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How come Nu-metal sounds better now in my 30s than it did when I was in my teenage years?
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>now it sounds like mozart compared to the last 10-15 years of mainstream music
True but it still is a piece of shit
>it sounds like mozart
it's not THAT bad, the first Korn album is decent
btw I'm pretty sure the supposed "nu metal revival" is literally just people like OP, zoomers only like Deftones and not because of their nu metal stuff
most "death metal" bands are just thrash with hoarse vocals

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A racist billboard of rapper Spotemgottem was seen in Michigan with the message “go back to africa”
Need it or keep it?
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I honestly think it's this.
I doubt a single white person knows who he is
/mu/sisters, the /pol/troons are shitting up IRL just like they're shitting up this board
we need to pass more laws
Spottem Gottem and Pooh Shiesty linking up was like 9/11 for my generation. Everyone my age knows where they were when they first heard. Me? I was in an AirBnB in Boca Raton
I waded through blood and bones that day
Same, I was looking for the infamous spot they linked up, apparently it was in northern canada.

stfu my n word

Verification not required.

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couple of really cool songs balanced out with some other bullshit songs
There's no bullshit in this. listen harder
The invention of shoegaze as a genre was a mistake, because this is really the only album you could call shoegaze. It should have just been a one off cult album that people called the shoegaze thing instead of using it as a genre across thousands of bands.
kinda true
retard newfag
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the only bullcrap song on here is "Touched," which is why you're supposed to skip it.

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What do they listen to?

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i miss lia's feet on my face
could it be a tzuyu's delicious fat ass thread next?
What's the point of all that
I want to make it in life. I'm working so hard, God please help me

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So I found picrel (Rebore Vol. 3) in the record store recently and figured I'd check it out having listened to Vision Creation Newsun a couple times. Now, I like VCN and I recall listening to a bit of Super AE and liking it as well; I've long been interested in Boredoms and I would like to know where I should start if I were to really explore their discography. Should I go chronologically? Revisit VCN and Super AE first? I understand they have the "Super Roots" series - are any of those worthwhile? I'd appreciate some recommendations and maybe even some similar artists!
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>sadistic mika band

Japanese thing :O
Yoshimi’s band OOIOO is pretty good. Their record Gold and Green is great.
That's Noise Rock in general, though.
yeah Gauze is another one of my favorites, the rest i never heard them, i gonna check it out.

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Toolbros....you are literally diapershitter retards. It's not a meme anymore LOL
>diapy at the festy
It’s real bros…
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>There's a diapy just beside me
>Catching every shit I take
>Making every boom boom happy
>Pointing every finger in me
>Seeping like a stick of butter
>Who upon the finger rests
>Mud slides down into my huggies
>Just because the son has come
Fuck off Maynard
finally something that made me laugh again.

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Stay in your containment thread, fucking loser.

frigid looking bitch
>>>/s/, simp
>Taylor Swift looked her hottest & sexiest when she was in the prime years of her life


Halo < Mercy Killing < Silent Spinner < Colourfast
Driver > Louder Than Words > Come Alive > Nothing For Free
Oops I put the crocodiles the wrong way around. Halo is the best.

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If there's nightcore likers in here, please tell me your fsvorite nightcore song. i'm very curious!!!!
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false dichotomy

Tell me what the difference is apart from >thing, anime

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The best, the second best and the third best drummer of the Beatles. And RIngo Starr.
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Pft. Try again nerd. I took this photo by hand.
You must be 80 or 90 years old
But I don't look a day over 45.
Chadruffi with another Chadly take. Ringo was the best player in the band, he just wasn't showy. He wasn't Neil Peart but Peart wouldn't have been as good for the Beatles as Ringo was. He was the one who made me realize that the drummer is the most important member of a rock band, he's laying back but absolutely carrying them on so many songs (his parts are really well recorded and mixed too, this is another underappreciated strenxs4grgth of the Beatles catalog).
Lennon is a retarded pleb for saying that. They could never come up with half as many tasty lines as Ringo

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Could someone recommend a high-quality song about the futility and meaninglessness of empty talk, regrets about the past, dissatisfaction with the present and the uncertainty of the future? I like jazz and dark cabaret, but in general, as long as the song is not a tiktok parody instead of a song, I am not against any genre. I especially like songs that sound positive when in fact they are an ode to something incredibly sad and sorrowful.

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this sounds like yeji baker
wonhee chola is cannon
>Min Hee Jin claims BTS, TWS, the movie Top Gun 2 and RIIZE copied her Concepts
it's a tranny from twitter that dude keeps spamming
there is speech to text nowadays... just press the little microphone

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ITT: Your 30 (or above) favorite albums/releases of the 2010s
Be completely honest, no over-thought objectivity
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>30 albums
>of the 2010s
I can barely name one.
You don’t belong on this board then.
I missed the part where this was called /numu/
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No, no, no.
Blackstar is a 4/10.

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