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Make assumptions about each other based on most played champs also find frens to play with thread
bro this is way too specific no one even knows what game this is
I agree it's a stupid as fuck thread but who the fuck doesn't know what league of legends is?
Everyone has heard of it but those who have not played it would not know what the pics refer to.

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Male butt thread, let's see em! I'll start with mineee
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21 m asian
bottom sub wanna see huge cock
kik asphas98765
into anything
My ass!
Here’s mine lol
massive bwc needs some ass (bonus if asian)
kik: lucasbwc3
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Fuck with me because the girlfriend thinks I'm a bitch when I ask her to. You'd better have a bigger dick than me, and anything* goes

*yes, even that goes.

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Going out with friends, socializing, having fun, making memories, getting ahead in life. While you are here shitposting on a beautiful Saturday night. Any last words anon before you inevitably end it?
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How about you have your own life?
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Very few of my hobbies have any women, and the ones that do they're either trannies, whores, or disgusting hambeasts.

I don't need a woman to be happy because none of them can relate to me and my interests or vice versa, and I am not going out of my way to do it either. If I want companionship or people to hang out with, I have dozens of men to bro it out with, and a slice of pussy is only a couple hundred dollars (at most) away. Why in the actual fuck would I invest all of my emotional energy and risk my financial stability just to convince a woman to "care" about me?
this but him*
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>I have dozens of men to bro it out with
Is this how you cope?

New Voc thread! Gather round! Come join!
thanks I didn't realise.

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Post your fully erect dick and age if you've never had sex before. Rate/comment on other's unused penises.
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My best friend suddenly got a lot more physically affectionate towards me when i lost weight. Just kept treating her nicely.

Theyl try to keep you available untill you look better than them. Then they try to reel you in like a fish haha. Thing is you get more options and they lose the power they have over you.
It’s a shame you don’t get any action. Your cock is really suckable and I love the body hair :)
Stay pure
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27, mine is rather small I am very shy and I am not good at socializing. I'm also not attractive, short and hairy.
I have only confessed to one girl and it didn't go well
It doesn't look that small here

This thread is to help find women who are loyal, honest, kind, and want a long term relationship and marriage+kids down the road. They must be ready to live innawoods and be barefoot tradwife or a similar lifestyle.

>about me
>looking for
>not looking for
>Discord tag
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Yall. She's a fucking bitch. Don't waste your time with her. Men arnt the problem. She is.
You are very sensitive. You said you wanted a rational discourse and I told you in that case it is inappropriate to make personal comments about me. After talking for like 10 minutes? You send me a paragraph whining and then blocked me. Lol
No you really are just retarded. Everyone in this thread that has talked to you left with a negative experience. You should probably do some re-evaluation and soul-searching because Jesus fucking Christ you're the most unlikable human being I've ever had the displeasure of coming into contact with. Change and grow as a person please
hello anon. I think I align with your values and I would actually love to talk to you and hear more about your interests. I was wondering if you would be willing to talk via email instead of discord?
20, Male, S. OK/N. TX
>about me
uhhh idk, I'm a massive sperg, getting career in firearms, or maybe law enforcement, idk how things are gonna pan out over this summer for me. KHHV, blond hair, blue eyes, 6' average build. I wear nothing but collared shirts and jeans. Tried dating apps last year, hate them. Only got ghosted repeatedly, even after going on dates. I'm not ugly or creepy, I'm just not good at small talk. Most people are boring and have no real hobbies or interests. I read alot, but not as much as I want, I get distracted doing stupid bs like this. Want someone I could spend hours on end talking to. I'm like really tired and delirious posting this shit, and will probably regret it in the morning. School's sucking up all my money, but I got plans to bank a bunch of cash this summer.
>looking for
Bio-Fem only. Christian, any church/sect except Jehovah's witness or Mormon. someone I can actually talk, relate to and care about. Someone actually worth something and not just a fat, stupid, useless human being. I want a long term relationship, I date for marriage but look where that's gotten me; ghosted lmao. Must tolerate guns, and not ghost me after I tell them I work on them.
>not looking for
Pinkos, commies, whores, obese people, alcoholics, colored folks, and people who can't eat red meat.
Discord: louis_crabbmarche

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Hey! I’m new here, so take it easy. All the women I’ve dated tell me my ass is good looking, big, and juicy. Need some big dicked anons, mtfs, or femanons to tell me how it is :(
>Is ass big?
Far from it
Those women were just being polite
Not big but still good enough to get fucked

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Just look for title. Im high asf. I'll be ur slave. Just make me straight and u will get what u want. Looking only for girls 18-30. I want see u too ofc.
Kik: ilostcontrollusee
Snap: kd243394
Telegram: @Uwillsee11
Nice, added
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Still waiting

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Use this format as a reference to rate as objectively as possible (copy and paste from a previous thread)

1 - Absolutely Repulsive
2 - Repulsive
3 - Ugly
4 - Ugly (but someone might be into it)
5 - Average
6 - Above Average (could improve)
7 - Attractive
8 - Very Attractive
9 - Extremely Attractive
10 - Flawless (How do you even exist?)

To the mods, No. I will not use the existing thread because I'm black, Bi (I think), and a rebel to power. Thank you
>To the mods, No. I will not use the existing thread because I'm black, Bi (I think), and a rebel to power. Thank you


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Current stats:
Height - 6'1
Weight - 75kg
Goal - 80kg (bulking)
Discord - sockdead
(Im straight)

Last thread has been inactive for 2 days

I will rate EVERYBODY in this thread
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Current stats:
Height - 5'11
Weight - 180 lbs
Goal - I don't have a weight goal
Discord - strangegrasskitten

I'm bi. I've been going to the gym for 2 years but I feel like I have made no progress
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Oops here is the photo
You’re 180 pounds with a body fat % on the low side of average: you have obviously made significant progress.
really? are you just being nice?

oh thanks. good feedback. swimmer type is sort of what im going for. really just trying to be as lean as i can with actual muscle. like brad pitt in fight club

wdym 'looks way better here'?
Should bulk a bit first tho if you can imo

Boston, NYC, Philly, Baltimore, and DC... and their associated burbs.

12 states, 103 counties, and an overpriced high speed rail line. Surely you can find a friend here anon-kun ;)

Use any template. Or the one below if you need a nudge.

>Physical description
>Looking for
>Not looking for
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37/M/NYC Straight

Artsy, inquisitive, novelty seeker. I like peering into weird and fringe communities, learning, and exploring new hobbies. At the moment: underground nightlife & photography (selfie related).

Looking for: good conversation first and foremost. Beyond that: friends to VC with while I work, rave friends, and paramours (I have a gf. Ya, she’s cool with it. No, you don’t have to be a unicorn). I’d be down to check out new rave venues in the city and also go to some metal shows to mosh - I haven't moshed in years.

Self-aware, curious, dogged, and ambitious. People who can self-reflect and improve themselves are cool. You don’t need to be employed per se, but at least have a hobby you pursue with serious intent. People who care about what they do are attractive; those who wallow in their lack of agency aren't.

Active. I like moving when socializing. Walking, dancing, hiking. Flip a coin.

Hobbies besides anime and vidya. I enjoy them sometimes too, but tell me about your interests that don't have a dozen fan-wikis. Painting, stargazing, urbex, calligraphy, etc. In short, if you’re inspired, I’m inspired... Though, you might talk me into a round of helldivers...

STEM and technical dorks. I’ve gotten along best with /soc/ialites in technical fields. I’m not excluding potential friends who aren’t, but technical fields attract neurotic workaholic dorks: relatable, since I’m one too.

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>about yourself
6'1'', mixed latino/black male, interested in drawing, sports, anime, gaming, and working out.
>looking for
>not looking for
Discord: dirt8199
>about me
A hard working straight guy with heavy 90s vibes, few friends, and a handful of talent.
>looking for
Someone with enthusiasm for active conversation, impulsivity, or creativity.
>not looking for
Disinterested/closed off people, gooning, or gaming.
>About you
I'm into a lot of stuff; history, cars, motorcycles, video games, music, photography, probably more if you ask. It's hard to condense my entire self into a single post lol. I try to be as kind and judgement free as possible, and I think I'm pretty easy to get along with. I want to travel more outside of the US than I already have.
>Looking for
Someone to talk to and see how things go. We don't need to be a 100% match on our interests, but being very passionate about the things you like is a huge plus! I'd like to vc and at some point meet if we get along well. I'm okay with ldr, but an effort to meet eventually is something I'd need.
>Not looking for
men, ghosts, assholes, someone constantly wanting to talk politics, server invites, porn, someone dependent on drugs
Discord: spacecowboy._._
just looking for friends
Discord is Lyserdon
Kik is twobirdsinthehand

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better pic?

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I need a dad to explain to my virgin ass how good this feels. need to experience this once in my pathetic life

When I married my girlfriend the only positions we did while trying to make a baby was either missionary and cowgirl. Even when I tried to change it she would always say no and only wanted to do those positions. I asked her why and she says because I want control to prevent you from pulling out lol.

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I'm bored, wanna play games with people. i play vrc and stuff. I'm a girl, from Canada so thats pretty awesome. my discord is Clover9k, same for X, I started posting on Twitter alot more cause my last one got termed.
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heyy add me on hannibaalbarca2.0
we can be great gaming buddies or foreign intelligence assets :3
I'm not underage, it was a bait post for my friend.
you can show an id card with only your gender and dob so we can verify
added you on disc op
Wt city in canada

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Welcome to the ERP thread!

Jolly Edition

Previous thread: >>32505664

The purpose of this thread is to serve as a place where anons can freely share their contact information, characters, solicit roleplay, share fantasies, discuss kinks, and everything else related to ERP.

>What's ERP?
Erotic Roleplay is text, or voice, based conversation where people build towards "sexy time" that's usually more structured than dirty talk. For many, the plots, settings, and characters in ERP allow for fantasies to be more fully discovered, explored, and fulfilled.

>Where can I ERP?
Pretty much on any medium that allows for communication, including KIK, Telegram, Discord, Skype, and even Twitter/Instagram DMs.

>I'm looking for something more advanced.

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M 28 seeking long term detailed ERP/Roleplay. Looking for a good cuck related scenario using my blonde GFs pics to help the story.

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I like to rp as a maid from a poor country who’s contacted by a guy from a better country to get hired in his house as a live in maid.
Tell me everything about the job and everything about yourself that i should know about (age, house size, live alone or not, etc..) as well as ask me anything that’s related to the job.

>Filtering u if ur first message is generic and uninteresting/not unique
>Filtering u if u add and dont say anything or if u take longer to reply
>Filtering u if u use porn logic, anime logic, shitty movie logic, or any unrealistic logic.
>Filtering u if u use certain repetitive dumb questions or phrases.
Discord: nia_nay
Bumping myself.

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