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AEW needs to dumb down a bit. The mainstream audience isn't smart enough to follow what's going on.
Interesting point of view, though I must say that I agree completely.
You should be gassed
Out of every opinion I've ever heard this is definitely one of them.
This is what destroyed WWE. Don't treat your audience like idiots and stop with 5 seconds camera cuts, it will attract the lowest common denominator and makes wrestling uncool
People don't like want to be treated like they are fools.
um... *shuffles papers*
Who? Mainstream audience? E-drones?

They're not even smart enough to stop watching a company that hasn't been good in 20 years.
I'm sorry anon. I've been up for over 24 hours.

People don't like being treated like they are fools.
According to these quarter hours the demo does in fact want to be treated like the drooling simps they are
They will learn. Or not.
Out of all the possibilities I will say those are two
Normies don’t spend enough money on XXL t shirts. Wrestling and corporations as a whole have decided they are better off targeting micro groups of hyper consumers, and you don’t get more of a hyper consumer than the obese and childless. Why do you think there is such a big push for the single women, and le gays by big business? Because they are the easiest to part with their disposable income.
The forbidden door is now opened.
I don't think AEW should change very much of what they are doing just to try and pull in brain dead people who don't give a shit about wrestling one way or the other.

It's like how comics/video games/DnD etc are appealing to "those" people. Those people will never buy a comic, the video game, or play a DnD campaign so why even bother?
So which are you anon? Obese or childless?
It's funny you bring up D&D. I just read they're being celebrated for releasing their first-ever wheelchair accessible dungeon. I shot you not and I wish I was exaggerating for effect.
>2XL is obese

kek what a scrawny manlet
I know right? I doubt any DnD player who is wheel-chair bound by a cruel twist of life, wants to fucking roleplay a character that is bound in a wheel chair. No.

They want to be a giant goliath barbarian who rips people apart and takes no shit. They wanna be a beautiful elf paladin who saves the needy and helps the poor. They want to be a swift and trickfilled Tabaxi monk or some shit.
It's for the chemically imbalanced blue hairs who want to be able to feel oppressed but are so grossly over-privileged in real life that they have to invent fantasy microaggressions
>The mainstream audience isn't smart enough to follow what's going on.
No it's just that they don't care.
Indeed. Look at female characters in video games.

"Oh no! Tabitha flashed her big fucking ass for no other reason than to have a little sex appeal! Reeee!"

Oh yeah? That's bad eh? Why don't you focus on Malika in Iran whose going to get her ass kicked around the house for not wearing her bee keeper suit.
This has to be a work nigga. Tell me this is a work.
and don't forget about penis envy, that's not just a funny joke that has somehow been recognized for thousands of years all over the world.
It still makes me laugh that that cyberpunk video game people have been waiting decades for and was supposed to help usher in a new progressive world had stuff like choosing your dick size like it matters to anyone in the world besides the person taking the dick.
Childless. But I was a normie until I got a brain injury, so I’ve at least had lots of sex.
I hope it's a work too. OP better not be shooting!

I was going to get Cyberpunk and then I saw gameplay after it was released and.. no.
It's not about being smart it's about not being interesting enough to watch every segment in detail and every BTE inside joke and every tweet feud.
Bruh, don't you know AEW is one of the most sophisticated shows on TV?
Huh what do you mean
Choose one.
But yeah a couple of video packages explaining or showing some stuff would be based. I guess they don't have enough time for that
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yeah i agree with you on that
nobody with any amount of intelligence watches wrestling anyway. exception being autists looking for escapist entertainment
This honestly
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand All Elite Wrestling. The melodrama is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of interpretive dance most of the performances will go over a typical viewer's head. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these gimmicks, to realize that they're not just entertaining- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike All Elite Wrestling truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in the existencial catchphrase "A Little Bit of the Bubbly," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Tony Khan's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them.

And yes by the way, I DO have an AEW tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
>the NJPW deal is going to be the Plebb filter
But it's already near WWE-tier dumbed down as is
No they do not. Treating their audience like windowlickers is part of why people don't watch WWE anymore.
Yeah, those shindie 100000000000 flips per 2 seconds are too high IQ
Just hire vince russo, bro.
yet WWE gets 10x the views of AEW
>dumb smark thinks he's actually smart
A tale as old as time itself. More like casual TV watchers are not dumb enough to watch AEW

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