 years. That would be 5.9 deaths per year.

Compare that with Detroit, a SINGLE CITY in the US, which in 2023 celebrated its "fewest homicides in 57 years", with only 252 homicides in a year!

So Detroit, a single city, has 42 TIMES the number of deaths that incels apparently caused worldwide.

Nationally, the US has on average 22,000 homicides per year.

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>I was just pretending to be retarded.
Trannies, do better.
Yeah as always, data shows reality rather than their fantasy, delusion and hyperbole.

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>Sometimes I wonder if Americans are different species of white people
Like, there are Asians, whites, blacks etc. And there are Americans
Are they stupid on purpose?
>I wonder if Americans are different species of white people
Do you not consider nonwhite Americans American?
as an American I can only pray that everywhere else people are different.
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When you say Americans aren't human the question naturally is
What country are you from?
The land of alcohol, bums and old catholic grannies - Poland.
I bet its cozy in a way. Seems like a nice place for a depressed shut-in to hole themselves up.

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If there was a relationship that always was, would you want it? Feel free to say how attractive you are.
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In every scene, responsible for a scene, or the amount of people in the scene for example.
It's very easy to gauge a complete loss of interest in something. Even easy when you can come up with complete bullshit like:

these two people and the greatest number and what the greatest number is, and then a different number. obviously i am never the greatest number
Chainsaw man sucks, the writing is bad, and the art is repulsive.
so... Chainsaw man good?
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Obviously, come on now. Chainsaw Man? Did you bother to read the name? We know it's retarded, that's what we like about it. In fact it isn't nearly retarded enough. He eats barf and gets drunk, he dreams of eating jelly on toast. These are simple, primal urges a retarded monkey might have. I've also found myself wishing I could drink and eat barf and get wasted on it.
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>so... Chainsaw man good?
Given the manga was not colored, I have to guess at what color the shirt might be. The hair is simple enough, it doesn't even include shading so we can assume a dull noir, as dull as denji and as noir as burnt toast. Skintone we can guess somewhat Japanese.

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Did he overreact? Are you a simp for just buying a woman a drink?
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This and also it was a kind of ploy, disingenuous way for her to scam a free drink from a nice guy who would just say "no worries i will buy you one"
>ugh like I don't wanna stand in line do it for me
What the fuck, are they really like this?
His instincts are correct, his conscious mind is too stupid to realize it.
>Men need to think more in "what do I personally get from doing this?" when a woman asks them one of their "small favors".
*Men need to think more in "what do I personally get from doing this?" when doing anything at all.
>Did he overreact?
Yes. A polite "No thanks.", "Not interested." would have been sufficient
>Are you a simp for just buying a woman a drink?
If you're not interested and willing to sleep with a woman, do not do these things.
He only "fumbled" it with his reasoning. He could have just said he didn't want to and that's it. No one's entitled to cutting the line.

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>tfw no mentally retarded alien gf who meows like a cat
Why even live bros?
>Nyu? Nyu??
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Lucy dies in the manga
I know
Originally gugugivkvkrjr
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>he knows
>but he didn't read the manga
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regarding this matter...
Im sorry sempai....

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I went to the local gas station to buy beer like I usually do, and the clerk said "haven't seen you in a while". I'm autistic and don't know how to make small talk, so I just kind of laughed and said nothing. What should I have said in this situation?
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Om well I have another one
I like this one. I will use it in future posts. Thank you for this image
>only post it because of the woman's reply
>ignore the flawless writing of the first tweet
Somewhere around my mid-20s, I realized that if I wanted friends or romantic partners I would devote more of my time and intent towards acquiring/maintaining friendships/relationships.
But I don't.
Because these other people do not add value to my life and it was only during occasional episodes of existential angst about not appearing "normal" that I'd bother putting in the effort and make friends (or more), but I didn't actually enjoy spending my time with these people more than, y'know, NOT.
When your parents die and your brother moves, maybe you won't have anyone in your life who presumes to ask you if you're seeing anyone and then makes you feel bad about how you answer.
And with that source of negativity removed, you'll realize the loneliness was a byproduct of these people you couldn't remove from your life making you feel bad, not because you genuinely mind being alone.
Nah, no one asks me if I am seeing anyone. They know i'm an autistic special needs loser. It's just, I get lonely sometimes and I go out of my room to see my mother and father, and my two siblings when they are around. That's all I have really. They are my whole tiny world. That and my garden and my computer. It will feel empty when it is just me. When I feel lonely, there will be no one to see

I understand what you mean however when you say you don't enjoy those friendships/relationships and would rather be alone. But that's because they were not real friends, and not genuine relationships. They are people you seek just so you are not alone. But they don't care about you, and you don't care about them. I would not fall into such a trap, believe me. I'm very aware of it just from second hand observation. If you can be happy in isolation for the rest of your life then that is great and I envy you. But I don't think I can

I had a real friend once when i was in school, as a child. But I was so bad at socialising, it was sort of one sided despite me trying. I just had no idea how to do the whole friendship thing. He was a good lad. He gave me a chance

Anyways, all my social failings can be traced back to autism. What cannot be cured must be endured, and that is the end of it

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