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Misty is the best thing in G5 now MYM
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>crack whore
This is what makes her sexy
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>s2 of tyt doesn't even have a Zipp focused episode yet but we've gotten multiple Misty ones
The who now?
I told you the rest of the ponies blend into one phone addicted ponies. Also whoever was retarded enough to name a pony ZIT (I'm sorry zipp) needs to be fired what where the rejected names?
Autistic is a personality trait
>feels like she was made by a committee
>either having episodes revolve around her or fading into the background
this can apply to literally any character
>she doesn't vibe or interact well with the rest of the m5
>Takes Hitch's schtick about being kind with her "heart" element
the forced "elements of harmony" bullshit is such a minor thing to say she feels intrusive as a character. but it's obvious from the show that "heart" means emotional intelligence that you dont necessarily need to be kind. so really you just expose your autistic lack of insight into social nuances here
>whole-ass plot about being a speshul chosen one chosen to learn magic, she's like a malignant plot tumor that has outstayed her character arc
Makes sense to me. Izzy is the comic relief unicorn, and it's more satisfying for Misty since 99% of her life has been slavery.
>She sounds really whiny
Not any more often than Pipp or Zipp
>everyone has to bend over to accommodate her and make her happy
They choose to and enjoy doing so, ackshually. Sounds like someone's never had anyone care about him LOL

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Socially awkward, emotionally distant, obsessive, reclusive, easily annoyed, logic-oriented are personality traits. Autism is a mental disorder.

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calm down RarityDash
Raridash is really good stuff
>TomboyXFeminine Girl
The best

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I'm continuing posting Russian-speaking artists. I guess people don't care that much about it, but I still want to finish.
Check the last thread: >>41100554
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He's on VK and speaks Russian.
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>Oh my is that you darling? You look like you haven't aged a day. Me? Oh I'm just toiling away at my boutique these days. I have Sassy and Coco to take care of my other boutiques but they rarely visit. Sweetie Belle hardly visits either and my friends and I are growing more apart as the years go by. Its getting so lonely up here. So very, very cold and lonely with nopony to talk to and share the warmth of my home and heart with...
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>The hoe doesn't visit anyone else either.
>Avoid at all costs.
It's harder than you think to put yourself out there, especially if you're burying yourself in your career.
Females literally don't have to do any work at this.
If you're buried in your career such that you can't visit people, then you don't have time for the people you fantasize about visits from anyway.

If work you put every waking minute into doesn't fulfill your needs as a person, you shouldn't be putting your every waking minute into it. You can make time to take a shit. You should treat your other needs the same way. The other options are to self-torture and then make it other people's problem, or just suffer until you die.
You're just jealous of successful, strong and independent mares.

When you wagecucked and wasted time with you POOR family, Rarity created designer clothes would last generations

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Writefagbros did we get too cocky? I wrote a 7000 word green and received a single reply, meanwhile a drawfag did some unfinished line art below my green and got dozens of responses.
Is it over writefagbros?
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I know it's reductive and I really hope there will be discussions, reviews and other interesting topics
but the idea of an anchor that gathers all the greens posted on the board is honestly the only thing that in my eyes can potentially keep a general like this alive
so i would say that being seen as a greentext dumping thread isn't that bad
Im not wet though.

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Filthy Claws Edition

Discuss vidya and play with fellow horsefuckers.
Pony vidya, pony mods and related videogame discussion are also encouraged, any type or genre of videogame is welcome.
If you want to play a certain game with /mlp/ don't hesitate to ask. People might just join and play with you. Don't be afraid to add each other. Who knows, maybe (You) will start up a new staple group?
More importantly, have fun!

Vidya's played last thread: Age of Empires 2 DE, Barotrauma, Deep Rock Galactic, Equestria at War, Golf With Your Friends, Minecraft, Megaspell, Left 4 Dead 2, Rust, Sven Coop, War Thunder
Vidya's played before: Black Ops 3 Zombies, Killing Floor 2, OpenTTD, PAYDAY 2, Project Zomboid, Satisfactory, SCP: Containment Breach Multiplayer, SRB2Kart, Tabletop Simulator, Terraria, Vintage Story.

Previous thread: >>41038964
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pretty sure it’s CEu but I have to double check.
Unfortunately my ass has been too lazy to do mining or much so I haven’t played in a while. Think I need to make a bunch more steel again, atleast the new blast furnace coils will let me use up all the tasty graphite I got.
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never mind it's CE, I might check out CEu later if you're up for it anon.

sorry for the slow response, got b8 for a day on another board.
I'm in

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Usual OP is still at vacation edition

The pic that started it all: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/post/37443253/https://desuarchive.org/mlp/post/37447036/
Previous Thread:
Alternative thread: https://nhnb.org/fim/res/2295.html
Archive of snowpony thread art: https://mega.nz/folder/0okEHKxS#8FIy3EQUHM-XluGvV7knIg
Archive of snowpony-related musics: https://ponepaste.org/5819
On the boorus, the snowpony tag ended up being "snowpony (species)" or "taiga pony"

>What is a snowpity?

>What are snowponies?
Lore dumps for the newfags

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um, ackshually, individual horses are equal to somewhere between 3 and 7 horsepower
Well that's just silly

Gay ponies need their spankings too. Whether it's steamy lesbian horse-on-horse action, the firm discipline of a two-dad household, or even a transmasc spankee finding that testosterone does NOT give him a hardier heinie, all are welcome. And straight stuff too, about 99% of what we have is straight but we've never done an LGBTQ theme. Fun fact: many of our writefags are queer!

Featured stories:
For Educational Purposes by Zad https://ponepaste.org/6630
Gay Dads Short by Pan https://ponepaste.org/6968

Notable posts:
Favorite stories >>41006803
Spanking for food >>41012586
Positioning >>41019820
A prank >>41026734
Pic editing advice >>41037777
Pip's close call >>41054259

Please let me know if anything important was missed and be sure to talk about these as new content deserves recognition. They can be hard to make.

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She the DOM
Nice otk.
If I were a teen about to be spanked I would "come out" as gay or trans in a last ditch effort to avoid fundament flambé.

>Mom, I'm gay.
>That's nice, dear. Now what does this have to do with you being over my lap? I'll support you no matter what... and spank you when you step out of line no matter who you love.
That is not the greatest strategy, but good thing momma is so supportive!
Even in your fantasies, you're ineffectual, unpleasant, and obsessed.

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It's been 50 years since the last moth pony thread.
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>moth pone peeking over the edge of your bed and wondering why you’re not cuddling her right now
She probably wishes for cuddles...and honey. Or, maybe she want you to join her in her bee keeping activities for the day...kind of like a date.
Better snuggle her right quick to drive away her grumpiness.
Would mothponies eat your clothes or curtains?
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I did always like the mothpones. I still have moths in my watched tag list on the boorus. Occasionally, someone still posts them.
Here's the latest one that went up just today. Enjoy.
Most moths don't eat clothing fibers, but you could always buy some mothballs to be safe

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No Misty thread? Let's fix that
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Will you kissty the Misty?
I’m thinking tristy with Misty and Pipp.
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Love this to bits.
Don't hide your freckles, Misty!
How can a black girl have freckles anyway?

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Name a better ship
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>set your sail
>get a ship in motion
Hence the name.
And hopefully not with an IDW oc
Haven already did, so why not Pipp? Zipp might react differently if it's her sister doing it though.
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I want this with Zipp kissing Pipp

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What is the opinion on G5?
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This isn't very uncommon, its a basic ass TV networking deal.
Of which is publicly something we know exists. They have a contract with Discovery that lasts till March 31st 2025.

FiM is quite literally still the big show on discovery to this day, so discovery managed to hang onto it back in 2021.
Considering the awkward as fuck treatment from Hasbro I can't imagine they'd do it again, but generally this is mutually beneficial.
Unless of course you want to use those characters in other media, kinda awkward then eh?
Also why you won't see most of FiM on streaming sites and shit.
You can see they can use season 1~2 but the rest is missing and it ain't cause Hasbro suddenly has standards.

Considering the timeline we have(literal reboot using the mane six wholesale>sequel with a bunch of flashbacks to g4>sequel to a very brief appearance from twilight).
One has to wonder if Hasbro didn't even realize what they were doing with this deal.
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>I'd be watching it faithfully and clopping to it
Will their deal with Discovery ever lapse?
>They have a contract with Discovery that lasts till March 31st 2025.

Fine Dining Edition

ITT we talk about stallions (and other non-pony males) and R63 versions of mares.

Last thread: >>41004820
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I fucking despise lgbt and pride shit.
t. flaming homo
I am thinking that you need to go back instead.
Saying that isn't going to save you from the firing squad.
Wtf based faggots exist?
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He is nice. I want him to be Rainbow Dash's boyfriend.

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Which mare is most likely to have their hymen in tact?
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All me
All of the ones who aren't married.
Probably this since they're not whores like irl women.
how many threads
bout 3.50

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Previous thread: >>40924082

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Recommended content packs: HL1:S, Episode 1/2, TF2 content and CS:S content+maps. Download content packs from: https://gmodcontent.com/ or https://kajar9.wixsite.com/cscheater2/downloads (use MEGA links)

Turbonewfag guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2614222717
LINUX Guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3034844276
PAC3/PPM2 collections and other user content: https://ponepaste.org/7931

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POV: you are Berry after a few.
luna snoofa

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