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Fuck the spammer edition

No futa
No drama
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Have you seen the way he's been drawing her lately though? It's basically just his own OC now. Just want him to go back to beefing up different waifus. But I'm just whining now. Pic unfortunately related.

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Beautiful Bodies Edition
For the cute girls of the Literature Club!
>Bonus for doki masturbation
>No futa shit
>No gay shit or single males. Lesbian is okay
>No gas or onara
>No drama

previous: >>8092740
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What would Monika be like as a mother? What about Yuri?
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Sayori's reaction when I start singing I AM A DWARF AND I'M LICKING A HOLE
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she would be very gentle and loving, but also a bit strict
I fucking love them so much

In memory of the Deviant Art account of TheHungryLurker (12/25/2021 - 4/18/2024)

Post pictures of blueberry girls. Bonus points for rare finds from artists who are no longer active and/or their personal galleries are no longer around. The longer they've been gone, the higher the multiplier.

Preferably girls only, please.

This thread is specifically for blueberry inflation. Post standard inflation to the thread on /d/. But if someone offers to take recolor requests, posting images for recoloring is fine.

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And here's a crude picture I took with my phone of the paper the picture was drawn on next to a scanned version of it.

I've gone as far as to hypothesize that violet is too high of a frequency for my shitty scanner to properly pick up, but I'm also not going to dismiss the possibility that I'm an inept idiot and I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.

But that's the point of bringing up shit like this, right? So it can be fixed.

So, what am I doing wrong?
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So, has this thread been restored from its arbitrary archive state?
appears so so now theres 2 threads
I like that you can tell her ass is totally exposed. Not like she can even see back these, anyway

Discuss and post golden girl and related characters.

The Wikis


The Boorus


Golden Girl requests pastebin
The old one is ded. make a new one

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Beat me to the punch, literally.
gotta work on your straight then
Nice cleavage.

Streaker Edition

ENF = Embarrassed Nude Females
EUF = Embarrassed Undressed Females

Old Thread: Previous ENF Threads Archive: https://desuarchive.org/aco/search/subject/ENF/

MEGA Anons Archive of Rookie's Comics: https://mega.nz/folder/qoImkS6L#83rXv2Cu-RNblqUcbbRsdQ

ENF Stories Collection:
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Why two threads?
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Post porn and chat about your favourite OCs, be they your own or someone else's.
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Like I said at the early deleted thread:
>Late reply to this previous post:

>That's why DoodlePoodle is now one of my favorite artists; it's very rare to see a vanilla (or SFW)-focused artist frequently indulge his NSFW side

What about artists who're purely and strictly SFW and do not do porn or porn of their OCs and never allowing it? Any artists who're publicly known for being absolutely strict in being SFW and do not like their OCs being lewded? Any thoughts on these artists? Is it understandable why the would prohibit porn of their OCs and where they're coming from?

And I know there is one serial commissioner here who commissions nsfw of people's OCs whom they like regardless of the artist's approval who frequently posts here. Are there any artist OCs you do not and would not commission porn of, if any? Same question to everyone else here, any OCs that are best not to be R34'd because the artist of said OC/OCs don't like it? Or there're OCs not worth lewding?
Got more?
>"not allowing" people to do porn on the internet
>implying you can tell the internet not to be horny
>implying you can control people's artistic freedom no matter how much you disapprove of the horniness

lol get fucked
>no porn
Cute, but sir, this is /aco/
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Everybody’s a critic

Just as the dark meat has more flavor so do we.
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Touch the Cow


let's see some sexy sexy chrome
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need tall replika wife
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who doesn't?

"Ransom for a Dead General" Edition

>For those who love big boobs and small brains
Anything goes 'cept extreme content (Gas, Vore, ABDL).
No whining about people's preferences.
Discuss, don't argue.

Previous: >>8139926
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Bimbofication was sustained by smut writers. A brief renaissance of art brought in a weird contingent of people obsessed with changing what sustained the fetish. Arguing over what the fetish was became more important to people. Now people don't like contributing to the fetish as much because there's always a group that wants to moralize over things or project some other view onto it. It also turns a lot of existing contributions into performative exercises where they have to hit a list of checkboxes to be considered permissible to the group of people who screech when material veers into slightly unsafe horny territory. That isn't to say that there isn't a lot of unsafe horny material still being made, but it's almost always annoying to deal with the response to it.

This fetish's biggest cultural contribution is being partially responsible for the crackdown on fictionalized non-con transformation stories/art on patreon.
>being partially responsible for the crackdown on fictionalized non-con transformation stories/art on patreon.
>Bimbofication was sustained by smut writers
I figured, which is why I was confused seeing writers say artists were the backbone of this fetish.
Even a few years back, they specifically singled out bimbofication as one of the things they were closely monitoring.
I never heard that, that's crazy. Was this around 2017/18?

Putting the Sticky in Realistically

Previously: >>8122572

the cartoony side: >>8159673

Previously >>8092147
Any Malu >>8121665

General: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | rentry.org/sdg-link | rentry.org/rentrysd
Hires Fix: rentry.org/hiresfixjan23
Inpainting/Outpainting: rentry.org/drfar | rentry.org/inpainting-guide-SD
Animation: rentry.org/AnimAnon
Create LoRAs, TIs: rentry.org/59xed3 | rentry.org/simplified-embed-training

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Hmmm... she is looking more and more like an ex.
Maybe my subconscious is taking the wheel...
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They lookalike I even had a gen that confused me at first too.
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ENA thread because

ENA DAY 2024: https://youtu.be/YtZ8OxFUYSQ?si=YODLfa2j5LF0Rx9V

Patreon Leaker: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/4689529

ENA Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lF3O-TXURX4&list=PLhPaJURyApsoMQDaoft5t0l0iAwUOLtlM

ENA Site: https://joelgc.com/
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That's a lovely outfit for ena anon
thanks, I might do more later on
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you missed one more
I like it when artists remember to make her blue side angular.
Otherwise it's just some chick covered with blue/yellow makeup

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Nope. All 4s please
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Support bump. Have you, OP, thought up of a basic plot yourself yet?

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