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Howdy, partner!

What you see here began as a series of comedy-centric stories with the concept of an alicorn-ascended Princess Applejack trying to change a mismanaged Equestria for the better by humorously interacting with the other, quite lazy, princesses. Plus late night pink antics.

Not to mention a whole bunch of Changelings with nothing better to do but cause mischief.

The whole thing was set in motion by this gem:


>So, wait, why am Ah' a princess again?

>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom. You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done? Fucking nothing. Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight, but the minute I point out the free health care I have to work to maintain everyone goes quiet. And don't even get me started on Cadence, who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative. Fucking annoying. Go do actual princess stuff, because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks "Princess" means "Beat cop."


Are you feeling creative? Try your hand at writing a story! No contribution is too small and we love having new folks around.

If you're more artistically inclined give a drawing or sketch a shot. Don't fret too much; it doesn't have to be fancy and we appreciate artwork a lot.

If that isn't your style either, writers always need feedback. So tell us what you liked - and what you didn't - to help us improve.

If you are unsure about anything, do not be afraid to ask. We will gladly bring you up-to-date or explain anything you feel is unclear.

Thread 372, and after all this time, we meet the big girl herself!
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>Tia? Gotta question.

"Make it fast, this might very well be the last chance either of us have of saying it."


"Because I might just burn the world so nobody else gets to have it."

>Reasonable. Ah'm just wonderin', did you know the Tree of Harmony was, like, sapient?

"I did not."


"I'm afraid not."

>That's weird.

"Isn't it?"

>Ah' mean ya' walked up to it and took a bunch of stuff off it, ya' figured she'd talk to ya' iffin' it was an option. Just a, hey howdya do, maybe put them there things back when yer' done with them, they're kinda me or somethin'.

"Right? I built a castle over the Tree, but apparently after Luna she just never gave me a "Hey, since you're done with them, maybe instead of just leaving rocks up there, you put them back in the me which is alive."

>It don't make no sense! She can have full on conversations, apparently!

"Put ponies, or changelings, into whole other visions or the like!"

>But never once did it occur to her ta' say 'Howdy' until way, way later!

"It's like it just popped in out of nowhere!"

>Dang silly, is what it is!

"Right! Wait, did we just agree on a silly part of this world, one that is in no way my fault?"

>Looks like we did, looks like we did.

"Oh dear, it really is the end of the world, isn't it?"

>Ain't nobody Ah'd rather spend it with. Celestia? Thank you, for answerin' mah' questions.

"And, I suppose, thank you, for wanting to hear my answers."

>Iffin' Ah could do it all over again, Ah'd ask even more. Thank you, for bein' mah' friend.

"Thank you, for reminding me, I need them."
Pinkie Preview Prophecies

>It's end of the world as we know it, but Applejack feels fine.
>Pinkie's a mother lover and you're a mother lover, so we should-
>Celestia and Luna realize they should have brought a gift for this day.
>Derpy completes a major order in time.
>Angel Bunny acquires one wing.
>Time Turner thinks his time might be ending.
>The Crusaders wonder what's a God to a non-believer.
>Remembering fanservice!
Friendship. It’s what they got.
That’s a cool picture.
She’s a cool girl

>...kinda thought it would be instant.

"Same, same."



>Bwop bwaaabebebeb.


>I was just making noises.

"Oh, okay."



>Anyone bring cards?

>So, what do we do now?

"Punch Sunset in the face?"

>...Ah' could go for some mild pointless violence...

>...so is that the actual literal Tree of Harmony turned into a giant crystal golem trying to throw hooves with a dark god?

"Pretty much."

>...member when we had a nice little fight in a magic room and it was a big deal?

"I remember when I just used to throw chemicals at Fifty Six and it was a whole thing."

>I remember traps in Everfree Forest.

"Don't think that prepared us for this."




"...wanna make out?"


"Nothing! Talking to Sexy!"

>Oh okay.


>...you think if we'd tried to join in, it would've worked?

"Iffin' we'd tried to use the Elements of Harmony to aide the actual literal embodiment of the Elements of Harmony?"




"Sounds like askin' the mailmare iffin' she needs more envelopes."

>I mean... she doesn't make them, she might.


>Think about your metaphors is all I'm saying.

"We're gonna die, Twi."

>Well then let's die correct.
She’s gonna die a nerd, as she should
Dt you have no more chances

>Just go for it, what's the worst that could happen!?





>She blocked it. But thanks for the motivational speech.


>...Mom's going to kick her ass.


>SHhh! She'll hear you and ground us!

"She cannot ground us, we're adults!"

>You know not her power! She can delete dildos!




>I was not supposed to say that out loud...


>It... it's canon...

"...Tia the fuck-"


>I warned you!
>> 41061627
>> 41061640


Ya’ll always giving artwork when I ain’t looking lord have mercy

>...why did you just chuck a bar of soap in a random direction?

"She knows what she did and this gag isn't going to die!"
Not until she does at least
Faust bout to get the belt
The slipper too
let’s not go overboard.

>Thats it, Chancala is coming off!

“So… this is how the universe dies…”


"Ya... okay?"

>I'm gonna be honest I thought I was going to "die" again.

"That has happened a weirdly high number here recently."

>That I'm actually fine and kind of sitting here is... weird.



"...Wanna talk while ya' got the chance?"

>I have nothing to talk about and it sucks.
>… I saw a cool bird the other day.

“Neat. What happened with it?”

>It left me without talking like EVERYONE ELSE

>Sooo, nice to meet you alllll.

>Is there something in my teeth?




>… whelp, blew that first impression../
I just realized, she’s like that because she’s only been used to talking in peoples brains.
And she’s like super tall


"Hi! Nice to talk to you, more directly!"

>...why did you never talk before?

"I have to go, my planet needs me."

She floats into the air.


Celestia goes after her.
That move don't work when she can fly

>So is you being huge... required?

"Probably not."


"...I like being tall."
"Finally I can look down on you like I always wanted!"


She earned that.

Took a long time to grow after all.
Or instantly, it was unclear

>… is someone chipping at my leg?

“LET ME STUDY YOU! The alchemical properties of this must be amazing!”

>Oh, okay… they were kind of laying there before don’t know why you suddenly- hey!

~I’m not gonna lie I was just waiting for someone else to do it first.~

>Darn it twilight!

>So... yer' mom any good at fighting?

"I have absolutely no idea, for all I know she's so rusty she could use the flakes to blind him."

>...would that be better or worse, fightin' wise?

"She doesn't seem the type to play dirty, she wants to keep it clean."

>Don't think this here's the time for honor.

"Or is it the most important time for honor? I mean if the highest herself is willing to do whatever it takes to win..."

>...this here's gonna bring up some awful moral questions.

"Like bringing a little sister to a battlefield?"

>Diamond Tiara ain't got no sister.



"Nothing, nothing."

>...Ah'd kick him in the dick.

"I know."

>Ain't even bein' mean about it, he just deserves it.

"You might hit our Shining."

>Ain't like he uses it.


>Sorry, sorry...


>But am Ah' wrong-


>Ah' deserved that.

>...We better get him back when this is all done.

"I mean, surely he doesn't need Shining when it's all over, right? Wouldn't he have to be a petty vindictive clingy asshole?"


"Dang it. I hate it when people other then me do that."
That’s why you monopolize being an asshole

>So, what do we do now?


>Don't say punch him.



"Poke him?"

>...it's just crazy enough to work.


>No, I didn't want you to feel bad.

"Oh. Good."


"I sort of do now that you said that though."

>Guess this is a day that sucks for all of us.

>Just so you know, I'm not happy about this.

"Never implied you were."

>I'm deeply hurt just like everyone else.

"I'm sure."

>He's a cool guy.

"He is."

>And I'd never wish this on him.

"Nobody would."



I’m sure he’s got a great speech about being strong and nothing else. Nothing else.
it is the end of the world, if he’s gonna shoot a shot.

>… shit we might still survive.

>Damn you asspulling!
>TTTTTT- we still have to deal with the very real fact we might have to figure out a way to attack Shining Altmor which would theoretically hurt him, and though that's not something we want it's potentially unavioidable and we need to be ready for it.

"Oh... oh! I thought you were going to say "But at least they're single!"

>That's a terrible thing to say... out loud.

>I honestly don't even get why you guys came up here, didn't you already mess with the world?

"I'm just here for her, I honestly am fine getting my groove on."

~And I'm not stupid, if you managed to bullshit Delight figuring out how to summon the Tree, it was only a matter of time.~

>...you know Delight?

~Miles Delight? Sargent of the Guard? One time wrestling star? Friend of Sebjek, Vermilion and Dazey? Known by the Griffon royals? Has an overbearing mother and an overly enthusiastic father? Wears loafers on friday after he gets off his shift when he reads smut while skipping past the sex scenes because he likes the worldbuilding? That one?~

>...ye... yes.

~Never heard of him.~
Think his real name is Tails
>...What about Rochi?

~Love the guy. Even have his trading cards.~

>Ok, now I ... Trading cards?

~The ones that gray filly has been selling. I even got the Ultra Rainbow Rare print.~

>Dang it, SIlver Spoon!
I has new meme art.
>Spilled her cupcakes
DT corrupting Caddy yet again
She’d still eat them
It's a classic meme sir, but still good.
Poor ponka, she spilled her cakgetti
But why does the ponka cry
>And as Pinkie lie there on the ground, her hard work splayed out and reduced from tantalizing treat to subject of mockery, she knew.
>The world must burn.
>But first, she must bring Sunset Shimmer back from the other world... and set it all in motion.
>How does she work so fast!?

"Right? When did she even have time to work on the Faust Prayer Beads."

>...how does she even KNOW ABOUT ME!?

>… alright the timing with them there sky lights is… something.

“Wasn’t my fault!”
>Story breaks heaven
>Sudden solar anomaly that makes lights across the US

Yeah the lights were something.
Quick, somewhere they were hit see if anybody dropped off.
Soon, flying horses.
The future is now.
And so much red and green reported too!

Truly a /pa/l miracle.
No fucking way did he predict a possibly once in a generation storm…

R… right?
Lumberjacks know these things

>He he he…

“… is that a twenty?”

>Twenty bits is twenty bits!

“You recolored the sky for twenty bits!?”

>Twenty! Is! Twenty!
“… so how much for a-“


“That doesn’t seem like a lot.”

>More than someone who forgot their wallet can afford.


>Beat it broke bitch
“Imma run back-“


“It’ll just take a minuutteeee
~Can you not think with your dick for TWO MINUTES!?~

"... Starting now or two minutes ago?"
Hug yo mamas
Damn right.
And call her!



>Ah’ just realized!


>Shes actually here this time!

“… bwa?”

>We ain’t gotta do world punches this time! Look!

Proud of herself, little Two strutted right over to a certain pink princess, and poked her.

>There she is! Right here! On mommy’s day!


>Right?! She’s right there and we can say happy mommy’s day!

She looked up, she waved, and she declared.

>Happy mommy’s day!

‘Awww, thanks, my little darling.”


>… what?


>… w-well, no, Ah’ mean, Ah ain’t had no time to shop.


>Ah’ve been doin cheers for lasers! It’s been a whole thing!


>Ah used up all mah malleys, mah hoofie holes is empty! They’re empty!


>Shoot! Okay! Ah can get a gift!

‘Two, just being here with my two little girls is all I need-‘

>Nah! We need a real thing!

‘It’s the thought that counts.’

>… that’s it!

Confusing both, Two suddenly turned around.

>Ey! You!

And a certain Queen who had not moved finally acknowledges her.

>My real mommy is ten times the mommy you ever could be, plplplplppppp!

It was small, it was petty.

‘… darn right, I am.’

It was a perfect gift.

>Happy mommy’s day!


>So… what did you get her

The baby began to sweat.

>...Ah'm almost impressed.


'Right? There's a creativity here I did not expect.'

Both watched, rapt, as the baby scooped up more and more chunks of the ground, and drooled all over them.

Then, before their very eyes, managed to mold that slightly moist dirt into something approximating a quadrupedal animal's shape. By spit and dirt alone, she forged.

>Ah' think sissy might have some art skills.

'I might need to get her some clay.'

>...she'd probably eat it.

'Sure, but only once.'

>Don't taste that good?

'Not that I would know from experience, but no.'

>Huh!... Oop, looks like she's done.

It was distinctly equine in shape. Pointier nose than most, longer legs than most, and bearing half molded wings and the approximation of a horn, but it was enough for her to look proud of herself and take off.

'Awww, thank you, sweetie-'

Right past Cadence.

>...do ya' think she meant ta' do that?

~Hm? Oh, hey, kiddo! What you got there? Is that... a little me? HAH! That's something, I love it. Thanks, baby! Hey, Caddy, look what...~

Chrysalis looked over, and locked eyes with Cadence.


Slowly, she lowered the gift she'd been holding proudly, as the other mare stared on.

~What did I do?~



Flurry seemed proud of herself.

>Oh hey, we're actually here to do this.

"Do what?"

>Happy mothers day!

"Awww, thank you Dashie! You know you being here is all I need!"

>Well that's good because anywhere I could buy stuff is currently folding inwards through space and time.

"Tuesdays, am I right?"

>My mothers day gift to you is letting you have that.

>OKAY! SISTER HUDDLE! Quick, everyone!

Huddle, they did.

>Okay, we need a plan!

"On how to stop that giant guy who's mid destroying our reality?"

>No! For mother's day! We don't have a gift!


'Pull something out of your hair.'

~I was gonna say, you do that all the time.~

"That is not remotely the problem right now!"

>I already pulled it all out in the fight!

'So pull out more, you do that too.'

~Always when it's empty, too. Like, we see it.~

"Are you serious!?"

>Right?! That would never work right now, anything I pulled out would just make her look silly! Like a pie to the face!

"Not what I meant!"

>Well I could've said bomb that just makes your face black too, but I didn't think I had to list them all, we're on the same page!

"We're absolutely not!'

'I could carve something out of rocks.'

~Think mom has enough rocks.~

'She could use more.'

>Oh oh oh! The giant crystal tree pony thing!

"Right! Maybe if we power up her-"

>We can ask her for some crystals!

"She needs those!"

>Shoot, you're right, that would be rude. Woo, thanks for saving me, I almost looked like a real jerk!

'You would've, that's her body.'

~And she just got it back.~

>Thanks, Limestone!

"...I want to correct you so hard but I like winning so hard."

>Come on, thiiiinkkk!

Beside them, their mother beamed in pride.

(I'm so happy when my babies work together, this is the best thing.)

>...I'm sure he would've gotten you a gift.

"Honey, please, all I need is my children."

>But... he's-

"Well then you'd better hurry, shouldn't you?"


“Zephyr Breeze”


“I cannot fathom a single reason you won’t magic a gift for mom from me right now. You can make anything, you have nothing to lose, it costs you nothing and it’s just a nice, nay, kind thing to do. Give me a reason, one reason besides being petty!”

>Because I don’t want you bringing mom here by accident.


>You didn’t already didn’t you?

~Hi, dear!~


“With that in mind-“


“That’s fair.”

It was a sad thought that crossed his mind as he gazed upon the battelfield.

All they had given, all they had lost, and it seemed for naught. The end was upon them, the final curtain about to be drawn. He had seen much lost, and had lost much himself along the way. Among them, worst of all, was the one who had given them the miracle to fight back against the titans.


The one who had given herself for him, yet again. A chance, perhaps, he was unsure he deserved.

>Thank you....

"Yer' welcome, sugar cube!"



>Have thou been there the whole time!?

"Well no, Ah' reckon Ah' was round the bend a minute ago."


"Wassa pretty big bend, 'spose."

>The fu

>Here you go!

"...why are you giving me gifts."

>I... I don't know, I just feel like I need to give you lots of pretty flowers today.



"Soooo, what did you get me?"

>It... we're in the middle of a battlefield!

"...so you're saying you forgot."

>Go ask Sweetie Belle, then!

File: Spoiler Image (520 KB, 2477x1801)
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Maybe it's a spoiler, maybe it's not, who knows?
Awww, das cute.
I’m not a mama but I’ll take the gift
>...So we're leaving Luna out then?
She has a favorite!
This feels familiar...
Ya'll better have said hi to yo mommas
And hugged them too.
"Big Mac"

>...Ya' know, Ah' wondered with Heaven being cracked open...


'Guess ya' don't wanna blow yer' load on that one.'

>Don't say it like that, it sounds weird.


'Ah'm just sayin'!


'...Ah'll call ya' mom iffin' ya' feel like it.'


Calling her mommy might mean something else

>...boy I wish we'd been in the fight instead of tossed back and forth in time.

"I see the past future and present all at once and they're all boring."
>Granny Smith

>...the fuck'er you lookin' at me for?

>Mah' mom's dead.
She is mom tho
I knew she was gonna haul ass out of there and let Tia handle it
Turnabout is fair play!
It’s called delegation!
>Granny Smith

>Ah friggen knew someone would break heaven right before ah got there!

>All that being a good person, wasted!
>...wait does that mean the other place is real!?

It’s under the school

>Yeah the bad place is like, right underneath the school.

“Or in it depending on age, am I right? “

>… no just underneath.

“But if you’re a kid.””

>It doesn’t teleport.

“Let me be relatable!”




“You’re welcome.”
can’t out cool logic
Sure you can, put some sunglasses on it.
And USELESS for battle!


>...not supposing the demons are here for one last hurrah?

"They hid from her when she was just a big stompy, you think they're going after her now?"

>Curse villainy being far weaker than good!

>...You know I wish I'd stuck a camera on Chitty's armor, thinking about it.


>Would be neat to see what's happening.

"...In, like, eight hundred years?"


"Sunset, what kind of latency would you be thinking beyond space and time, here?"

>...well I am immortal.

"You can just admit you didn't think of it."

Assuming he’s just a mere teeny tiny 100 light years away, the sun would literally be gone before the video reached
And he just jaunted there
>Salt does not understand time dilation
Boy is he in for a surprise back home

>Honeys! I’m hooooowhyarethere flying cars.

“Hi! I’m Sunny Starscout!”

>… scorched earth it is
It’s for the best
>Wait, are you related to me?

"I don't know!"

>...better be safe...

"You don't seem the type."

>SHIT she is my grandkid!

"Wait wha
Sounds more like AJ
Yeah the brutal arch fits her better.
do you want him to blow the planet? This is how he blows up the planet.
Yeah but like… that planet

Not gonna miss the farting dragon

>Sooooo, looks like team me is gonna win.


>...just so you know, if I do win, I'm asking really hard for you to be let on our side.

"I don't think they're going to take me."

>I know, but I'm going to ask, really, really hard.

"..thanks, mom."

>Hey, I had to do one good thing for you at some point in my life.

>Fool! Now you will see the folly of your choices, as we gain VICTORY!


>But perhaps, should you beg, I might be swayed to say a single word of hope for your forgotten soul.


>Speak now, beg now, or be destroyed!




>...Don't make me sad and proud of you at the same time.
She’s got conviction.
I mean she wasn’t that bad, just stupid

>...You know, even when we win, I won't-

"Oh wow look at all the cares Ah' don't give! Look at 'em! They're in mah' hoofie holes! GASP! Waaaaa!? Nothin' in there!? But how can that be!?"

>...you know I am still your mother.

"Yer' a big dumb dummy is what'cha are!"


"Ah'm sorry, real mommy who' Ah' listen to."

I love how she brings out her nasty side
Two is very hard to tork
but when she torks, she tweaks
She forked, now she torked

Go for the eyes
She goes to the heart.
>Everyone else swears like sailors but she gets chided for the most mild of insults

Seems unfair
She’s a kid!

>Ya' know, sissy, sometimes it feels unfair how much not-mom gets ta' swear but nobody cares, and then Ah' say doody and everyone flips their cookies.


>...yer' lucky Ah' don't know baby

>...I wonder what it tastes like.

"Absolutely not."

>Come onnnn, this is my last chance!

"You are not going to lick the tree of Harmony!"

>Well, duh... I'd just take a bite like a normal dragon.

"Absolutely not!"

>You're not my dad! He's my dad, and I don't even listen to his dumb ass!





~First off, grounded.~

>I am not! I defy you!

~Second what the actual fuck is going on.~

"Wow I... do not think we have enough time to go into that."

~Third... is she single?~



"Oh dear god no."

~I too would worry about holding myself back during, but I'm willing to try. Nom nom nom.~



>Hey, Tree of Harmony? While Ah've got'cha here, Ah've always wondered-

"I'm sorry but I'm not accepting questions about existence right now."

>Oh, okay.




>Ah' ain't rude.
What you're saying is Applejack is cool, not rude?
Anypony got another Country yeehaw ass song to base a picture on? Last one was fun (I'm gonna miss her)
Considering OP and the the holiday the thread hit, only one that fits. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noTahf1EsGU
Mr Applepost, regards.
My default, especially now that we have a "Devil". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ut8UqFlWdDc
Wow all my country songs about heaven are SAD, what is up with that?
I have exactly one country song about rules.


I realized I'm not familiar enough with thread lore to do anything too dramatic, and I did the devil went down to georgia with lyra a while ago
Holes in the floor of heaven isn’t yehaw but like… think about it
>realized I'm not familiar enough with thread lore to do anything too dramatic
Oh, nothing major, Alt-Shining and Chitty broke into heaven and are currently squaring up to fight Faust, she’s the one in the OP.

Just normal thread stuff, it’s why everyone is thinking of heaven and moms
In honor of our fallen country soul, I nominate https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o1JOFhfoAD4&pp=ygUSQmVlciBmb3IgbXkgaG9yc2Vz
Yeah just the climax of the war and the end of all reality, thursdays, am I right? Faust even pulled the gotta question
I actually second this one, he did a great pic with AJ and another character who's name I don't know swapping drinks.
Man I hate being this far down after someone already posted theirs, since I don't wanna overload you, but I would be remiss if I didn't throw this in the ring just to see how you would make it work.
Regardless, enjoy

Applejack wakes up one morning, a foul taste in her mouth and her limbs tangled in sheets.

>Whelp, knew Ah' shouldn't have gone for the tequila.

She reaches up.

>Oh no, mah' hat fell off! Well so long as Ah' kept on mah-

She reached in her hair, to find her hairtie was gone.

>Oh no! Ah'm indecent! Ah-

Finally, she notices that her tail band is gone.

>Ah've gone too far and can never show mah' face again.
Bit off more than I could chew with this one lads.
Not gonna lie, that face is something magical.
Whiskey for my mare!

Beer for the horses.
I love the sad implication she went up to heaven and made a pit stop in the bar, and Toby knows her by title
Well effort's always appreciated.
>Ah'm gonna go kill god. The She god.
"Which one?"
>Ah' hate that ya'll can ask that and Ah' gotta think about it, that redheaded ninny leaves more messes than her kid.
Toby would still be proud. Raising his glasses against evil forces, even now…
She's the only mare country enough to earn his respect.
>He didn't have to go for full realistic with Toby, but he did

I admire it
no one should fight God sober.
Make it a double.

I don’t even know what that means but I’m saying.
Aw, I miss everything.
This fits Salt weirdly well
>Silver Spoon

>So, if I wanted to get a liquor license...

"Absolutely not."

>Age discrimination!

"Yes, correct. Absolutely. Nailed it in one."



>You're a doody head.

"Where did you even get alcohol?'

>Anything with sugar turns into alcohol eventually!


~I needed the bits and she offered a good rate!~
Time spells have to exist

And before anyone asks the Faust pics we’re already in the wiki for a bit

>What's she asking for?

"She wants to make drinks."

>What's wrong with that? I could use a drink, this battle made me thirsty.

"Alcoholic drinks."



>I have dealt with so much crap here recently, we need some alcohol in me! We! Plural! This is the best for everyone!

"Ya'll ain't a drunk."

>And yet, here I am, begging to put some happy juice in me!


>...I can override you.

"No you can't."

>Let me have my happy juice!
>Filthy Rick
"Silver Spoon"

>You know, I have a liquor license.


>As a business partner, right?



He’s the local garbage guy, makes moonshine in his basement
Do not make the joke
You know the one
Zucchini Rick?
She wants to be filthy.
No cap?
That cannot be where that came from


poke poke

>Come onnnnn, do a twience and save the day.

"Pinkie, I do not have time to come up with something to beat a god out of my butt."




"I don't know if I'm angry or genuinely touched you think I can pull this off."

>Alright, Dashie, you're up!

"...I beg your fucking pardon."

>Your turn to stop a major threat. Good luck!


>...Is this the one thing you don't do fast? We need fast.

"The fuck do you want me to do against that!?"

>I'm not here to tell you how to do your job.

"That's not even my job anymore, I got replaced!"

>Fine, delegate then.



"...She is not my friend apparently."


"Lightning Dust."

>Ohhh, she's over there.

They both notice a mare staring off into the void, her eyes blank and her mouth gaping.

"Has she been here the whole time?"


"...is she okay?"

>Absolutely not.

~It keeps happening... it keeps happening...~

>...Lightning Dust, you're up! Save the world!


>I think she's working on it.

>...wanna go two for two?


>Oh sure, now you don't wanna do it. Complain till the last moment every time!

"I'm telling mother."

>Good, then you'd be there!

Like so many others, the young agent stared through the veil torn across the fabric of reality - high above the battlefield. Beyond it, he saw an image of stars and lights that left him in awe and dismay. It was a beautiful sight which filled him with a sensation he could only describe as the comfort of a child's cradle.

>Faust above...

And so it was all the more disheartening to know he could do nothing to help stop Chitania and her ally from destroying it.


With a jolt, his attention darted to the source of the unexpected voice: a certain grey mare, her head low as she looked to the earth beneath her feet. Shy, but guarded. It was a posture he expected of someone like Marble.


But Limestone was the one talking.


If you could call it that.

"I... Grrrrrr!"

Though it seemed she was ready to stomp away-

"This might be the end. For all of us. So..."

Her gaze shifted to his - the bangs of her hair covering her eye.

"I just wanna thank you while I can."

He shook his head - one part a show of humility; the rest an attempt to loosen his shock.

>You don't have to. I was doing my-

"But I want to."

She stood taller, gaining a hint of her usual assertiveness.

"Really. I was trying so hard to keep you away from my sister and family and...acting like a total gravel-brain... But you stuck around and pulled through for us. I'm sorry I acted like that."

It was his turn to look away - his heart pounding as blood rushed to his cheeks.

>Well, I won't say getting yelled at was fun, but I know how it feels to wanna look out for your sibling.

"You've got a little sister, too?"

>Little brother. Age-wise only, as he loves to point out. Makes it difficult to have a teaching moment with someone who's a head taller than you.

She let out a dry laugh.

"Like height's gonna stop'em from ignoring good advice."

He gave her a smile.

>Yeah... But that's all to say, I accept your apology.


And she to him - hers light and a bit bashful.

"Good. Good!"

Just a bit. Tinged by her usual assertive edge.


It seemed she wanted to say more.

"...Guess that's all I've got. Before we all get killed or whatever..."

But she took a step back, as though preparing to leave.



>Uh... I wish I had something comforting to say. Like we'll pull through this and be alright, but... It really does seem like things are just completely out of our hooves now.


>So, if the end is coming anyways, do you... maybe wanna brace for it together?

Her eyes went wide, mouth agape.

"Sure! Err..."

Before she cleared her throat and put on a frown.

"I mean, if you really want to. Not like I've got anything better to do."

But the pop in her step, the quickness with which she moved to stand by his side, betrayed the agitated aloofness she hoped to convey.

And so, the two of them looked toward the tear in the veil, unable to change the course of this grand story.

Powerless, but comforted.
>Learning someone could want HER above the others got her to make her move

Proud of the girl
What does she have to lose?

>...Not it!

"Neither of us are it, you don't have to pretend."

>I know but like, now you can't blame me, specifically

"...not it!"

>...Think I could hit him from here?

"Probably not, due to the speed of light.'



>Have you been standing there the whole time!?

"It hurts ever so slightly to learn you weren't talking to me."

>I thought Cadence was there! When did she move!?

"I think Flurry set something on fire."

>That does sound like her.

"Does it?"

>Babies are destructive.

"Not really. More, like, pukey, and poopy."

>Like you would know.


>...so, uh, thanks for restarting the Tree, or something? I don't exactly know what happened during that whole war, wasn't in this universe when it happened.

"Long story."

>I've got time.

"Do we?"



>...Think I should try to kiss her?

"What exactly do you have to lose?"

>Shiny might be mad at me I made a move on her while he's not here.

"Fair? I genuinely do not understand whatever the buck your whole home situation is. I've glimpsed it and worry it might lead me to madness. This feels like the sort of thing that either you understand or makes you wonder if there is a god for them to find."

>That's an accurate description, yeah.

"Glad to know I can gleam situations."

>...Names Chrysalis, by the way.

"I kn..."


"Delight. Miles Delight."

>Nice to meet you.

"We have met many times before this."

>Yeah, I know... think I'll remember them fondly too, whatever happens.

It’s oddly fun seeing Chrysalis pretend this is the first time talking to him, every time. Then referencing times she talked to him.
Who’s Johnny. When less robots

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