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The secret ingredient is added... Updates will follow in the coming days after her inoculation
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Growing shrooms? None, but I've been gardening for a few years, so I am at least growing something. Plants like potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, and etc. Hoping for good yields this year.
the syringe arrived, i put it in the refrigerator but i think this specimen in particular dies, compared to its cousins.
soo, i will have to wait for the next syringe to arrive, going for white oyster
Spores are usually good in a fridge for a number of months though?
Ponk is doing pretty good thus far. Ill be sure to take an update photo at some point tonight. She’s close…!

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(formerly known as /tempo/, or T:EM/P/O)
A conglomerate of content creators since we couldn't keep our own threads up alone. If you're working on something, be it musicfagging, writefagging, drawfagging, poetfagging, craftfagging, or game-devfagging come by and post for some feedback or give some of your own. If you want to start content creating why not start today?

This thread is intended for ALL SKILL LEVELS, from complete beginner to seasoned expert. Don't get intimidated. We're all just hobbyists here to have fun and help each other make more pony stuff.

Active Community Projects:
Antithology 4.0 >>40869203 (Deadline June 14th)
/mlp/ con 2024 >>40876407 (probably happening late June)

Resource Bin:

Tempo Music Archive:

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credit to SilverVax for helping with the back walk cycle and I tried to add more life to the back leg lift, let me know how I did. Also I want to add more hip sway back and forth but I don't know if it will add anything, tell me what you think
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The above comment was actually intended for this one
Hairs move too much, remind me of that "high framerate" joke Mario gif.

This one is perfect

This one definitively need move hips sway, even if it's just implied by rotating the tail from side to side.
Got a question for you anons. If making MLP video games where would it be good to post it and how do the whole process so Hasbro don't fuck you wit dmca or lawsuit? I asking couse i was thinking about trying to make one and i see here few gamedews.

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Alicorns are no longer in power. Kneel to actual future ruler of Pegasi.
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but enough about Hasbroke.
I have no idea. I thought their money ran out a year ago
They're still better off than IDW
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My hero

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There is nothing more pure than love between a man and a mare.

"It's a mare in a box" edition

Old thread: >>40828403

Ongoing greens:

Shape Your Home by PoneGreen
https://ponepaste.org/477 (Part 1)
https://ponepaste.org/478 (Part 2)
https://ponepaste.org/479 (Part 3)
https://ponepaste.org/480 (Part 4)
https://ponepaste.org/4581 (Part 5)
https://ponepaste.org/8319 (Part 6)

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Firestarter mares are top cute.
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I agree.
This adorable loony bin is a treasure.

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This is the general thread for the alternative fan sites of the My Little Pony fandom. Discussion, development suggestions, and criticisms are all welcome here.

if no one else does it edition

>Why alternate boorus?
Recent changes to Derpibooru have made the site a less than ideal location for pony fan art. So, several new boorus have arisen to provide alternatives. Many of the altbooru owners post in thread and listen to questions and comments from anons. Note that this is NOT the Derpibooru drama general. Please keep posts about Derpibooru in the thread on mlpg.co.

>Why alternate text sites?
Pastebin.com has deleted, and continues to delete, greentexts on the site. FimFiction does not allow stories in the greentext format, so a new home is needed.

Overview: altboorus.org
>General purpose boorus
twibooru.org by Twifag [!twifag.HOY] and Not Twifag/Floorb [!!H3PJaMJmY66]
ponybooru.org by ZizzyDizzyMC [!DizzyMC4pc]
ponerpics.org by Lotus [!!WYvH32WjaoR]

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the site is a piece of unstable shit and I really need to migrate it to a server that doesn't die half the time
this never happened, I think you mean the certificate expired lol
>this never happened, I think you mean the certificate expired lol
If the certificate expired I would have an option to "continue at my own risk". HTTPS was simply switched off.
Thanks for caring about it nonetheless.

Previous thread >>40822852

Originating from a thread about a niche form of hypnosis, now encompasses varied hypnosis methods from spiraling specs to subtle spells, swinging watches to wafting brews. Post anything and everything about controlling a mind. All ponies (mares and stallions, fillies and colts) are welcome and encouraged. Greens and other content only tangentially related will be better recieved in SPG or SiM depending. Good rule of thumb is if it doesn’t involve taking control of a pony’s mind, it probably goes somewhere else. (e.g. no slavery without mind control scenes, IRL self-hypnosis audio, or tupperware rp)

Thread archive https://ponepaste.org/9352
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Also who is hypnotized in this pic rainbow looks a bit weird so I am guessing her but who brainwashed her. Twilight, Anon, Celestia or someone else and why.

Sorry it’s seven am here and I am about to go to bed.
It’s aged up cozy glow
The pony who hypnotized rainbow dash is cozy glow or is rainbow dash cozy glow.
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>aged up
spotted the databyte brony

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Previous Thread: >>40871910

April Showers edition

Twilight's favourite books:

Fanfic Reading:

Twilight music playlist:


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I'm a maresexual.

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Not really a hot take. People just don't care about greentext stories anymore. People just aren't responding to greentext stores for random prompt threads on the catalog anymore. That makes me sad.
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I think it's honestly the cons fault. Plenty of us are nearing mid life crisis and we want to do bigger and better things than some quick and dirty green.
>the cons fault.
What cons?
I've never been interested in greentexts, except for short ones. My interest is lost after the fifth line.
You better continue that shit Anon! I love fun, simple, little stories like that!

Part of the reason I ended up quitting before is because I started with long story driven greens and couldn't figure out how to continue. Simple Greens that you can stop at any time are fun and good practice!
Fucking ADHD Zoomers ruin everything. ;P

what the fuck is this thing
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I’m confused. Which one is it?
A bee
That is Pinkie Pie
>finally open the portal to equestria
>instantly turned to gore by delta-p, every window in your house blows out explosively

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Hi there, ladies and gentlemen.
I recently started working on an update to a certain totally not /mlp/ related radio station.
Turns out, the new system can run more than a single stream. Figured why not have some fun.

I want (You)
>YES, (You)!
to become a radio DJ for the station! Only if you want, that is.

>What does that entail?
Upload some music to the server, add it to a playlist and have me schedule it to play.
You can also have live broadcasts if you want to have something podcast like or want to do live DJ mixing.
We can schedule those in. Maybe some bogus newscasts might be funny
>I don't want to be a DJ, faggot
Maybe help come up with a better name than /mlpfm/ or a logo or some shit if you want.
Or maybe discuss in here what you want to hear/see out of it.

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Sounds sexy, I can alternate between that and horse.radio because horse is 70% dogshit these days

Can we do ALL the pony zones? Also can we do tons of songs by well known board musicians like Vultraz and BGM?
sexy sexy swibble ears pierced unfa sex necklace sex cum sex bedroom eyes rapefuel
this actually sounds like a great idea so i'll give you some free advice: don't call yourself radioanon. that's a name others will give you, NEVER something you give yourself. otherwise you look like an offboarder. Don't call yourself that ever again.
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Working as intended, I see.
so I can make one of those DJ mix sets with pony songs, right?

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>Come Mareavar, friend or traitor come. Come and look upon the heart and Akulakhan. And bring a slice of cake, I have need of it.
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>he said posting the pony equivalent of Gaenor
Not conniving and duplicitous enough.

>Cadance is Almalexia
Almalexia is already the evil version of Cadence. Shiny is Her Hands?

If that glimmerfag's not a dunmer, he's just been incinerated.
So, who's Tiber Septim then?

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What did she mean by this?
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She scratches and bites the bed frame, pisses and shits then screams for food.
It means you need to keep a doggy bag on you at all times
Better yet: make her look like a mommy to be.
She wears lamb pjs

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How could this fandom turn these most innocent children's characters into bona-fide sex Gods?
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I mean, yes but no. There's an actual term for it.
Actual shame. Despite the unstoppable tide of progress we've seen, losing this feels like a lot of progress evaporated. I thought it was a legal thing.
i have no friends and no one cared about the projects i worked on except for a few companies that hired me to make them advertisements. so i just play videos games and jack off to horses i stead of making things anymore.
>hurr durr do it for yourself
yeah try making a game and no one plays it
I don't know

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Post your works, share patterns or some cool pics you have found.
Damn that pic brings back memories.
I started a tiny Derpy more than 10 years ago. Never finished it. Its like 50% complete. Making it tiny (~20cm) was a mistake, its just harder to handle.
Post a list of board mergers.
Hard mode: no /mlpol/ I miss it every day.

Previous Thread: >>40804894

Show Vinyl some love by posting cute pics, as well as greens.

Vinyl Pastebin Collection-http://pastebin.com/u/Two_Echo
A collection of Vinyl stories-https://ponepaste.org/user/TiredAsShit

Individual Vinyl Greens-

Wubs From Vinyl (Anon x Vinyl)
Fuck You (Anon x Vinyl)
Vinyl gets a ride from Anon

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Boob this and boob that; show Vinyl sticking her butt out. Preferably in some tight purple leggings.
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One of the best edits I ever requested.

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