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Gen 5 (My Little Pony: A New Generation) Make Your Mark series has begun on Netflix, and there's still the movie as well!
Tell Your Tale episode playlist

Pony Life:

YouTube Playlist of pony shorts

My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria, Vol. 1
Download link https://www.mediafire.com/file/j76lgbbq1nibrrj/MLP_The_Manga_Vol_1_HD.rar/file
Get a physical copy https://sevenseasentertainment.com/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-1/
My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria Vol. 2
Download link
Get a physical copy
My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria, Vol. 3
Download link https://mega.nz/#!7Y43RCoS!WujvDfG-20FsDUXsMAIPpZE8qp3FECTL58wETuMIozY
Get a physical copy https://sevenseasentertainment.com/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-3/

The days may be getting longer, but there's still interesting sights at night for ponies who can stay awake for them. It's not phenomena that Equestria can often plan, either - the pegasi can make some obvious weather, but when the sky's clear and the stars are visible, well. Maybe the princesses can put a little extra effort into it, though. Just enjoy what's there, at least!

Previous thread.
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Episode Links:
Link to the Discord?
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How is the end of the world going for you?
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>end of the world
Oh? What happened this time?
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Can't complain, feels pretty nice.
Pony stubbed his hoof and it kinda hurts.
It's not really affiliated anymore and they don't like handing out invites.
Save me cute colt, cute colt save me
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Help! Help! Filly abuse! Filly abuse! I'm being abused by these fillies!
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How do you solve Twilight Sparkle
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I want to have sex with this horse
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>Today is International Nurses Day
Where are her huge teats
It still surprises me how mad ponies can make people
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living pony moms
Are you a friend of Marker Pony?
does it count if she booped me?
were you asking for it
if no, then you are a victim
Does Anon, you know, boop?
I'd like to think she's friends with all MLPGers!
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which one of you faggots is the general of the mlparmy?
Holy shit I know none of the new ponies, last time I was here there was still only the mane 6
Who the fuck is tempest shadow
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Alright, would
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>Today is Frog Jumping Day
sometimes it really feels like I'm the only person that likes sombra
If you go into the gay threads, you'll find plenty simping for their crystal daddy.
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You're not the only one
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Hell yeah
I don't think it's right that Twilight keeps turning grown men into fillies.
skrunkly colts
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>look over the wall at the AI thread
>it's 99% porn and people up their own ass about being "artists" instead of lever-pullers
I don't know what I expected honestly.
How big do you think she is now?
Shes becoming a eldritch horror like in stellaris
She's Gloomy-sized.
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Fell into the macrocosm, her disparate particles are now far enough apart she's no longer visible to the human eye.
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>Today is Dance Like a Chicken Day
twilight out here insulting Fluttershy’s chickens
Give me a random pony to change my name to in the game I'm playing
I'm happy when people remember harshwhinny exist
Filly is still jealous of all the sex and fun furries get to have
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But fillies have sex.
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Look at this filly and tell me she knows what sex is
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I want you guys to look at this pony
That's a nice pony. My day is much brighter now.
horse video
a real pony's pony
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This colt is cuter
Well I do like to play ping pong
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>Today is Straw Hat Day
yo ho ho
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Fluttershy would never do that
what if it was just a rabbit-shaped balloon
She is attempting to perform CPR. She's not very good at it.
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This filly looks like she fucks stallions
File deleted.
You're right.
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I like the idea that cadence is straight nasty for shining armor, it's cute
all of the love
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You are a man of culture
at first I thought that was armor
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>Today is National Barbeque Day
They just want to grill.
want some grilled oatburgers?
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I wish FlyingSaucer wasn't dead so he could draw more bats
I wish Flyingsaucer wasn’t dead so I can tell him how much his ego will be stroked soon™
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I am not beb Anon I am just overworked. I wish I had the energy and skill to do more cute bat horses

The world needs more cute bat horses


What are you up to anonymous?
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Holy shit, a ghost
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No matter how many times I see the name berry punch she'll always be OPPP to me
is flyingsaucer still zapping stallions with lasers these days
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He just probes them now
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I used to love the racism on the internet but now a lot of it feels forced and less funny pony says.
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Hopefully, youll see this year soon. Although I hope you understand there is a difference between the initial showing vs how its fully fleshed out toward the end.
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You can almost hear the "SLAP!"
rainbow dash always dresses in style
I love Pipp so much it's unreal
These things are so gross it's unreal
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>Today is National Pizza Party Day
The morale will improve when the pizza is consumed according to management.
I wish Dot didn't hat us he was like the last artist that took request
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>No arguments
>No hateanons
>Most of the post are on topic or pony related
>No dumb fetishes
>No bad greentext
Yeah, I'm thinking MLPG is the best it's ever been
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don't jinx it
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the filliest filly
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I'm going to do a thing.
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I hope you made us proud
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I hope so too
colt’s coach
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>Today is World Fiddle Day
They played us like a damn fiddle.
Does anyone have the source to pic related? derpi doesn't seem to have it, neither does ponerpics or anything else for that matter.
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Why was this little girl so evil?
reincarnated brony
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When life gives ponies lemons
Can't believe you made me like colt train
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Colt likes you.
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Remember fishposting?
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It was just thinly veiled Flutterdash posting under the guise of being about fish.
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True and cute
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The worst part about posting Flutterdash is that it isn't 2014 anymore.
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How sweet, thinking of them always makes me feel a kind of peace that's hard to describe
It sucks that the finale killed any hope for Flutterdash or Rarijack
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It killed a lot of things, I think it was really just a poor choice all together to do a time skip forward
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anons wake up its 2011 again
Since when is that canon?
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I really like this book horse(orange)
oh boy I can't wait to see derpy raid her fridge
I hate brony music so much it's unreal
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>Today is May Ray Day
Time for some sun.
I gotchu senpai
I love this silly white horse so much
thanks doc
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I love this green horse woman
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What vidya have you been playing, MLPG?
DRG, destiny 2 and blasphemous 2
I need to play more games with definite endings
Pokemon Clover
shit is hard
Tree Hugger smells (good)
her stinky
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>Today is Flower Day
She's one of those mares that stinks good
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Yeah but why is she so BIG?
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h-her big
bros why is lily so gorgeous
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Pink mares fuck the loudest
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I'm watching G5
I love this fat pink mare
I'm so sorry that you side against ponies
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I just love her so much. I'm sorry.
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Is that the dolphin rapist pony?
I'm pretty sure she doesn't rape dolphins, Anon.
Though, being a unicorn it is possible.
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>he doesn't know about the rape caves
Oh I know about the rape caves. I just don't think she has one.
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Damn, I think I like TYT now.
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I would visit her rape cave.
What's your unpopular MLPG opinion? I think the size changing stuff with Gloomy is stupid.
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It has it's moments.
>Mare so huge she can break benches by standing on them
talking about the ded
They are basically dead at this point since they wiped or deleted everything and you cant talk to them and they also genuinely hate everyone here.
A lot of the people MLPG talks about or misses were genuinely terrible too. A lot of them hate us for no other reason than making new friends that hate 4chan.
>Like Anthro Stuff
>Like Ponies
>Don't like Anthro Ponies
Weird how that works
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>MLPG is always at is dedest when I want to pony the hardest or can't sleep
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it do be like that sometimes
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I was sleeping
I always thought hating anthro was a dumb meme
how dare we miss a better time, before such things
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>Today is International Tea Day
It's a case by case basis but I think most generic anthro is just ugly. Anthro ponies tend to look worst of all.
Luna needs her winter coat shaved
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I love my wife.
I like anthro stuff but anthro ponies just look ugly, they should retain their pony form
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Amazing how the fillies have the best EqG designs
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have you pet your pony today
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this is where I'd pet my pony
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I wanna meet Pinkie
>Prequel updated
it's been three thousand years...
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>Today is World Goth Day
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Hey MLPG guess what I'm about to do
Get high and kiss Rainbow Dash?
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>Rainbow Dash
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She’s a big shot
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you can ride horses in it
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I want to have sex with this horse
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All the lewd threads on this board make me not want to be horny for ponies because a lot of them feel like they were made by or filled with horny teenagers that have never touched a woman or mare and it kills my desire to stick my penis in a horse.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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>Today is World Turtle Day
I just hate that most people are into grotesque hypershit and other ugly comically exaggerated trash. No one seems to have good taste anymore.
That wouldn't bother me if people weren't writing lewd stuff like they haven't interacted with a woman since the 40s. EA wrote about gross hypershit all the time but at least he could make you bust a gut if you're not busting a nut.
Because a lot of them were shitty when they were here and if anyone said even the slightest thing bad about them or their work anons with a parasocial relationship or the niggas they circlejerk with would spend the whole thread arguing with them. Whenever you guys say you miss old MLPG I never know what the fuck you're talking about because it seemed like you all were angry at each other or something that was going on in the thread like 90% of the time
some people like having the ability to fight over shitty opinions and not have to literally cut someone out of their lives over them.
We were diverse people bonding over the shared love of a thing and that was enough to smooth the edges at the time.
That all said I don't miss Ross in the slightest.
>not have to literally cut someone out of their lives over them
I feel like this is something MLPG has always done itself. There's a bunch of examples of anons turning on certain people because they did or said one thing they didn't like and a lot of people leave because of that. It's one thing to give people shit for having a bad opinion but it's a whole other thing to have multiple threads arguing over why people should erotic role play in dead threads or the some autist posting unrelated shit from some artist's tumblr because they have different political opinions.
Hating Ross is the biggest meme because dude act just like the average 4chan poster Faceless and that one faggot from /b/ vash are still the worst posters we've ever had
Having ERP in the dead threads was a courtesy thing.
And the threads, at the time, were made up of dozens of people. Possibly more than a hundred. Spergs sperging is expected, especially when you've also got people rolling in just to shitpost the horse thread. Don't get me wrong, some of what happened back then was obnoxious as fuck, and despite the rose tinting I'm aware not everyone was having fun.
As for the tumblr posting thing, that was just early instances of today's political brain rot ruining everything regardless of which end of the horseshoe you're on.
Honestly Ross was capable of drawing okay things but his attitude and active decision not to is why I didn't like him. Faceless was just a faggot and I lump all /b/-origin posters as subhumans anyway.
There is no doubt in my mind that if Ross didn't go out of his way to draw badly MLPG would have a much more positive opinion on him regardless of if he still had a shitty personality because he's honestly not worse than a lot of other people that used to post here. The worst thing I remember him doing is making fun of Weaver's dead brother and it's like, you're on 4chan, that shit is normal.
I'm pretty sure MLPG and I guess the loud house general are the only ones that have a problem with him.
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Give her a hat
Just for me? Wow!
Unrelated but does anyone remember that one anon that would talk about injecting drugs into his ass or that one tripfag that kept making threads with this picture or the times some people uploaded photos of themselves a lot of them were ugly
can't say I was on at the hours that those things happened
or if I was I've purged them from memory.
the cheerilee thing and the photos happened when we were on /co/ I think but I only remember it because dude looked like an actual child molester
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I’ve seen the compilation of some mlpgers posted way back
All I have to say is that you guys make it hard to keep the headcanon of the Adonis gigachad horse enthusiasts
Member pantyanon or when people would hot glue pony toys?
>when people would hot glue pony toys
I try not to remember that.
>She beeg
>/b/-origin posters as subhumans

/co/lts still malding
/b/ and /mlp/ were the worst things to happen to this fandom. Before bronies were cringe but nice now they're just cringe and edgy tryhards that might also be pedophiles.
are these bronies in the room with you now?
Shut up brony
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why no boop
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she's too cool for boops>>41103392
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>Today is Brother's Day
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How are you going to spend your Friday, MULPUG?
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Save me gray colt. Gray colt save me.
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Here's a gray colt
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I really like his mane
cuddling with gloomy
Chaos alicorns oh my
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>Chaos Cadance
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time to put them down
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do you remember when rarity did that thing
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I still can't believe how many colts that was
How's the couch today, Dash?
looks pretty comfy, maybe you should join her
That would be pretty awesome, sitting on a couch with a pony
I'd only complain about the bat wings.
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The first time I sniffed a filly, she was two miles from my house. The trace amount of intoxicating filly pheromones induced a lust for preadolescent filly flesh with such terrifying intensity I immediately began a dead sprint directly towards the origin point. Basically my reaction was like the rage virus from 28 Days Later except also with a boner.
Within four minutes I set upon her previously unmolested body like a rabid pitbull on an unguarded toddler and within four minutes and forty-five seconds my enraged member began hemorrhaging volumes of glutinous ejaculate at forces sufficient to immediately terminate her ovarian virginity on both sides of her bruised, overinflated uterus.
The cavitation bubble in my prostate formed by the instantaneous vacuum left in the wake of my ejected semen collapsed, creating a shockwave that left me with two bloodshot eyes, temporarily deaf in one ear, and bad hiccups. The look on her sister's face was priceless.
"sun" set shimmy -celestia
"twilight" spiggy -luna
the rabbit hole runs deep
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I hot glue my pony toys
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>Today is National Wine Day
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I don't believe you.
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I wonder what Hasbro's going to happen with G5, if they're going to continue with it or not. They don't seem too happy with the performance of it from what I've seen.
I wonder how likely we'd get G6 soon. I wonder if they would ever lean slightly into the adult audience to try to reignite the brony audience
what's he going to do with that
ride it while the train makes steam engine noises
Should I continue watching G5 when I get home or play video games
Can I get an extra cute pony in these trying times?
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sorry if I'm a little unfocused
What video games
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Street Fighter. If not that then infinite wealth.
>tfw debating vidya or sorting my horse folders
...they've been fine sitting in a heap for like, six years now, they're not going anywhere. Right? Right.
Sort your folders and you'll be so much happier later
I think there are AI programs that can sort your pictures now
I'll admit I'm pretty sure I've "lost" things that I still have but don't know where are, but sorting this shit's going to be an all-day affair.
and let some program go digging around in my files? nah. I'd have to go through and make sure it was right anyway.
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>Today is World Dracula Day
What is a pone?
childhood is liking sweetie belle
Adulthood is realizing scootaloo is the best
What if I like all three?
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It means you're really old
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MLPG I need your strongest fillies
my fillies are too strong for you
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This dude draws the sexiest griffons and yaks
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Don't the filly
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Don't worry I have the pass
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I accidentally the filly
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Hag mare's > fillies
I want both at once.
Colt says you can't be cool unless you have strobe lights and subwoofers in your goon cave.
Does anyone want to play some vidya?
i do but i don't get off work for another 5 hours yet
>having a goon cave
colt will never be cool if he goons
Dat’s wut the boss sez
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>Today is Sunscreen Protection Day
it's just to give you better hugs celestia
Hey MLPG guess what I'm doing
filling out a job resume?
composing an opus?
>thinking of starting up a new rimworld colony
>two expansions behind and don't feel like paying 50 bucks to catch up
at least I don't have to update my mod lists I guess.
Same here, I might have to resort to nefarious and dubious methods to get the dlc
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I had a chuckle
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Fear but also an erection
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as someone who dropped the series a bit after the first EQG movie and only recently is kind of getting back into it, how were things in the fandom during S4 up to the end? only frame of reference I have is that around 2015 it just kind of started dying out and now that the show ended I assume it's not even a shadow of its former self
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The way I see people talk about bluey reminds me of how bronies used to talk about MLP. Also a lot of them are autistic.
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>Today is International Hamburger Day
I want to hand feed twilight a couple sliders and stroke her mane
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I think you could put the word horse in front of anything and it'll make me laugh
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in the mood for conversation/arguing
just want to see if its possible in here or maybe endless spam of random topics nopony answers is the only norm. Any who lets begin
who's idea was it to allow homosexuals to become mods? they have a history of being sensitive and grouping up to push out opposing ideas so seems like a kiss of death for free speech. and I don't think that claim is baseless considering I have witnessed post being shutdown for being critical of this and on similar topics.
And on that note: considering that key figures in /mlp are also homopositive do many of you just use the word "faggot" ironically?
is the game plan to appear edgy and crude by using slurs but once the newfag is in you try to deradicalize and normalize homobehavior?
I think this claim is further supported by the growing homogang culture in marefair where /lgbt incels hope to groom /mlp incels

or maybe I should not point out the elephant in the room
you wouldn't laugh at a horsecheeseburger
I would go to marefair but then I realize I only like the people in MLPG.
Horsecheeseburger is pretty good but what about horse abortion or horse 9/11
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all that ice cream got to her
I have family members who are conservative adults that would bully me for liking MLP growing up. Ironically, they now openly admit to liking Bluey.
It's really weird. I'll go over to their house and they'll be watching Bluey, talking about how addictive it is to watch and how much they love it.

I don't care if adults watch it, it's just funny to me that even people who hated MLP for being a children's show will openly talk about liking Bluey.
>I think this claim is further supported by the growing homogang culture in marefair where /lgbt incels hope to groom /mlp incels
Wait what is doing on
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Extremely disappointed Rarity didn't have her mom's body type in the finale. Fat pony is still
best pony
What if MLPG hosted a con
No matter what happens there would be a group of people sitting in a corner with a sheet over their heads whispering lewd stuff to each other
I think a group meet up at a con would actually be kinda fun.
There used to be a group that went to bronycon together but it was just tripfags that circlejerked together.
Gonna blow your mind here anon, but everyone is a 'tripfag' irl
But not everyone is a tripfag in MLPG
The first Marefair had gay activity going on, not at huge rate but for a 4chan hosted con it was significant surprise for those not in the know, after this their have been more posts about increasing the numbers of homosex activity and to be more bold when flirting with the con goers for the next one.
the unspoken alliance between /lgbt and /mlp is well known
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What's a fun MLP or horse related name I can give to a club in the game I'm playing. 15 character limit.
Marker Box
Boop Brigade
Gloomy Gang
Weenie Hut Jr.
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We in there
yo what a badass motherfucker
someone should make an /mlpg/ panel at mare fair
the fact that you don't even suspect it to be off-boarders making shit up to try and dupe idiots like you into not going to the con is kind of telling. they ARE fucking annoying though.
>People can trick people into not going to a horse convention by saying gay people are flirting with people there
This board is so retarded it's actually unreal
E Honda is a turbobooper supreme
What is "gay activity". That could mean anything from vendors selling LGBT pins, all the way to people organizing group orgies in hotel rooms.
I believe there was at least one alleged orgy at the last one, if scuttlebutt is to be believed.
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I'm bored MLPG
Do something funny
did you ever hear the one about the
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I'd probably still feel out of place.
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I'd still think you're cool
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>Walkable Cities
>Breedable Fillies
Fluttershy and Rarity have the hottest moms
AJ and Twilight have the hottest dads
It's been so long since I've watched the show I completely forgot what they even looked like
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>group orgies
correct, that is the goal will probably be push to a lesser extent this Marefair or the next. first one had homosex going on in the room and the awkward drunk flirting you would expect from terminal shut ins
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unwanted advances from homogoomers is no laughing matter, with that said I would not suggest a complete boycott of the fair but be prepared and take measures for your protection
never follow anon to his room to see his plush collection, all plushies should be proudly displayed in the lobby or designated plush hangouts
be careful who you drink with and never let anyone prepare drinks for you
be mind full of group events that are physical and could risk share body fluids, chances are high that the homosexual is not "clean"
have a self defense tool for when it happens, maybe you are pushed in to the corner and despite your best efforts are in the grasp of a dangerous homosnuggler, keeping pepper spray, knifes or firearm for your own protection will deter the advances
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>Today is Paper Clip Day
Oh no, it's a clippone.
Pony wil be your digital assistant whether you want it or not
Nigga you're a grown man supposedly. How the hell is anyone going to groom you? Why would you even want to go to a convention if there's a chance you can be raped?
sound retarded.
>a filly will never groom you
Like brush your hair and give you a shave?
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i can't wait to be with my beautiful wife
this is not just about you and me, I worry for the emotionally vulnerable anons who are friendless and think they will be safe among their own they are the once most at risk for you see, while some turn their heads from the homosexual I decided to study them to learn how they operate, the key element here is the incel factor. much like a predator the homo will single out the loner, the awkward outcast and be friendly to them offer compliments in the guise of friendship, sounds sick but its true they post about these methods all the time on /lgbt I just want fellow anons to be aware that its a real thing and its happening
> while some turn their heads from the homosexual I decided to study them to learn how they operate
sounds like you might be one yourself.
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Celestia's strongest soldier.
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op gives good advice to avoid faggots and you call him gay? anon you're a clown
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I feel like 4chan had meetups before and getting raped wasn't really an issue but I'm probably wrong.
It's really weird seeing zoomers talk about G4, mainly because they were the actual intended audience back in the day.
It just makes me feel old and wonder where the time went.
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Pocket ponies are always fun.
that's pony Carmen Sandiego though, not a wizard
It's not her profession, it's what she did in your drawer
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Those were the good ol' days. Before the newfags and glimmerniggers started shitting everything up. Back when the lore still meant something. Good times.
the kids today just don’t know kino
Filly with a talent for jungling
Is there anything more pathetic than people who constantly seethe about G5 "dogs" yet have watched every episode of EqG and Pony Life? lmao
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>Today is Water a Flower Day
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Finally a filly with decent taste in music
okay I watered a flower
now what
Just watched My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. What did I think of it?
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Large yak gf
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I want a fat yak gf to sit on my face.
how did sandbar bag this
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Big dick
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some days all I wanna do is boop a pony
>disgusting shit few posts in a row
Now I recognize good ol' MLPG
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I wish he was part of the student six instead of his sister
This. I also wish to suck his cock.
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>Today is National Heat Awareness Day
call now
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>heat awareness day
you are now aware
800 years of unrelenting sweltering heat
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Same but he's dressed as a girl
this pony keeps asking me if I got any grapes
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Save me cute colt
Cute colt save me
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The one on the right is Breedable
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They're going to breed each other.
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They are gonna produce so many tiny nerds
I need that shirt
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>Today is National Pineapple Day
Just don't put it on pizza.
Pineapple on pizza is baller
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Hey MLPG guess what I'm doing
waiting for a package?
never stop the jersh
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