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A Mexican girl in one of my classes called me cute. I didn't know what to do and thought she could be pranking me to upload a Tiktok video of me.
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She's only baiting you to get updoots on her tiktok. You're in college, you have to be hagmaxxing. You have to ask cute and hot ladies in their 30s out on dates, you have to rizz the autistic women who repel normalfags, you have to land a weird gf with a stable career, you have to plap that egg carton and make autistic babies. You can't unfuck a zoomer zombie but you can turn your hag into your model wife.
do >>20230111
bro don't listen to us losers you might ruin your chances

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Europoors can legally molest 14 year olds but think it's crazy anarchy that Americans can own hunting rifles
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I would agree with you that carrying makes you an insecure cuck, but you have to remember how many niggers we have here

What about when you're hiking?
I guess it would be legal to bring a gun with you in your car? I'm not so knowledgeable on all the ins and outs of our gun laws. Of course hunters can carry their rifle when they're out hunting though

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I'm looking into ways to remedy my hair problem, Minoxidil doesn't help thicken it up and I'm afraid to use any sort of hair dye. Every time I shower, my hair gets thinner and greasier, and I don't know what to do anymore.
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but if you're still whining about muh shiny hair just try this
>perfect hair
Please stop rubbing salt into the wound. People hate me on the principle of my hair alone, is this so hard to believe?
I'll try this, albeit the shine isn't the problem. It's the color, it's the curls, it's literally everything about it, actually. One corrective measure won't act as enough.
You have good hair

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oh my house id
nip id

Worst take over ever

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Fake billiam
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stop doing that
start napping immediately please
it is too dangerous i wont do that

What's your weirdest kink or fetish
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If I'm honest I'm a little intimidated by you >_<
really? I started with 3D at 11 and graduated to 2D at 13 and hardly looked back..
selfsect, enslaving and mind breaking
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the one constant in my life is fantasizing about giant women. Ever since I was little.

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why the fuck does this picture speak to me? mishimas courageous face despite wearing a fucking fundoshi, what the fuck is going on?
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Great song.
Wasn't he like a closeted homo? I think he died of AIDS or something, oh wait that was Freddy Mercury. This guy committed seppuku in the stomach
There's nobody I identify with more than I do with him. Reading Confessions of a Mask was the first time in my life I truly went "he just like me frfr no cap".

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So in my dream, I suddenly woke up funnily enough, and didn’t know where I was. I woke up staring at a fan and then I started looking around. And I was in this pretty small room with this bed on the ground, bookshelf, computer and desk, and papers everywhere and that was about it. But I was in the bed on the ground that woke up from, and while I looked around and I slowly got up, leaning against the wall trying to figure out where I was. And I stared around for a couple of minutes trying to piece together where I was.

And so I found some clothes, got dressed and went out the door. And then I heard some talking in the other room that I walked towards. And there was these two people, a girl and guy, and the girl said “Hey you’re up!~” and I was looking at her, trying to figure out who she was, and I guess she noticed that I was really off and she said something to this guy and he started to leave, aggressively waving to him. And while he was leaving he said “Alright, I’ll see you later man.”

I said “later..” doing almost a double-take as he shut the door. And I slowly stared back at this girl and was she was smiling at me for a few seconds and suddenly went dead-pan, and then a smirk and replied with “What?-“

Her smirk faded and pursed her lips together and pushed it aside and shook her head to come towards her. And she playfully slappies her arms on mine and said “Hey listen, are you doing okay? You seemed kind of off today.”

I didn’t want to say anything that was especially blunt because she was really pretty and I said “I’m just confused I guess” and she replied with “Yeah? Well, you’ll have a lot on your plate lately with everything’s that’s been going on” and I was looking at her wrenching my face together in a way you give somebody that when you’re sort of confused or questioning something and she gave the same look back.
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But I ran out of the house as fast as I could, and ended up a couple of miles down the road. And I frantically started looking through the backpack for anything that could help me remember and I found a phone and shouted “P-Phone, fuck!” and I started looking through messages and missed calls. And saw this one message of this guy that I was apparently closed with that texted me “Hey man, I’m really worried about you. Please give me a call whenever you can” so I did.

And it rang for a bit and he said “Hey man, I was literally about to call you? Where are you?” And I gave him a street name and he gave me an address. I was only a half mile from his house, so I walked. And so I went into the house and he said “Hey dude, it’s been awhile.” while he was tinkering with this thing or whatever. And I told him everything about not being able to remember. And he said “You had another bender didn’t you?”

And so he got up and started really explaining the writing I made, the symbolism, and critiquing this and that, and what really made him liked writing in particular with a pretty heavy-handed degree of sophistication. And he hopped on his computer and showed this absolutely serene music that was really experimental, Just the amount of different genres alone. and how good it all sounded, I actually couldn’t believe it. And he said I made it.

But at the end, he was going over this one aspect of my writing again and made a joke towards how shitty my handwriting was. And I replied “It’s not that bad-“ and I looked over and it was me. And I looked back at the writing and did a double-take and that’s when I woke up.
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And that was pretty much it, the real fucking twist of the century :P

I think in retrospect, it was how vivid this dream was that really freaked me out. Why, comparing an apple in that dream from one in reality would be indistinguishable, I woke up sweating and had heart burn for awhile after I woke up.

I’m not sure if there was any deeper meaning really, in the sense that there’s a definite corresponding object or thought that symbolizes this or that. But more just going through a shitty period of life where you happen to be stressed and anxious, with your dreams reflecting that. If that at all makes sense?

Still, what do you guys think? I tried brushing it off, but I can't stop thinking about. Any input would be great, please anons.
>another r9k offsiter tourist schizo ramble to himself

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Dine and Dash Edition

>Season 2 is over now
>Who Won?
TJ won after beating Shinji in a boxing match
>Will there be season 3?
Yes after mini-season 2.5
>What is Fish Tank?

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No she doesn't. And moving on is just giving up which is something I don't do.
>nigger everyone agrees the last few streams were meh
Not even true, the taytriots will just not bring it up and instead focus on her not streaming. They are unable to criticize.
>but you shit talk her every Shitter space and put down her views and stuff
How is bringing up her social blade and noticing that her live viewership is declinging putting her down? I am mentioning it because it could be impacting her motivation to continue to stream.
>you said yourself you don't care if she streams anymore (fake fan),
Yes because it's her choice if she wants to or not. Also it just won't impact my plans if she doesn't stream anymore.
>because you want her all to yourself so you can call her and shit after she quits streaming (all part of your "master" plan). We already know your plans it's not a secret.

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yes Q is right, we need to dwell on a stream from weeks ago that was kinda meh and not talk about what's happening rn
>And moving on is just giving up which is something I don't do
You pretty much never talk about Tay except to say her streams are bad. Seems like you’re moving on to me

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Swiss edition.

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

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Gold is money, everything else is credit.

This the most piercing and profound statement ever made. I think it is good to ponder this statement and pair it against other goods in modern society. What is the true value of a $200,000 sports car if credit collapses? What is the real value of collectibles such as old school magic cards?
It is only when credit is propped up with liquidity that this can ever seem normal. I doubt people would have these cars paid for in cash. I also doubt that people see the absurdity in a $25 magic card being the same as 1 ounce of silver.
Credit is the great distorter of the supply/demand curve. It's so normal that most of us don't even realize how much stuff is attributed far more value that it would if forced to be settled on a cash-only-basis. Once the purchasing power of credit implodes then real capital and sensible valuations of the cost of commodities will prevail. The cost to fill a tank of gas, the cost to heat your two-story McMansion will suddenly be putting strain on people as they try to downsize from trucks to cars. From McMansions to ranches. Everyone desperate to sell, with no bank on the other end giving out loans.
It's going to be pretty fucking crazy for possibly decades as people work low paying service jobs desperate to stash away a tiny pittance of savings. The future will be low-paying low-capital intensive jobs and a slash-and-burn of the service economy as people desperately pinch pennies to get by. There won't be any way around it either.
Nope visit the shitcoin thread, this is thread is for real money, made of durable tangible and scarce metals which are familiar and fungible.
that's bullshit. satoshi nakamoto doesn't mean central inteligence
>google it
it kinda does, damn

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not licensed
he is doing great
best thread

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What are you:



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my dick to all 3
financial reports
eggs, bacon, veggies
yeah... I wish video games gave me joy they did 10 years ago. Actually this applies to everything in my life nowadays kek
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manga, investing stuff (company reports etc.), and some books which I have actually kind of left on hold because I'm lazy and uninterested, maybe once summer comes I'll get motivation to read in the sun
Palworld with a friend, and Freedom Planet 2 which has been everything I hoped for.

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does this happen in your country?
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Trying to fuck a whale is like, you can find any fat dude, and fuck his armpit, it will feel the same as female whale.
I would rather fuck a wall.
Extremely smelly and sweaty.
Almost everything you said is wrong, you have terrible opinions and are probably a bad person.

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Little green fren, so pure and true. Lighting up the world, with an Apu or two.
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well it's still profit, id rather put in an insignificant amount of money and get a decent amount of money back than risk going broke
yeah if you can be happy with that, sure
We have 7800 frens!

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The ear is here
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Take them off
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its actually going up
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Just as valid

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