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microchip technology + secularism led to this...
Straight guy here
absloutely would both of these
would the one in green
mental illness
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>Straight guy here
yeah sure
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i dont get detransitioners at all. you had an opportunity to stop everytime you took that shit
Yeah but their brain was fried. Your argument can be used for Cult members, Communists and other mind-broken individuals.
I suppose detransitioners are just experiencing the same sudden realisation that they have been lied too and sold on a pipe-dream.
OMG xir voice is beautiful
You're unhappy. Can't deal with it. People tell you it will get better if you do this thing. That it's who you're meant to be.
So you took the first step, but you're still not happy. You keep going, but you never get to what you want to be. Because it's actually impossible, and even if you got there you wouldn't be happy. It gets harder and harder to go back and you're never happy.
Still, the horrible things you've done keep you from accepting what you're doing is not leading you to a better life.
Couldn't be me, but I understand it.
Most detransitioners are FtM, and many FtM are autistic, because autistic teenage girls often have more in common with boys than they do girls, because of the social ineptitude.
But they get aggressively force-fed a lie, that they're not autistic, they're actually just men in the wrong body, because the movement needs FtM, since otherwise it's just a bunch of gay dudes playing dress-up.
And unless it's one of their bizarre arbitrary hang-ups, it's generally pretty easy to convince and/or bully autistic people into doing things, especially if "fitting in" or some other sort of companionship is the promised payoff.
It's almost like lonely teenage losers are really easy to exploit and recruit to causes.
troons are a psyop to ruin traps
wtf is 2s, two sexes? lmao

fucking alphabet people
i think it's 2 souls or some shit like that
twinks too. so many prime twinks RUINED by trooning out
this is so saddening, poor guy. most trannies have some underlying issues, which are neither fixed by transitioning nor by detransitioning later on. and then they just have more issues. i only hope that they at least get their focus and clarity back by detransitioning and remove some of the more practical bodily problems they had faced after their transition.

the internet really isn't easy on trannies and i feel very conflicted about this. my hopes are of course that ruthlessly mocking troons will be eye-opening and deter kids and young adults from making a big mistake by exposing the insanity. but then i imagine this to be so absolutely soul-crushing to anyone who's already made the mistake that even after detransitioning the mockery will still stick and burn so much that they can't move forward.

reminder to all that we all need to be really accepting and supporting when it comes to former trannies. reminds me of the ending of a scanner, darkly:
>this has been a story about people who were punished entirely too much for what they did.
these people have been punished entirely too much for what they did. eye-watering shit.

i will pray for them.
Fucking cringed so hard I've never cringed that hard before fuck why does this exist
>faggot getting beaten by a faggot
georgians are weird
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here you go
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He sounds like a fucking Mickey Mouse character.
And no, I will vote AfD!
wait wait wait wait
>Germans pronounce uwu as uvu
that's fucking hilarious
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Some more >>5517674, >>5521295
>we all need to be really accepting and supporting when it comes to former trannies
Nope. Once a fag always a fag.
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>Straight guy here absloutely would both of these

Whats it like being a fag lol
No sympathy. These biologically defective freaks got what they deserved. They are disgusting and pathetic.
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sweat a pol chud thread.
man this took me a minute. thought he meant a test from school
KYS christcuck. Pity these freaks is weakness. Your magic jewish skydaddy doesn't exist.

Lol retarded tranny.
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a chud fetish thread.
I don't get this one, what is she trying to say?
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What really bothers me with these people is that they think a woman is just lipstick, long hair, high pitched voice and slutty clothes.
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I would fuck Kim Petras so hard
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This made me sad
>hmm, i know! I wanna chop my penis off!
>yeah that sounds like a good idea!
Trannies. LOL
>get your shit together
how ironic
not really
before the transgender folx epidemic the word tranny was used to refer to transmissions
>hey literal faggot here let me be degenerate and tell you all about what i want to do with other men with my cock
Tranny confirmed

Absolute ghoul
Hits like a 10 year old girl lmao
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To be fair that is what I think too. Of course no dick and XX chromosomes too. But There are positives to trannies. Like attraction to makeup, girly clothes and in general doing over the top girly shit. I like that, but real women don't do it unfortunately
Fuck, THAT is a tranny? It is over
I wonder who made these posts ...
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God i love this place thank you for the laughs anons
I'm straight but I would pipe this kraut tranny(I'm down bad D:). Source btw?
>vats of goo playing in the background
Imagine being the two in the back left thinking that what they are doing will change the way people look at them
i know its not fashionable to side with trannies but that boomer has definitely been emotionally abusing this guy
hmmm... I bet it was those fucking transphobes. It's ok, trans-sister, you're heckin cute and valid no matter how far your hairline has receded. Don't listen to them
dawg that isnt even a good tranny, its a guy with long hair and makeup
nice legs to be quite fucking honest
>no sympathy for detransitioners
no it was trannies you kike
if you really want trannies to kill themselves, post shit like this holy fuck omw to ropes r us right now
I don't agree just based on this clip. Do you know who that is and have some wider perspective or something? Because this just looks like a tranny flipping out on its poor dad from where I'm sitting

>t. tranny
>muh dick chop
This guy's a pooner (FtM) lol
Yeah I could tell but i'm talking broadly about trannies
he doesn't seem to be shocked by his reaction as if he's used to playing down people's annoyance y'know how those indian molestors keep going 'yes bby' even though the girl is like noo get away lol
if there is a reaction there must be a reason even a tranny doesn't flip out on someone actually loving
You'll never get anywhere being reactionary
The stereotype should be tit-chop regret. Most detroons are poons, by a wide margin. They realize being a woman is life on easy mode and no one gives a fuck about men
listen to "her" voice and you'll know in an instant. This troon sounds like pavarotti on "her" streams.
>Exactly how a black girl acts
>Loud, angry, accusing, delusional,
He's a convincing one
lol you would never mistake that for a women when you see the chin
it's hillarious seeing /lgbt/ trron trying to disprove the thread and completely losing the fight
pretty telling
If only he knew the true power that crown holds
was waiting for somebody to yell a slur at them
you're not straight, he looks 100% male
it's okay to be bi/gay dude nobody cares anymore
>he passes as a guy even after he wants to be a girl again but mtfs will never pass as women
people nowadays expect men to feminine because of constant testosterone drop in the past 50 years.
When did 4chan start hating transfolk? Is this a /pol/ psyop?
Feminism created this
>hard to find
Do I have sights to show you
Fat dyke doesn't comprehend that feminism inevitably led to this
>remember to vote goyim
requesting that webm of lgbt vs some other gay faction with doom voiceover "demons often fight eachother" kthx
we don't hate trannies. trannies are disgusting creatures and lost souls. we mock and pity them to get a sense of release from the uneasiness we experience from their presence.
kek imagine viciously bullying this lil dude
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Was waiting for a chance to post this OC
since 2016
It has always been a natural human instinct to be disgusted by grotesque self mutilators.
Never made sense trannies avoiding makeup, hair, and other feminine things. If they want to be girly, be girly. And if femininity doesn't matter, then why transition at all
>you will never be a trans-woman
said the disfigured man to the adolescent girl, who posted pics of herself with a dildo in her shorts for money, mockery and attention.
>you will never have tgirl swag
added 'Bike Bolshevik'.

This is not rock bottom, this is digging and burying ourselves well into the Earth's mantle miles below the surface, everyone is insane here including the girl. And what's worse is that there will be more explorations into the depths of Hell. I have no words and I cannot comprehend what I'm seeing.
Good take. Anyone who doesn't have very bad harmful mutations would never do these thing
When ur really in a bad mental place, like with anxiety or depression. You are NOT thinking straight. Seen good men, like paramed, fire department, go nuts during anxiety periods. Completely different from themselves.
That tiktok doesnt come up with source
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i talk and act like this
>using pov incorrectly
gaymer gapefags and election tourists
nobody else actually gives a shit
>Union Jack on the wall
anyone has the tranny faggot from gdq thanking for being groomed in discord?
understandable, trans rights are human rights
>talks about evil male power structures
>enjoys male power
>calls others tourists
>doesnt recognize stale bait
classic larp
This is the only one of these mentally ill fuckers I would stick my dick in. I could never been seen in public with one, but I'd bring this one to my bedroom no problem.
Lmao, these chicks are not cut out for this shit. The grass certainly is greener when you don't understand what it means to be on the other side. There is nothing worse than a weak, short, feminine man, and these women cannot be anything but a facsimile of that if they transition.
When will you finally learn to differentiate between singular and irregular plural nouns?
doesn't this shabbos goy supports genital mutilation (circumsission)? he should shut the hell up
I absolutely detest how trannies have taken over everything IT/Computer related. My university's Computer Science major classes are fucking infested by them, why can't they go ruin another industry? Is it because they need to learn how to doxx people? Literally why can't they fuck off, stop shitting up my classes with your faggotry.
>why can't they go ruin another industry?
because all other industries require hard physical labor or interaction with women.
CS is the only field that only contains men and all men it contains are physically weak
They fight like women, that's enough to convince me
It loops perfectly
anyone have that one who was streaming on twitch and arguing with his dad for calling him "my transgender daughter"?
also was trying to find that old sue lightning breakdown and he scrubbed the net of everything somehow
is he just scouting trannies or is the entire site that
beards do some heavy lifting
sauce on that zelda remix?
>arguing with his dad
That one?
Mohammed chill, you fuck goats
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again posting your %1 troons
>YWNBW see WEBM related is what real women look like non of what you posted can top this

Looks almost as hot as Zhenya. Who is that?
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Well said, anon. They are mentally ill and they need help. They haven't just been let down by society and the people around them, they've been actively betrayed. Everyone who encourages or affirms their delusions is basically telling a schizo that the voices are real.

You are all more disgusting than an infected neovagina. You need to go offline for a bit and hang out in the forest for a while with no Internet. You have a mental disease similar to theirs, and I wonder if you need help too. Seems like it.
Just going with the thread premise, it's not that serious
Mirin her sturdy Γ§αΈ₯Γ―αΉ…
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> And this what troon used to look like this


holy shit LMAO
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I watched this the other day
I can't bring myself to open it again
cute desu
ok xir sweaty
You're doing the exact same. This woman is not an average woman, she's also in the top 1%.
Also, this thread is full of the bottom 1% troons, yet you have no issue with that.
If you're under 25, don't already look like shit (eating well, keeping hygienic), and aren't a gigachad, you'll probably be able to pass after a few years of HRT and a bit of makeup.
poor cosmo lmao
We live in wondrous times.
I love science
Great body, subpar face :(
Tranny Kermit
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>she's also in the top 1%.

I can post 100 WEBM of hot/sexy to Average women right now, even the Average girls still hotter than an overdose HRT tranny
LMAO >>5532454
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>officecrushanna AKA Annallese Taylor

don't scare the shit out of her faggot
>>she's also in the top 1%.
Where do you live retard? I found and watched a random video on YouTube of any city in Europe, NOT A SINGLE WOMAN in the entire hour is even close to looking like that. So no, not 1% but probably 0.01%. nigger.
what's the tranny:woman ratio tho
Oh. Checked out her Instagram and she doesn't look even remotely as beautiful as she did in that one video. This is quite a common occurence too. :^(
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>what's the tranny:woman ratio tho

you just finger it out

%99 transgender coming out on the media look like absolute freaks,you go anywhere if it's a trans it's a freak looking mother fucker
>waah waah men need to stop being weak and princess
KEK chudroon
She's cute but can't frot with her.
Did you drop high school nigga?
Do you even ffmpeg brΓΈ?

OMG I was talking to a monkey that why you couldn't get it
I feel like the whole "nobody gives a shit" argument fell out of favor when you literally get thrown in jain and lose your job for even slightly opposing trannies in any way
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Sorry meant wigga trailer park bro lol
Don't feel too bad. He completely fucked over every other person in his life. Imagine being so bad at mario you turn into a tranny, lol
Reject the false dichotomy, embrace the third position - throw non passing troons in the jail and subsidize passoids to produce more. This is what they fear!
>I have softcore porn, so you must be wrong.
Cool, now go to a grocery store. See how sexy those women are.
The average woman does not look like that. Maybe they do on a social media site that feeds you exceptionally attractive women, but not in reality.
you need to kys. hang in a forest from a tree
>virtue signalling this hard on an anonymous image board
>trying to shame posters
You are like an old wicked scolding nanny, Be quiet, troonyloon
the most pathetic faggots on 4chan. impressive. bet you're both depressed and overweight. spreading negativity is not going to fix your problems
>i bet you're a LOSER!
Wymyn poster detected
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Gentlemen this thread is about trannies not women
Not a tranny, just Neapolitan
pretty sure the troon eventually got kicked out of the house if this is who i think it is
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Do not watch anime.
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you are right
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I am just waiting for that Anon who likes to Go Full Retard and post shemale porn as a comeback LOL
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lmao why didn't you crop out the watermark brainlet
it wasn't me you faggot

also, MODS here are tranny's
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Is this the same guy? Beating the shit out of some other faggot is a pretty dominant thing to do
Nevermind it's a different faggot i think
god ..i hate these faggots so much
They're probably really nice guys though
No, anon, that is just another gay black man.
You got it backwards. IT companies were forced to hire women by law and it was just plain easier to troon out men than to get women to work there.
No they haven't. They just do it because of marketing, because they want to
he/she isn't wrong basedboys are frigid af partly because they don't get proper socialisation and partly because they think talking openly is gay
dude seems cool. would hang
do not respond to the triptanny.
Dayum can't believe these smoking hot bitches were all born male
holy fuck what this guy went trans?
they aren't wrong besides thinking they can pass kek

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