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>Every lyric is basically a suicide note or a cry for help
>Band members are genuinely surprised when Ian commits sudoku
you expect me to believe this?
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Guitarist goes missing the day before he was supposed to go to America for their promotional tour
were they tho?
Missing, never to be seen again. Now assumed (and legally) dead.
I'm pretty sure it's the dream of getting millions for sitting in a studio making music, getting wasted, spending your summers touring the world, being hero worshipped, getting to meet/hang out with your musical heroes, collaborating with other artists, being paid 50 grand a night for 90 minutes' work and achieving professional and financial security by your 30s that tends to appeal more, anon... assuming the musicians are chads who were already mopping up puss as teenagers themselves and not nerdy losers seeking revenge for all those afternoons spent having their lunch money stolen or their heads flushed down the toilet at school
he jumped off that bridge

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>haven't been on mu since 2016
>barely any discussion on new artists
>there's a /wpop/ now
>hip hop isn't music now
guess I haven't missed much
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get back to /pol/ you tourist
leave while you can
And what is music, anon?

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So what are the good Elton John albums
honky chateau
goodbye yellow brick road
>goodbye yellow brick road


>I wonder if those changes
>Have left a scar on you
>Like all the burning hoops of fire
>That you and I passed through
tumbleweed connection
Good Bye Yellow Brick Road
Captain Fantastic
All great albums
blue moves

It can do everything, weird, obscure sound design and arrangements, decent melodies and chord progressions… it's still muzak, and i'm not sure i would ever integrate it into my workflow (as a sample generator for example), but it's getting dangerously close.
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they must think they can finally cash in on all this data they hosted for decades. all the big tech platforms will try to make shekels by generating their own slop, the era of artists is over it will now be brands. the government can even get involved, and then you get KPOP.
Yup, it's all just yet another plan for corporate scum to monetize every single aspect of human life and turn ordinary people into their slaves. They want you to be completely reliant on them to do anything. Their ideal future is one where the next generations have 0 skills and 0 talents, so they all have to pay for "AI" subscriptions to be able to do anything.

People on 4chan who spam about how "AI IS LE HECKIN BASED" are just playing the role of useful idiots for the richest and most evil individuals in the world.
>People on 4chan who spam about how "AI IS LE HECKIN BASED" are just playing the role of useful idiots for the richest and most evil individuals in the world.
prompt retards be like
They're either literal paid shills/bots (Yes I fully believe the likes of MS/Google astroturf platforms like 4chan and Reddit to promote their products), or politics-brained retards.

In the case of the latter, when "AI" art blew up in late 2022 they just saw a few viral posts on Twitter where people who happened to be of a left-wing persuasion opposed AI, and instantly concluded "literally everyone who hates AI is a leftist tranny, so AI is good!"

In an alternate universe, maybe leftists would have supported AI on the grounds that "it's democratizing art and allowing trans BIPOC queerfolx to create!", and then 4chan would have been anti-AI.
>In an alternate universe, maybe leftists would have supported AI on the grounds that "it's democratizing art and allowing trans BIPOC queerfolx to create!
don't worry, this can still happen by the switch of a button with their software update.

the only good use of AI i know is offensive memes to further alienate normies from the slop machine

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What differentiates 60s and 70s folk singer/songwriters?
Lyrical prowess. Confessional without oversharing.
Maj 7th chords

Also Loudon Wainwright III is the fucking man. Guy's a comedian that accidentally makes excellent folk music.

>this made milennials piss and shitcum their pants
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I didn't like My Chemical Romance, I liked Burnout 3
love The Used
The Used is a sleeper hit, I love hottopiccore in general but The Used have really grown on me of late
They're perfectly competent, as we get further away from the cultural moment people will find the songs they like and ignore the rest, and the true diehards will always love their shit. They're not horrible, and they were great showmen, so they'll age better than most of the shit from that era. It's inevitable.

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Your most satisfying click.
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Shut up you probably listen to the fall and cover yourself in incel cream
I only like Summer Babe
The best tracks on that is Perfume-V and Zurich is Stained.
Probably this one. I remember I used to watch the video of "Heaven or Las Vegas" and could not fathom why they were considered a great band. It is one of my favorite albums now.
like vu and sy: like a master and a disciple
so, its pointless trying to make some kind of rivalry.

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i miss the era, but not the music. saw Tuneyards at a festival for a second and immediately went to another stage
Absolutely I miss those days, dude. This is some serious hipster slop with the face paint, tribal drumming, looping pedals - definitely of its era.

I always thought her vocals were truly exceptional on record, though. If her music was less quirky, she probably could have had staying power.

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Hilarious every time you tasteless faggots do this. All of those songs prove me right.
>Turn 18 before you post again
On the contrary, I've been hearing about the 'genius' of Pink for 20 years, and yet all his music is mediocre, forgettable shit. There's not a single song of his that has a "sticky" melody or any "humanity" beyond how dull people can be.
Start appreciating Ariel from the same perspective you appreciate Ween by and it'll make sense
I mean, I'm a big fan of Pat's and I've actually been to Red Gate in Vancouver dozens of times... the vocals are definitely bad at times there.

But the guitar playing is very good. They're cool songs.
I mean, if you are familiar with the Flegel brothers and the history of the band Women, you'd know that he's always been an almost cartoonishly 'outsider' character.

To me, the music is not trumpeting trans acceptance from on high. It's much more the sad, lonely reality of it all... getting older, twink death, STIs, etc. Kind of like Antony and Johnsons back in the day - they helped you understand how sad shit can be when half the world looks at your existence with disgust.

It's literally Twink Death the Musical as fas I'm concerned, and it's a fantastic record.
favorite songs on the album? for me it's dreams of you and and if you hear me crying

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same desu
drink... what?
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all of you

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i fucking love rei
>cute gitls shaking their butt
that's not why we like kpop
without MHJ, NewJeans will be pole dancing in leather straps to jungle drum and bass before autumn.
HYBE can't do cute, shy-to-brave, and charming.
HYBE can only do whore, terrified-to-submissive, and sassy.
I'm sorry

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Does anyone know the instrument used to produce the low droning sound in 'The Beast'?
>no youtube link

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Who the fuck is Rock?
A comic book character
Rock is dead.
Pete Townsend said so.
A Sergeant, obviously.

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What is the best music reviewing site?
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None of them, the opinions of random internet users are next to useless now that it's accessible to everyone through a smartphone.
unironically RYM, but only on albums from before 2015. the older the review, the better.
My own opinion inside my own head

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I'm an emo gate-opener. My Chemical Romance? Emo. Panic! At The Disco? Emo. Hellogoodbye? You bet that's emo. Hey, ILY? Absolutely emo. Nine Inch Nails? Right in my emo playlist. The only bands I consider not emo are Sunny Day Real Estate and Mineral.
wow man you are such a gigachad.
Mineralfag detected

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