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>Trying to use crossover to play CS:2 on mac and the cunt crashes pretty much instantly.
>I have never seen my Mac brick this hard and I have a /decent/ spec
>What do?
>he paid for crossover instead of $ brew install wine-crossover
I am (((((borrowing it)))))) nom’ saying
>Please elaborate though.
This isn't your personal tech support board. /g/ isn't either, so please don't bother.

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is there a 4chan server for enshrouded

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Any cool bloody online FPS for a low end laptop? I like DOOM, COD, CS and some other games. If you can, post free games or games which are actually dead and there's a good private server for it (like COD's Plutonium).
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cs 1,8

honorable mention battlefield 2142 there is a good private server for it called bf2142hub or something
it's called bf2142 reclamation
Assault cube.
pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--trompete: tüüüüüüüüüü-düü-düü-tüüüüüüüüü-tidudü-tididi-tidudä-tidudmpttm

You can try palying Shrapnel, it's on Epic Games store and you can also find it in their site or the superverse main site too

you now remember rift mmo
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Dude, me and my buddy played this game on release, both of us were Bhami chads. We once scaled the mountain behind meridian city using the racial jump, ALL the way to the fucking top of that shit while playing "your love keeps lifting me higher" by jackie wilson. I still laugh to this day about that shit. Our friends told us there was no way, but we did it.
Used to work in their customer support center as a gm.(kitchener ontario, we handled the "hard cases" the poos always fucked up). Was balls, but came with a free subscription and we were expected to play at work (obviously prioritizing customers, but just keeping an eye on known trolls n shiet for communirty enhancement).

I actually found it fun, but ultimately, it was just WoW clone with some quirks. Too similar, not enough innovation to peel off all the wowautists.
Id love to see it come back and do everything wow should have but good luck with that.
loved the classes there
especially dominator aka the most annoying shit in pvp
>find cleric
>mana drain and cc him for the entire match
I played a Chloromancer. I remember very little about the game, I mostly remember people getting mad at eachother in Ventrilo for using their kicks for damage (interrupts were damaging abilities).
I came back to it a couple of years later and it had become pay2win garbage? Lootboxes and everything? And despite it now being free-to-play, I got nothing for my $60 collectors edition that I had bought in with.

8/10 the group content was great
I liked it, shame it's apparently impossible to make a private server for.

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This game hasn't recieved any content besides whale reskins and cosmetics since they added Battle Sprites.
I want Thetya already.
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>EU servers
Work fine lately.
That's odd. I stopped playing after i 100%-ed the game and during that time EU servers were shitting themselves.
Wasn't there like a sleep status update and the scarab armors?
Then I will patiently wait, as I will for PSO2 private servers
Wait, I thought it shut down like over a year ago

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get a job

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based Highlife roleplay

join my gang and sling shrooms/coke and bangout against other gangs (FUCK TOPFLIGHT)
lesgooooo strap up yo

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prev: >>1127865
>What is Project Zomboid?
>Hardcore Sandbox Zombie Survival Game with a focus on realistic survival.
>Online multiplayer survival with persistent player run servers.
>Hundreds of zombies with swarm mechanics and in-depth visual and hearing systems.
>Full line of sight system and real-time lighting, sound and visibility mechanics. Hide in the shadows, keep quiet and keep the lights off at night, or at least hang sheets over the windows.
Project Zomboid is an open-ended zombie-infested sandbox. It asks one simple question – how will you die?
In the towns of Muldraugh and West Point, survivors must loot houses, build defenses and do their utmost to delay their inevitable death day by day. No help is coming – their continued survival relies on their own cunning, luck and ability to evade a relentless horde.
>Build 42 early 2024 (yeah right)
>Late-game crafting update
>Basements and bunkers
>Better map chunk loading
>Lighting update

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I actually helped that guy animate his stuff
But vintage story had the same problem of b41 of mid/late game being boring as shit
Ha, it's a small world
But you're not wrong, VS does lack proper mid and endgame, though I still think it's in a far better state than PZ and the updates at least come out at a relatively steady pace
plus it has far more replayability thanks to chiseling
Peanut, milk, meat allergy trait?
Unique items to treat boredom and you get certain toys you like to keep you happy? I'll just play sims
I joined a multi player of a streamer

Previous: >>1256434
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Too rich I guess... FF on Shitdows
ios supported vp9 webms before vp8, and 4chan does realtime transcoding for ios user agent anyways
never mind
I can play i now. Just 4chan being slow I guess
who's the Ancelotti of CS coaches

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Hi i just started a survival 30 minutes ago and deciced to make it on a server aternos
my minecraft server is in 1.20.4
the ip is

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>What's new?
3.23 is in evo with roughly 2/3 of its planned features in testing.
MISC RAPTOR is now available.

>New to Star Citizen?

>General info and useful links

>CitCon 2023, intends to release "within next 12 months" (this year)

Previous thread

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Im here because of lirik 6 years ago
$2900 now counting the ~$500 in ships ive given to friends and nephew.

Its a hobby and I can afford it.

Fuckers spend $3000 on a big tv then buy another big one in 2 years.
People spend $50000 on a speed boat that they use MAYBE 5-6 times a year and which costs an additional $3000 a year in fees and rerpairs to keep operational.
Friend of mine spent *$6200* to build a "pit bike" which is a child sized dirt bike with an oversized engine to do BMX tricks off sand dunes with.

You say "degenerate" entirely out of cultural bias, not reason. Grown men with disposable income spend some of that income on their recreational interests. Star Citizen isnt a flashing lights and color loot box trap for teenagers, its an Immersive sim paid for directly but a legion of grown men who want it to exist.

I have gotten far more use and enjoyment out of my $3000 in star citizen jpegs than I would have gotten out of $3000 in golf clubs and course fees.
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>fell for CRs scam
better a newfag than a retard desu
New thread

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I have no talent for fortnite
Ive dropped around 700 bucks and just 300 this last season (returning player)

Lots of games where I die on drop
In 2 games of 7 kills only 3 were real players, the next real player killed me
Ive had 9 hour streaks of not winning bur only 2nd place

I just play for the skins

Why cant I quit playing? If i am not good i am not interested.
goon tranny
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games with majority of weapons being hitscan are designed to be unwinnable. you're at the mercy of netcode and shitty 3rd worlder connections, the victory is up to whoever bullet arrives to the server first.

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Does anyone still play this?
I found out it's still alive a few months ago, but I don't know a single other person who plays it. Is there a guild I can join or something? I haven't touched it in like, 10+ years, so I may as well be a brand new player. I did claim that free quests coupon thing before it went away at least.
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I've been playing a bit on and off. Grabbed the big freebie pack earlier in the year and the free Year of the Dragon gifts all year. I would play more but the content feels like you need a minimum of two people usually.
I play on Khyber, but idk anyone else that does.
>one free expansion
nice, glad I never bothered picking up Isle of Dread so I can get it free now
Feywild is also a great pick for an account that doesn't already have it
Not anymore, since I don't have much time for vidya these days, even less so for mmos, but I would say it's one of the more interesting and better mmos.
So if you have some time, and since you have the quests and expansions for free, give it a try.
One of few games in Eberron setting too.
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I think my account might be a decade old too, probably created it when they went F2P.
Got some free packs. Was hoping for some more but they suspended the event due to bugs. There's a thread on their forums, seems like a few people are making fun of the devs since bugs get introduced after every maintenance.


I got invited to this guild on the default server, seems like the guy is just inviting every newbie that logs on.

Did you get it before the suspension?

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So Gigantic re-releases today with more stuff.

For people that played Gigantic before, is it worth getting into?
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you don't, it's rush
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I know the rule for /vm/ is no gens, but you guys mind if I make a new thread since we're gonna get knocked off soon? Any resources we should put in the OP?

Cool shit bro, nice work
She still got the crimson chin?

Shit damage, off-support. Take spreadshot for damage

Build pre-match in the menus, pick build pre-match / in base
I didn't make any edits to her face
time to bake
Another thread is ready if you look for it (not sure rules about direct linking). Don't know if I added too much, but hopefully it's everything.

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