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Anything related to Israel

Previous: >>5473249
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Long live Israel, death to Israel's enemies.
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>implying there isn't lots of pics and videos of dead Palestinians.
>implying Palestinians haven't died by the tens of thousands.
>Hezbollah already died by the hundreds.

You are pathetic.
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The only way to achieve peace in Israel is by nuking it
death to Israel
stfu shlomo. 2k+ dead juden by one of the most underequipped militias in the world. You got dunked on
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Based. The more you learn about the culture and history of Gaza, the more you realize this is what they want. They want to be martyrs. And their entire population is radicalized and an AK-47 away from militarization.

If Gaza wants Israel eradicated, and Israel wants Gaza eradicated, and I have to choose which one to support, I choose Israel 10 out of 10 times. They're the most like us (the US), so why wouldn't I?
Why were they so stupid as to say all of that on camera?
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Erev tov rebbe
>and I have to choose which one to support
The ZOG will send your taxpayer money to Israel whether or not you choose to support them anyway.
>They're the most like us (the US)
1. no they're fuckign not.
2. its fucking irrelevant
>they're swastica bearers
every fucking time
I remember that scene from World War Z where the Israelis were taking in muslim refugees.
I laughed because I know that bullshit would never happen. Jews are ruthless fucks.

>Muh six million
Ok rabbi
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"May nations serve you and peoples bow down to you. Be lord over your brothers, and may the sons of your mother bow down to you. May those who curse you be cursed and those who bless you be blessed."
Genesis 27:29
I hate christcucks so much it's unreal
greatest allies
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Former president of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addressing the humiliation of Germany by Zionists. And the weaponization of the Holocaust to cover up the crimes of Israel in Palestine. Ahmadinejad understood the importance of allowing historians to research WWII events freely.
It's wildly concerning how many people outright believe the propaganda out of Gaza and support it.
If we believe everything coming from Gaza, they'd have record breaking death numbers, calculated in record breaking time. It would be like us being told that exactly 15,000 people died an hour or 2 after the towers fell on 9/11.
Like I get not liking Israel, there's a lot to hate about it, but the free Palestine side is retarded and is outright falling for Hamas propaganda.
It's not coming out of Gaza. It's coming out of Israel.
>no symmetry
Jewish Lives Matter More
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You don't have to believe everything coming from Gaza to see that Israel has a vested interest in the complete removal of all Palestinians from the land one way or another. Bombing the shit out of Gaza on the pretext of fighting back against Hamas is how they achieve this goal, since it gets some killed and forces others to flee. Unfortunately there are still 2.3 million Palestinians to remove and the last thing they want to see happening is the formation of a fully internationally recognized Palestinian state with the 1949 armistice borders, so they lobby the US and its puppets states across the Atlantic to not recognize Palestine. If you're a citizen of one those countries that's the kind of "propaganda" you should be worried about, because it directly affects your political environment.
I HATE all the fucking handgestures these people make. Both of them.
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no ceasefire
you should see how italians do it
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>M-muh six million....

How do you silence an Italian?

Tie his hands behind his back.
>regime that throws gay people off buildings
all the more reason to support them
Its been 7 months dumbass Jew. Also the Gaza health ministry has had very similar numbers as the UN in past conflicts. Theyre more reliable than the Jews which are habitual liars.
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How do they calculate that with an 85 iq?
They ask the big brain IDF soldiers with 92 IQ occupying their houses
Which is bigger, 92 or 85?
Mizrahi Jews and Palestinians are pretty the same, anon. The few high IQ Jews in Israel are Ashkenazim immigrants whose ancestors were intellectually improved by interbreeding with Europeans.
So you think 92=85? What's your iq?
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I think you should try to learn how averages and standard deviation work before asking these dumb questions, anon.
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I do know how they work, I'm actually a statistician. So why don't you tell me how 85 equals 92 then?
>I'm actually a statistician
It's true. So you're going to demure from your position then? Just walk away like a coward, cause you're wrong and you know it.
If you weren't a double digit IQ brainlet yourself you wouldn't even try that angle, Yaakov.
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My iq is 160. I was in special ED in school, they tested me. I never said that their population max iq was 85 you fucking retard. You're a bad faith arguer and an evil person.
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The IDF really isn't sending their best
Why did you imply that the avg IQ has to do with the one counting i.e Doctors at the hospital?? Dumbfuck youre special ed alright
Well it does. Lower average implies the whole normal curve is shifted left. The Palestine iq curve is also probably less spread out (lower sd) because of the African admixture. So that does mean that they would have fewer people who could understand statistics. So that does raise the question, how do they count accurately when they're so dumb? For reference, they have the same mean iq as American blacks - but yeah they dindu nuffin huh?
Also the same IQ as whites in the 40s, and they had no issue understanding statistics back then. Again You dont need a high IQ to count dead bodies and doctors are generally two standard deviations above mean intelligence so even black doctors are more than capable of understanding university level statistics. This is a moot point.
>this is how a 92 IQ pilpul looks like
You're hilarious dude
You honestly think whites had the same intelligence as blacks in the 40's? I can do nothing for you, son.
I cannot refute a sneer
You're a coward for abandoning any real argument and now you're just sneering because that's all you have. I'm ready to challenge any argument, because I have the intellectual chops for it.
I know it's hard for you people to ever be honest but you should've thought thoroughly before flexing an average IQ that low just to try to dunk on your Arab brothers.
just 14 days until he shows up to subjugate the goyim and build the third temple get hype
How the fuck does anyone still go to al rashid street after the first two times?
The Flour Massacre was ridiculous for how rapidly the narrative shifted from claiming they weren't responsible to then saying they died by stampede and a bunch of other nonsense justifications. Any time they pivot, you know they're making it all up.
This is semi-agreeable. It's tough to support anti-war Jews since so many of them hate whites. This might be the best framing I've seen.
>The Palestine iq curve is also probably less spread out (lower sd) because of the African admixture.
Why say something so obviously wrong? Are you trying to appear retarded?
>they would have fewer people who could understand statistics. So that does raise the question, how do they count accurately when they're so dumb?
Counting does not require statistical literacy. Especially not in the range of five figures. How do you not know this?
The nice thing about a democracy is no one can ever be held responsible for anything, not even heads of state.
>My iq is 160.
>I was in special ED in school, they tested me.
thanks anon, thats too funny
>the wisest men of this generation
you mean of jews
Should use more Malcom X to redpill the BLM crowd on the JQ
based as fuck.
i hope Israel glasses the surrounding shitholes and every last sandnigger burns in the nuclear hellfire.
Jews want to do the same to us that they're doing to palis, you dumb golem.
Why is that funny? That's what happens with high IQ students
Explain why that's incorrect (you won't, because it isn't)

Yeah, i don't trust them to count 5 figures anyway
Except we're not going to behave like the palis, because we have much higher intelligence
Cope and seethe
First you are not white. second, that's not true.
You Muslims want to kill all white after you kill all Jews.
We're being genocided right now, with mass migration, hormones in the food and water, brainwashing, mRNA shots, etc.
>Y-you're nawt white if you don't suppoaht Israel!
How's that matzo ball soup?
Muslims just want to convert everyone to Islam. It's Jews who want to exterminate the white race.
I love atheists so much it's unreal. I want them to repent and turn to Christ. (who is king of the world)
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>(who is king of Israel)
the whole region is full of violent sandniggers and every last one of them wants to purge whitey from the face of earth, you dumb sandnigger worshipper.

i hope israel and the usa genocide them. i'll take a few million kikes over billions of violent savage bloodthirsty sandniggers every day of the week.
>a-akshually, we don't wanna kill you all, we just wanna take you all back to the stone age
no thank you Hasan but i'll have a cold one when the kikes inevitably decide you've fucked around long enough and purge you
Let's remember and honor those who have passed, such as Akira Toriyama, Andre Braugher, Lance Reddick, and Kevin Conroy. Sadly, they won't witness the aftermath and potential positive changes resulting from Israel facing charges of genocide and losing support. Here's to hoping for a brighter future without obstacles hindering progress.
Now this is a good goy.
It's funny that you decry Jews for spurious claims of genocide, and then come around and make such claims for yourself.

You're not being genocided, here's why:
-brainwashing only works on the weak willed, so strong wills will survive and eventually the whole white race will be resistant to brainwashing. This is a eugenic selection mechanism.
-migration works both ways, and you should migrate to wherever you can make the best living - that's what your ancestors did, don't be lazy
-poisons are voluntarily taken. I definitely encourage finding clean water and avoiding mrna and unnecessary vaccines, but that's not targeted genocide it affects everyone.

Don't make excuses for the sorry state of whites today, it's white people's fault. Half of whites still vote liberal, they don't deserve to inherit the future and I'm happy to see them not reproduce, because the whites who do reproduce will be the best whites the world has ever seen. Whites aren't going anywhere, avoid the rumble hysterics, just plan realistically for the future. For me, it's securing my economic means, buying gold and silver, going back to school, climbing on top of this shit pile
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It brings me great joy that two Semitic peoples must use the glorious English tongue to converse with one another. Anglorum vincit omnia.
The words of our forefathers for ninety generations, spoken in every corner of the earth, by every creed and colour.
The new world, the better world, the English world.
So they are going to nukes themselves ?
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>Anglorum vincit omnia
nigga thats italian
I mean if someone invaded my house and tried to propose a "two-home solution" I wouldn't accept it either
>i'll take a few million kikes
They're already in your government bringing in the sandniggers you don't want to take.
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It's Latin, and he changed it. There's one about Austria
>Austria Est Imperare Orbi Universo

Didn't age too well either
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>omggg, u have the poweeer to make peace, make peace!
Hasbara meme talk

>Spare no soul
Actual pissraelis

>Israelis calling for genocide.webm
>Israelis calling for genocide.webm
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>>I'm actually a statistician
>>I was in special ED in school
No wonder Hitler wanted to genocide them
Because they're Jews and they believe themselves to be beyond reproach
>Zionist kool-aid taste like purple! Yum yum tasty
based veto
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>Because pissrael would always come to the table and Palestinians wouldn't
Translation: Because pissrael imposes absurd terms that they know the Palestinians would never agree too, and which Palestinians are not allowed to negotiate. Therefore we "win" by default lol
Palestine supporters are so annoying though though also turn blind n deaf when you talk about child marriage in Palestine n muslim countries
>>5515637 (OP)
Pissrael supporters are so annoying though though also turn blind n deaf when you talk about baby penis sucking in the Talmud
who has the webm of a reddit post where someone asks "why do people hate israel?" and every single reply is <comment removed>
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Why would you be on holiday in Japan just to get mad? What is wrong with kikes?
Seconding this
Literally every far fetched joke /pol/ makes about jews comes true. Jews spray painting crooked swastikas, child trafficking compounds, rape tunnels, and on and on. White men say "oh boy i can't wait to own some land and do some homesteading with a wife and kids" meanwhile jews are saying "i need a compound in the desert surrounded by tires and a tarp over it where i can chain a hundred kids to beds and sell them"


Its because the Jew is a larper from brooklyn who probably cant speak Hebrew or Arabic aka actual semetic tongues.
Israel wouldn't even take in most Jews. Most Jews in the US are Reform, Reconstructionist, etc. Israeli law for converts was Orthodox only. Israeli's cheif rabbis are Orthodox. Israeli weddings via Jewish authorities are Orthodox only.
Israel would allow Jews to die, just as the IDF killed Israelis on Oct 7th (and that's not even a conspiracy, survivors backed it up, as did one IDF air force commander and one Kibbutz president).
Israelis care about Israelis who are useful, not about Jews.
Real Jews weren't out raving on Oct 7th because it was shabbat
Israel uses Hamas statistics in their own reporting, and has for decades now. Hamas is more reliable than Israel.
Same thing happens in Israel. In the Haredi communities, which are cults, child marriage is normal. The only reason Tev Lahor was singled out was because the children being married off were pre-pubesent, and they were being more irritating than the usual Haredi.
something about asian christcucks is just so cringe, what are those larping gooks even thinking carrying that toy sized cross around some shithole in the middle east? go pray at a buddhist shrine or whatever
That page looks like the Merchant rubbing his hands if you squint hard enough
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US Jews have their own rabbis.
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>It's wildly concerning how many people outright believe the propaganda out of Germany and support it.
>If we believe everything coming from Germany, they'd have record breaking death numbers, calculated in record breaking time. It would be like us being told that exactly 15,000 people were cremated an hour or 2 after the towers fell on 9/11.
>Like I get not liking Islam(just kidding, I don't), there's a lot to kvetch about it, but the holohoax is retarded and is outright falling for Zionist propaganda.
Juden Peterstein
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anyone supporting israel is a satanist and will pay the same price in hell. These pseudo-christian propagandists for the pseudo-state of israel are the worst.
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Only a dead muslim is a peacefull one.
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>muh religion of peace amirite?
no one cares get IED'd zogbot
wtf i love jews now
It's normal for Christians to suck Israeli dick tho
evangelicals and similar christians-my-ass tier retards might as well be jews. The do not read the New Testament and just imagine they are christian by following and obeying tv preacher types.

I am a Buddhist and i know this. Any of them reading the New Testametn even once and has a little bit of brain matter can see through this zionist-"christian" brainwash bullshit.
I don't know Buddhist bro this stuff seems very pro-Jew and pro-Israel
I wanna trigger some muzzies on the nazi website formerly known as twitter, anyone got the video of israelis smiling while bulldozing dune coon mudhuts?
also the fact that metzitzah bpeh actually kills babies when the rabbis sucking their dicks have herpes
But you hate Jews, so you should appreciate that
it's fucked up tho
Why? The origins of the practice are rational and deal with cleanliness. No smegma, and the sucking is a primitive antibiotic. The same reason we're programmed to suck our cuts, saliva is antiseptic. Dogs do it too, licking their wounds.
but you're not living in tents in the desert anymore, are you? and even if you were shouldn't you at least be sure you don't have herpes before sucking baby dick?
I'm sure they didn't know about herpes back in the day. I'm not condoning the modern practice just stating where it comes from
Sucking your cuts is not normal and saliva is not antiseptic LMAO. Its literally worse to introduce foreign bacteria from someones mouth than to just water the area with water and wrap it with clean cloth.
You're wrong, faggot

Anything else to say?
Dumbfuck thats only your spit, not other people spit. Someone else's mouth is full of foreign bacteria and the chance of infection is high.
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Isnt it funny when you say 'destroy the barbarians', everyone knows exactly who you are refferring to, pro muslim or not.
lol yeah
really makes you think huh
It does.
That ADL guy has to be the most rat looking kike I've seen
As Christians. Jews in this instance means what you became the Christians, the pseudo-jews rejected Christ.

these "I have reserved for myself seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal" are the jews that did not reject Christ.

Revelation 2:9
I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
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to Naraka with you and fuck off my planet. You are being told how things are, this is not a discussion.
No, you said Jews in that instance means Christians, but he's clearly talking about Jews in the ethnic sense. Also you're oddly defensive of Christianity for a Buddhist.
Romans 11.11 quotes the usage of the verb "to make jealous" according to the Septuagint's rendering of Deuteronomy 32.21, which is quoted just before that in Romans 10.19.

Deut. 32.21 is basically God telling the Israelites that He is replacing them with another people, a people that the israelites themselves would refer to as less than human (not a people) and as stupid (a foolish nation). The word for "nation" also comes from the hebrew "goy". Quote of a quote, taken out of context it looks weird but only if you read only one verse and nothing else.
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I prefer Jews over Muslims
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Easy choice.
holy fuck i love isreal now
Nice slavic whore
If they ever start a eugenics program to make all Israelis look like that I'll support them 100%.
Christianity is just proto-Communism.

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