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Welcome to the ERP thread!

Rainy Edition

Previous thread: >>32800935

The purpose of this thread is to serve as a place where anons can freely share their contact information, characters, solicit roleplay, share fantasies, discuss kinks, and everything else related to ERP.

>What's ERP?
Erotic Roleplay is text, or voice, based conversation where people build towards "sexy time" that's usually more structured than dirty talk. For many, the plots, settings, and characters in ERP allow for fantasies to be more fully discovered, explored, and fulfilled.

>Where can I ERP?
Pretty much on any medium that allows for communication, including KIK, Telegram, Discord, Skype, and even Twitter/Instagram DMs.

>I'm looking for something more advanced.

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This better be for rp...
At its most basic, it's harlequin romance type plot about a big beefy barbarian warlord who rolls up to the headstrong maiden queen of the realm. Either he threatens to invade, unless she "agrees" to his terms (take a guess what) or is being taken as a war prize after defeating her kingdom. Alternatively, the ruler could be an ever-chaste goddess, a local small time goddess (like of a specific mountain, river, or regional harvest, not a big pantheon goddess).

You can play as either one ruler, or a series of rulers (who all get captured). These rulers can either be the warlords private property or passed around his army, your choice. If you want to play a sequence of characters, we can try different kinks of yours. If just one queen, we can do something more plot heavy.

All in all, the tone should be like a smutty "romance" or bodice ripper novel.
>looking for
A woman, ideally 25+
CNC, or non-con into con
"She's too proud to admit she likes it, even to herself (at first)"
Switch or sub
>enjoy but not required

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>How I write.
I typically use 3rd person, past tense for writing. My replies are usually two good paragraphs, or more if I have enough to work off of, or feel particularly inspired.

>Sexual Interests & Limits
Fairly vanilla, F-list on request, but primarily looking to fulfill my hebe(13-15) kink. Sometimes I can enjoy loli territory though.
Otherwise hard limits are bathroom play, blood, pain, non-con, rape and pregnancy.

>Looking For
Females, or anyone willing to play females who doesn't have obviously male names or pictures and stuff. Basically fool me and you're good.
Also looking for those good at flirty wholesome types.
As for scenarios, I can go into detail when asked, but it
s typical slice of life/taboo relationship stuff.

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Looking for RP partners who will roleplay as F characters. I have different scenarios based on things like Hololive, Nijisanji, and indie Vtubers, anime like Mushoku Tensei, Demon Slayer, Spy x Family, Jujutsu Kaisen, Overlord and games like Street Fighter 6, Stardew Valley, Pokemon, League of Legends, Apex Legends or Overwatch. I am also open to hearing if you have any ideas, scenarios, or characters that you would wanna rp as well. I have other scenarios as well that do not rely on previous characters.

Kinks: Lingerie, strip teasing, uniforms, public, ffm threesomes, boobplay, thighs, spanking, lipstick, breeding and some cumplay.

discord: rockatheman
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Are you looking for an immersive ERP experience? I am searching for a preferably long term partner of any gender, but I would want you to play females.

Hey, I'm looking for ERP partners that want an immersive ERP experience. I'm a very rough dominant, I partake the roles of monsters/brutes but can also play a human male depending on the setting.

I do things a bit differently however than most ERPers, you give me a base description of the character you want to play, and I'll make a quality reference for them. That being said, I'm highly interested in people that can play multiple characters, I like to use Tupperbox as well which makes things a lot more immersive.

My kinks include and are not limited to: Degradation, bimbofication, humiliation, voluptuous women, harems, corruption, abuse of all kinds, CNC, onomatopoeia, raceplay, squirting, excessive cum, huge members, etc, anything intense pretty much. As for my limits, feet, rimming(receiving), etc.

Can also get out of ERP too, we could play video games together (like healslutting for me, dps-slutting, etc.) and be erotic, profile play, etc. Just let me know what route you want to take and I'll gladly deliver.

Anyway, if you're interested, add my discord and let's talk more and get to know each other.

Discord: 1mm0ral_t0t3m

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Adopt-A-Neet Thread: Community Edition!

This is a thread for the lovable NEETs of 4chinz and the financially established anons who love them. Newly improved, with 50% less OP and 100% more preservatives. Yum!
>Adopt? Sounds like a SD thread
Use this to find anything you like, from a quiet roommate to a live-in best friend. Up to you.
>Desire to know more intensifies
Answer these questions and reach out to another anon who sounds like a good fit!

>NEET or provider?
>Location? Feel like moving?
>Age, sex (real), sex (complex)?
>Whatchoo lookin' for? NEETs, describe your ideal situation; providers, lay down your house rules
>Your ideal match be like....?
>Money talk: NEETs, what financial support do you need - phone bill, Steam games, crippling debt payments? Providers, what flexibility do you have in this area?
>Contact info goes here...

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>NEET or provider?

>Location? Feel like moving?
Switzerland, would be willing to move anywhere or you can move here.

>Age, sex (real), sex (complex)?
24, male, straight.
White, 186cm, 84kg and fit.

>Whatchoo lookin' for? NEETs, describe your ideal situation; providers, lay down your house rules
Looking for a female roommate/fwb/gf/wife any age, if you could cook that would be great. If i can dick you down that would be great too.

>Your ideal match be like....?
Anyone that kinda matches my personality.

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>Favorite sub-genre
>Favorite band(s)
Ghost, Depeche Mode, Ozzy Osbourne, etc
>Favorite show you’ve been to
Ghost, Deadmau5, Rob Zombie, Alice Cooper
>Favorite Movie
Ghostbusters, Back To The Future, Beetlejuice, Batman 1989, Christine

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time). I like nerds too and horror movie enthusiasts. I enjoy cosplay even though I can’t afford cons and don’t look good in cosplay or know how to make it. I’d like to go to thrift stores together n look for cool stuff.

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Reality check, women won't pay a man's rent (let alone one who chopped of his own dick). Get a career or kill yourself.
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Ya know you can be a giant fag and NOT sell your soul to some crazy cult right?

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An Anon in the age gap thread talked about there not being a lot of older women in it and as an 18 year old who likes older women, I agree, so I'm gonna see how this thread goes. This is basically the same premise as the age gap thread except it's exclusively for younger men to reach out to older women and vice versa. Post ASL, describe yourself, and post a contact!
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23 M MS

Discord: Gask

Love that kind of music let me get to know you platonically and slowly. Not looking to rush into anything or do anything sexual
Also Hispanic white hi, gask still
My favorite numetal is Spineshank. I need more bands that sound similar so please introduce me I insist.
Some fave bands: Korn, SOAD, Slipknot, HIM, etc.

Mostly Breaking Benjamin, Artic Monkeys and Shinedowm
I keep listening to the same songs that I used to as teen so I would say I am pretty nostalgic for this era. We could talk about TV shows too if you feel like it.
My discord is: .grimoire_noir

I listen to all kinds of music, but I’ve still got a soft spot for 2000s pop punk and metal.

Discord: mappy7274

(This also includes MTF women. If that’s not your thing…simply move on and don’t bother people)

>Willing To Relocate Y/N?
>Looking For
>Not Looking For
>Physical Description
>List Some Your Interests
>Discord Tag
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29 cis F here, going through some relationship stuff right now and desperately wanting another cis F to vent to if possible. i dont want to drop my discord publicly but here's a throwaway email: white88ranger@proton.me
...i recognize it's a hilariously stupid email, but i use it to register for certain websites and pretend to be a white supremacist so i can read their eyebrow-raising takes lol.
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21, F, Eastern Canada
>Looking For
girls who wanna flirt, chat, be friends, exchange nudes idc
>Not Looking For
a relationship (I'm already in one)
>Physical Description
5'3, slim, grown out buzz cut, glasses
>List Some Your Interests
cozy games, audiobooks, plushies, cats
>Discord Tag
21 NB (Amab, femme presenting), florida
>Willing To Relocate Y/N?
nope! not for a couple years
>Looking For
anyone femme (women trans or cis, femboys, femme enbies etc) who is interested in a poly open relationship and/or being kinky FWBs, whether local or online. also open to internet friendships but they're hard to maintain and i have a lot going on in my life so we'd have to really click
>Not Looking For
cis men who don't present femininely, anyone interested in monogamy,
>Physical Description
white, femme twinkgirl vibes. basically a Twitter femboy who hasn't gotten HRT yet.
>List Some Your Interests
super kinky and kink is an interest of mine, I like creative writing, watch a lot of YouTube, play video games, like speculating about gender and that area of sociology, and reading / learning about science, and have super niche tastes in music (feMtanyl is such a good musician). I'm basically a terminally online puppygirlboy except I'm like very mentally healthy and haven't actually let the internet get to me as bad as you'd think when you hear the phrase "terminally online"
>Discord Tag
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>Willing To Relocate Y/N?
after i finish college
>Looking For
someone in the general area, people who share my interests or dont idc
>Not Looking For
teenagers, the mentally ill, men
>Physical Description
borderline ana, blonde, short, ive been told im cuite
>List Some Your Interests
music, skateboarding, manga, malebrained videogames, reading
>Discord Tag
TFW no barely-recovered-TERF girlfriend to inflict extreme transformation vc on me while we stroke and talk about the world we build after COVID-84


(Other trans girls are awesome too... But let's be honest: Mistress Gertrude is choice.)

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Include ASL & what you're looking for

25 M Waco
Looking for JO bud or FWB (I'm bicurious). Also down to just chat. Interests include psychedelic rock, reading, and politics.
kik: tridentity00
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Morning /soc/ so, any fellow girl anime fans wanna chat? Maybe hit up the mall or something I dont really care about age so long as you are 18+ so feel free to hit me up if you wanna get out there more.

snapchat OtakuTexas
kik TexasOtaku
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Texas meetup server we got femboys cutting swastikas into their thighs on vc rn join up nigga
Looking for friends in the Dallas area! Discord username is chungkin. I'm open to meeting if we get along online
>About you
Chill relaxed bottom twink. Athletic and have multiple hobbies, take care of myself, full time job
PvP games, music, cooking, working out, nature, spending quality time with a guy or friends
>Looking for
Looking for muscular white guys to talk and see where things go or just mess around either in TX or online with videogames
>Not looking for
Anyone not white or Latino, fems, trannys, mentally ill ppl, catfishes

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New vok thread - please post! Let's try to make this thread last at least 2 months!!!

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Agreed, however I only came back on this board a few days ago and before even posting I already had all degenerate threads filtered, looks like you need to do the same.
any F able to say a quick good morning message then just 20 seconds of exaggerated long MWUAH kisses like picrel


A place for chasers and ftms or mtfs to meet, be nice to each other retards.
>About you
>Looking for
>Not looking for
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lets see where this goes
Do you ever do sex work? I'm not looking for a relationship, just a hole to cum in.
35 M Australia hella bi

>About you
Im currently in a location where i have no, non workplace friends. In the army but taking on a PhD. Lots of physical energy and attention to give but no outlet.

Reading. Fitness. I used to be into silver/gold smithing.

>Looking for
Im pretty open desu. Just be friendly

>Not looking for

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Do not add, posts all the fucking time, just an ad for some online seller.

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New Midwest meetup thread
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living in the midwest makes me suicidal
agreed, this thread is fucking depressing
20/M/bi/switch KS
Active after a short break. Looking for anyone fun.
27M Midwest is boring as shit let's change that and fuck each other's brains out till we forget about this hellhole, big fat dick, muscular, tall, looking for a good little 18-35F sub.

Kik: SpicyCherriBoi
I'm stupid
Kik: @randomguy8976

This is a thread for those who seek to commit themselves permanently to another.

Fidelity is a must before posting. You agree to not cheat in the relationship. If you have ever cheated even once in your life you are not welcome in this thread.

Write about yourself and what you seek and find your new spouse
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M 30 Midwest
I drive a VW sportwagen so it's got plenty of room to haul you and our sons around. Change my sheets weekly. P low maintenance unlike the VW.
You must-
Make over $70k (both of cuz can't be brokies)
Speak multiple languages(to teach our sons)
Have a good relationship with your parents (we gonna need them to help out)
Be white (anglo German French nordic) or an honorable white (Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, slav) or be a brownie with European features
Have small to medium size boobs(large boobs are intimidating)
Forgot my tag

Also I will allow you to speak your mind as long as you don't get fat
m/25/socal (if you're socal you probably can guess what city from my post)

looking for something long-term, but knowing that I deploy in the next year means that either long distance or short-term is more likely. I fly helicopters and am generally right wing with more moderate tendencies. only looking for women around my age. up to you to determine if you're in that range I stupidly have some trust. love hiking/camping, and honestly going out/brunch etc. discord: noble_armadillo_53778

happy hunting boys/ladies
drizzle drizzle, king
21, M, Southern US
>Long distance?
Fine with it, but if we get serious Id want to find somewhere together

>about me
6'3 average build white guy not fit not fat, mid length brown slightly curly hair, brown eyes

I am an autistic nerd who wants to find another autistic nerd to love. I spend most of my free time online but I also love nature growing up in a fairly rural state. I play a lot of different games(destiny, league, valorant, tft, hearthstone, osu, and tons of others). I watch anime as well as a decent amount of western shows. I love fishing, walking around in the woods, and swimming too. My favorite music genre is jpop but I have plenty of songs I like in most genres that arent country (my rap taste is incredibly limited though i will not lie). I would consider myself more conservative than liberal, but I do not care about politics much Im not looking to push my political beliefs on you and Id ask you do the same if ours differ. I am Christian but same thing applies with politics, I wont push it on you I just ask that you be respectful of my beliefs.

>Looking for
Im honestly just looking for a woman who shares my interests, Im a very very affectionate person and really want to have someone I can direct that energy at. While Im not wholely against sexual stuff once we start dating and get to know each other I dont want short term sexting flings or anything like that, I want to find someone I can truly fall in love with and devote the rest of my life to. Ideally want someone else autistic because I am and I feel like we would get on and understand each other better, not a deal breaker if you arent though. I dont care about appearance as long as you arent morbidly obese (overweight is fine) though I prefer tomboys and more dominant women(not a deal breaker by any means though). Age range would be 20-30

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>Physical Description/About
>Looking For
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30s, M, Southwest OH

>Physical Description/About
Clean cut, fit, 165 lbs, 5'10''. I have my life together, and just recently got back into town from vacation. I also love edgy and offensive humor.

>Looking For
Preferably a female early-to-mid 20s who is willing to meet in person at some point, but first we need to chat/voice call and see if there's chemistry.

26m Akron Ohio

Kik is fidelkashmoney

Bored so anybody hmu and see what happens
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26/M/Cleveland - straight
6' 3" tall and skinny, white, brown hair, blue eyes, blah blah blah, I will send pictures shortly after you add me.
I have several hobbies, mostly into target shooting, collecting random old things, and reading/history, etc.
Just seeing what's out there. Don't add me if you're severely mentally ill. Also, if it's to be anything serious, you gotta be willing to run away from me and live in the middle of nowhere. Can't stand the urban hellscape.
Discord: jmb1908
34 nb us
Just got out of an abusive year long relationship. Looking to talk to women or femme ppl in ne ohio
It'd be nice to see a nice chubby cunt or tits too
(Trans women welcome btw)
Kik jay_heart__

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Is my cock decent? Tell me what you think
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Took this for a girl who asked the other day and figured I'd seek opinions/advice. First time browsing this thread, I guess I'm not as big as I thought, comparatively
looks good
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> Physical Description
> About You
> Looking For
> Not Looking For
> Contact

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Tell me your guilty confession or show me your wife gf or fami kik or telegram wanttoknow1985
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need folks to help me make a Webslut famous

kik: Dr.Waterss
Kik: ICollectIRLs

Cucks, stags, lurkers, or anyone else who is proud to show their IRL's nude photos to a stranger, send them to me. I keep everything 100% private. Send me at least a few nudes and her first name. If the photos are good enough, 'll create a folder just for her and save her forever.

If we chat again in the future, I'll drop her nudes back to you. This will make your cock nice and hard.

All shapes, sizes, colors, and (legal) ages welcome!

Bonus: looking for a Texas stag with a thick wife with sexy feet and big tits. I lost the set you shared with me and I need her back. You know who you are. HMU!
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22 Femboy looking for hung guys to be lewd with!
kik; theknife7
kik: lantors

stole a dirty pair of piss soaked panties from my uni laundry room, but honestly i wish they had brown stains/smells too

send anything and i’ll do what you want with them but you can probably tell what i’m into
[F4M] Looking for a submissive and honest sub

Kik: ava92518

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Happy Foot Love Pride Month (FLPM)!
1: For too long, people with an interest in feet have been ridiculed and mistreated by society. When our natural interest in a beautiful part of the human form is brought up, it's almost always treated as a target of ridicule and disgust.
No more.
This May, be a vocal ally to those you know or think may be a foot lover. Stand against intolerance!

>What are foot lovers?
We're people who happen to like feet. We're your coworkers and your bosses, your family and friends, and more.
2: It's estimated that around 18% to 33% of men are foot lovers. Of the remainder, the majority have never even tried to discover if they're foot lovers or not and may never confront their internalized prejudices. That's just another of several reasons why FLPM is necessary.

>Are only men foot lovers?
No. People of all genders are. Sadly, there isn't much data on this due to the unfair stigma.

>Is this a mockery of pride month or other important social issues?
NO. We denounce hatred and we PROUDLY support the LGBTQ2IA+ community. In fact, many foot lovers are LGBTQ2IA+. FLPM exists to destigmatize the long-standing intolerance of this common interest in an innocuous part of the body. FLPM is separate from the month of June so as not to risk distracting from LGBTQ2IA+ pride and to acknowledge the UNDENIABLE FACT that the LGBTQ2IA+ community and Juneteenth are more important.

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This is an important social issue worth discussing, and to the best of my knowledge this discussion is appropriate for both of those boards.
I'd appreciate it if you would ask questions in good faith rather than resorting to ad hominem attacks and bad faith assumptions.
Thank you for bravely speaking out about this. Foot lover rights are human rights! Foot lover prejudice has even permeated into the LGBTQ2IA+ community, by queers who have not unpacked their foot neutral prejudices.

I want to see more foot lover joy! Foot lover joy is an act of resistance! Foot lover joy is beautiful! Foot lover lives matter! Protect foot loving kids!

Foot lovers often overlap with the neurodivergent and south asian communities. So your prejudice towards foot lovers perpetuates harmful ableism and racism towards these groups.
Thank you for showing your support. You've given me a great deal to think about, and I couldn't agree more about seeing more foot lover joy, tolerance, and inclusion.
Bumping for awareness and tolerance.
thread sounds totally fake

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A thread for soc anons to chat, share, and contact over similar music tastes

Music links as examples help in addition to just naming genres and bands

Drop contacts if interested
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Kind of a normie answer but i think i listen to a bit of everything. Mostly rock made by boomers and gen x though. if anyone cares i'll drop my discord
Invite expired...

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