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Why didn't Apple made the Lisa operating system open-source? They didn't even use their partially copyleft novelty license they use for their modern kernel.
Lisa is steve jobs daughter

psychotic, isn't it?
No. Michael Widenius named his two most prominent projects after his daughters.
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>Open source
That's hilarious.
Lisa OS was a dead end system. They even reamed the Mac OS in to keep the Lisa relevant.
Now why didn't they make Mac OS open source?
Fuck you that's why.

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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Cyborg 009 Edition

Meta AI released Llama 3 8B and 70B https://llama.meta.com/llama3
Claude Opus on Amazon Bedrock https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/anthropics-claude-3-opus-model-on-amazon-bedrock
OpenAI released the gpt-4-turbo as stable
Anthropic released the Claude 3 family https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-family

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information


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411 replies and 56 images omitted. Click here to view.
QRD on "see"?
>Do some stress test
>Create some evilMcmonster type character
>Start adding characters at random
>It starts getting into anime-tier territory, with characters saving each other, combining efforts and creating new asspull bullshit techniques, learning from their past mistakes
>They don't even break character after 100+ messages
I didn't know Llama3 was capable of such kino.
filling shotas with cum...

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How does it make you feel that every time you do something basic like
Rust actually has to do a heap allocation and copy the entire string just to add a null bite at the end because C screwed you over 60 years back with it's null terminated string nonsense and Unix kernel apis still demand it?
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You can't pass argv to file function on Windows because Microsoft fucked up encodings. You should get arguments from GetCommandLineW() and or start in non-standard
int wmain(int, wchar_t *argv[])

and only use *W functions.
cilators lmao
And you'd rather prefer exception based error handling?
>oh boy I sure hope this function doesn't unexpectedly blow up in my face cause I don't recursively search it for the exceptions it throws since C++ decided to backtrack Java style throw
Go back to your unserious Python scripts

Also enjoy your UB with
i hate rust but anyone complaining about its error handling is a retarded typelet
Mommy know her big girl can do better :)))

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/lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local language models.

Previous threads: >>100180197 & >>100173514

>(04/24) Snowflake Arctic Instruct 128x3B MoE released: https://hf.co/Snowflake/snowflake-arctic-instruct
>(04/23) Phi-3 Mini model released: https://hf.co/microsoft/Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct-onnx
>(04/21) Llama3 70B pruned to 42B parameters: https://hf.co/chargoddard/llama3-42b-v0
>(04/18) Llama3 8B, 70B pretrained and instruction-tuned models released: https://llama.meta.com/llama3/
>(04/17) Mixtral-8x22B-Instruct-v0.1 released: https://mistral.ai/news/mixtral-8x22b/

►News Archive: https://rentry.org/lmg-news-archive
►FAQ: https://wikia.schneedc.com
►Glossary: https://rentry.org/lmg-glossary
►Links: https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks

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Why on Earth are you doing a page 6 bake?
> transgender miku
kill yourself
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Just 20 years ago, cd/dvd-burners were standard in every desktop PC. You could buy music and movies, and make backups in full high quality. Every year, you hear about another company in the businesses of producing hard media shutting down. Nowadays it turns out if you buy your media on Apple, Amazon, other services, and your account gets terminated for some ToS violation, you don't actually own your media and you're just renting it because it's in the cloud (someone elses servers).

Will the practice of collecting and preserving media last well into the future as the technology to preserve it becomes less and less available and we lose privacy and ownership of our own computers?
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Yes you were, who says everybody ships stuff with restrictive licenses? Some softwares, like XZ or Xee are public domain. Burn them on DVD, there you go, it's yours.
this is a bot thread, and no. you do not need to own anything, including private property.
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I understand how copyright law works, I just choose to ignore it LOL
yes, and there are movies under public domain that no one gives two shits about. whoop de doo. apples and oranges.
>"uhmm ackshully no, I won't let this one count"
ok retard

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Guillotine fucking when?
internet is a graveyard.
200 years from now all of at least 50% content on the net is by dead people, but the big west and its big tech are shamefully trying to profile people and save their web history through shady techniques. if a person dies they would want their porn to be gone, they would ask a friend of theirs to "lay it [porn collection] to rest" so it's kinda like the first thing that happened with tensei slime isekai.
but the WEST is adamant on trying to store them into schizo NSA servers for whatever reasons, just everyones dickpicks or porn browsing history and habits, the fixation is weird, and wouldn't doubt they maybe into necrophilia or some shit also.
internet is a graveyard and none of these tech companies are respecting it.
it's a giant memorial or commemorative place that signifies the mark left by the previous, but instead they try to target the "archives" or they might devalue art works of the previous "because we have no incentive to provide free streams for these musical works, we might as well should delete it since there would be dispute on monetization" and that is a great disrespect towards the creators, wonder why it's increasingly harder to obtain a copy of copyright-expired stuff? they are gatekeeping information, and gatekeeping the legacy of humanity, they are suing "archive.org" just because well nothing. they just want immediate profit, we cannot deny that the internet is a graveyard, 100 years from now this post will be in the graveyard. average website lifespan is like 5 years for most independent ones, and now even search engines cucked their results to maim AI homebrewers. it's massive disrespect to the ancestral grounds, the Internet is a graveyard and the ones that ruin it will never be forgiven.
Is this why microsoft suddenly wants my phone number when I log into azure with my work account? They pretend it's necessary for security but being able to enter any kind of phone number to receive a confirmation code adds nothing to the MFA that is already in place with password + authenticator app.
Well they're not getting it.
Department of Commerce niggers are upset they got BTFO by Chainah hackers. KILL YOURSELVES, FEDS.
has nothing to do with it, you child raping, dog consuming chink. besides that, the united states and its allies have copies of the leaked citizen databases that were left on poorly secured servers (around 1.2 billion people in the databases). so yeah, good luck with that, xiang.

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>/g/ makes a 12th album
Theme: everything is single saw/square/sine osc with a simple filter
Title: Let me guess, you need more
Deadline: Midnight between April 30th and May 1st

Please post cover art and theme suggestions

Upload the file somewhere and post the link here. If you want to update your track, make a new post.

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I had to delete like 5 paragraphs on abstraction in art and communication barriers that spring to mind.
There are too many things to say but I hate being perceived.

anyway it's not fun and does not feel effortless (the (this) music)
I didn't really mean that last part but right now I am in a loud environment and can't yet give it a decent listen so I went with japes
I applaud your communion with the void
Well it made me laugh lol
Don't bother listening t b h it's just a random draft from one of my weakest genres, I already decided to dump it.
From first impression: tempo too fast, not enough microtiming autism. Thing is, making music sound better and snappier at slower tempo is a real instrument practice. The sequencer doesn't do it on its own.

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price is 500 USD


there is three traditional front fans that suck air straight from the front

but this is good for the airflow

you can see the motherboard and GPU from side panel window

measures: 496 x 215 x 500 mm, 8,6 kg
I/O: 2 x USB-C, 2 x USB-C 3.2
max GPU: 360 mm

that looks like a 120 euro case
looks very bad. thermaltake has nicer stuff for 100 they borrow design from better companies. but meshify is good choice from reputable company with great airflow. youu prob work for coolerm

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>net neutrality
no one cares, call me when they start breaking up telcos or microsoft/amazon etc again
reddit got bigger
free vuvuzela
It only exist on state-level and not all states passed it.

Now it's nationwide.
ISPs have no choice but to comply. that's the beauty of it.

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What feature could ebussy remove from your life?
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someone should open an issue and ask what's the use case of this
you have to admit that it's gotten progressively worse and degenerate
>create a pr for drap n' drop
>show use case
>say it anyway
I have wings, too! Don't you ever fucking forget that, you BITCH/
short nigga but my dick tall.

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Windows is a security disaster, & they are not moving towards changing. Compare that to Linux who has dominated the server & embedded devices market, among other things.

The userspace Linux desktop software stack is far better relative to the others. Security & privacy are such high priorities. It's really completly based & it's hard to even choose where to start in terms of explaining how good it is:

>Wayland for separating windows & keystrokes
>Firejail, Bubblewrap & seccomp-bpf for sandboxing/privilege separation
>AppArmor, SELinux, SMACK, YAMA, Tomoyo & Landlock for permission models
>Hardened kernel & compiler toolchains (most notably clang) for exploit mitigation & memory safety
>UEFI Secure Boot + dm-verity for a full verified boot
>Memory-safe languages like Hare are first-class citizens
>Smaller attack surface in the first place

...& because it is open source, there is much effort put into finding & fixing bugs, compared to Windows which is unauditable & does not respect your freedom!

Look at something like Windows where software versions are forced & totally superficial. You're expected not to compile, but to Google your way to a software's download page, & verifying the integrity of a binary is unheard of. Only a tiny subset of security fixes receiving CVEs are backported (check MITRE if you don't believe me), the deployment of even the legacy exploit mitigations from 2 decades ago is terrible. Microsoft is notorious for holding back exploits for the three-letter agencies. Is this what passes as secure? What a joke! LMAO! It is just not based in any kind of reality with any actual reasoning / thought behind it. Only the glownigger shills & the MadA*dan cult would have you believe this.

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Ever wonder why
these blatant troll
threads that violate
the only rule in the
sticky are never
deleted while the
mod is literally in
these threads all day
deleting posts?

Because the
apple nigger mód
is the OP posting
from his iphone.
He spends 20 hours

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The flatpak seccomp filter is obviously not supposed to be fine-grained, that's the job of the program developers who know what's best for their program. It just blocks features that would break flatpak and stuff that is blatantly unnecessary like dmesg which already should be unusable by unprivileged users via sysctl. It's analogous to @system-service in systemd (systemd.exec(5),
systemd-analyze syscall-filter @system-service
) though systemd actually uses a whitelist approach. Though it would be nice if it had some more configurability as most programs don't currently need io_uring but some might.
>Firefox needs ptrace for the crash reporter
Why is ptrace dangerous while everyone uses the yama LSM so you can only ptrace children by default and PID namespaces exist (outside of the fact that its another feature that might have bugs like io_uring)?
>You also have to be careful and deny permissions such as /home filesystem access, because it lets Flatpak apps override their own permissions by design (https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/issues/3637)
Not a bad thing IMO when permissions are made clear when you look at its page in flathub. You can and should look at the permissions and override it with flatseal if you have different permission requirements. If you don't want to use file portals which can be inconvenient for certain applications then configuring which directories you want ro/rw access to is ultimately a personal decision so its easier to have a default of $HOME or Downloads and tell the user that in the flathub page.
>X11/Pulseaudio sockets are also dangerous
This is fixed with Wayland and soon in PipeWire.
>This is fixed with Wayland and soon in PipeWire.
Technically true, but debatable in practice since Wayland is so gay and retarded that a lot of people just refuse to use it, despite the fact that almost none of them actually *want* to use Xorg. It's safe to assume that X11's insecure silliness will be a problem for years to come.
Ever wonder why
these blatant troll
threads that violate
the only rule in the
sticky are never
deleted while the
mod is literally in
these threads all day
deleting posts?

Because the
apple nigger mód
is the OP posting
from his iphone.
He spends 20 hours

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>manufactures and sells their own laptops, desktops, servers, and keyboards
>disables Intel's ME backdoor firmware
>leading the charge in innovating Linux and freeing it from the clutches of people and projects sabotaging and holding Linux back (you know who)
>doing it all in a programming language that fixes all of C/C++'s shortfalls and which stands to become the most dominant programming language of the future, Rust
>picking up where Ubuntu left off to make an OS consumer friendly enough to convince people to ditch Mac and Windows

Name another Linux distro doing more for the Linux community and regular consumers who aren't hardcore hackers. I'll wait.
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>unlike you wintoddlers and macfags, I have le CHOICE®. There is no central authority that can FORCE me to adopt a particular standard. That's the beauty of free and open sores.
>but also, Linux is being HELD BACK by one central authority that is forcing everyone to adopt a particular standard.
Pick one narrative please.
It's actually very funny that there are several groups who make tons of money attempting and failing to hold linux back
Can I make ME unusable by using an USB to ethernet adapter?
>manufactures and sells their own laptops, desktops, servers, and keyboards
They buy and resell shit with their own logo, which is not a bad thing, but nothing super special either.
>leading the charge in innovating Linux
How? Just by creating ANOTHER desktop environment? Like it or not, Fedora is the one that leads with open source solutions. Pop!_OS is Debian's fork's fork.
>picking up where Ubuntu left off to make an OS consumer friendly enough to convince people to ditch Mac and Windows
Show me the stats
Logo? I was thinking of the name.

What's the point of color e-ink if the screen is so dark that you need to keep the front light on all the time?
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go outside nigga
Boox has gotten fairly relevant in the past years.
It really depends on what you want to read and what other uses you have.
Kobo Clara BW is likely going to be a good entry level option.
uh no anon thats a book???
it's a photo of a book, silly
thanks, I didn't mention it ITT but I did end up ordering a Kobo Clara BW.

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The day free speech dies.
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Tiktok usa business is a much smaller operation than douyin in china. Bytedance's 80% of revenue comes from china e-commerce in douyin. It's why they will simply exit the american market that at most represents a 10% of their income.
i don't understand the jew conspiracies with this one. they've been campaigning for a tiktok ban since long before there was a vocal hatred of israel. It doesn't seem related at all.
>Saying hateful things about blacks never brings anything good
Because they're animals.
It's fair - foreign companies have to setup JVs in PRC. It has no financial impact on the US economy. It is a bit arbitrary, though, I guess that's what they get for smuggling drugs through Mexico and pretending like they're not doing it.
> chink spyware
> free speech

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How does NASA feel now that they're about to get beaten by China with taking samples from Mars?
Where's the NASA that had 3 people landing on the moon?
It's over.
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Your country is a meme John, the chinese don't need to lie to make you sound incompetent. Your strongest candidate right now for space is a crazy narcissist billionare
unless it's about cooking dogs and selling your own childern to western pedophiles in exchange for cash then threads like this are way out your league, commie pedo.
>selling your own childern to western pedophiles in exchange for cash
you're confusing china with thailand for some reason
you really wish i was but you know the truth, xiang lee pedo. i have NEVER seen such a detestable race of subhumans before that sell their own children like the chinese. if they aren't selling them they kill them or abandon them on the streets.
you just said it was the westerners who were the pedophiles buying the kids, can you please make up your mind

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