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Just finished Kino No Tabi + 3 OVAs. What did you think? I honestly loved everything about it, it's a flawless package in my book
I've yet to see the 2017 version, I will do so soon. I don't have big expectations from what I've seen, the CGI looks awful from small snippet I've seen, but that's okay, I still have the original which I will adore forever, nothing can ruin that.
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Trips of unfortunate truth.
I would think Kuroboshi's three art books (noir, rouge, blanc) and "The Beautiful World" would have most of them. I know someone has at least scanned and uploaded most of those art books. Not sure about Blanc though
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megane kino should've been canon
kino lost her hymen to the rough road conditions
The journey is not over yet.

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Is Itachi the worst written anime character of all time?
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>doesn't prevent obito from manipulating his brother.
implants amaterasu on sasuke to react on obito and madara.
>aids the faction trying to destroy konoha
he destroyed that faction completely
>learns obito is trying to destroy konoha.
obito manipulates the uchihas,he use obito to destroy the uchihas.
>loves his family
the family was trying to destroy konoha and agreed to die at his hands.
is well written you just try to go with some shitty stuff that you got from youtube.
Live a long life, Naruchad.
>implants a jobber jutsu, didnt even bother with susano
>he did not destroy anyone in that faction
>does not justify anything
Ok but why didn't he tell the village he was loyal to about Madara leading the Akatsuki when he had a direct association with him? What was the point of him working for the Akatsuki? He only aided the plans of someone seeking to destroy global order.
I dont think he knew it was Madara?

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After the regular chapter, here comes the Mafia chapter. Dumping the raws now.
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I wonder what AU Shiida is like? We got a tease of her this chapter.
I'm gonna bet she's responsible for orphaning Iruma in this continuity and so she feels really bad about that which is why she wants to help Iruma despite being in an enemy faction. Assuming of course Iruma's parents aren't still just bastards who abandoned him.
I think like with main series Iruma I just think Iruma's parents are just as shit as the main series ones.
What if the twist is just that Shiida is just a completely different person with no emotional attachment to Iruma this time. Sort of a meta twist.
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Rip to the boys. F
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oh and in case someone missed it, author's working on a redo of their comiket oneshot that will be released sometime in the next decade

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Nagai and Okada movie soon, I'm not expecting a promare level hit but I hope it generates some sort of buzz. It's giving high card expectations in a way where it seems like a lot of thought has been put into it but it ends up not capturing a lot of people due to 801 plot complications. Or it could just be awful.
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Not everyone can be as good as Boichi.
Explains why this manga is trash desu
Late response (and idk why we're talking about this itt) but I love Oniisama e and it does have plenty of yuri. FeMC goes on a date with the dramatic butch and the ojou gets jealous of them for christsake.
Most shounenshit has mediocre guys. It's just that they're memory-holed to the point that many think otherwise.
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Cute little whore.
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I fucking hate Sara.
I want more Yuna
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Me too.
Yeah fuck Sara

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A bit heavy on Evangelion, down to the mascot.
Not a bad taste, but maybe a bit monotone?
And I have no idea who that seiyuu is supposed to be.

Distinguished taste, very monogatari though.
Katanagatari stands out, quite nice.
But if you're DARING
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DRRR had noice songs with noice visuals.
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>cat murderer
>favorite anything
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A boy interested in cross-dressing
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>back in the day
the kid's like 8-10 years old
Did the boy wear a skirt this episode? If they just forget about it and never show it again I might be able to overlook it, but fuck this regardless.
OP posted it already.
Oh I thought that was from last episode. RIP
'our chud' is the dad

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You did not forget Konoha's show right?
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It really blew my mind that konoha would have been like 8 when madoka aired
This anime made me feel ancient like nothing else
It gives me hope that a cute virginal girl who's >10 years younger than me will fall in love with me
I remember it being pretty awful but it was funny that they poked fun at westerners trying to ruin anime and games.
I just want more of the manga.
The manga ended around when the anime finished. Konoha guest starred in the final chapter.
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Only if they kept Konoha and the initial time-travel plot, since she's the best thing to come out of this series.
AL's wild ride might have made it notorious and was fun for what it was, but I wish it had just been a story about Konoha making games while having fun slice-of-life hijinks with the other cast members for a couple of years.

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Pase usted a la gran era pirateria del nuevo mundo, los habitantes aca son asesinos, espías, terroristas, cazarrecompensas y los desechos del bajo mundo, todo reunido en un mismo solo lugar.

Y por sobretodo, MAIDS
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Rock should rape Fabiola
Stinky Roberta
Revy sex
“When reasonable,” anon. Capoeria‘s non-lethal, so is trying to talk the guys in to running away.
And you seriously trying to say Fabi shooting up the place while defending herself is even remotely comparable to the thugs attacking her driving up with some giant machine gun and leveling the first floor? Get fucking real.
Thanks for the dump, like always, OP.

What's with the recent trend of lolis wearing last century boys' swimsuits in anime?
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It's still weird that it happened twice.
Watch more anime.
>anon, you got me all wet now
Why does /a/ see children as onaholes?
Why don't you?

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Kanna the strongest
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>I thought both lucoa lucoa and petla were appearing in the tournament
I just reread the chapter. Lucoa will be a spectator, watching Petla.
>what rescue team
Elma, Azad, Ilulu and Kanna (so far)
Man, that's one puffy cunny.
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I hope you had a nice Golden Week.

Shibuya Near Family chapter 94: Ikko wants to lie about being tired

>Clockwise from left: Sleep, Wake up, Gaming, Anime, Nap, Gaming, Web surfing, Shopping, Bath, Gaming

>If you don't get serious about this,
>you'll never be able to portray a first-rate "physically exhausted child"!
This seems to be referencing a common misinterpretation of the slogan of a Japanese energy drink called Lipovitan D, which translates to something like "A nutritional supplement for moments of physical exhaustion". The phrase "moments of physical exhaustion" is misheard as a homophonous phrase "physically exhausted children".

>You should follow the example schedule...
>To the letter!
>Bottles: Libovitan D

>My, you have friends over?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Thank you for posting.
Until next week, then.
See you, anon.
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Sorry anon, but Kumeta's taking a break next week

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Chapter 86

Time to start volume 8. Last time, Shima and Hoshi went to New York to try sign Nancy Allen, the 14-year-old Japanese-American prodigy, to Sunlight. But problems arose when Seha, now set up at Solar Music, threw out more money than Sunlight could offer. Things looked bleak until Shima met Nancy's mother: Irene, his lover from his time in New York back in the 1980s. Nancy, it turned out, Shima's illegitimate child. She agreed to let Nancy sign with Sunlight and go to Japan but only under the condition that Shima not tell Nancy that he was her father.

Things proceeded mostly smoothly as things got set up for Nancy's debut. She was given a cat theme and the stage name of Nyacco but trouble arose when Seha decided to sabotage things. First, he hired someone to stalk Nancy and pretend to be her father to mess with her mentally, then rebranded one of Solar's pre-debut singers with a cat theme so that it would seem like Sunlight was copying them. But the issue was solved thanks to Chizuru and her family's men... something that pissed off Shima. But while Shima prepared for Nancy's debut, Chizuru did some digging and figured out herself that Nancy was Shima's kid.
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thanks op
Probably a bit but I think she's more just offended by being told that her value was her father. She's also only like 21 and this is her first real job.
>you have to fuck Shima's daughter to seal a business deal
It's not that hard to understand. Even if she knows that it was more complicated, on some level she must see that guy as the reason her parents got divorced and the reason why her childhood sucked.
Given what happens later in the chapter, she's going to learn why Shima's impersonal style is the lesser evil.

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New episode today. It's highspeedin' time
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This show runs on pure character design and voice acting.
Why couldn't they do better with the announcers.
>This show runs on pure character design and voice acting.
also humor
I love Towa so much
horie yui ohogoe
I don't know. The only geniunly good gags(?) were when the AI told them they had no strong points and when Kingu was playing with his son. All of it is very predictable and heightened by delivery.

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