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/xs/ - Extreme Sports

Displaying 8 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
190719if your martial art and psysichal training is so Good why would a sycker punch still end you?[View]
180085Boxing skills are the only important skill in a street fight and anyone who thinks differently is st…[View]
188594Is there any kind of list that has the best Brazilian jujitsu schools in each city? I’m looking for …[View]
190474all joking aside, would a death-match wrestler actually be good in a 'real fight' \NHB vale tudo fig…[View]
190435War is the most extreme sport. The gladiator arena of yesteryear has transfigured into the global ar…[View]
190332Taekwondo hate thread[View]
190292Should headbutts be legal in mma?: I think they should because they would be a big change in tactics…[View]
183089Why did the west figure out it was more efficient to hit while keeping your unused hand close to you…[View]

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