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Previous thread: >>41123988

>What is Open Pony?
A model for Second Life that beats all other 3D pony models. Info here:

>Just give me a MARE
Idiotproof starter guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZkMo8NDwuNG8skCJI2gDbWl9LYm4Q_tN/view
A noob's guide for other noobs: https://ponepaste.org/7410
Braindead simple Anonmare guide: https://smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.png

>Join the /mlp/ SL group

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Yeah I prefer secondary circlejerk threads to actual MLP discussion, images of ponies, or OC threads (except the drawthread I guess.) Same xister.

If you see the video game threads as the best part of /mlp/ you don't belong and might be cancer that wants this place not to be about the show.
>like Gmod or TF2
I can speak to TF2 specifically in that it's just a shooter game, and there's nothing inherently deeply /mlp/ about the thread other than having a private server where anons can play without having to deal with garbage public servers. Provided you're in the right timezone to catch active hours, that is.
If you play TF2, the barrier to entry is literally zero, go play in the /mlp/ server. If you don't play TF2, then your decision to join or not should be based on whether you want to try it out or not, and whether you end up enjoying it or not.

Like I get having that feeling with /opg/, or gmod, or pony town, which are social games with their own established friend groups by now; or even the minecraft and/or vintage story servers, where the small playerbases probably already know each other and there's tons of existing building projects you've missed out on; but I just want to make the point that TF2 is an exception, and you can just go in and play and start fragging without any reservation.
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My hoof is very shakey, but I hope you like it, Anons
I do like MLP discussion and images of ponies. But not when that discussion is just the same points I've seen a million times already, and the images are the same I've seen a million times already.
Not sure where you took the idea that I find the video game threads the best part of /mlp/, I specifically said that I feel like it's too late to join Gmod or TF2.
As if it were a bad thing. If it's "too late" both those threads should fuck off of /mlp/.

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"Anniversary Incoming!!!" Edition
Post and talks about pony merchandise, official or not.
Discuss plushies, figures, clothes, books, pins and more! And new ways to add ponies to our life!

>is selling your products here allowed?
Of course! Absolutely allowed.
>can I talk or post here about my crafting even if what I do isn't for sale?
Yes! We accept merch in all its forms.
>where can I find the old threads?
They are all in the Links Index Pastebin, after the links section.
>where can I find the video/collage of the anniversaries?
They are at the bottom of the Link Index Pastebin, after the archived threads section.

=== Links Index Pastebin ===

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That sucks dude wish I could help but I don't need those cards
Also any idea where I could get reasonably priced resin printing done? Want to look at pony figures for tabletop or a chess set
If you have supported files you could try looking for printers on Etsy, most tend to be allergic to unsupported stls. If you have hobby or gaming shops around try them, they tend to use FDM if they have a printer in store but people there may have home resin printers
If not then find a cool friend with a printer or become the cool friend with a printer. That being said resin needs a good sized workstation for printing, washing, and safety shit to get right
t. retard with old printer
Looks very soft, want

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Fluttershy weighs in on a hotly debated topic.
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I miss Doxy's Fluttershy
the comics were pretty good
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will you study with her?

>"Anon? Honey, please open the door!"
>"You haven't left your room in days! Was it something I did? I-I'm sorry!"
>"Please just say something! HELLO!?"
>"Please... Please just tell me you're alright..."
>"I love you..."
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Everything about it is great except the end. He went out like a bitch. Feels forced just to have a le redemption death.
I mean, it wouldn't have happened to us because we would've been upfront about having a monogamous relationship and I feel like Twilight would've probably told me about it too. Anyway, if I can herd, I'd just bang Fluttershy, Celestia, and Luna, too.
Where's the illness? Cropped images are fine to post, and whos to say he didn't just want to use the face as his reaction since it's a reaction inage? I could say you're I'll because you used a cropped pic of Twilight, but that's perfectly normal on this board.
>be me
>walk in
>"Anon! Oh gosh, I thought you were in your room!"
>"No, I've spent the last week at Sugarcube Corner, fucking Pinkie Pie in the ass."
>"Well you know, you could have called. I was worried sick!"
>"Yeah, sorry. That puffy pink butthole has hella milking power, there was no way I was getting to my phone until she was satisfied."
>"All right, all right. Anyway, I'm glad you're safe. Dinner's in an hour."

And then I go take a shower because I stink like drying sex fluids and Ponka's ass sweat.
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>acknowledging bait
>rageposting at bait
you played right into his shit-stained hands.

File deleted.
Sudden attraction continues.

Previous thread:
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ah, miss Eeppelyak!

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Welcome to Chatbot AI General #75, the thread for discussing and improving AI pony chatbots.

▶MLP Bots
Spreadsheet (extra MLP bots, CAI bots, Jailbreaks, NAI Scenarios): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1J7BeqJVDS51cXF8Pgm2YZaFq-Z6ykSJT
!!!G!A!L!L!E!R!Y!!!!: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1Ao-h5HFGMPllSrzSBKM_BvGSiU9f0c2U

▶How do I start?

1) Select a Frontend
2) Select an AI model (paypig, proxy, NAI or Locals)
3) Select Jailbreak
4) Select bots
5) Lovemaking with AI mares!

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>Notice my prose is too shitty and it's affecting my character
>Decide to tell claude to rewrite everything
>Modify and cut certain parts
>Instant improvement
Maybe I was cumming my brain cells out of my body
kek it happens to me too sometimes,maybe i am retarded
i edited equestria sim trying to make it a more minimal card,not sure if i did anything wrong but eh
>I just want to simulate a world where owning a talking pony is normal but having sex with it is taboo
Have you tried describing the ponies as "indentured servants" instead of slaves in the card? I'd assume any training data the AI has in regards to indentured servitude has far less sexual slave-play connotations than what it has on slaves.
So I haven't done this in a while and I'm rusty with presets and shit. What are the best presets to create to ensure good conversations and realistic responses?

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AI Art Thread #36


This is more of a one click manager that you can install / run the other backends though. Easiest by far. Recommended to download Forge through it and use its built-in Civitai browser to download models with.

For models not through the in-built downloader just download and drop them in Stability_Matrix\Data\Models\* (lora folder if a lora, TextualInversion if embedding, stablediffusion if checkpoint...)

Faster / more efficient version of Automatic1111 with some helpful extensions built-in. I would recommend installing this through Stability Matrix.

>Stable Diffusion Automatic1111
The original for posterity's sake.

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Pretty much, the only limiting factor is VRAM. You'll want as much of it as possible. GPU's generation doesn't matter that much, as long as it's 2xxx or newer.

You can get by with AMD if you're on linux. You can even somewhat get a somewhat good bang for your buck, but I assume vast majority here runs winblows, so it doesn't matter.
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more? just upgraded to a 3080 10gb

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Request, draw, submit. Mark requests with ‘/r/’ in the name field or comment field, ‘/d/’ for deliveries, ‘/ic/’ for critiques.
Also, when /r/equesting, try to provide a reference image, to make it easier for drawfags to fulfill your request.

- Don't spam or bump your requests.
- Don't respond to the spam. Just report and hide it and move on.

Previous Thread:

The OP header image and all other images from the previous Draw Threads can be found in the

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I'm nowhere near good enough to comment on the leg, but I can say that there shouldn't be enough perspective to make that much of a difference in wing size - make the left one larger, more like the right one
this is an awesome tip, tysm
just remember there are a lot of resources to pull from in the OP
Draw Nyx excited to go to work on Monday morning
This, but it’s still Nyx. Why don’t you draw my sweet baby girl?

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>"You're not a dweeb are you?"
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>Nah, youse one?
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>redeem the dweeb sar

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Its Mother's Day. Show appreciation for your own mom and the older moms of Ponyville.
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>no long and huggable neck
>no waist
>broken spine
>chicken legs

I like the concept but prefer her to be on 4 legs.
she doesn't have enough porn
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Loving moms all year round
I would pic related.

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Why did she abdicate the throne only a few years after coming back from her millennia-long break? Is she stupid or just lazy?
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man who the fuck put an irl soijak in charge of this show. i'd really like to know
i know they say physiognomy is a pseudoscience but it really does check out more often than not
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But such was life for Auntie Luna
>Is she stupid or just lazy?
big dick energy
What the fuck does that mean?
Most overrated character in the show. Literally just very boring in every way black horse with no appeal.

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Writefagbros did we get too cocky? I wrote a 7000 word green and received a single reply, meanwhile a drawfag did some unfinished line art below my green and got dozens of responses.
Is it over writefagbros?
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look like green is winning
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The /green/ general was launched. Let's see if it survives.


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On October 1st, Fallen Oak will be hosting the first official “Mare Day” event; an amazing opportunity to see the rescue and meet the horses that so many of (YOU) have donated to support.

From 11am until 6pm will be a full day of fun things to do at the rescue. You'll have the chance to get to know the mothers and foals and interact with them, and have a turn riding Jack and Red (Kim’s personal rocky mountain horses). If you want to see what it takes to maintain a horse rescue you'll be able to get involved in building and fixing various things and leave your own mark on the ranch. On top of all that, there will also be time to learn how to draw horses (whilst having the real deal right in front of you to take inspiration from) and take your pony drawings to the next level!

At 5-6pm, the first 15 lucky people who opted-in when registering will get to help Kim make dinner for all the horses and feed them (though all are welcome to watch).

From 6-8pm will be an extra special event, where 25 people will get to have dinner with the horses! Tickets for this event can be purchased for $50, and must be purchased with a Mare Day ticket. However, this is a separate exclusive event and does not come with general admission.

For those who need it, Fallen Oak will also have a bus and 2 shuttles to ferry people between the Marriott Orlando Airport Lakeside and rescue semi-regularly from the to the rescue! A round trip ticket will be $25, which works for both the bus and the shuttles, and should be bought in advance online.

Registration for Mare Day will open on June 5th, at 6pm EST and cost $5 (to cover the cost of materials, food, and refreshments). The event will be limited to 100 people due to capacity constraints, so once the 100 tickets have been sold there will be no more (although people will still be able to go and visit Fallen Oak themselves on other days based on Kim’s availability).
Registration here: https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/ticketing/792a5cb0-0063-4119-9da1-579c129a9871

Hope to see you there!

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I mean yes I know this design pattern, megacorps use it a lot and think it's a good thing. You don't actually need to force smoothscroll for that effect to work tho fwiw.
In reality forcing smoothscroll just makes the site much laggier by having to re-paint the page constant when scrolling especially on devices with smoothscroll disabled for that reason, not to mention it just makes scrolling less responsive and very aggravating to use for everyone who detests that sort of thing (like myself). Feels like scrolling through concrete rather than a responsive webpage.
I think it looks cool desu
Considering it was built on short notice all for free, I think I can forgive a little bit of smooth scrolling. It doesn't even affect usability anyway.
This, honestly
I’m doing my part!

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You are a real MLP fan, right? Does the door on Twilight's Golden Oak Library open inwards or outwards?
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both. it's double hinged
your post is double cringed
fuck you. you've probably only watched G%
you just got burned by >>41129164, double singed
perfect dubs

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Silly mare edition.

Previous thread: >>41052303

Fauster's Story Archive: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XiJRe1NWl_kIoWsHssZ27BMV7bZAe1jgX59-dWggYkA/
Uh-hmmm's Prompt Archives:
Have a broken Pastebin link? Replace pastebin.com with poneb.in

not to save anything of value on Pastebin
ignore all attempts at early new threads
ignore new threads by the cheerimac poster
keep your thick, colty mare (or mares) perpetually pregnant and give 'em the licc
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alright i'm awake and now that i've had time to sleep on it some points/conflicts i wanted to cover or mention
>spitfire and anon overcoming language barrier
>mares picking up human customs (lord help the first mare that messes with someone's cast iron) and vice versa
>earth ponies having a field day (hue) growing CROPS around the mississippi river
>leads to accidental parasprite infestation that threatens to go biblical
>unicorns tearing their manes out over earth's seemingly illogical magic (may or may not be merlin's fault)
>pegasi struggling to adapt to how wild earth's weather is compared to equestria, forcing them to grow strong and resourceful
>culminates in the first cloud city and weather factory of earth being built
>humanity coping with the growing pains of shifting from 'survival of the fittest' to 'friendship is magic' (and the obvious gender role reversal)
lol i'll be honest whenever there's a tornado warning in the area i don't give a fuck and just keep playing vidya. if it's my time to go then me being in the basement won't matter. that twister in the vid though? never seen that before and was awesome to watch
Desensitization. Too many false alarms from radar indicated warnings that observed or radar confirmed warnings don't seem dangerous.
>implying i don't know /exactly/ how dangerous iowa's weather is
it's all calculated risk, anon. i'd probably send spitfire into conniptions every time i hung out to watch her work with dangerous weather though and would start taking shelter just for her ease of mind.
>>pegasi struggling to adapt to how wild earth's weather is compared to equestria, forcing them to grow strong and resourceful
>>mares picking up human customs (lord help the first mare that messes with someone's cast iron) and vice versa
ooh, now that i think about it this might result in weathermares modeling themselves after human first responders like firefighters, EMTs, and search & rescue. would probably be a nightmare integrating that into existing first responder stuff though, especially an all pony thing trying to mesh with traditionally all human responders
>I want to make this thread about no hooves so hard
Anon, the RGRE thread has had nohooves greentext posted here for years. Nobody cares but you. Get over it already.
Would they just call it shoe theory in their world because horseshoe is a little redundant

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