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1. Post a bondage image when you request. Ignore requests without images.
2. Post female bondage only. Male bondage posters, you have your own thread, use that.
3. Don't feed trolls, ignore them. Ignore and report their posts for being off-topic. This includes off site drama bullshit, rumors, and politics.
4. If you post AI bondage be sure to say so either in the post or the filename.

Have fun!

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Anyone got that one pic from Sneakattack1221 that featured Urbosa and Zelda bound and gagged by Sheikah tech?
Was posted threads ago but I can't find it

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Discuss and post golden girl and related characters.

The Wikis


The Boorus


Golden Girl requests pastebin
The old one is ded. make a new one

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you're really good at this, keep it up!
Nice, very nice.
So no MJ comic? That's okay.

18+ Avatar Resources:

https://booth.pm/en/items?tags%5B%5D=VRChat&adult=only (Anime models)
https://gumroad.com/discover (Use to find tech, furry thread is down the block)

Guide to Avatars utilizing the VCC


OpenVR Advanced Settings (contains playspace mover)


Other resources (downloads at your own risk):

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I need to the Porno goat again
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Holy i am bricked up
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The Pit is/was taking commissions on his Twitter https://twitter.com/PITerotic
First time I've seen this in probably ever.
Let's have a little thread to celebrate.
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You may think so, but the AI stuff looks so samey and boring. Honestly as I scrolled I saw this one >>8172924
and thought it was another ai but looked so much better, actually drawn! Then I saw the "theofficialpit" and realized it's because it's probably real art by the artist.
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It still has a long way to go, but it's inevitable that he'll lose a portion of his subscribers to AI.
His decision to stop producing IR porn certainly doesn't help him in that regard.
>His decision to stop producing IR porn certainly doesn't help him in that regard.
Lmao, how?
Anons who like Pit for his IR content will just use DALL-E or Stable Diffusion to make Pit-like IR pics

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Sadly it seems the current thread was proverbially pushed off a cliff by a certain board-wide incident before its time. So I suppose we'll just have to start over.
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cannot unsee it now, thanks a lot dude
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Sorry! Wasn't as easy as I thought, but maybe this edit will make up for it some.
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Now we've got two berry threads? Interesting.
previous thread *was* prematurely archived apparently? I thought it had just died kinda whacky to see it back

In memory of the Deviant Art account of TheHungryLurker (12/25/2021 - 4/18/2024)

Post pictures of blueberry girls. Bonus points for rare finds from artists who are no longer active and/or their personal galleries are no longer around. The longer they've been gone, the higher the multiplier.

Preferably girls only, please.

This thread is specifically for blueberry inflation. Post standard inflation to the thread on /d/. But if someone offers to take recolor requests, posting images for recoloring is fine.

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Thanks for the tip on Krita. I wasn't aware it could open Photoshop files, but that certainly does explain why it' so popular.

For shading, I typically prefer to use a darker shade of a color (like with >>8141741, where I used violet-blue for Arezu's base color, then ultramarine, indigo, and violet for her shadow) before reaching for the black pencil, using that for only the most extreme of shaded areas, like in between Noel's gigantic breasts in >>8141752. Even then, black is usually the last color I layer onto a picture, so the graphite can blend with the colors already there to try and make the shadows look more natural.

As for brightness and color adjustment, I think there's some sort of fucked up issue with my scanner not properly translating colors as they appear in real life into a digital format. For example, Carmine's belly in >>8141815 was meant to have a purple blush to it, like 05 Violet, but my fucking scanner muted the violets and put to much emphasis on the blues and reds. It has a tendency to do that, and it pisses me off, because I don't know if the scanner is just bad, or if I'm supposed to do something to adjust the levels that I just don't know how to do because I'm technologically retarded.

Here's another example. The linked picture is something I made to both practice my colors and the amorphous shape of burbling fluid in preparation for drawing Warden Blueberrezu. The blueberry was meant to have much more violet on her body and her juice a much darker tuscan red, but my scanner muted the violet and saturated the red too much, which often leads people to the egregious misconception of the juice being blood.
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And here's a crude picture I took with my phone of the paper the picture was drawn on next to a scanned version of it.

I've gone as far as to hypothesize that violet is too high of a frequency for my shitty scanner to properly pick up, but I'm also not going to dismiss the possibility that I'm an inept idiot and I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.

But that's the point of bringing up shit like this, right? So it can be fixed.

So, what am I doing wrong?
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So, has this thread been restored from its arbitrary archive state?
appears so so now theres 2 threads

"Ransom for a Dead General" Edition

>For those who love big boobs and small brains
Anything goes 'cept extreme content (Gas, Vore, ABDL).
No whining about people's preferences.
Discuss, don't argue.

Previous: >>8139926
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Bimbofication was sustained by smut writers. A brief renaissance of art brought in a weird contingent of people obsessed with changing what sustained the fetish. Arguing over what the fetish was became more important to people. Now people don't like contributing to the fetish as much because there's always a group that wants to moralize over things or project some other view onto it. It also turns a lot of existing contributions into performative exercises where they have to hit a list of checkboxes to be considered permissible to the group of people who screech when material veers into slightly unsafe horny territory. That isn't to say that there isn't a lot of unsafe horny material still being made, but it's almost always annoying to deal with the response to it.

This fetish's biggest cultural contribution is being partially responsible for the crackdown on fictionalized non-con transformation stories/art on patreon.
>being partially responsible for the crackdown on fictionalized non-con transformation stories/art on patreon.
>Bimbofication was sustained by smut writers
I figured, which is why I was confused seeing writers say artists were the backbone of this fetish.

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Vanilla Redux. NO futa or trans characters. NO AI.

Reminder to *report* ~and~ *ignore* all off-topic content and derailing in regards to it. If you reply, you are part of the problem. Do NOT engage with any shitposting, off-topic bait/drama, futa, diapers, derailing, spam, etc.

- This general *is* for FF14 OC, finding /gposing partners, help with modding, and lewd art that you either drew or commissioned yourself.
- This general is NOT for posting twitter/r34/booru/fanart content you didn't make, other FF games that aren't XIV, make a separate thread for that- you're allowed to.
- **Do NOT post** futa/shemales/traps/transgender, diapers, hyper, snuff/guro, hardcore bdsm, men being pegged/inserted, beastiality, gay (man on man), or AI content.
Spammer buzzword filters @ https://rentry.org/kanchelle

>Previous Thread

>SFW/Main Thread
>Homo Thread

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What ever happened to that femra on the left?

hot tato
>i dont like X race
>i dont like lalafel
>some guy posts lalafell
>PEDO PEDO PEDO *spams report all day and spams thread*
elf yurischizo post
both lalafell and femezen are mentally ill losers btw

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TES General

Anon's Lewd Guide for Dummies
LE: https://rentry.org/oicfh
SE: https://rentry.org/vgxyh

Recommended Skin Textures

Recommended Screenshot and Posing Mods

Skimpy Clothing and Armors

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ava instead
>avatard and shitia thread all day every day
i remember when this general at least had some variety and it wasnt just this retard's mutants taking up 90% of the posts with a legion of simps eating shit straight out of his asshole
fucking cringe honestly
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new butthole compendium when?
Scroll up
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>someone actually made it
holy based!

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Farm Boy (Caleb) Edition
>No solo dickgirls/futa
>Sissy content belongs in its own thread
>AI content belongs in its own thread(s)
>Try to keep it bumped

>Old Threads: https://pastebin.com/raw/7JkB8NH6
>Recommended Artists: https://pastebin.com/raw/xTuE4FYM
>Games: https://pastebin.com/raw/qEkEpJbh
(want one added? post a link AND a short description of the game)
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cages are boring as shit unless it's a control thing during actual sex
even then floppy is better desu
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SHA-GIRL! Edition

General thread for all your TG, TSF, and Gender Bender needs.

Rule 63 and similar content allowed, but try to keep it minimal. The primary focus here is on the transformation.

QoTT: What are some of your TG guilty pleasures?

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/8127511
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A James Bond style secret agent gets captured and transformed into a super villain's bimbo trophy wife.
And the full-female ending.

I just realized this ending is probably an edit someone made, so maybe Shadman intended this sequence to be just feminization or male-to-futa.
>guy drinks a tropical fruity drink
>turns into a bikini babe
An overweight priest gets possessed by a shadowy devil, becomes a horny red-skinned devil girl wearing a black tubetop bandeau and miniskirt
With an hourglass figure

"God I wish that were me" edition

Previous >>8093394

Repository Archive
>Active contributing creators


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man more Johanna art like this
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Stinky goth feet
why are the boobs way too unrealistic big abscess tumors?

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Tropics work of love edition

THIS GENERAL ISN'T JUST ABOUT SLAVE TRAINERS OTHER GENRES OF GAMES FIT HERE ALSO (Please read the next part for further clarification).

This is a general about slave trainer games and the creation of games where you play as a male and dominate women. Discussion about games not being created here is also acceptable as long as it's related to the topic at hand(i.e. playing a male and dominating women). Futa belongs in weg not here. If it has a dick it's not a woman. If you let others fuck her, you're a c u c k and you don't belong here either.

Just use f95zone fag

Tropics list

If I forgot you please mention it

Maverick wrote a guide for scripting. Shows how to write/structure scenes for coders. Good for idea-guys & script-writers:

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Why are you gay?

Last thread just gave birth
common things include...
>Plump/chubby body, but not obese.
>Soft belly.
>Occasional muscle.
>large breasts, that hang low or somewhat sag.
>Sweat, scent or pheromones.
>Pubic hair and/or underarm hair.
>Eastern fanart is fine as well.
Encouraged but not mandatory:
Not allowed:

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/mlp/ Edition

Previous thread is in a deep sleep here:

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Deliver unto Quad 0s his sleepymaid. Amen
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Much as I would love to reward the quads, they were feet and loli. And since I don't like either of those things, I didn't save them. Sorry.
sound like it's for the best really, thanks for the explanation at least

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