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You are a real MLP fan, right? Does the door on Twilight's Golden Oak Library open inwards or outwards?
it always opens towards spike, especially when on a direct collision course with him
spikewards, yes

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>Anon! Anon, check this out!
>Pinkie gave me this old scroll that Maud found in a cave! I think it was written by starswirl the bearded!
>It’s not important how I found this out, but it turns out that Starswirl wrote it with a special ink that only appears when it’s exposed to certain hormones contained in the urine of a mare in estrus- gosh, isn’t that clever, anon?
>Anyways, after some careful lab analysis, spike and I figured out that it’s a time capsule spell!!!
>That’s right, anon! As soon as this thread gets bumped off, everything in it will be transported through time eight whole years into the future, to the distant year of 2032!!
>So what are you gonna post in it, anon? What interesting things do you have to share with future /mlp/?

(gonna make a thread about this in 8 years, mark ur calendars)
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Please tell me I made my own pony series with AI. Even if it turns out to be just a graphic novel, I want to tell their story.

It takes a place in a world of divine inequality. In true cartoon logic, ponies are invincible, unable to be seriously hurt or killed while in their homeland. In nigh impossible situations, ponies, and only ponies manage to survive. Did their scooba-gear malfunction at the bottom a lake? They'll suddenly be safe on the shore. Did an anvil, followed by a piano crush them from above? Sprained ankle.

Outside of the country, other creatures have been asking questions. Why are ponies the the chosen species? Why are they invincible? Can that invincibility be taken away?

The rebellious babysitter deer kicked out of her hometown discovers her love for ponies after saving Bliss's life from the clutches of an evil plot.
The bubbly natural pony who has never cried in her life (that she can remember). She hates Ballooncrafting, her family's secret magic tradition that involves her two worst fears: hard work and balloons popping.
>Dyx (pet)
After discovering Bliss had never had a pet due to her parent's sheltering her from the concept of death, Patina gifts Bliss a cuddly dwarf minibear. It's pointed out too late to Patina that it's elderly and could die any minute.
The punk-rock woolpony who expresses herself through her mane and plastic clip-on earrings but keeps her fluffy coat perfect for her family's business. Her love of forbidden books combined with her farm-learned mechanical skills fuels her dreams of building the first ever flying machine. *The Ascetimares are watching.*

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I’d read the fuck out of this
8-years-from-now anon don’t let us down
BGP was shit when it came out, is shit now, and will be shit until the end of time.
>Verification not required.
Sounds like actual kino. Even if it’s not ai you can write that shit yourself, you got the chops for it.
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Gonna watch this shit tonight, heard it’s kino
enjoy anon! shine on!
There's a falseflagger who tries to claim G1fags are pedos in every G1 thread
>G1fags are pedos
Why though? Just schizo?
i blame Saberspark

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AI Art Thread #36


This is more of a one click manager that you can install / run the other backends though. Easiest by far. Recommended to download Forge through it and use its built-in Civitai browser to download models with.

For models not through the in-built downloader just download and drop them in Stability_Matrix\Data\Models\* (lora folder if a lora, TextualInversion if embedding, stablediffusion if checkpoint...)

Faster / more efficient version of Automatic1111 with some helpful extensions built-in. I would recommend installing this through Stability Matrix.

>Stable Diffusion Automatic1111
The original for posterity's sake.

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I have question, would it be worthwhile to tran SDXL on images of 512x512 size? I have an idea of training lora on textures from old vidya and the stuff that is currently available on civiai is way too cartoony looking for my likeness.
I want to buy a GPU to get into AI. What should I know before making a purchase?
Buy Nvidia (saying this as a life long AMD fanboy). The most powerful model you can afford. You'll want at least 12GB vram.
Smolder looks great!! What are the chances we can get some hot Silverstream action ITT?
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If you're not already overloaded with requests, could you gen some stuff of best future queen?

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Luna PLEASE wipe after using the bathroom...
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using any method other than wads of toilet paper is UN-AMERICAN AMD MAKES YOU A DIRTY COMMIE
Aren't all burgerlanders commies nowadays? The left loves communism and the right licks Putin's ass.
Yurocommie hands typed this post

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Friendship with Windy and Dahlia had ended. Now Princess Pipp "The Capitalist Pig" Petals is her best friend. But for how long?
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What do u mean....
Looks like a samefag.
it certainly broke one samfeagging poseyfag
Posey pushed away her friends because of her character. This is her reformation episode
I hope she stays at least a bit grumpy though.

post lewd eqg girls.
No hooves
No Furry
it's that simple. don't fuck it up.
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stop looking at me like that
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>Oh my is that you darling? You look like you haven't aged a day. Me? Oh I'm just toiling away at my boutique these days. I have Sassy and Coco to take care of my other boutiques but they rarely visit. Sweetie Belle hardly visits either and my friends and I are growing more apart as the years go by. Its getting so lonely up here. So very, very cold and lonely with nopony to talk to and share the warmth of my home and heart with...
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If you're buried in your career such that you can't visit people, then you don't have time for the people you fantasize about visits from anyway.

If work you put every waking minute into doesn't fulfill your needs as a person, you shouldn't be putting your every waking minute into it. You can make time to take a shit. You should treat your other needs the same way. The other options are to self-torture and then make it other people's problem, or just suffer until you die.
You're just jealous of successful, strong and independent mares.

When you wagecucked and wasted time with you POOR family, Rarity created designer clothes would last generations
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Beauty, obviously. Rarity's entire thing is her ability to to draw out the beauty hidden inside other ponies, which is represented by her gaining her Cutie Mark via cracking a rock open to unearth the gems that dwelt within it.
I imagine she wouldn't be particularly powerful as an alicorn, but would absolutely excel as a ruler due to her ability to find hidden talents amongst her subjects to delegate her duties to
>be anon
>arrive in Equestria years ago
>try to get with waifu but she isn't down with a green monkey
>go through a stage of depression for 2 years
>realize you can't go on like this and need to move on
>start talking to other mares in town
>most of them are still weirded out by you
>you remember going to Rarity's boutique
>she laughed at you when you asked her out to dinner
>then asked you to leave when you told her you weren't joking
>eventually a random background mare gave you a chance
>and you've been happily married since

>fast forward to the current day

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Previous Thread >>40976074

The hyper fun party humanized girl is back more than ever for the summer!!!!!!
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She's ready for sun!!!!!

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Rarity is laying on the floor before you.
What do?
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raspberries on vulnerable belly
Push her warm chest tightly against my face and inhale
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"Hi Rarity."
>"Hello Darling."

And that's probably it
I help her up

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Welcome to the My Massive Pony thread!
You don't mind if I sit here do you? Edition

Writers, artists, and critiques are always welcome, so long as it pertains to the main idea of the thread which is size difference.
Check out our slowly growing ponepaste: https://ponepaste.org/3112

Previous thread: >>40739527
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who's the artist on this? I think they did another pic I like
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"Thank you so much for the promotion, Sir, it means a lt to me. You won't regret it!"
"Also, I'll make sure to visit that tailor you told me about."
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Wow, these threads really went to shit

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I wish I was a cute mare.
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It does. It responds to
>is anonfilly a girl?
by listing those factors as their "evidence" and concluding yes. This implies that said "evidence" is sufficient for their conclusion.
Why do tfniggers argue like disingenuous communists? Seriously the only other people I see arguing in the same way they do are fucking communists and I don't get why there's a similarity there.
I denounce the talmud, if it helps
Anonmare is wife material THOUGH
No, he's right. Stop trolling.

Gen 5 (My Little Pony: A New Generation) Make Your Mark series has begun on Netflix, and there's still the movie as well!
Tell Your Tale episode playlist

Pony Life:

YouTube Playlist of pony shorts

My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria, Vol. 1
Download link https://www.mediafire.com/file/j76lgbbq1nibrrj/MLP_The_Manga_Vol_1_HD.rar/file
Get a physical copy https://sevenseasentertainment.com/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-1/
My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria Vol. 2
Download link

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Been too busy fixing my car and assembling my moped, to play games. I miss having time to just crash and do nothing in particular.
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>Today is World Cider Day
Went back to disgaea 7 recently
Dash gets none of this

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Cloud Cuddling Edition

Post pictures, write greentexts, and discuss Dash!
Previous thread: >>41023222


mobius !9PEUyNz5zw

Ex Waifu Ex Machina

YouTube playlist:

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gonna get her booty
>im not autistic either
well then I've got news for u buster...
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Post actual good looking dark skinned girls, I wish to add them to my collection.
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Can you repeat the question?
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You are not the boss of me now!
off topic but how did raindrops get associated with bread?

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