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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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I have a bag of sorted cardboard from envelopes and boxes collected over the last year .
Instead of throwing it .I was thinking how to make some fake book covers to make interesting decorative pieces around the place .
Any one have tips and tricks please ?
Take not that I smoke so I could also go up in flames but it's for the art
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You should glue them together and make lumber.
never heard of a "cardboard envelope"
yeah me neither im pretty sure OP needs MEDS NOW

Something that fits one page or less.
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I will post more if I find more interesting ones (to me at least lol). See ya :>
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Been looking for buildings for my table top war gaming and rpg sessions. Where did you find these?

As you read in the title, this is a topic for exchanges where you post a proposal followed by your email (I recommend creating an account just for that, but you probably already know that). I want to start with the following proposition: Joseph Hwang's Dungeness Crab Diagram (which is the only model I'm interested in from the book) by Kaito Nagayama's Swan Diagram (the one in the picture). The email used is: anonimousduck@gmail.com .Please put the subject: "Kaito's swan", so I'll know you're interested. Thanks.
This has been tried numerous times and doesn't work. No one wants to trade rare and hard to find stuff.
Oh, but with this diagram (the swan)? I guess I'm a little out of date, but this worked with Crab CP, so I had my hopes up. But thank you for preventing me from getting my hopes up on this.
Guys, sorry, the right email is this: duckanonymous7@gmail.com . Again, sorry for the inconvenience caused.
The crab is available in the other thread one the first page. Along with a couple other ones from the book.
Yes, thanks. Does anyone know how to delete the thread?

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Years ago someone made a papercraft of the meme Gundam RX-78 face. Anyone have it?
yeah i'm sure someone does
Someone will have it
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OP here.

I was going through some old backups and it turned out I actually had this model saved (from 2009 according to the Last Modified timestamp).
The artist was PONGOO. Enjoy.

Also the PDO won't open in Pepakura 5, so you'll need version 4 or lower.

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Does anyone have the pic attached. I can't find shit on google.
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Does anyone have the file for picrel?
Nope, sorry.
Blessed thread
Hi. Requesting someone creates this Minecraft origami and sends me a picture of how it looks.
i want this one

Hey /po/, I'm looking for good youtube channel recs to follow. I specially remember someone on here sharing their own channel and I found it kinda neat but couldn't find it ever again (it was something to do with their own personal collection of paper toys / scans). Post good youtube channels centered on papercrafts, origami, paper toys, dioramas etc and try to avoid any of that stupid kiddie shit please.
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Origami by Michelle Fung
Always Yung .
Siesta Origami
Origami by Voice
Art of Fold
Origami _kimoro
Cy origami
Nick Wang Origami
M_k origami
Origami by Michelle Fung
Always Yung .
Siesta Origami
Origami by Voice
Art of Fold
Origami _kimoro
Cy origami
Nick Wang Origami
M_k origami
Mariano Zavala
Zide Ju
Pape Rain

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Zide Ju
Pape Rain
Hi new to this board, but I like animation and was wondering if papercraft animation might be something worth pursuing. This is my channel and looking for other art form varieties. https://youtube.com/@doodlebobanimations7727
must watch

I created the winged scorpio in prehistoric age the time life was vivid. It came from nothing.
Super neat

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What's a Tessellation?

"A tessellation or tiling is the covering of a surface, often a plane, using one or more geometric shapes, called tiles, with no overlaps and no gaps"

And they can be made of folded paper.

"Origami Tessellations - Awe Inspiring Geometric Designs" And "Six simple folds" are easy enough books to find to start.

Please do share books and patterns.
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tessellations rock
fuck the normies
that looks like the wool part of Beth Johnsons Sheep model
my brains cant tell how this has been made
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like this
this makes my penis feel a special way

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thank you so much ive been trying to find this for so long
I saw it in memes about ukraine
I saw this in a meme

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Hello happy new year. I'm looking for this origami. Can anybody help me? Thanks.
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Looks really cute.
Very cool!
Change the shape of the ears and tail and you have a bear.


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Anybody have this?
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awww this is cute make me think of the mario cart map on tf2
This is cool
do I look like I know what a jay peg is?
How do I make models like this? I'm very new to origami and i'm not sure how to look up guides for this.
this is not origami. it's papercraft. just cut it out with a razor and ruler, and glue the tabs together

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Guys, I am looking to find the name of the papercraft which looks like the pic:
You have a thick paper (thickness similar to a business card) wherein each parts of the overall structure are printed. All you have to do is to cut the parts out, fold them as per instructions, assemble them. This is a dumbed down version of origami but is there a name for it.
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Anything interesting really. Let's say, a tank, a historical building, a bridge etc.
Dude! This whole board is full of papercraft templates. Scroll through and find something you like. print it. cut it. glue it. build it. It's a fun hobby!
I'm in a Facebook group called Paper Card Modeling, they do a lot of old like planes, tanks and vehicles
i'll take a look, thanks
searching papercraft in Pinterest will get you lots of stuff

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From the Edo, Meiji or Taisho periods. Here my own attempts at paper models from over 200 years ago.
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These are called Tatebanko in Japanese,
honestly pretty fucking cute that people actually use this board, i was just expecting porn and shitposts but this is wholesome and impressive AF
Janitors are pretty good about cleaning up shitposts here
We mostly get dumb people from /pol/ misposting here
love the japan culture in art.

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i did a funny
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So Kirigami? Ya that works just fine
Post progress
You will be instabanned for life if you post that here my guy
this board is literally named "papercraft and origami'

are you crafting with paper? yes you are.

I would love to see the popup book
Can we meet up? I want to pee in your mouth.
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i made out of fabric, anything is a canvas

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