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The EU server opens on the 29th.
Which weapon are you going to fame up first?
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but the game is unplayable without premium
i'd rather buy rmt than pay 16 for a sub
i don't trust guilds nor people in this game
You could always create a new character to get another 3 day premium and then transfer the silver to your main character. You only miss out on fame.
RMT is risky because once the guy gets caught they will ban everyone he gave silver to. You might get banned weeks or months after RMTing.
>i don't trust guilds nor people in this game
Neither do they trust you. Trust is earned.
I still have premium for 2 days
I remember they used to give 14d trial back then though
>Neither do they trust you. Trust is earned.
that's just cringe, that's why I play solo, these people take a game too seriously and I'm not 16 anymore
You play solo because you have no access to meaningful group content without joining a guild or making friends. You can't group up with strangers because of freeloaders and rats.
Imagine you could queue up for 10v10 lethal Hellgates.
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The fifth chapter of Fortnite will be the last chapter where battle royale will be the main mode. It is expected that from chapter 6 it will focus more on the metaverse and not on battle royale, thus making the game similar to Roblox. This can also be understood from the announcement in which Epic Games states that from 2025 the battle royale seasons will be developed in UEFN, to reassure people they say that the UEFN tools will be on par with Epic Games' official tools for developing the seasons. So enjoy this last chapter <3
i hate metaverse shit. sorry to fortnite bros even if i never played it.
I don't play this kind of game but I'm curious, what does metaverse even mean in this context?

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You guys you know any good free MMORPG?
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The whole thing about knowing what you want or what you want is a good point. Most of the games you listed are decent in their own way. I've played most of them at different points of my life. My biggest gripe with all of these is that they're all rather old and I don't want to be playing the catch-up game, reading pages after pages of the wiki.
was perfect for me from ~2013 all the way up to 2019ish, at that point it just became all too much and the gameplay has way too much management between little windows and systems that have been continuously tacked onto the game. It barely resembles a game anymore, navigating through them feels like digging endlessly through my hard drive folders to find a specific file.
I remember playing during the beta and a little after release. It didn't feel very social, and I didn't get hooked into the character progression, thinking about how much content I'd have to catch up with now doesn't seem appealing, but the game's solid.
>Some korean MMO
Same catchup issue, plus I immensely despise p2w content. Maplestory 2 and Maplestory 1 are probably the two I have fondest memories of.
>Ragnarok Online
I've tried playing some private servers before, but between it feeling barren, not knowing what I'm doing, and dated gameplay, I just didn't manage to get into it. Guess I just missed it at its prime.
>Tree of Savior
Same case of an old game with catching up to do, plus it's absolutely empty, plus p2w, plus the interface is very poor. The art is immaculate though, a tremendous waste.
I only tried playing private Mabi once maybe 5 years ago. Even then it was empty and dated.
>Ultima, Outlands, Neverwinter.

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I didn't even know there were private Mabinogi servers... Can't argue with the dated point though devs are working on a huge engine revamp so maybe keep an eyeball on it.

If you like retro style, Try ashen Empire,
It has a small community, but its one of the only 'old school' style rpgs where the interface has actually updated with time and doesn't feel like its been cobbled together over 20 years.

I'd give warframe another shot as well, they added more open areas where it was easier to hook up with other players.

Don't let pay to win concerns keep you from trying a random korean MMO, unless the game advertises PVP non stop. If the basic gameplay loop on a P2W mmo is still fun, all the Paying does is make the game easier.

My personal litmus test is if a game can still be fun while loosing. Most videogames completely drop the ball on this front.
For a "good" free MMO, with the understanding that good doesn't mean #1 in player count, your only real choices are OSRS or Guild Wars 2.

If those aren't appealing, then you probably care more about graphics/combat/etc. than anything else.
gw2 filled to the brim with trannies good luck finding anyone to play with
also its not really f2p since you need the expansions to play 90% of the content

Talk about modern or retro Arena FPS games in the competitive/action vein, such as:
Quakeworld, Q2, Q3-CPMA, QLive, Quake Champions and UT'99-2k4, UT3, UT4 (rip)
Also welcome to talk about highly anticipated indie developer game Diabotical and nu-retro titles like Wrath: Aeon of Ruin, Amid Evil and DUSK.

Non-main stream retro AFPS titles such as:
https://toxikk.com | https://www.warsow.net | https://www.xonotic.org
Ratz Instagib, Nexuiz, Reflex Arena, Shootmania and mods for any well-known title are all welcome.

>brakfst oats links
quakeworld.nu | playmorepromode.com | quakelive.com
>brakfst of Champions
>children's game

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this is probably why UT was so popular at some point
Duels are shit anyways, and it's deplorable that AFPS games have become synonymous with the gamemode, when the real spirit of things will always be in FFA. Especially given that modern audiences still love spawn-kill-die-spawn small map clusterfucks; CoD players constantly ask for Shipment 24/7, and Halo players love Husky Raid, but AFPS devs keep thinking
>ah yes, focusing on Duel and Instagib, THAT'S how we'll reach a wider audience
>own and complete quake 1 and 2
>don't get the quake 1 and 2 weapons unlocked in quake champions
I started playing Quake 1's campaign. It's a bit scary for the likes of me. At least the jump scares of E1M2 and E1M3 seem to be getting rarer as I get further into episode 1.
Wonder how this weapon selection'll feel in quakeworld
Wtf is this tiny pale bitch that keeps flying at you at mach jesus instagibbing you with the saw

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Want to get into mmorpgs for the first time since I was like, 13 (which is 11 years ago, god damn)
Basically, my background is I had only played one MMORPG until it shut down and I haven't really played an mmorpg since then. Hell, I didn't even REALLY get into that game as a kid and especially got bored by fan remakes of it.
Redpill me on some FREE mmorpgs, preferably /vr/ kino, i.e has vga-ish 2D graphics or 3d graphics that look like it was on the n64 or earlier/weaker
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>Anarchy Online
>City of Heroes
Anarchy Online is in an odd state. Game is on maintenance mode and rife with dupers and cheaters. Multiboxing is fairly common and content that used to be filled with players is like to see more than a handful an hour.
Despite that I still go back every once in a while, never really played a game with twinking like that.
it really is a shame how funcom simply stopped trying to fight the duping problem, and now they absolutely don't care about multiboxes. they openly flaunt it too, you'll go to an area and see like 8 identical MPs standing in a row. however i DO appreciate the industrious person who set up the buff bots in OA, that must have required a decent bit of scripting.

its also a shame that there are like a thousand different weapons in AO and only about 5% are actually useful.
Thanks for reminding me that Toontown Rewritten is ran by a bunch of sjw pedophiles.
what do they do besides the faggoty pronoun option
oldschool runescape

Haxball is a top-down 2D football game that's played entirely in your web browser.

password: shaw

Room is usually active on Friday & Saturday around these hours:
22:30 Euro time

cytuDOTbe/r/haxb for tunes

You can re-live magic hax moments watching the recordings of previous matches here:

You can use this site to get stats from recordings:

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@:) who do you think you are
the /haxb/ community hereby wishes inzaghi a speedy recovery after getting stuck in the toilet for hours
contagious more like continuous suffering
we watching Eurovision together on sat night
I'll consult with my beloved

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I built a new pc a few months ago with windows 10 but since support for windows 10 Is ending next year, i was thinking of upgrading to windows 11, however, i just wanted to know if there were any issues with compatibility or anything with windows 11 or should I stick with windows 10?
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Probably not, I'm going to swap to some flavor of linux once w10 iot ltsc stops getting updates. OIder MMO private servers I play have started seeing some success on linux so my excuses no long remain. I pray I don't troon out once I make the change.
Actually its the same as windows 10 for the most part. Just make sure you install the PRO version and during installation choose the option to create the installation for an organization so you are able to create an old style offline account instead of signing in with a MS account.
its not stubborn its lazy and i agree with him
How does one side grade their win 10 home to ltsc?
Would it be a full reinstall?
How does it manage the verification?
>he doesn't dualboot
next you'll say you only have a 128GB SSD and not 512 that you split in half for both Windows and Linux.

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vita and flamu edition
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And your coop/bottom three base exp opinions matter?
Alaska is pretty fun. Obviously not as good as it used to be, but still pretty decent.
Any other fun super cruisers you'd recommend?
the italian woman from last christmas
i assume the shlieffen is a brawler BB, sounds kino
so i finally fuck everything again with my secondaries build on bismarck tirpitz and kurfurtz without the fear of getting oneshotted by AP bombers??
oh no no
Schlieffen has insane secondaries, torpedoes, hydro, she's incredibly fast and somewhat tanky.
A shitter comes in, does a fuckton of damage, spots DDs with hydro and dies. That's how she's useful. GK can't do that. CVs are broken because of spotting and forced crossfire. If you're rushing as a fast ass BB it doesn't matter.

45% shitters are good at shlieffen while 50% midwits are not since they only can do kiting

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Early Access is now LIVE!

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ci3RzUSKgk
Website: https://www.tribes3rivals.com
Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2687970/TRIBES_3_Rivals
Official Discord: https://discord.com/invite/tribes
Previous Thread: >>1176915
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Even compared to all HiRez's other flops, Tribes 3 flopped the floppiest.
Honorbowels will be the beginning of Erez redemption arc... Trust the plan...
Not even F2P can save Tribes 3 at this point.
This is a really late reply but I wanted to share my experience for anyone who might still be interested:

Steam will refund a game beyond 2 hours/14 days.
I had 30 hours in Boulder's Gate 3.
Hated the game and requested a refund thru the typical channel. AI auto denied my refund.
I then directly contacted support and opened a ticket.
I explained the situation, offered to accept steam in store credit and highlighted my understanding that this was a special request against standard policy.
It took me about 5 messages. On support staff agent even closed the original ticket and I opened a new one (feigning offense).
I kept it respectful and stayed calm and logical. I just appealed to the need for an exception, my 10+ years old account, the amount I've spent and the fact that I was considering buying a Steam Deck (true for me, but prob still works if you lie).

Ultimately I did get a steam store credit refund despite 30 hours.
For me it was worth the effort, but I also imagine I won't get far by trying such a move again for a while.

In a case like a game like Tribes 3, I'd try for it for two reasons: 1 you have a good chance arguing your case due to how fast the game failed. And 2 its worth fighting for even just a store credit to give the middle finger to Hi-Rez out of pure spite, because fuck them for making such a trash game.

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Why did valve let something like picrel die :(
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is this bait, or are you this gay
Did they ever put real effort into it after porting to the source engine?
No, lol. It sucked in 2007 and still does.
>or insult the decisions admins make like a CHILD
> or you were playing too sweaty when you know you shouldn't be.
>If you can't handle playing like an adult, with adults, then you shouldn't be playing video games online in the first place. You should be playing something like Barbie or something more your speed.
The cognitive dissonance to make this post... It has to be real.
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Got to bring together a bunch of friends to play it last year, it was fun. I'd honestly host another saturday night session when it comes to it, even played a couple of custom maps.

Helldivers 2 thread, since it's an online coop game I suppose it belongs here.

In this thread we discuss the state of the game, tips & tricks, give our opinions, share cool moments and in general talk about Helldivers 2 away from all the /v/ermin.
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>You mean immediately. The servers were fucked day 1 and the account link literally didn't work.
Yeah it didn't work from the game but you had to do it from the sony website even before the game was launched, so only players with a PSN account already linked could connect.
Did it was you first game launch?
What country did they hire you from? They should get a refund.
You must be 18 to post on this board, kiddo.
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>Got everything done and all 3 of us are at the Extraction point with the Shuttle
>Host is all the way over somewhere else
>"Alright let's wait for him"
>Fire Tornado Warning
>Fire Tornado Warning
>Fire Tornado Warning
>Welcome to Hellmire fuck you
>Bile Titan Fuck You
>Host still fucking around doing whatever
>Done waiting, one dude goes into the Shuttle
>Host gets set on fire and dies
>Screen goes black
>Host kicked us

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>sonyshill can't fit in
they didn't pay you to lurk, so you didn't

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New Valorant thread since the last one just died.
Just returned to the game. Is Outlaw worth it?
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I'm such a fucking aimlet I'm always getting instadomed.
Yeah and I'm telling you to not play to hold if you're soloing a site. You play for retake.
You play near the safest rotate, and if they hit your site, take a shot, and whether or not you got a kill, wait for your team. You've done enough. It's called weak-siding.

If their 4-man site stack gets run over and they give you shit for it, why should you care?
Raze's ult feels like she has fucking i-frames it's frustrating, every time I should have been able to shoot her before she uses it and yet I've never done it.
i can't believe i wasted 20 matches with deadlock
i was always bottom frag, switched to neon and now i play like an actual human since she has actual abilities not completely useless shit like deadlock


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Am I too late?
Its taking me around 20 minutes to find a match late at night in NA.
Am I learning a dying game? Any advice for a new player?
I figured I'd try each hero at least once before deciding on a main
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There's a map-thing where you spend the tokens to progress, getting rewards like coins (which act as a discount for the shop), candy (to exchange for old sets/treasures) and style unlocks. Apparently there is going to be three more "acts"
Just played a couple games and it looks like there isnt shit to unlock. The most you get from "tokens" is a shitty little discount in the shop
You have to play unlock a few map spaces to actually get the stuff. I would say the biggest thing is the candy caravan, as that can potentially stock arcanas.
*play to unlock
If you're matching for 20 mins I guess you're queueing the newbie MM mode. Very few players is playing that so it'll take much longer to find a match. Try normal MM instead for faster queue and watch guides to learn the game. If you find norms too hard you can try to learn from bot matches to start.

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Minetest multiplayer is all of that nostalgia what Minecraft was but open source and free as in libre and as in money.

Preview how the game play looks like: >>>/vg/476720597
How to start the game play: >>>/vg/476721542

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ITT: Random browser games you and maybe 15 other people know about
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BGO was huge on /v/ in the early 2010s.
This would have been long before your newfag ass came here, of course.
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All out hell. This is actually like urban dead, lots of items and skills. More action points per day.
nigger I played that shit in like 2012 and donated eat my fucking ass
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Naruto Arena
turn based strategy with rng elements

Just got revived shortly before I got a craving to play it again after like 14 years.
it's fun to unlock new characters and figure out good comps, it's pvp only though.
Not one person mentioned well of souls? Jesus christ man I really don't belong here anymore

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