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Show those non-White women who just love White men. Sound is preferred. Cute and wholesome is preferred over degrading and mean to non-White men.
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And the third....
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It's really rough when their parents approve of them dating out, your lineage is over at that point.
holy shit it's like all women are mentally retarded
Why do you think that in every cultures, of every races, since the begining of humanity women where concidered just a bit above childrens in term of decision making.
Give me a reason that isn't pants on head jewish feminist retarded trying to gaslight and you'll get your answer.
I seriously don't understand what anyone gets out of shilling racemixing in the modern era. It was based when a country could effectively subjugate another country, pump and dump then leave.

Introducing non-whites into your genepool is bound to make your nation weaker, look at India, South America, and Levant/Middle east, there is no "hybrid vigor" only inferiority, the ruling classes and leaders are whiter than the people they rule over. I'm also sure you've seen the countless examples of Hapas and other mutts, they'll be normie looking with a good looking father at best. Not to mention that pretty much every race is endlessly mixing with each other, the end result will be a generic world without any unique beauty, abstract analytical thinking, and stagnation. The modern world as we know was possible due to PURE whites, especially germanics.

Whites are one of only two races that have earned the title of being considered human, you know why your forbears despised rassenschande? It is spitting on the graves of the thousands of years that have led to you being alive and above the hordes of animalistic subhumans.

But perhaps it is useless to argue with those seeking short-sighted worldly pleasures...
The point of the thread is to show how non-White women thirst and admire White men. It is to show how White men are the idea in a non-White culture.

It is not "shilling for racemixing"; you have a /pol/ rotted brain if you instantly jumped to that conclusion.
It's a perfectly reasonable conclusion to jump to
It's hardly a reasonable conclusion if the guy actually thinks "pure germanics" were the driving force in civilizing the modern world.
This is a very good mini essay anon. I relate to it.
I have an Ecuadorian girl in my class who's crushing on me and I really like her personality but the fact that she's not white is such a big drawback. And its funny because at the same time I'm also looking for someone
>White men are the idea in a non-White culture
I'll presume you meant ideal.

Anywho what I usually like to see from these video is to see stereotypes from other cultures and I always find that interesting because it also speaks of that culture. Like there was one video where women were talking about white boyfriends just being more open and saying romantic stuff like "I called you just to hear your voice and because I missed you." It's not something you ever think about as being out of the norm, but apparently it can be in asian cultures, which speaks to how reserved they can be.
Why they are reserved when white dudes seem to just do/say whatever the fuck the want? I dunno. Maybe saving face is more important in those cultures because your community's view of you is important whereas white cultures tend to be more individualistic.
Granted, this isn't a well-researched conclusion, just idle theorizing based of social media videos, but I enjoy it anyway.
That's cool and everything but they're still a downgrade from white women. Non-white guys who get white women feel like they got a prize, white guys who get non-white women feel like they got a consolation prize.
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Asian women are the least loyal, self respecting, and most traitorous of any racial group, I just can't respect them
I disagree, the greatest creations and geniuses come from germanics/anglos. They, along with other europeans, are the only hope for this world. You fail to understand how much of our race is dwarfed by africans and asians, On a global scale we are a steeply declining minority, more mistakes cannot be afforded. Instinctively we have a desire to conquer other tribes and spread our genes, that is more than fine, but globohomo doesn't allow for this, wherever racemixing is allowed it's not restricted to white men. This current system must be abolished first.
I respect them, especially when they suck my bwc
Psyop thread, no I will not leave my gooncave glowniggers
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lmao wtf is wrong with that guys face
he's asian dude, that's all. Why you gotta be racist about it?
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He looks like a character from Baki
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Oy vey
Non whites only get fat ugly white girls
>Take turns kissing a woman
idc how how that woman is, that's pretty gay
based zoomerchads
Literally inbred genetic reject white people getting swooned over by poojeets.
He's right you know
Seems like White dudes are able to get with every type of woman meanwhile the best black and brown dudes can get is a mid White woman. I'm not even trying to throw stones. I genuinely feel sorry for the guys because now I understand their hatred for White men, not that it's an excuse. Don't get me wrong there are definitely White dudes who get insecure and lash out at black and brown dudes for being with a White woman but those White dudes just don't know how much all the other women will literally throw themselves at White dudes.

Honestly women are the only ones keeping racism alive. When they make videos like the ones in this thread all it's doing is just making the men of their race feel insecure and lash out at men of other races. They can lash out violently or they do the same thing what women and make these same exact videos but from their POV. I tend to notice black guys do this the most. Like the whole "fuck timmy gon do" thing. White guys are the only guys who aren't allowed to make these videos parading around the other women and it's ironic because these women will claim White men are fetishizing them rather than the other way around.

Don't like black chicks, but damn
we descend from people who conquered the entire world spreading their seed back and forth. But they did it only for pleasure and spoils of war, they had families and a homeland. We nowadays are more puritans and try to find a good woman that can satisfy us in every way amd have many children with one instead of having multiple relationships like chimpanzees. The fact is that they love white guys, a fucking friend of mine who is as racist as we come and not in perfect shape got flirted by a fucking chink in class even though they are like insects to our eyes we are gods to them.
does anybody have that one webm where its like: tell me your dating a white guy without telling me your dating a white guy, and the guy is listeining to metal
they look fine retard
I need this
Film name?
Lover's Grief over the Yellow River

the couple actually later got married irl
whats stopping you
I'm unlovable
Because I'm not thinking that far ahead. I just want to be loved, desired, respected, and treated well. If white women aren't capable of that, then I'm gonna look elsewhere.
This is the truth.
I don't give a shit about having kids or ruling the country. I just want to be loved. I'm planning out a trip to the Philippines specifically for that purpose. I was hoping to go to Kolkata and do a wife hunt in the red light area due to the shear cost ($2 in India vs $30 in thailand) but have heard the stigma of interracial dating is massive in Indian culture.
The guy behind the camera ain't white.
dude is not white
you sound pretty gay
And you sound like a retarded animal with no foresight, even negroids have a far superior mental acuity. Being retarded is the most feminine trait imaginable.
ok, homo.
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White guy thinks she is pretty.
Kek what streamer is this?
You think gold digging flips will love you? They're less capable of love than white women
You're completely correct anon but people are just hornyposting. Wanting to be desired is understandable.
Who said anything about flips? Japs, koreans, and chinks are what I had in mind.
And even if I was seeking out flips specifically, "gold digging" wouldn't be a factor if I moved to *her* country and made it obvious I was never gonna take her back to America.
>Who said anything about flips?
one you guys did
>I'm planning out a trip to the Philippines specifically for that purpose.
Only chad gets those things
The middle east is outperforming europe in fertility.
In a few decades it will not be good
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Can anybody tell me who that is? Some people were shocked that "this girl" in particular would do some rice mixing video project.
huh, these guys are white but look nothing like me... weird...
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Oh my God, they truly are crazy over white men! Though they make up for a good couple to be honest!
Cringiest thread of all time.
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i've seen worse
these threads are cringe, I don't care what subhumans think of white men, they're all either getting out or getting the rope.
There have been threads for every type of male, but, for some reason, white male threads get more webms and more attention.
yeah because most people on this board are white
>this board
What board do you think have a black/arab/asian majority? /po/?
I don't know about /po/, but /pol/ probably does.
this video fills me with nothing but defeat and anger for having lost the war. fuck you.
NGL thats hot as fuck.

Im a white guy, my old work mate has set up a dinner date with me and a chinese girl next week.
If shes into this shit I'll be dumping loads in her.
nice good luck probably best not to bring up raceplay unless you've been dating a while
what war?
It’s so fucking over.
That guy moonmoon is jewish btw.
Are you just baseing that off appearance? Cause iirc he always claimed to be of french ancestry
at least she’s honest
Name is Jazzma Kendrick
He said it on stream when people asked him a few years ago. This would've been when Mario Maker 2 came out and he was doing q/a's about his life. The guy is very secretive.
That clip is just a lot of projection coming from a short, fat, bald, ugly man.
I'm tall, good looking, jacked, and have blue eyes and a 7 inch dick plus a full head of hair. He might not be able to find a cute girl in Japan, but that doesn't mean we're all genetic trash like him.
new harry potter looks based
löl, good friend of mine proofed him wrong
He’s Jewish and doesn’t like the idea of gentile white men being successful with women of any race.

Dont care, if a foreign girl tells me to breed and colonize her I will.

Also Asian pussy just grips differently.
he's got some genetic thing that makes him unable to move his eyelids, he talks about it and it makes him look retarded and fucks with his eyesight. You can see him moving his eyebrows for effect but his eyelids don't move with them like they should.
In about twenty years being white will be an even bigger advantage due to its rarity, in any relationship you will have the natural desire to want to start a family at point or another. Only castizas and some middle eastern women can maybe produce light eyed decent looking sons. HAPAs do far better within asia than in the west though.
You are correct except that you need to stop dehumanizing the other races. It's demonic, unnecessary and makes you lose people instantly
If you were a respectable person you'd be able to find a good white woman. It's your own fault if you can't get one.
Because its an ego boost. Blacks chase white women for this very reason. White people like to be reminded that just existing as a white person makes them desirable. Its an ego and confidence boost.
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lmao she's really into white guys
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/pol/ is easily the least White board. It was legit until 2017-8 or so but got flooded by organised shills and loner brown-cels after.
The ironic thing is non whites are generally full of confidence even though most women don't want them
That woman will most likely give him good looking kids, Asians, blacks, and brown Hispanic women are incel factories
>non-whites are full of confidence
Not in reality. Some of the most insecure people you would meet.
Its faux confidence masking their insecurities. Everyone has to walk on eggshells around them
Is white man/slightly tan woman a match made in heaven?
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what former President Obama's daughters mean by this, bros?
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>he's eating french fries
is that some code i don't understand, or is she just bragging with her BF and needed some BS reason to look less braggy?
>non whites are generally full of confidence
>explode when you point out they are not white (by calling them nigger/chink/poo/etc.)
i doubt it
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I feel sorry for Asian men because even the ones who look strong aren't. At home I'm short and weak so I know what it's like, but over in Asia suddenly I'm tall and strong. Asian men are short and weak.
I never really thought about my dick, you know I just had one. Women never really said much about it, it's a dick. But over in Asia the women act like I pulled abazooka out of my pants, sometimes I can't even fit it into them because there pelvis is too small or whatever.
Asian men can't drink, like their grandpa probably can drink but they can't.
And they're like zoomers, they'll spend their life savings to impress people then go home and cry for weeks and weeks, they just can't get that money back, they had one shot and they blew it.

Life isn't fair for Asian men, we should be nicer to them.
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>needed some BS reason to look less braggy?
probably this
Plenty of Asian guys are strong they're the strongest race after whites
what's the other race?

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