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lady, you want to be famous not chrischan parallel

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There is a way to find spiritual solace in anything you're experiencing, have or will, from where you're sitting right now.
The Lord Himself could give you a magic generator and you'd choose unhappiness if that was your path, though.

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Came across this sad resume.
She got a degree in Business Management in 2016, has never left her job as a McDonald's cashier 8 years later.
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Is it worse than having nothing at all? no.
and yeah, sameguy, it's over
Probably just someone who hasn't signed in to LinkedIn in about decade.

Not being able to spell Accounting doesn't inspire confidence.
>It is now but she definitely should have done better for herself

no, it would not matter, it would not matter because to get a job you have to be hired, and to be hired you have to pass a interview
sounds simple enough, but the shitty dark reality is that they can keep ghosting you and rejecting you with absolute no responses at all

i give up cause i can't fucking stand them, it's bad enough i can't drive, but being ghosted in countless interviews will take a toll on your mental health

at this i'm preparing myself to be homeless or food delivery SIMPLY cause there is no interviews, but i can't drive so

Love so sweet, love so sweet,
When you gonna get yourself back on your feet?
Oh and love can be so sweet,
Love so sweet....


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>Be me
>Trying to write a song
Im trying to write an epunk song and think r9k is the place to go, so does anyone have some lyrics for me?
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why the hell would r9k be the place to go
just write some lyrics it isnt that hard
I'm petting on this cat
Now he's sitting on my lap
He's purrs gave me a boner
I'm sick of being a loner

This actually happened a few hours ago when a stray cat sat on my lap
whatever you do wherever you go
you'll always remember ya mum's a hoe
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waow.. generic incelcore song part 2??
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>im so sad
>so down bad
>they say im a fag
>got the blueprints memorized
>got my handgun by my side
>got the reticle all aligned
another one i though of
>are you feeling down?
>feeling like a sad clown?
>feeling down and out?

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life is over sorry

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Well, for me I'm just glad hating jews became cool again. I was at my college campus and saw some jew with their jewish hats get the smacked shit out of them.
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I don't really care what happens regarding stuff that doesn't directly affect me, but it'd be more funny if Palestine won
Hamas is obviously islamic but west bank is secular and there are non muslim palestinians like atheists, christians druze
I hate zionists and muslims
sand people are blowing each other up

in other news the sky is blue
Jews have done more damage to America than Muslims could ever dream of, even if they did a 9/11 every single year. That's why I'm against Israel.

How do I finally start sleepmaxxxing?
I'm so tired of going to bed at 3am
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#1 thing is keep a consistent wakeup time and avoid naps. the rest will sort itself out.
Other thing would be a morning walk where you get 15-30 minutes of sun.

I also do something really autistic and have a lamp on a timer that turns on with super bright blue light when I want to wake up, helps me regulate my sleep. (your eye has cells on it for detecting blue light that help regulate your circadian rhythm.

Other stuff is the normal healthy stuff, eat clean, avoid alcohol, drugs/stimulants, sugar, caffeine late in the day (after like 10am-noon)

Other thing is don't do other things where you sleep, dont hang out in bed on your phone or w/e.
I generally just fall asleep at around noon when trying this, but it's doable
Double dose a painkiller like Codeine
sleepmaxxing? down a whole bottle of melatonin and hit the bed nigger
The only thing that worked for me was to set a timer to go off an hour or two before I should sleep, along with making night light turn on on all of my devices during that same time.

I also deleted and blocked YouTube, Spotify, all web browsers and everything else that could be distracting from my phone. But I still allow myself to browse my phone in bed by downloading YouTube videos, pictures and other content to OneDrive on my computer. The lack of any YouTube video recommendations and the ability to instantly look up anything online made my phone much less distracting as I try to sleep.

Going to sleep and waking up at the same time every single day is useful, but it's also very hard. I wouldn't recommend you to be too strict on yourself, but you could try being a bit more consistent.

btw you can instantly download YouTube videos from your browser using this Violentmonkey script: https://github.com/madkarmaa/youtube-downloader

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Today I made a realisation
Even if I somehow managed to make friends I'd never be able to keep them. I have been alone for so long I would have no clue what I'm supposed to do with them and the idea of sustaining friendships drains me
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Same mostly. I usually just get ghosted after the first messages anyways since I'm so fucking boring.
The trendy thing nowadays is posting stupid dipshit cringe over and over along with trash memes.
>Today I made a realisation
this is me
>Even if I somehow managed to make friends I'd never be able to keep them. I have been alone for so long I would have no clue what I'm supposed to do with them and the idea of sustaining friendships drains me
this is everyone else
It's why I like 4chan and fucking around with the anons, yeah it's not real, but it's a helluva lot better than trying to have friends irl
Don't befriend lesser beings. They will fuck you up.
>Don't befriend lesser beings
What about goats?

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So at this point this board is just a red /lgbt/ with some crystalcafe sprinkled in? How did this even happen?
is she passes then sexo
if not then laugh and mock
t. (bio)dude on hrt
>>77540013 Learn to filter, mofo. I don't see any of this disgusting shit.
What are some words I should filter to avoid seeing all the faggots and crystalcafe tumblrinas?

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hug your mom & dad, bros

they love you, cherish them while they are here
Nah fuck them. They owned a house and squandered it and I'm getting no inheritance.
Lol no. Anything good they have done for me was just fixing a problem they needlessly created for me to suffer through. Should I thank them for every day they didnt hit me?
>>77539583 More than that. They are God. Obey them.
sure, but i need more love than just platonic or familial
cute pic :>

but I don't like my parents
I wish I was dead

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i fucking love cocaine bros

it makes me so happy
Hey im doing blow too!!!

stupid, inexperienced men believe that there exists a singular spectrum spanning acquaintance to lover. they believe their position is fluid and is dictated by their actions or lack thereof. as stated earlier, these people are idiots. the truth of the matter is that women decide whether or not a man is a romantic or non-romantic interest very, very quickly and the man is stuck within that category for the rest of their relationship
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I have never dated anyone who I didn't first befriend, and had known the woman I ended up marrying for years before we started going out.
>incel talking points
Are you talking about the claims that incels stole from feminists? Like how "women have it easy" even though men literally have it easy?
Are you low IQ

"women have easy" is too vague to have been stolen from anybody
lol, what thread do you think yo are making OP? what fight
>Are you low IQ
No I have been IQmaxxing for a while.

>too vague to have been stolen from anybody
How so?

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My brother got locked up today for sim swapping lol. Hes only 16 and I never knew he was about that lifestyle and apparently he was part of sim swap gang where they drained crypto wallets .
I wish I did riskier shit like this as a teen instead of sitting inside and playing TF2 all day. If I got caught I could just pull the "I'm a dumb innocent minor and really it's my abusive parents' fault for driving me to do this" card.
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kek no retard you would end up in jail
no idea why zoomers flock to the whole "committing crimes is cool" idea and then cry when they are caught and have to suffer the consequences lmao
also i love tf2 who you main nigga? i main engie! :3
>I wish I was a lesser person

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