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"consent or I beat the shit out of you" isn't consent fucking retard
The fuck do you mean? Agreed means agreed. It is only illegal if threaten under violence.
>or I beat the shit out of you
Clearly that is not what happened because the employee actually gave an interview and didn't say they threatened her with violence.
do you think scammers are legally not liable if you agree to give them your bank information

you literally are retarded and don't understand the law or language

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Is he the Bowie of our time? In that he only follows trends instead of shaping them?

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old >>121806312
faq https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
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literally who, although they look guaranteed to be shit either way
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this sounds like a Swede redneck vesion of Unsane and Im okay with that
Wait...is that her?
Their first one was better, this one had some cool moments but it meandered despite all the melodies in it. Also, Kenny from Vothana did guest vocals on one track in the first album.
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Lenin was not qualified to steer Russia in any direction other than off a cliff.

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What if Tiny Tim had lived, so Nardwuar could've interviewed him? would their strong personalities clash? would they cancel out each other's weirdness? what do you guys think?
He was still alive when Nard started interviewing. Why didn’t he?

>kurt was wearing 3 pairs of pants when he died
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No, he killed himself of a broken heart
He literally offed himself over Courtney who at the same time was threatening with divorce if he didn't quit heroin, the only thing he enjoyed in life, and she seemed to hint in an interview she was fucking Corgan

That just broke poor Kurt who was already in a shabby state from touring, losing his voice and overall existential celebrity exhaustion
He was much more fragile than he let people guess

He probably had a plan to exit life earlier, but the pressures of too fast celebrity and a toxic relationship just sped things up
>heroin addict deserved pity
literally the most saddest human bean on earf!!
The guy who found him said something like you couldn't really tell he was dead by looking at him, he just looked asleep, so it either wasn't that messy or he was laying in a way that hid it.
I've heard conflicting stories on this. Some said the vigil that was set up before the cremation was done with a closed casket because there was no recognisable head.

And the press quoted the electrician who found him saying he thought he was asleep. Could be either true or Courtney paid him to say that. After all, it wasn't a legal statement so he risked nothing. You don't know what he said for the police record.

It's the other way around, he became a junkie because there was no other way for him to numb the pain.
On the other hand, Kris did imply once that Kurt was a bit self-indulgent. Like they went to a McDonalds when they were poor, Kris got a big mac and Kurt got an icecream. Then Kris said: no wonder you have stomach problems. And Kurt gave him a dead stare, like give me a break, are you lecturing me.
>I’ve heard that his house at the time was basically a crack den.
Kurt bought that house in like January 94 and barely lived in it, it might have been.

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Fred Durst married an 18 year old.
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Not everyone makes it in their teenage years like the weird media myth says.
>they still do among the immigrants you love
These pearl clutching weirdos never have an answer for this.
Your utter shit-taste in women left him disgusted. Either that or what >>121825046 said. Nonetheless, you should try to get your friend to suck your dick.
Your buddy is either extremely retarded, extremely gay (for you), or extremely racist against Latinos.
Wayne Static was 34 when Wisconsin Death Trip was released in 1999.

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I want to get back behind the kit. Used to play on acoustic but have to buy electronic for practical reasons. I have heard Roland is the way, and I am considering buying a TD17 KVX2. But since I don't know much about ekits and cannot go into a shop any time soon, I'd like to know if you guys have other brands to recommend.
I have an intermediate level and mostly play metal
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I personally don't know anything about e-drums but good on you for taking the plunge. As a metal guitarist who mostly records analog I say it's pure pleasure fiddling with digital equipment. I mean it's pain, but there's the utmost pleasure in this specific kind of pain.
https://vocaroo.com/1IJk5XiKFwIZ collab bro? Detroit area.
what are you hoping to make out of this
I bought a TD17 over COVID.

It's a great kit for apartments, especially if you build a riser to eat any pedal noise. But I could never get the Hihat calibrated right: Analog will always have more nuance.

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Total Gibson™ supremacy edition
This thread is better, I think I'll bump it instead of Chang's thread.

>16 years
>still the best city song ever made
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there was this california song and i think it sounds better
this is a better new york song than that cringe and its not even about new york
forgot how amazing this song was
not even close to empire state of mind

>psychic tv
>throbbing gristle
What the fuck was happening in industrial music and how it spawned such disgusting degenerate bands ?
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all gay couples have at least one ephebophile since age gaps (father/son figure parody) are very common for them
His reason for trooning is way more respectable than those retards who want to be “real” women
It's nonce music m8 I dunno what you expected.
How do you know? It's a fucking anonymous imageboard.
He took too much ketamine and dissociated too hard. Same as the Watchowski's.
It's really not much better.

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Fall cover band
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>*makes billy seethe*
The main influence of pavement until S&E was The Fall (now, if we talk about ripoffs there are like 3 or 4 songs.). After that there's a decrease of that influence with the exception of the vocals: Malkmus style of singing is heavily influenced by Mark E Smith.
Some quotes:
-Even so, Pavement’s wholesale reappropriation of Smith’s consonant-ridden jargon still seemed a little brazen. Wasn’t Slanted and Enchanted’s Our Singer just an exact rewrite of the Fall’s Hip Priest? “Yeah it was,” Stephen Malkmus, Pavement’s wiry, bookish singer and guitarist admits, “but there were other songs too. Conduit for Sale was New Face in Hell. Jackals, False Grails; The Lonesome Era was The Classical. It didn’t worry me at the time. I don’t know what I was thinking,” he muses idly, as if he’d never considered the subject before. “We don’t sound like them any more.”
-This one is very related to "Hip Priest" by the Fall. We were running out of time recording the album, and I was like, "I got this last one. I'm not even going to bother teaching it or doing any over-dubs, just get in here and play a waltz beat." Just some frustrated California 22-year-old. It has a certain directness and freshness that makes it a nice closing for the album.
-There's another song on Slanted and Enchanted called "Conduit for Sale!" that's very similar to "New Face in Hell" by the Fall. There's a song called "Fame Throwa" that's very Fall, especially the chorus. And "I've got one holy life to live" [a.k.a. "Jackals, False Grails: The Lonesome Era"] is "The Classical" done differently.
Walls of text have no effect on the Chad Malkmus
That’s like calling The Fall a “Can cover band” because they borrowed liberally from krautrock and have a song called ‘I Am Damo Suzuki’…. asinine and pants-on-head retarded.
What a set of geeks.

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Steve Albino edition
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suck my dick and balls janny



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>i kept the chink seething the entire night
I win.
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see what i mean?

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Welp, so Israel made it to the finals...

Great, so once again the neighborhood I'm in will be surrounded by the police, mass of people seething and a helicopter above me chirping in my ears...

I hope Finland or the Netherlands is gonna win
Neverlands' was fucking gay, even by eurovision s
You are gay
kom till lund, bögjävel

How do we deal with homophobia problem in metal community?
I run a few groups on reddit and twitter that help make metal more inclusive but some of my friends are still afraid to go to metal concerts
What advice would you give us?
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>How do we deal with homophobia problem in metal community?
posts photo from 40 years ago
He's a bitch for backing down after wearing it so proudly. Also, dude is a mental case. Skid Row is making peanuts without him and still refuse to reunite. In spite of the fact that even Axl and GNR reunited.
He didn't even do that though?
But is he a same level nutcase as pic related?
Imagine being afraid of nerds.

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Where were you and what was your reaction when Kesha dropped the dollar sign from her name?
1. In your moms room
2. A tearful ejaculation
But the party don't stop no oh-oh-oooohhhh
the call
she took it

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