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why is skiing culture like this?
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we actually had that happen here a few years ago where someone tried ripping off a bunch of stuff from ski shops and got caught instantly once they put it on ebay
I'd imagine a nonzero amount of thieves either rent their equipment or don't actually even use any, so details fall to the wayside.
black guy immediately thinks of stealing.
>nog's first out da hood experience
How long will this last?

>banana weight so weak even the ring girl coild win
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no way lol
Wikipedia agrees
>olympic lifting results in pounds
Nigger what the fuck is wrong with you?
Joe rogan is so fucking short.
He looks 5'4
Is this the contender series? why is he wearing his uncles basketball shorts?

thoughts on bullfighting and other bloodsports???
Mexican here, been to 2 bullfighting events in my life and leaving the animal cruelty aside (I literally don't give a shit, I love steak), it was THE MOST BORING fucking thing I've ever attended. I get it has 100 layers of rules and traditions and culture and all that fucking bullshit, whoopdy fucking doo, who cares if the event is a complete fucking snoozefest? It pisses me off knowing there are people who give a shit about it. Absolute braindead motherfuckers. And my state (Aguascalientes) is one of the biggest bullfighting state in the country. Fuck my life.
savagery for people with moorish ancestors.
Running with the bulls is better
okay now what do you think of cock fighting?
large cultural tradition, seems interesting. Bulls are stupid as fuck and they use the meat afterwards from what I hear anyways. Anyone have a video or something of a Matador killing the bull, like in the final act? I'm curious to see it, can't find footage anywhere. if you search you only get matadors getting gored by the bull instead.

Can I be still be good at martial arts if i have a bad knee?
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Fix your knee. How is it bad?
>Illegal below brown belt

Most gyms now a days start training leg locks at blue.

My own gym starts at white, once they can prove they're done spazzing
It's just a holdover that then became a cope
Judo said no more leglocks because in 1890 there was no such thing as arthroscopic surgery or knee replacements
So the Brazilians didn't learn leglocks because they were removed from the syllabus before it got to them

The end result is Brazilians were bad at leglocks therefore BAN! And make up some ridiculous cope that they're 2dedly4u even though they're no more dangerous than any other submission
Unlike a choke, twisting someone's knee never killed or paralyzed them

Leglocks are non-fundemental so they can wait for later on that front. But no reason you can't introduce them to someone within their first year
>good at martial arts if i have a bad knee?
of course

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/HEMA/ General - Yes capo no cap

>What is HEMA?
HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, sometimes also called Historical Fencing.
It's reconstructing how to fight with swords, daggers, polearms, and other weapons based on old European fighting treatises

>What does it look like?
Inside the World of Longsword Fighting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zueF4Mu2uM
Back to the source - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DBmNVHTmNs
Martin Fabian Sparring - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8QlbKfX84k

>Where can I find these treatises?

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Does anyone make safe steel sparring fokos?
Larp foam or something
Are you retarded?
bump limit

new thread
Thanks, I've been reading up on smallswords and adjacent subjects, looks like a very financially dangerous collecting rabbit hole. Any pointers on which $200 antique is going to have the best handling characteristics? Any good reference materials for identifying smallswords?

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Takerufuji edition



>All the sumo links and how to watch live:

Previous thread: >>186986
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so how's it hanging
oh sure >>194287 you say you're staying in this thread but I ask you how you're doing and it's total silence
I said I'd stay in the thread, not that I'd monitor it.
monitor this, you lizard

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Is the cymbal crash an effective strike in a fight?

For those who don't know, it's a strike that involves using both your hands in sort of a palm strike where you smack both of them on each side of the opponent's temple.

Very effective in grappling and clinch fighting when bare-handed or using lighter gloves as you can clear distance faster while also obtaining either an overhand or double overhand grip.
Doing it with just one hand is 2x better
How do you figure?
Why not just clap their ears at that point? Seems better and you don't even need to be particularly strong to pull it off.
It’s retarded and would never work unless you’re hitting someone standing perfectly still and not expecting to be hit. At that point just sucker them on the jaw and knock them out

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>s-strength and muscles don't matter, meathea-AAAAAAACCCCKKKK
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Best answer
I didnt know you dont wear clother faggot
Kimura was invetned by a judoka when he broke a Gracies arm
Greco roman won't touch the legs, and judo is too focused on the collar/sleeve. I desperately want an infusion of Eastern European judo guys because they can transition from Georgian A/B to over/under hooks without a complete overhaul.
For the bragging rights if you win?

How do make finger skatign EXTREME
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Laughed way harder at this than I should have.
I laughed at every post gg.

Post all things related to baton and knife fighting.

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Any of you practice any FMA empty hands, specifically grappling? I've seen Yaw-Yan and other FMA striking styles but never the bunohan/grappling.
I studied some Filipino dirty boxing which consists of elbows, wrist locks, and take down holds. I also want to find a Silat teacher, Silat is culturally the best compliment to Filipino weapons . I really don't like the vibe of Yaw-Yan, it feels too much like American Kickboxing mixed with Filipino commercialization.
Why didn't you just go with /fma/ - Filipino Martial Arts like a normal person?
It's annoying how difficult it is to just refer to FMA by one name. The way I make sense of it all is most Northern FMA practioners call it Arnis. Practittioners from Visayas, Cebu, and Mindano will mostly call it Escrima, Then there is another group who will insist on calling it Kali because Escrima and Arnis are derived from spanish terms for fencing Escgrima and Arnis de Mano.
Yaw Yan is not a traditional Filipino Martial Art.. It's a modern hybrid creation like how Jeet Kune Do and American Kempo were created . In many ways it's much more of a brand, just by examining the name of it Yaw Yan means "The Dance of Death" It looks fun, and I see many of techniques do look effective, but it's a commercialized school practiced in westernized gyms. it's not traditional like the FMA which uses sticks, spears, wooden shields, swords, and knives

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I hate those "is X an extreme sport" threads too, but bodybuilding IS an extreme sport. Think about it;
>very high fatality rate. At least, higher than mma or rugby or american football
>Involves premeditated self destruction (steroid abuse), "includes" the extreme sport of competitive eating\ brutal calorie ingestion daily
>Involves basically mummifying yourself trough dehydration to be as ripped\dry as possible at stage
>The weight lifting itself is very strict and demanding
>there are cases of competitors having to do bar hangs to gain a few MM\ lose or gain a few grams of bodyweight just before the competition starts. Literally body-hacking against the clock
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kys using poison

really extreme
It's an extreme beauty contest
No sport is played
No strategy is employed
No points are scored
You just flex and maybe dance
It’s in it’s own category.
It's a male swim suit competition

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/DGG/ Disc Golf General
My close personal friend Paul McBeth edition
Season is closing out if you live in a shit state sub edition

>What is disc golf?
Its golf but with frisbees or discs. Generally played at parks that have free courses.
>What do I need to get started?
A disc and some shoes to walk around comfortably. (You should probably also bring some water anon and maybe download UDisc for a scorecard, or print / make your own)
>I'm new what disc should I buy?
Pretty much any decent disc will get you out and playing. You don't need to buy a starter set immediately, instead buy a putter and approach disc as its a pretty easy to throw disc for a beginner and then buy more discs from there.
>Are there courses around me?
Almost certainly, check https://www.dgcoursereview.com/ for a pretty comprehensive list of courses and recommendations as to what ones near you are good.
>I bought a starter set and cant throw these things straight or far at all!
Go onto youtube and lookup guides idiot. Also learn to throw your putter first. It's most likely the easiest disc to throw in your bag and just because it doesn't fly as fast as a fairway or driver disc, It'll probably fly farther as It WILL fly straighter.

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My close personal friend paul mcbeth sent me this video of new discs. Those new tour discs are looking minty.
>Brodie left out
Faurk anons, I was looking for this thread and couldn’t find it. So I made my own.
>About to go play some disc golf and walk around the lake. Dasitmane.exe
Zone vs harp?
Got me a squatch lore 2.0 it's really pretty

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is dancing an extreme sport?

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OP here, I am a faggot who likes sucking trans cock by the way
join the server and find outtt purrr

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This fight would immidiately end all the "size vs skill" debates
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>he's sure to win because his speed is superior
To weigh that much and be that tall he would have poor coordination and no stamina. Him walking at that size would be difficult.
One good hit to the knees of that fat fuck and he's toast. Demetrius would win.
"Size vs Skill" is a dumb argument because they aren't singular factors. "Size" includes height, weight, reach, strength, and durability. "Skill" includes techniques and maybe strategy. 5 vs 2 is not a fair comparison.

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