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Would she marry blackjack?
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Nah dog. They both exist quite comfortably alongside each other.
Shiny. Metal. Legs.
Not him but while I do agree both can and do exist comfortably side-by-side, I think that in terms of prose, worldbuilding, and especially character dynamics, PH blows FOE out of the water. I do think that Littlepip is cuter than BJ however.
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She truly is.
>"Hi Anon! What's your age again?"

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Sunny and her boyfriend
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With benefits
>That tsundere winghug
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She likes being around Sunny

Why not both?
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Fucking all the guys like rabbits!

Check out our new slutty story archive!

Previous Slutterfuge: >>40681850
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god i wish that were me wearing that whorish outfit~
I want to mount you like the Turboslut you are~!
Juicy bod.

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>Come Mareavar, friend or traitor come. Come and look upon the heart and Akulakhan. And bring a slice of cake, I have need of it.
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No, you can't handle the truth.
The truth is that Daybreaker is very breedable.
Ponyvania is neat.
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Not too different from life in Equestria sometimes.

He should have been the sixth cast member. He completes the group dynamics.
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I've noticed Sprout has a sizable continent of female fans
Knockoff Dio becoming evil and confident is sexy
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I'll never let Hasbro live it down if we never see Sprout in tyt

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POLL Here: https://strawpoll.com/eJnvvE6banv

I explain each category below, read this below you vote on which one you are! If none of these describe you, please suggest a new category! The below covers all of the perspectives I have seen.

Normal Faustfags: People who think that Seasons 1 and 2 are easily the best, and that Faust leaving is what started the show's decline. This describes most of this board, and a lot of the fans who lost interest during 2013.

Season 1 Purist Faustfags: People who think the show got much worse as soon as Season 2 came along, they view Season 1 as the only non-corrupted season, viewing everything after as lacking the same charm.

Season 3 inclusive Faustfags: People who consider Seasons 1-3 the golden era, they see Season 3 as more or less true to the tone and quality of the first 2 seasons, and don't think the show drastically changed or got worse until after Twilicorn.

Season 5 inclusive Faustfags:
This group seems weird at first, but it's surprisingly not too uncommon. This are people who love seasons 1-2 and thought seasons 3 and 4 were a decline that lacked the spirit and charm of before. But they also think season 5 is really good due to having more of a slice of life charm compared to 3/4 and having in their view better quality episodes than the previous two seasons with less fan pandering & coporate forced plot points.

Normal McCarthyfags: People who think the show was really good for its first 5 seasons, and went downhill when Haber took over the show and all the old writers left (My view that I expressed in the chart, a sizeable minority of this board, and a lot of normie fans who lost interest after Season 5)

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Death is going to get him anytime now.
Ironically, your wierd fixation with this 40 thing is actually extremely autistic.
>hothead is still malding
oh nonononono
>N-no U
Even a third grader would feel ashamed of that childish comeback.
Ok, you're still a retarded flex with this 40 and thinking the terrorists will help you.

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>put clothes on mare
>she becomes MORE sexy

What the fuck?
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>put futa cock on mare
>she becomes MORE sexy
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Need a back view...
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How does one become as studious as Twilight?

I'm trying to figure out life again, so I understand I can't just start young like Twilight did.

Seriously though, she bookkeeps, understands organization to a T, where would one even start?
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This. Doing a masters that I never thought I'd do because I find it interesting.
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Silly anon, all you needed for motivation was letting the metal flow through you: https://youtu.be/t8YRjTmP1kk
I like the rarity's dressmaker approach more. have a craft you're extremely interested in, and then realise you won't be able to produce works of suitability until you start reading.

for me I like programming, and I read CS and Maths, because it allows me to produce more complex cool programs.
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characterai gets my dick wet

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Not really a hot take. People just don't care about greentext stories anymore. People just aren't responding to greentext stores for random prompt threads on the catalog anymore. That makes me sad.
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Damn, that's impressive.
I do...
why didn't you reply then...

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Welcome to the My Massive Pony thread!
You don't mind if I sit here do you? Edition

Writers, artists, and critiques are always welcome, so long as it pertains to the main idea of the thread which is size difference.
Check out our slowly growing ponepaste: https://ponepaste.org/3112

Previous thread: >>40739527
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Clothing riding while dating is underrated
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I'd like to be in that position but with Rarara or Flutters please.
I secretly tried to stare at her ass.
I have a pressing need for giant, horny, rampaging royal sister alicorns.
Sold Chinese plushie bootlegs of her with built pockets for flesh lights.

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Sudden attraction continues.

Previous thread:
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That's actually a really nice picture.
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To apple, or not to apple
took me a second to get it

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Welcome to the Pony Voice Preservation Project!

The Pony Preservation Project is a collaborative effort by /mlp/ to build and curate pony datasets for as many applications in AI as possible.

Technology has progressed such that a trained neural network can generate convincing voice clips, drawings and text for any person or character using existing audio recordings, artwork and fanfics as a reference. As you can surely imagine, AI pony voices, drawings and text have endless applications for pony content creation.

AI is incredibly versatile, basically anything that can be boiled down to a simple dataset can be used for training to create more of it. AI-generated images, fanfics, wAIfu chatbots and even animation are possible, and are being worked on here.

Any anon is free to join, and there are many active tasks that would suit any level of technical expertise. If you’re interested in helping out, take a look at the quick start guide linked below and ask in the thread for any further detail you need.

EQG and G5 are not welcome.

>Quick start guide:

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I feel like if anyone can answer this it's clipper
hope he responds to you anon
>pointless minigames
i have a fucking BLAST every time we have minigames they're so fun
thing i look forward to most is actually the minigames
>looked at the dates of those posts
i realize im retarded im sorry bros
I liked the minigames. I'd rather have that than an hour of autists doing a very technical in-depth presentation that is really difficult to follow.vdymr

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April Fools has come and gone, but it happened during last thread, so we may as well celebrate it a little while longer. Pony jokes and pranks can go awry fast leading to predictable results.

Stuff from 101:
>>40827947 (foal exploring the forest, gets poison joked short and discussion)
>>40836253 (foster teen short and discussion)
>>40851203 (spanking Fluttershy discussion)
>>40861405 / >>40862626 (literally glowing rumps shorts and discussion)
>>40872535 (changeling spy reporting back story)
>>40878845 (lick short)
>>40904712 (Scootaloo just deserts discussion)
>>40914872 (micro spank shorts and discussion)
>>40917542 (new stuff added to archive)
>>40979812 (batPinkie thief spank story)
>>40996826 (pony coming home from distant trip story)

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I like to imagine that it wasn't Stellar who spanked Sunburst.
Who did?
What sort of revenge?

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Anything pony/fandom related from 2010 - 2013
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YouTube just recommended me this gem.

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roll + bump
based reject ai covers return to YTPMV

Golly, there's no Golly thread up! Somepony's getting in trouble.
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