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Can I enjoy this game without having to shill out more money for ingame currency/premium subscriptions?
I just want to play some comfy MMO for story, exploration and questing with other people, and I've always enjoyed the Elder Scrolls world, but recently playing LotRO with all its over-monetization has left a bad taste in my mouth, I wouldn't want to make the same mistake again especially for a paid game.
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Okay but should i play this or fallout 76? i have never played either before and looking for something new.
why not both? i think 76 is getting some content updates soon, you just missed ESO anniversary event fyi
f76 is free at the moment if you have amazon prime, i've been playing it a bit and it's not a good game at all.

ESO isn't exactly a good game either but it does have some decent qualities despite the mind numbingly easy and boring combat
i'm a n00b player, but the sheer content even in the lowest cost bundle (i got it free on epic store some past time) is overwhelming. dozens of quests in my log across the various regions without even trying or fully exploring the areas / NPCs. dunno, perspective of a more veteran player is probably more valuable
It's how I got the Black Marsh DLC for free. Helps that they falsely advertised you getting all the previous content when you do not.

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Hello there fellow gamers. I need someone to find the lore of this epok horror game: https://www.roblox.com/games/11130672254/Nightmares-in-the-street
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Noone asked and loves you UTTP kid.
No one cares niglet. Stop shitting up the board and get ready for school tomorrow you failed miscarriage
Is this a roblox game shill thread?

If so, can I post my shit here?
yeah it's not like anyone's gonna play it. best case scenario? you get 2 additional visits over the span of 10 years from posting your game here

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Is it hard to get the minions in FF Online? I usually play a hunter class and need pets :(
Some rando guy literally gave me two pets on my first day of playing FFXIV. You could probably get some too if you begged people in Limsa. Or just get lucky like I did.

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Why do modern multiplayer games feel like a second job? It's been so long since I actually had fun.

Everything is battle passes, dailies, ranked climb, FOMO, manipulative algorithms, skin economy, anticonsumer practices, deceptive marketing, prolonging gametime, EOMM, bad mechanics, etc.
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fix the economy and things would get back to normal but """big tech""" won't allow it
This, but also video game culture in general has changed way too much to ever recreate the feeling old multiplayer games (especially MMOs) had.

There's no mystery anymore, the second a game, patch, update, content comes out, it's datamined, analyzed, the numbers are crunched by mega autists and everything is curated into a series of videos, wikis, spreadsheets, guides, that make sure a good majority of players don't do anything but follow the most painstakingly optimal and efficient build, path, options, playstyle someone else laid out for them.

People have been mentally geared to feel like they are enjoying a game less if they are not working 24/7 towards some greater grind or goal and if they are doing it in subpar ways.

In addition to this, the way people play multiplayer games has drastically changed, you used to be able to make tons of friends in random MMOs, shooters, you name it, just by going up to people, talking to them ingame, asking them if they want to do something. Nowadays most people think you're weird for doing so, most people are either playing the MMO solo or on a discord call with irl friends.

Something like Ultima Online can just flat out not happen again in today's gaming culture. People were just too naive back then to do anything other than enjoy the game for the sake of the game because they didn't know anything else. I remember how much shit I'd learn just talking to people, people would teach new players mechanics, show them around the world, lots of hearsay, secrets, and bullshit, now people watch 10 hours of videos and read a 5000 page guide before even starting the game.
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I know the feeling. I stopped playing Destiny because it literally turned into a fucking 9-5. I can't even go back because the only way to hit max light would be to grind for a literal week and then find 8 different LFGs to run raids and dungeons with.
you are jaded, that's all. Games like diablo 2, wow, gta, runescape, are all old as shit and are massive time sinks
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Take the Board Game Pill, anon. Board Game Arena, Tabletop Simulator, and even individual digital versions, are a great way to play games. You have all the benefits of modern gaming (automatic matchmaking, stable servers, etc.) without any of the bullshit. You don't get to be intrinsically better at Scythe just because you spent 500 hours grinding in-game currency, and no one starts with extra resources in Terraforming Mars because they bought the super special edition. If you take a month off of playing Settlers of Catan, it's not like you've missed a month of drops and items that you need to catch up.

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Spcp lx T? Td estd esp dz nlwwpo 'Aczxtdpo wlyo'? Hspcp lcp esp gtwwlrpcd, esp awljpcd, esp hzxpy lyo esp nstwocpy? Td estd hsle T hld rclyepo? SPWWZ?
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Dtq αxmuz gmc фpp. Dtq αqфαxq gqbq tmdqrex dфgmbpc yq mzp yi cαqouqc. Cф pup U. U vecd gmzdqp dф qmd zфdtuzs yфbq.
>nigga has unlocked the secrets behind the pyramids and gone full fhtagn
ytnp dstqe ntaspc mcz
I was in the promised land all that time without knowing it? Well I kinda suspected it

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>Game is in EARLY ACCESS
>Released to the public 11 hours ago
>Has a standard edition for 35 dollars
>has THREEEEEE DLC's already
>one for 70 dollars

You can already buy cheats for it. Have fun playing escape from Gayzone.

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I'm thinking of developing a massive online multiplayer crypto tournament betting game where users chip in and play some simple game in a tournament elimination structure, and the first winners split the pot.

So for example 100 users chip in $1 each to play, and they compete in FlappyBird, and the first 5 places take $20 each.

Here's the kicker: I'll give out special links here for bookmakers to organize tournaments, so no matter who wins the game, the bookmaker takes a slice.

You can organize massive tournaments, like with 1,000 players, so even with small bets like $1, users can win large amounts.

Some anons pointed out that FlappyBird can be easily cheated with bots, so I might need some other simple gameplay that is not easy to bot.

Anyone here would be interested in something like this?
You think it could work?
Any idea for a simple gameplay mechanic?
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youre gonna need a ridiculous anti-cheat on this game bro
Blocklords already did this but no one cared, and to think they're actually fond of their playerbase lol
i would play. regular gambling is boring. i want to play a game that is also tied to real life. like a geoguesser tournament or a puzzle or something
Until you have the ability to sit down and think about systems and agents and how those two interact you are never going to shit out a tenable idea or business strategy. You are a fucking retard
>crypto shit

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>Early Access - Friday, June 28, 2024 (2:00 AM PDT)
>Release Date - Tuesday, July 2, 2024
>Promotional Site

>Final Fantasy XVI Collaboration (Until Wednesday May 8 at 7:59 AM PDT)
>Yo-kai Watch Event rerun (Wednesday April 24 at 1:00 AM PDT until Patch 7.0)


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I'm a new player, in Shadowbringers now, I'm curious, what was the reaction to the Thancred-Minfilia thing when this came out?
I know a bunch of females and woke trannies play this game and this seems hugely problematic. Intentionally weird tension, huge age gap, fatherly yet romantic subtext, totally dependent on an older male figure, the idea that she "needs to be more" for him. One would think this triggered all sorts of female alarm bells and caused a category 5 freak out. There's no way they let this slide right?
go back to mabi general endelyon
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67th for sunsluts
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>be me
>be kayle main in league
>be pretty good mechanically (my friends say I am)
>be shit at macro
>watch all the videos about macro
>still don't understand
>still win most of my lanes from outplaying them
>win after lvl 6
>get fucked by a fed ap carry
>remember league anons kayles base mr is 28
>build wits end and zhoyas
>still died even after having a total of 5 secs of untouchableitly
>next game
>fist counter matchup and win

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it’s literally macro, retard
you’re playing Kayle, which means even if you’re ahead you’re not exerting much pressure - you need your team to survive the early so you can win the late. If you can’t help your team (good macro) then it’s a coin toss whether you will win or lose
play a champion that can more easily exert pressure or stop playing top lane. jungle taught me good macro
Thats because you are talking about a company consiting of nothing but retards. Why do you figure more than 90% of all riot games employees are bronze and iron and why do you think every patch creates more bugs than it fixes. Nowhere in the enitre world of gaming is there a single company with such an incompetent staff as riot games. As the average IQ is 100 my guess would be its 85 or less for riot games as a whole. And I hardly doubt any of their "software engineers" would be able to work at mcdonalds for a single week, simply because we are talking about mentally challanged apes, end of story. And Phreak ofcourse is the biggest joke of them all. He is what you get when you put arrogance togehter with 50 IQ and the will to only destroy good things. Dota 2 was fine. League of legends is a rip off, destoryed by people who can barely hold a fork. Dont bother trying to improve, next seasons its gonna be all different anyway. Btw if you are gold you are at an unfathamable level from their perspective. I am not kidding, you leave every single one of those retards miles behind you
Play a hard solo pusher like nasus instead.

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>people demanding PVE in a PVP game
Why does this happen to every fucking game with some sort of pvp?
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Name 30
sometimes I like aesthetics/mechanics of a game but don't want to have to play against sweaty try-hards all the time
You need something to fight over. Adding a layer of fighting an NPC while dealing with other players to get the loot makes it overall more interesting.
They like the mechanics, and want to see them in a different experience
Case in point >>1272149
There is a large population who rightly do not enjoy the meta gaming of PvP and would prefer to enjoy a games systems with PVE. What devs and literal moron players don't understand is that offering a PVE mode will draw in new players who will mindlessly play the PVE mode but a percentage of them will eventually try PVP, maybe enjoy it and increase the overall health of the game. It's so simple but zoomies don't get it.

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Any idea what kind of game I can play a rogue like in ol' Shadowbane?

Had a blast stealing items from parties, getting stalked by Scouts while I was on the run, breaking into cities with my bird thief, and backstabbing clothies. The full looting mechanics of dead players and being able to steal specific items from players was a mechanic I've never seen in another game. Had great late nights as a teen where I got a rush stealing Godlike runes and competing with rune hunters in the wild. Getting DMs cursing me out was based as fuck.

The closest game I've seen so far in todays world is Dark and Darker that has these rogue features. Is there any other game where I can play a complete piece of shit?

I played a WoW classic rogue to 60 a few years ago but it wasn't the same. Can't stand the grind. Thats one thing sahdowbane got right was the fast grind and gear acquisition.
Dark and Darker allows you to be a supreme dick ass thief if thats what you enjoy. You may not get far in the game though. Albion Online can support this playstyle as well. Builds let you blow up someone's party member and then escape with their loot while their party chases you in futility. EVE too but fuck that.

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A vanilla 1.20 Paper server, open to JAVA from 1.18.2 And above or Bedrock clients, even pocket edition.

Pirate and cracked friendly, with chat reporting disabled for those who want to avoid Mircrsift's ever worsening tactics.

A server with obsene amounts of lore, a few adminstrators come and gone, and a recent bout of cancer now in remission, we present you /v/craft! Now in it's fifth year!

Current map opened June 2021 (1.17), and expanded with fresh 1.20 terrain. End and nether are trimmed periodically.

JAVA - mc.chimpout.club:25600
Bedrock (all others) - mc.chimpout.club:19132
Map - http://mc.chimpout.club:9788/

>How to can I join?
Official and pirated clients can join in without issue... unless you can't figure out how to make a password for your player on the server.

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are anoncraft and vcraft doing banned user transfers again?
you're brown and smelly
no u
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Am I in all over my head? I’m trying to make a MMO-lite, on a small scale. How feasible is 10 concurrent players if I were to use a cloud service for a dedicated server? Is making a MMO-lite a bad idea?
What if it's relatively simple? I.e. Not that complex.
I'm using Unity. I just want to continue the world I made in RPGM, Mongol and The Great Conclovince of Mithrithnogg and turn them into an MMO.
Is this mobile only? You wouldnt call it MMO if its a 10 person lobby, but it depends on the gameplay type. If you got this far then im sure it can become something of value.

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Any multiplayer games that have an elo system that individually ranks players instead of just by wins/loses?
I like multiplayer games more since they have more variables and potential, but even then I'm tired of being matched with literal retards who don't know the basics
single player competitive games (fightan, card games) aren't really to my taste
also rocket league thread or something
There's CS, but you need prime to go into ranked matches.
thanks for the recommendation

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Have cheaters essentially ruined FPS games for anyone else as well? Years back I enjoyed playing PUBG, but then it got ruined by an influx of an unholy number of cheaters. I used to like playing Siege too, but cheaters at higher ranks and ubisoft's retarded decisions rendered the game basically unplayable for me. Same situation with Hunt and higher ranks too, it's all either cheaters or rats, or both. Got into Tarkov a couple years back, but it turned out the EU region in that game is one giant farm for Chinese RMT cheaters, there also isn't any matchmaking in Tarkov, meaning cheaters play in the same lobbies as shitters and aren't put in high containment ranks. Bf1 used to be great as well, but so many servers specifically in the EU region seem to be filled with either cheaters or high level sweats who have all meta guns unlocked these days.

Don't even get me started on games like CSGO/2 and Warzone.

The only shooters that I found have very few/almost no cheaters are HLL, Squad and Insurgency, but these games are really boring and heavily promote camping due to their low TTK. There are also no meaningful progression/goals in these shooters, essentially you just camp around, rack up kills and don't really get anything for it, besides some xp/points that let you unlock cosmetics.

Basically at this point I'm pretty much completely out of fun games to play.
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had a friend who would cheat at card games and board games.
He had the most insufferable kinds of trash talk and would seethe and rage like a literal toddler when he would begin to lose.
Poker, Magic the Gathering, TT Warhammer, even fucking Dungeons and Dragons he would whine and rage and bitch.
I cut him off after a particularly bad TTRPG session and never looked back.
Anyway, he would constantly cheat; dealing from the bottom of the deck, lying on army sheets for Warhammer, etc.
Funny thing is when we played games like monopoly or axis and allies on the PC hotseat mode, he was pretty awful at the games, but when we played in person with cards or physical boards/dice he would magically become the best player ever.
I have to give him props tho, he won a regional MTG tournament hosted by our local game store with a Red Deck Wins deck with only 16 lands in his deck. I was knocked out in the second round and watched his matches after.
He never had a mana flood or screw the entire last rounds.

Anyway, thats my rant. Cheaters are the fucking worst kinds of people. Narcissist shit for brains.
yes, and this won't stop happening until they start being shot in front of the failures they call their parents.

Give me one reason why it shouldn't be illegal to cheat in video games.

If I were to take steroids, head to the park, and then assrape all the kids playing football, someone would step in and tell me not to play.
If I persisted, law enforcement would turn up.
If I still persisted, I would be arrested.

And yet "people" cheat in video games so much, there's an entire economy built around stealing accounts, just to be resold to cheaters.

However, if we declared them outlaws, and started lynching them from lamp posts, we could very quickly end this problem.
Also, you have to take into account they aren't real people.
They are subhuman retards, which would explain why r*ssoids specifically enjoy cheating.

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Cheaters aren't playing the same game as you. They get satisfaction from knowing that you're mad and you can't do anything about it because if they're cheating well enough accusing people never goes anywhere.

It's understandable in other areas of life, it's just annoying because video games are so petty, but since all of the world is a pareto distribution, the only way to get ahead without just having a genetic ability to succeed in an arena is cheating.
If you're not gigachad the only way to rack up a bodycount is by manipulating women.
If you're not good at the stock market the best way to make money on it is to do insider trading.
Cheating makes the world go 'round, unfortunately.
Because most of it is happening in china, literally just cutting them off, and maybe russia too, would drop the majority of cheaters. Though at this point the damage is already done, it's a symptom of the west dying culturally.
PDL bros... What could have been

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