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Previous thread: >>40895837

Untimely demise edition

Choose Your Own Adventure. AKA Quest.

>Discuss Current, Finished and Upcoming CYOAs
>Give advice on CYOAs
>Pitch ideas
>Get critique
>Trade art

List of stories: WIP (formerly anonpone). Your best bet is to search via desuarchive.

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Does every cyoa update daily or is there room for slower update schedules?
There have also been weekly quests.
If you aren’t going to update everyday, or at least close to every day, then I wouldn’t run one in its own thread. But you can run one in this general and then you don’t have to worry about regular updates or bumps.
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>Cuckqueen pegasus Roseluck

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Filthy Claws Edition

Discuss vidya and play with fellow horsefuckers.
Pony vidya, pony mods and related videogame discussion are also encouraged, any type or genre of videogame is welcome.
If you want to play a certain game with /mlp/ don't hesitate to ask. People might just join and play with you. Don't be afraid to add each other. Who knows, maybe (You) will start up a new staple group?
More importantly, have fun!

Vidya's played last thread: Age of Empires 2 DE, Barotrauma, Deep Rock Galactic, Equestria at War, Golf With Your Friends, Minecraft, Megaspell, Left 4 Dead 2, Rust, Sven Coop, War Thunder
Vidya's played before: Black Ops 3 Zombies, Killing Floor 2, OpenTTD, PAYDAY 2, Project Zomboid, Satisfactory, SCP: Containment Breach Multiplayer, SRB2Kart, Tabletop Simulator, Terraria, Vintage Story.

Previous thread: >>41038964
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3 in
doing a quick clover, feel free to join us anytime
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the results
the most difficult clovers get the most points this time

Doing Deception in Hong Kong, a murder mystery game where people die from amoebas and dirty socks with 4
Join us!
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Killed a man who hates apples through starvation in his own room.
Doing Mysterium with 5 in a minute
AAA, it crashed!
I'll open it up again, maybe a quick little game of something before we split

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Previous Thread: >>41084169

Welcome to Fingerbang: The Equestria Girls & Humanized Thread! Anything with >no hooves is welcome and encouraged here. If you like to write, draw, read, or critique the humanized versions of the ponies, then this is the thread for you.

Story List:

--Recent Writefags-- (pastebin.com can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary)

https://ponepaste.org/2937 (Luna)
https://ponepaste.org/9978 (Celestia)
https://ponepaste.org/9088 (Cadance)
https://ponepaste.org/3518 (Various)
https://ponepaste.org/7826 (Fluttershy)

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A little uncanny but surprisingly hot
Why do you guys like this vapid thread?
Amazing, thank you so much you've made my day!
Why are you butthurt? Can’t you filter threads?
It doesn’t seem like Derpy knows how to filter threads at all…

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(formerly known as /tempo/, or T:EM/P/O)
A conglomerate of content creators since we couldn't keep our own threads up alone. If you're working on something, be it musicfagging, writefagging, drawfagging, poetfagging, craftfagging, or game-devfagging come by and post for some feedback or give some of your own. If you want to start content creating why not start today?

This thread is intended for ALL SKILL LEVELS, from complete beginner to seasoned expert. Don't get intimidated. We're all just hobbyists here to have fun and help each other make more pony stuff.

Active Community Projects:
Antithology 4.0 >>41112718 (Deadline June 14th)
/mlp/ con 2024 >>41082707 (June 28-30)

Resource Bin:
https://ponepaste.org/9401 (needs updated, bug me about this later)

Tempo Music Archive:

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Based on my schizo theories the missing link appears to be human contact. Not having someone there to pressure you into the task can be a huge problem. Reminds me of how horses develop mental health problems when stalled away from herd members. Im pretty much fucked in that regard myself.
I want to create...
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I don't even lurk in this thread usually, but thanks. Pic is early celesita, inspired by molestia, i'm finally learning how to make models proprly.
>like highwaytotartarus
>check him out after a while
>artist takedown request on all derpibooru uploads
>they live in saudi arabia and work at a cleaning company (per their tumblr that used to post clop but now posts about this in may of 2023?)
RIP a great artist.
Very nice anon.

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For the Forgotten 6 Cutest girls from Equestria Girls movies, specials and more! Back from the dead edition!

Previous Thread: >>37264944
Death Note: Invisible

Slave Equestria Girls (Mostly Sunset and Anon but Wallflower is there kinda)

Special Needs (WIP)

Deceptive Danger
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Well some green is better than none in my book and practice is how you get better, so I'd read it. That's assuming the thread stays up.
I'm playing through Elden Ring again in preparation for the dlc and I'm just not interested in the lore at all. It just isn't anywhere near Dark Souls in terms of worldbuilding for me. Anyway, if you're up for it, give it a shot.
>I'm just not interested in the lore at all. It just isn't anywhere near Dark Souls in terms of worldbuilding for me.
I tried to figure it out but it's so nonsensical and doesn't make any sense. I don't get it or get WHY. Like what does it mean? what is it trying to make me think about. Dark Souls especially 2 made you think about the literal purpose of life and what it means to be human. elden ring? why? It just doesn't feel like any of it means anything substantial for the characters or me in real life
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why do all the villains have an UNF demoness form besides Vignette and Wallflower?
Wallflower is already the most attractive she could possibly be

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>You are Ardent Mind, an experienced caravan guard and a senior team leader of Steady Stride Caravan Guard Company
>Your job is to escort ponies across the Badlands and beyond to the new colonies in the Mysterious South, fighting Changelings, Diamond Dogs, giant lizards and other dangerous wildlife found in The Badlands and the lands beyond
>Most recently you were hired by the Equestrian Rehoming Project, an organization responsible for managing and encouraging immigration to Equestria’s new colonies
>Your job is to escort and protect one of the Project’s heads, her entourage, and a large number of settlers, fifty ponies in all, all the way from the city of Appleloosa to New Ponyville in the southern colonies
>The job has been rougher than normal but the excitement reached a crescendo just a few days ago when Diamond Dogs trapped your group within a canyon, leading you to take shelter in a newly excavated ancient Dog temple
>After a costly battle in the temple you were forced to take a metaphorical leap of faith, leading you and your remaining clients to find yourselves trapped in an underground Diamond Dog city
>Now you and your team of caravan guards must find a way to escape the city with as many settlers you can

Last session ended with you speaking to Drift, an earth pony slave about ways to escape the Dog city, as well as details surrounding the upcoming slave auction.

(Characters: https://pastebin.com/PqtD6vYH)

Previous Threads:

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Rolled 16 (1d20)

Last time I rolled a 1 in stealth. Surely this will go better.
>Keeping your voice low as possible, you turn around and whisper to Downburst
“Back up.”
>Slowly, carefully the two of you retreat, the whole while the sound of footsteps drawing nearer
>It’s hard to navigate in the absolute darkness of the catacombs so you put your front right hoof against where the floor and wall meet, feeling for where the closest intersection is
>You can’t see Downburst of course but you can hear his hoofsteps, no matter how hard he tries to be silent
>When you do eventually find the hall you make a short ‘psst’ sound to get the stallion’s attention and hide around the corner, staying just a few steps away from the corner
>After a few seconds the footsteps pass you by, not even so much as hesitating as it passes you
[Input Needed]
Wait for a few more moments before going ahead back to the temple to ensure whether or not the dog will come on back.
The dog might be with the smugglers, maybe watch where he's going with earth sight.
>You wait for a few more moments to ensure the stranger doesn’t suddenly double back before lowering your hat over your horn and casting Earth Sense
>Above you is a bevy of sleeping Dogs and a few slaves, though you ignore those
>The stranger is a small Dog, as you expected, and is walking on only three of his legs while carrying an object in the last paw
>He wears some kind of clothing, a robe maybe, and walks through the darkness without hesitation, as if he could see perfectly
>Soon he turns down a passageway about a hundred feet away and eventually disappears from your sight
>You relay the information back to Downburst
>”Should we pursue him in case he’s working with the smugglers,” he asks, “or should we continue towards the tatzlwurm place?”
[Input Needed]

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The cutest mare!! the most snowpity!! I love her! I love her! I love her!
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She is so nice!
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I love rainbowshine and rainbowshine loves me!
She seems like the type of mare to make breakfast in bed just for the fun of it
rainbowshine on 10 is it over?
She’s sleeping
Making rainbows is hard work you know
there is no way she can still be sleeping how will she be appreciated if shes on page 10!

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Intel heist edition
OLD THREAD: >>41104177

Pony maps, sprays, and micspam!
Reskinned vanilla maps (with mares) by our very own anons!
Come relive the heyday of pony TF2 with your friends from /mlp/!

Visit our official website to check out the server info from your browser: https://mlp.tf/
If you'd like a custom icon on the mlp.tf scoreboard, post your Steam ID and attach your desired icon in the thread.

>Server info
Server IP: tf2.15.ai OR
Password: check filename
Steam group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/mlptf2_
Map downloads (extract the .bz2 file, then place the .bsp file in /tf/download/maps): http://mlp.site.nfoservers.com/server/maps/

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Which maps do you think you’ll be doing?
Just post them in the thread.
Where's the goddamn stallion balls in this thread
>hiding in Plain Sight
unf unf
Someone said to me in chat that June 3rd will be a day where RED and BLU band together to take on robots. Should we perhaps dedicate that day to either playing MvM or Appletopia? Or will it be business as usual?

Do not postpone!
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But it's eepy time!

Howdy, partner!

What you see here began as a series of comedy-centric stories with the concept of an alicorn-ascended Princess Applejack trying to change a mismanaged Equestria for the better by humorously interacting with the other, quite lazy, princesses. Plus late night pink antics.

Not to mention a whole bunch of Changelings with nothing better to do but cause mischief.

The whole thing was set in motion by this gem:


>So, wait, why am Ah' a princess again?

>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom. You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done? Fucking nothing. Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight, but the minute I point out the free health care I have to work to maintain everyone goes quiet. And don't even get me started on Cadence, who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative. Fucking annoying. Go do actual princess stuff, because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks "Princess" means "Beat cop."

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To be fair on drowning
Depending on which part of the fan of urine into, that might be a negative.
And domestic violence, the violence with the best gas mileage!

"I can sell you a gun... for a price."

>You can!?


"Hey! Don't cockblock! Get it? Cockblock? Because gun... and also I'm a-"

>Shaddup! What's your price?

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>One of these days, child, you’re going to bite off more than you can chew!

“Oh my I hope so!”

>You are the only one I worry is so dumb I’m going to have to write “tried to fuck a dragon” for the obituary.


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beautiful mare fat
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What did she do?
She exploited natural resources of Unicorns destroying their bog and forest to make her line of perfumes and skin accessories. She made millions out of it while causing billions worth of damage for Briddle Wood. So she made a cheap 5 minute apology video and then continued to do her thing while her fans damage control and make people forget about it
That's the power of an influencer.
I love exploitative capitalist Piggy Pipp <3
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She's very plump

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>"All alone on a Friday night? Golly, you're pathetic."
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both of them were slavers holding entire kingdoms as hostage and sombra quite literally was just black magic.
>i hate to see that prime cunny wasted
Exactly my thoughs.
She's going insane.
unf filly plap plap plap
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I'm not alone, I'm with the science team!

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Pinkie has finally been accepted by the fungus, and wanted a place for everyone to discuss and show off their own mares and mycological projects!

>What is this thread about?
Mares and fungus, duh

>Is any fungus welcomed?
Anything but Trichoderma and Cobweb

>Where can I get spores?
Pretty great little place to get some spores ordered (Cubes and other types)

>How do I get started?
Philly Golden Teacher is a great resource for getting started. Broke Boi Tek is always a good introduction to the hobby (though rather than rice, I do recommend Rye Berries)

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i wish i could commune with ponk like that foreverrrrrr. thank you anon!
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once mushroom egg is formed they will grow very quickly within a day or less if they get correct weather conditions
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The total yield from the first flush!
Curious, how do you preserve mushrooms?
Dehydrator and zip locks. I grind them into powder to put into teabags

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Get the fuck out of here Horse Zelda, you'll never be Epony
epona is very sexy even before being ponified
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Imagine being reincarnated along with the rest of the cast.
dropkick zoofags

Please share this - it has been offline for days:
[Loyaldk] My Little Pony 4K Upscale

and this which is also offline:
4chan /mlp/ full images

I hope that the right people see this thread so I can download the files I have missing for those torrents. In the meantime I will dump/bump with some images (+metadata) not found in searches.
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>/ipfs/bafybeifmizflbrqh6tblrv7l662m3lvojnh4bo7q7sfyto2ambzv6mlzl4 ,, 1717238450 ,, safe, pony, mare, female, pinkie pie, fluttershy, text, english text, standing, full body, tongue, tongue out, sitting, cutie mark, pegasus, earth pony, violence, open mouth, g4
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>/ipfs/bafybeidufc4klbppjd2dvtc2oug6hdpehj65t4dxjwmy43pxiom7yqo5ie ,, 1717238788 ,, safe, pony, mare, female, text, english text, pony viewing guide, cereal velocity, book, cutie mark, twilight sparkle, open mouth, ticket, smoke, fluttershy, applejack, hood, rarity, looking at each other, mane six, apple, fruit, food, g4
*don't see Celestia in that role
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I have two copies of this part of 4chan-mlp torrent:
>1365.car >>41114297
Proof=that CID is online - including picrelated:

One down, hundreds left: about 0.5 GB out of 1000 GB duplicated.
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I may end up getting 3 copies (one per 3 different HDDs) instead of 2 copies in 2 diff. HDDs. Diff. methods (ipfs-offline = bittorrent-online):
>(a) 3 as 1 ipfs-online, 2 ipfs-offline; (b) 2 as both ipfs-offline; or (c) 2 as 1 ipfs-online, 1 ipfs-offline
(b) is best, but for now I can do (c) which I guess will end up being (a). This image=

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