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I recently discovered that during the early 20th century, a German strongman called Max Sick devised a type of training called Muscle Control, in which you are meant to learn to control each muscle in your body individually for the purpose of being the strongest in the most efficient way possible.
Point is that by having your muscles be by default loose and selectively activating only the muscles you need to for a given movement, you can both train muscles in isolation better and more efficiently execute compound movements and lifts. After looking it up for a bit it reminds me a lot of traditional Asian "internal" martial arts like Qi Gong or Tai Chi. Apparently, some successful strongmen, Olympic weightlifters and powerlifters have used this precise type of training to improve their performance.
Could this type of training be useful as a compliment to martial arts training and performance? For example, relaxing your bicep and back completely when throwing a cross and precisely activating the muscles necessary in the right order to deliver the strike with the most speed, power and the least energy expenditure.
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I didn't mention Muscle Control one time. I was talking about isometrics and the whimsical fantasy some people will try to sell you with them by saying how you can develop physical strength and maximum power output the same, if not, better than conventional resistance training.

Next time, read through the entire argument before coming to a conclusion.
Ok dyel.
Post body.
Then why did you bring up isometrics being pointless nigga.
Also isometrics can literally enhance your short term strength powerlifters sometimes push on a fixed bar before benching to increase their output.
>Also isometrics can literally enhance your short term strength powerlifters sometimes push on a fixed bar before benching to increase their output.
That's retarded and I reject that completely.

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/xs/! What is best in life?
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Shit up, nerd
Nearly off the board with almost a month with no reply & your faggot ass basically necros this shit. Kys.
This thread will never die and there’s nothing you can do about it
He Is Risen

To the top of the catalog
420 blaze it

Is his career over?
I don't see him having another fight unless he somehow starts running out of money
Though if you consider the amount he probably blows on booze, coke and whores, who knows, it might just happen
No, he runs two very successful distilleries.

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I'm a long distance runner. I've got a 41 minute 10k. What martial art will this come in the most handy for?
Long distance sprinting
The best martial art
Joking aside, it's hard to pin down what you'll be good at
Martial arts rely on both slow and fast muscle fibres so stuff that requires a lot of fast twitch muscles like rolling or drills, even in anything would be a little tiring to you despite your stamina.

Go to your closest MMA gym and try stuff for a month and pick whichever feels the most fun
Good cardio for 45 minute NJPW bangers in the tokyo dome
Boxing definitely, somewhat wrestling in a distant second. More likely to be employed for weekend long tournament stamina though, not typically applied to what anyone here wants.
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Parkour, the French martial art of running away.

So I was rolling with a new white belt female today and she didnt tap to rnc so I choked her out and she pissed herself. She came to and started crying

Then the instructor told me to go home for the day. This was a few hours ago. Idk what to say?

Did I do anything wrong?
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I have never seen someone piss themselves after getting choked out. I know before he died gene lebell used to do a prank where after choking someone out he’d throw some water on their pants, but I’ve never actually seen or heard of someone in real life pissing or shidding themselves after being choked unconscious.
Anon first of all with a white belt girl always go smooth, and if you catch a submission and you see your opponent don't tap, just catch and release, try something else, it will help you your gamplan
Once I was close to passing out after a guillotine and almost I pee myself, I recovered just in time
Well, you took someone who's never been choked before and didn't know they should tap, put them to sleep and put them in one of the most embarrassing situations for an adult to be in, guaranteeing that they won't return and will recommend discourage anyone they know from going to this gym
Yes, you are a retard
Based women killer
Yes, you should have carried on until she shat herself too.

My mma gym doesn't have any AC. The temperatures rise up to 40°C while we're training in the summer.
Is there a benefit to training in this heat or am I just gonna get tired early?
the data suggests will be cardiovascular performance adaptations because of the heat such as increased blood plasma and Vo2 max as long as you stay hydrated
but the data also suggests it needs to be done daily for a number of weeks. So it could be a useful modality to incorporate into a training camp but if you're just going into the gym for an hour a couple times a week you're likely not seeing any of the possible benefits and are just having a shittier workout
I train 4 times a week for 1.5 hous each, so it's *probably* doing something good
Thank you for your expertise, I will train hard
Make sure to hydrate before the training, drink lots of water some hours before. And while you're sweating a lot, drink a isotonic

>faster than you
>stronger than you
>content to just neo dodge every single attack as i rotate around you
>randomly catch kick #38 as you get frustrated from chasing me
>sweep your other leg
>bow as you hit the canvas
this is why i am a bad sparring partner

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What martial art to survive england?
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500mile sprint
Sumo. You need to be able to withstand a charge from Barry the Northman, and the protective layer of fat will help you survive the inevitable random stabbings that you'll get if you spend any significant amount of time in a city.
Lmao, the boomer stoober is going to prison for the rest of his dumb life.

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Why does it look like this? Why does Tonathy have a pipe under his board?
It's on the tail so when he board slides vert he doesn't end up too far on the deck.
It's a fucking camera, you mouth breathing mongoloid.

Jones would submit + elbow him to oblivion.
Jones is having difficulty submitting paperwork these days.

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>trying to decide between going for a walk or playing disc golf. Played disc golf yesterday for reference.
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Disc golf is like the least extreme sport imaginable, at least in regular golf there's the possibility of braining someone with the club.
I play regular golf too, I take regular golf more seriously so it’s not always as fun. Disc golf is purely for fun so it’s always really enjoyable.
discs heavier than 150 grams are banned in japan. rumor has it someone was killed by a frisbee there a few years ago

also anthony barela is mentoring cupcake this is going to end badly for us
Neither are extreme sports
great go tell the janny to take the thread down then

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I just wrestled with someone 10kg heavier than me. He was up against a wall
>He had old man strength, couldn't even trip him, he would wrap his ankle around mine to limit my movement
>Nothing was working, it's incredibly hard to do anything to someone resisting being taken down
>Go for a "high crotch" (learnt from: youtube.com)
>It works!
>Grab leg and put it closer to armpit then drive forward, he falls to the floor

Wow, this makes me realise how gimped and overcomplicated judo is as a grappling art

Wrestling just works.
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Judo is good but judofags are pretty insufferable. Judo is best taken supplementary for your wrestling/bjj but for grappling or MMA I wouldn't make it my focus.
What are retarded statement, how are you still alive and not sticking your fingers in electrical sockets?
Calm down ESL friend
its my esl friend

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Wytebois be thinking that this is an extreme sport when it's just a regular day at work for a Chinese construction drone.
Climbing tall buildings attached to a rope isn't extreme. You'll just look like a larping hobo
Pussy cope
what is the sport to this?
I would argue it's more similar to chess in the sense that yeah it's not physically demanding, but it's more about the mental aspect and needing a solid clarity to not fuck up and even once or you die

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If picrel hadn't happened it wouldn't have been so one sided. He basically wasted 2 rounds because of that shit
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Maybe holloway tripped him out, he has weird movement
He's been ducking since WSOF and even in Wittman's striking instructionals he does that even while demonstrating basic footwork and Trevor has to correct him not to duck. At this point it's so ingrained and honestly it's a huge weakness. In his last fight with Poirier Poirier tried to punish his ducking with roundhouse but Max got to be the first one to truly capitalize on it
justin "I block with my face" gaethje has never been known for his technical prowess. He's just a guy that's about it and will throw down and that's why he's always fun to watch. He entertains to his own detriment
I disagree. IMO he's the best pure striker in LW before Max happened
Eh, I still think Dustin is better technically, more efficiant. The highkick that put him out was a great move, but it wasn't a complete outclassing.

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Do you think the rising average age of female gymnasts has effected the expected skill level?
Are people expecting higher skilled but less physically demanding performances now? Or has the change in training resulted in the peak performance for women reaching a later age?
too tall for a gymnast
Yes they're not as good now. Girls have to peak for the olympics right at 16 otherwise they will miss: Either they compete too old, lose to 16 year olds and 14 year old chinese with fake documents. Or they are too young in olympics year, ineligible because their government won't lie about their age for them.
nah olivia dune is perfect as she is presently
At least when it comes to some of the events, like rhythmic, there's quite a few 20+ year olds that take the Olympics and the world championships.
Both Russians in rythmic in 2016 and 2020 were 20+, for example.
And Sanne won the balance beam at 26 years old, and Jade won the 2020 at 20.

Overall the winners are getting older too it would seem.
she's a fake blonde with doodoo eyes just like my mother

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