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Last thread, >>40745367

IRC: irc.rizon.net #/mlp/AiE
Active list: http://pastebin.com/mVG33ERX
Master list: http://pastebin.com/xGf9RcL9
Completed Stories list: http://pastebin.com/QZ4PDe7g
Stories Sorted by Pony: http://pastebin.com/GJyQquaY
>rope's HD remastered thread archives: http://pastebin.com/Qg2dwzq0

>If a pastebin link is broken you can copy the string at the end of the url of a poneb.in link so pastebin.com/mVG33ERX becomes https://poneb.in/mVG33ERX

>PiE Corner
>Remember to tag all PiE Stories.
PiE Author List: http://pastebin.com/Mgd0QuNy
PiE image archives: http://derpy.me/PiE_Pictures

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This post is brought to you by SunGang.
420 praise it faggot

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Previous thread: >>41123988

>What is Open Pony?
A model for Second Life that beats all other 3D pony models. Info here:

>Just give me a MARE
Idiotproof starter guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZkMo8NDwuNG8skCJI2gDbWl9LYm4Q_tN/view
A noob's guide for other noobs: https://ponepaste.org/7410
Braindead simple Anonmare guide: https://smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.png

>Join the /mlp/ SL group

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What is the name of the game?
It's a The Sims Parody
I see. I'm not one to play videos games outside SL.
austin powers mojo rally for the sega dreamcast
bait or retarded

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>You are Ardent Mind, an experienced caravan guard and a senior team leader of Steady Stride Caravan Guard Company
>Your job is to escort ponies across the Badlands and beyond to the new colonies in the Mysterious South, fighting Changelings, Diamond Dogs, giant lizards and other dangerous wildlife found in The Badlands and the lands beyond
>Most recently you were hired by the Equestrian Rehoming Project, an organization responsible for managing and encouraging immigration to Equestria’s new colonies
>Your job is to escort and protect one of the Project’s heads, her entourage, and a large number of settlers, fifty ponies in all, all the way from the city of Appleloosa to New Ponyville in the southern colonies
>The job has been rougher than normal but the excitement reached a crescendo just a few days ago when Diamond Dogs trapped your group within a canyon, leading you to take shelter in a newly excavated ancient Dog temple
>After a costly battle in the temple you were forced to take a metaphorical leap of faith, leading you and your remaining clients to find yourselves trapped in an underground Diamond Dog city
>Now you and your team of caravan guards must find a way to escape the city with as many settlers you can

Last session ended with you speaking to Drift, an earth pony slave about ways to escape the Dog city, as well as details surrounding the upcoming slave auction.

(Characters: https://pastebin.com/PqtD6vYH)

Previous Threads:

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Shit. How far away are we from where we cast alarm? If we can get there quick we definitely should, that secret room might definitely be the smuggler's doing.
>You quickly calculate how long it will take to reach where you placed the alarm and come to the conclusion that it’ll take over an hour sneaking through the catacombs to reach but a sprinting pony could reach it in a little over twenty minutes
>”Everything alright?” Downbursts asks
>Though it’s completely unintentional you must be making some kind of facial expression to tip off the stallion that something was going on
“There’s something going on back where I placed the alarm. Probably smugglers if I had to guess.”
>”We should both go there then, right? Or should only one of us go while the other stays here?”
[Input Needed]
Splitting up isn't a good idea when we're already outnumbered.
Honestly staking out that place would've been a better plan to begin with, oh well. Let's both get there, go fast but use basic earth sight occasionally to see any guards ahead.
“We go together and move fast. I’ll use my Earth Sight a few times as we go to make sure we don’t run into any Dogs.”
>Downburst nods and you take the lead as you sprint down the tunnels, every half mile or so casting basic Earth Sight to spot any Dogs around you
>About halfway to your destination you detect the same small Dog you assume is Bean up ahead and motion for Downburst to stop
>The Dog is on the very outside edge of your vision and walking towards you slowly
>There’s a small hallway nearby that you can hide in, otherwise you could either somehow deal with the Dog or even just run past him
[Input Needed]
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Lets try hiding again, dunno if we need a stealth roll but ima do it just in case.

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>Oh my is that you darling? You look like you haven't aged a day. Me? Oh I'm just toiling away at my boutique these days. I have Sassy and Coco to take care of my other boutiques but they rarely visit. Sweetie Belle hardly visits either and my friends and I are growing more apart as the years go by. Its getting so lonely up here. So very, very cold and lonely with nopony to talk to and share the warmth of my home and heart with...
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Females literally don't have to do any work at this.
If you're buried in your career such that you can't visit people, then you don't have time for the people you fantasize about visits from anyway.

If work you put every waking minute into doesn't fulfill your needs as a person, you shouldn't be putting your every waking minute into it. You can make time to take a shit. You should treat your other needs the same way. The other options are to self-torture and then make it other people's problem, or just suffer until you die.
You're just jealous of successful, strong and independent mares.

When you wagecucked and wasted time with you POOR family, Rarity created designer clothes would last generations
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Beauty, obviously. Rarity's entire thing is her ability to to draw out the beauty hidden inside other ponies, which is represented by her gaining her Cutie Mark via cracking a rock open to unearth the gems that dwelt within it.
I imagine she wouldn't be particularly powerful as an alicorn, but would absolutely excel as a ruler due to her ability to find hidden talents amongst her subjects to delegate her duties to

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Best thing/pony in G5 MYM however she is deeply flawed (like everything in G5)
I like her song and that scene where she tries to paint her hooves

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Misty is the best thing in G5 now MYM
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>s2 of tyt doesn't even have a Zipp focused episode yet but we've gotten multiple Misty ones
The who now?
I told you the rest of the ponies blend into one phone addicted ponies. Also whoever was retarded enough to name a pony ZIT (I'm sorry zipp) needs to be fired what where the rejected names?
Autistic is a personality trait
>feels like she was made by a committee
>either having episodes revolve around her or fading into the background
this can apply to literally any character
>she doesn't vibe or interact well with the rest of the m5
>Takes Hitch's schtick about being kind with her "heart" element
the forced "elements of harmony" bullshit is such a minor thing to say she feels intrusive as a character. but it's obvious from the show that "heart" means emotional intelligence that you dont necessarily need to be kind. so really you just expose your autistic lack of insight into social nuances here
>whole-ass plot about being a speshul chosen one chosen to learn magic, she's like a malignant plot tumor that has outstayed her character arc
Makes sense to me. Izzy is the comic relief unicorn, and it's more satisfying for Misty since 99% of her life has been slavery.
>She sounds really whiny
Not any more often than Pipp or Zipp
>everyone has to bend over to accommodate her and make her happy
They choose to and enjoy doing so, ackshually. Sounds like someone's never had anyone care about him LOL

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Socially awkward, emotionally distant, obsessive, reclusive, easily annoyed, logic-oriented are personality traits. Autism is a mental disorder.
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Why is she the only pony with nigger jew hair?

Previous Thread: >>40804894

Show Vinyl some love by posting cute pics, as well as greens.

Vinyl Pastebin Collection-http://pastebin.com/u/Two_Echo
A collection of Vinyl stories-https://ponepaste.org/user/TiredAsShit

Individual Vinyl Greens-

Wubs From Vinyl (Anon x Vinyl)
Fuck You (Anon x Vinyl)
Vinyl gets a ride from Anon

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Agreed, she looks naked without her wubdong.
It goes hand in hand with her wooba.
A big titted fat cocked DJ wife is all I want in life.
Emergency wub
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*Omf nomf*
>no pasta
>no sweet potato
>no lasagna sheets

wtf is rainbow dash supposed to do with this

Please share this - it has been offline for days:
[Loyaldk] My Little Pony 4K Upscale

and this which is also offline:
4chan /mlp/ full images

I hope that the right people see this thread so I can download the files I have missing for those torrents. In the meantime I will dump/bump with some images (+metadata) not found in searches.
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>Node >=18
Good, that worked. It maybe wasn't super easy to do this and JS/Node.js is kinda pozzed, so here's how:
1. Download Node v.20.14.0 from nodejs.org or https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeigupbs43fbmc5yvmf2wwz44dclisasuotx7ixfy2m6vrvaul6axqi/node-v20.14.0-linux-x64.tar.xz
2. Extract compressed tarball such as by running "tar -xJf node-v20.14.0-linux-x64.tar.xz"
3. Go to bin folder and install it: "cd ./node-v20.14.0-linux-x64/bin; npm i ipfs-car"

After doing that installation - here's the part that's important to that 4chan-mlp torrent:
1. While in that same folder, run "ipfs daemon --mount" (publish something to your IPNS name so that works)
2. Note that "/ipfs/$cid" shows up as a regular folder than any program can access because it's FUSE-mounted.
3. Create a CAR file of a folder: "cid=bafybeifmobuk624u6utltabgpcx7ysuupsaush723ayuv7agmg3yhhjfby; ./node node_modules/ipfs-car/bin.js pack --no-wrap /ipfs/$cid --output $cid.car"
4. See that it's the same file as the one in the torrent by hashing the files
5. sha1sum -> "54e7f2a3e26d50255aef225e00106918a7f60180 ./bafybeifmobuk624u6utltabgpcx7ysuupsaush723ayuv7agmg3yhhjfby.car" = "54e7f2a3e26d50255aef225e00106918a7f60180 ./4chan-mlp/moe-images-car/1365.car"
6. For what it's worth, here's my "./node-v20.14.0-linux-x64/bin/": ipfs://bafybeige2ruisnkh2hrvsj66f7f32nfogeo3oph2xskywvojj4ojkwepse - BTW, I saw that my max upload speed is about 11.4 MiB/s, as seen on a torrent

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If Jewel Wizard used powerful magic, he could have saved himself from being swallowed by the Earth.
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booru.org subdomains downloaded:
>thebronybase 0bscur 100oj 1234 34hentai 5egwm 7th-house 8-booru adilaris aero aeromorph airmeterfeet1 akwardsuccubus alltied amibooru angband animatedfemuscles animedb animereaction animoop animufeets anju anythinguncensored arianisus ark arousedbunny arousedsimba arousedwolf asriel baeru barbabooru bbw betterbooru blankatlas blase bme boobie bowsettefeetz bquest brookiedjchara catarchive ccbabooru ccg celebarch ch

To download:

2 copies of "4chan-mlp/moe-images-car/1444.car"; proof - "Official Pony Channel":
>still an active account https://soundcloud.com/r3_sound
>404'd image at https://desuarchive.org/mlp/search/text/r3_sound
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Not Babs Seeds. Here's a WARC of cmcfeet.booru.org:

>WARC arousedpony.booru.org-2024-05-18-9a2224ce
That's 6.3 GiB.

>saw that my max upload speed is about 11.4 MiB/s, as seen on a torrent
Same, except this time it was 12.5 MiB/s.

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Previous thread: >>41050564

/ourlobby/: Leaf (rip)

Console release is here! (Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation 4 and Playstation 5, Microsoft Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psdeHoARfYM

========= Events =========

None at this time


>Steam page:http://store.steampowered.com/app/574980/Thems_Fightin_Herds/

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>Velvet gay for Vixen
nah bro, you don't vandalize an entire museum wing just out of misplaced lust
those two fucking hate each other.
Also, it's canon Velvet likes super-buff dudes, as noted by her taste in sculptures
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Oh I hate you so much Vixen, that's why I think about you ALL the time and bring you up just to talk about how much I HATE you
They're tsundere for each other
love and hate are parallel conditions, alike in all ways except favorability
To think such intense dislike is only a mask for base sexual attraction shows you've never had a proper enemy.
You're delusional.

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Last thread: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39834537/#39949369
Quest Notes coming soon.
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Do you have to be such an uncaring dick about everything? You keep saying how you have a better quest for us, but the more you talk about how much you hate Rush and what we're doing here the more I don't care about potentially playing your other quest in the future since you clearly don't know what we want in a story. You might be an amazing storyteller, but you clearly view both the characters in your stories and us, the players, as nothing more than props for your job. Seriously, are all of your fellow storytellers hardcore dicks like you?

Grow some people skills and empathy, faggot.
Goodnight bros.
Nighty night, anon

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Last time on The Good Necromancer:
>You get to reunite with Hannu before messing with the Fjadurhnifur a bit, seeing and getting to hear different visions from it.
>You all chat for a while over dinner before you retire for the night with Hannu and Dawyn. Waking up in the morning, you chat with Armas a bit and then with Hannu and Dawyn, the three of you getting cleaned up.
>You talk with Armas again about him getting to experience Radonitsa. Giving him some extra Necrotic magic you give him a Deer form and the name Iiro to hide his identity for now.
You can also catch up here: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40758171/#40758171
>Lore Pastebin:
>Inventory Pastebin:
>Spell Pastebin:
>Information Pastebin:
>Crafting Pastebin:

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"What sort of games?"
'Festivals have festivities, but the idea of games being played hadn't even crossed my mind. They may be rather popular though.'

Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!

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Previous Thread (#123) >>40939620


124 is an untouchable number. Magic does not count.

>What is this thread about?
This thread is dedicated to stories that have clear dominate and submissive roles; both with and without consent.

>What exactly is welcome in this thread?
A wide variety of stories are welcomed here; from non-consent and sexual slavery, to abusive manipulation and psychological domination, to maids and extortion, and even healthy consensual relationships with BDSM role-play elements.

Other variations are welcome as well, so long as they are complementary to the domination/submission focus of the thread.

Up to date archives:

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I have a big itch to read something with this bird being corrected and used by a big( in both senses ) , abusive master.
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No other options in mind ?
This could be an opportunity for at least one of the CMC to branch out of the Ponyville clique.

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Previous thread: >>40895837

Untimely demise edition

Choose Your Own Adventure. AKA Quest.

>Discuss Current, Finished and Upcoming CYOAs
>Give advice on CYOAs
>Pitch ideas
>Get critique
>Trade art

List of stories: WIP (formerly anonpone). Your best bet is to search via desuarchive.

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She, the colt, and Fleetfoot were supposed to have sex. Fleet and the colt had their fun and then when it was her turn a cuck said no. They even claimed an excuse not to was that she was sweaty. There was a bit more going on, but that one anon made sure that she ran away crying and got no action, ruining the experience of five characters in the process. Two others were getting ready to have their own fun before the mood was ruined.
>They even claimed an excuse not to was that she was sweaty
Double kek
Eyyy good to see someones come back. Very unfortunately the main archive for the quests kinda died a couple years ago but if you wanna read Semantic some kind Anon made something here: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39899327/#q39924294
Doesn't go to the latest 3 threads but you can read those on Desu.

Previous thread >>41062502

Originating from a thread about a niche form of hypnosis, now encompasses varied hypnosis methods from spiraling specs to subtle spells, swinging watches to wafting brews. Post anything and everything about controlling a mind. All ponies (mares and stallions, fillies and colts) are welcome and encouraged. Greens and other content only tangentially related will be better recieved in SPG or SiM depending. Good rule of thumb is if it doesn’t involve taking control of a pony’s mind, it probably goes somewhere else. (e.g. no slavery without mind control scenes, IRL self-hypnosis audio, or tupperware rp)

Thread archive https://ponepaste.org/9352
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What are the princesses favourite ways to get brainwashed.

I think Celestia likes it when someone fills her mind with triggers both because it opens up a lot of fun pranks and situations but because she is so desperate to stop ruling knowing that someone, can turn her brain off is a massive source of joy and relaxation.
Maybe a green where Anon brainwashed Celestia and Luna when they were fillies turning them into his loyal cock socks, but was banished by star swirl both sisters miss their king/older brother, master.

Then he returns.
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Imagine being so braindead you actually can't separate fiction from reality in your mind to the point that you confuse the two, good fucking lord. Not to mention
How do I search for mind control on that server.
How bout this:

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