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/wg/ - Wallpapers/General

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File: IMT 777.png (1.54 MB, 1920x1080)
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1.54 MB PNG
Welcome to the IMT! We are here to help.
All wallpaper, and most image, modification requests are welcome, but within reason, as this is not >>>/b/, >>>/r/ or >>>/w/imt.
> Requestor
• ALWAYS REVERSE IMAGE SEARCH before you ask us for help. See the /wg/ sticky.
• EXPLAIN YOUR REQUEST IN DETAIL. Details help us get you the image that you want.
• STATE SPECIFIC DESIRED IMAGE SIZE, (ex., 1920 x 1080). "Bigger," "higher," "fit my phone," and the like, are NOT sizes.
• KNOW YOUR SCREEN RESOLUTION before you ask for help. Google/Bing/DDG Phone model + "resolution".
• UPLOAD AND LINK to an image hosting site, such as https://catbox.moe/, if your image is too small to post. DO NOT add white space OR stretch/shrink your picture. Imgur is known to compress images, compromising quality.
> All
• DO NOT post images unless they need to be modified or are the answer to a request.
• BE POLITE. Try to use proper spelling and grammar.
• CORRECT word choice (ex.: transparency/cut-out/render) is not as important as DETAILS in a request.
• DO NOT harass people. HELP when they ask for an edit or let others deal with the request.
> Any questions?
• Just ask, you're bound to get at least one answer.
• Tools we use Photoshop, GIMP, Paint.NET, PIXLR, MSpaint, and luck...
> 4chan Image/Thread Limitations
• Images SMALLER than 480x600 pixels DO NOT post. (1000x599 or 479x1000 will NOT work)
• Images LARGER than 6MB will NOT post.
• Supported file types are: GIF, JPG, PNG, WEBM
• Maximum file size allowed is 6 MB
• Thread Post Bump Limit - 300 +OP
• We recommend NOT posting NSFW images. /wg/ has always been SFW (ignoring the default Yotsuba theme). Moderators have started ENFORCING this rule.
>Archived Threads

Previous thread: >>8041637
File: 230908_newbalance01.jpg (206 KB, 1440x1439)
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206 KB JPG
Can anon please make a render of her? 1/2
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1.08 MB JPG

not really a mod but does anyone know how to extract the full resolution image from here? I remember google art used to have a tile stitcher thing that could do something similar, i'm planning on making a modification to focus it on st. demetrius
File: mosaic.jpg (3.64 MB, 4096x6000)
3.64 MB
3.64 MB JPG
>how to extract the full resolution image
I wrote a little Python script to download each tile and stitch them losslessly into a mosaic with jpegtran.
thanks a lot man, that's really nice of you to grab that for me and post it here too
would you mind posting the script here?
would appreciate if anyone could increase the resolution to 1290 x 2796 and use generative fill to expand the top, I think it will make a nice phone wallpaper
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657 KB JPG
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5.85 MB PNG
not sure what I'm going to do with him, I was going to just put him on a black background but now I'm thinking maybe add a frame or border over another image to help hide that his cloak doesn't really flow away to the right properly (hits the frame in the original)
File: IMG_5639.png (1.06 MB, 1745x880)
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1.06 MB PNG
greetings from/vp/
We enjoyed the images last time and thank you so much
/pgg/ Got a kick out of all the locations the girls were Photoshop into

This is a very easy request I would imagine
Can we change where they're standing to be a grassy knoll
are their tits really this fat in game? wow
File: Magnezone.jpg (1.78 MB, 2831x4160)
1.78 MB
1.78 MB JPG
Would anyone be willing to make the white background in this image transparent or black? May make a good mobile pape if done. Thanks in advance!
>cross gen evos
File: Magnezone.png (3.81 MB, 2831x4160)
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3.81 MB PNG
File: arnolfini.jpg (3.34 MB, 4353x6000)
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3.34 MB JPG
Sure, here goes:

I spruced it up for ya. It's not so little anymore, but it should be easier to use.
I only tested it on Linux and Windows, but I suppose it should also work on macOS.

You'll need the `requests` and `pillow` Python libraries.
Ideally, you should also have jpegtran, but it'll work without it.
It's just that the result will be inferior (either a recompressed JPEG or an overly big PNG).

You can change the `OUTPUT`, `TILES_DIR` and `URL` constants at the top.
To get the URL, look in the network tab of your browser's dev tool (press F12).
Just remove anything after `.tif` (e.g. `_files/13/4_2.jpg`).

The script could theoritically work with other IIPImage servers, but I haven't tested it.
If you have any problems, make a thread on /wsr/, to avoid clogging the IMT thread.
Dope. Thank you
Can someone please make a transparent background render of this picture?


Thank you.
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Thank you very much anon! But for first one, it looks part of the shoe on the right got removed.
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181 KB JPG
Can I get this as a phone wallpaper please?
>• STATE SPECIFIC DESIRED IMAGE SIZE, (ex., 1920 x 1080). "Bigger," "higher," "fit my phone," and the like, are NOT sizes.

>• KNOW YOUR SCREEN RESOLUTION before you ask for help. Google/Bing/DDG Phone model + "resolution".

learn to read, go back to kindergarten
I'm so sorry, went back to kindergarten just for you

Here you go

Fit my phone (1344 x 2992)
Google Pixel 8 Pro

Is that better?
File: trucy.jpg (714 KB, 3461x2136)
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714 KB JPG
Can someone please finish drawing the colored diamond thingies? the idea is to get a 3840x2160 result

Reference, red circles are where the diamonds look "chopped": https://files.catbox.moe/3420qz.png

Thank you so much
Forgot to attach these two together
File: trucy.png (3.09 MB, 3840x2160)
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3.09 MB PNG
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2.58 MB PNG
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365 KB JPG
Can someone make this 16:10 ?
File: 1709319875996451.png (1.29 MB, 1440x1439)
1.29 MB
1.29 MB PNG
Thank you very much again!
Isn't that just an upscaled and vertically cropped screenshot from the movie?
It'd be much easier to just find that frame, take a 16:9 screenshot and crop the sides slightly to get 16:10.
File: 555605.jpg (221 KB, 1920x1080)
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221 KB JPG

Found the screencap, thanks. I thought that this was fan art. What program is used to upscale this image?
Thank you so much!!!
File: IMG_4757.png (60 KB, 900x1665)
60 KB
Can someone please remove the checkered background while retaining the white outline?

Thank you very much!
File: calcifer_wallpaper.png (4.25 MB, 3840x2400)
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4.25 MB PNG
>What program is used to upscale this image?
Can't say for sure, but realesrgan-x4plus-anime produces a similar result.
I took your screencap, upscaled it, adjusted the colors to match >>8048049 (as best I could, anyway).
Then I cropped/downscaled it to the biggest 16:10 resolution.
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File: Grassy.jpg (228 KB, 1200x803)
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wildly inappropriate but saved
the CiA killed him
military industrial complex churns onward
NOT OP, but I would also like the sig removed
but I would rather have the right side extended to make this the picture 16:9?
File: wallhaven-rdw1o1.jpg (383 KB, 2880x1620)
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383 KB JPG
I'm sorry to be yet another one of these, but can you remove the watermark please?
File: harleyquinn.png (2.67 MB, 2880x1620)
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2.67 MB PNG
Here ya go.
File: harley_quinn.png (2.62 MB, 2880x1620)
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2.62 MB PNG
Can someone extend the left or right side to make this 16:9? Whichever side is easier.
Thank you <3
File: SanctionedPsyker.jpg (3.46 MB, 3072x1620)
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3.46 MB JPG
Requesting the follwing: Trim the fingernails to normal lenght (a but behind the finger tip), remove the blue-veins from her face and change the color of her eyes to blue with a hint of purple at the top and a hint of the clear blue on her headgear on the bottom of the iris. That said about her eyes, I leave it to you to make the final call if you feel it's not working (and pick a different set of eye color, like pink/purple) or it's too much work to begin with.
strangely redpilled
File: no-mans-sky.jpg (4.72 MB, 5120x2880)
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4.72 MB JPG
Can someone remove/replace or overlay the black rectangle with the TARDIS please?
File: IMG_6231.png (1.27 MB, 1080x1920)
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1.27 MB PNG
Could someone please remove the text? Thank you
Beautiful, thanks bro
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861 KB PNG
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404 KB JPG
Can I get her on the right side and detexted?
File: IMG_0601.png (1.93 MB, 1445x1445)
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1.93 MB PNG
Can I get this on a 1080x2340 with the sane blue pattern BG?
File: kunoichi_wallpaper.png (1.64 MB, 1080x2340)
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1.64 MB PNG
Render: https://files.catbox.moe/j763jd.png
Thanks bro!
Can someone please fill the black parts at both sides on this one >>8049090 with similar "colored stars" as seen in the middle? The idea would be to be a bit more sparse so it doesn't detract too much from the center piece, but doesn't leave that space as a "solid black block". Thank you very much.
File: background.png (781 KB, 3700x2246)
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781 KB PNG

Version 1: Requesting for the removal of the black hole / eclipse thing at the top.

Version 2: Same as V1, but also removing all of the grid pattern lines in the middle/background of the pape.

Version 3: Same as V2, but following the colour palette range I am uploading immediately after this post.
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222 KB PNG
I could tell I was getting bored and sloppy so I stopped before blotting out the stars to reduce their density, I leave that as a task for you (just draw over them in black until you're happy)
File: 1200x1193.jpg (150 KB, 1200x1193)
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150 KB JPG
dunno if i'm asking for too much, but would it be possible for the text to be removed, the image to be made into 1920×1080 and the fish moved to the upper right corner?
File: motorpsycho.png (594 KB, 1500x1500)
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594 KB PNG
i also have this higher quality image. i'd prefer the other one, but if it's too small or whatever i'd be fine getting this one.
Thank you very much. I’ll try my best since I’m not good at editing. Thank you.
File: LessDense.png (20 KB, 4096x2304)
20 KB

RGB Noise in Gimp can generate the dots needed to act as this starfield, Apply Dilate
onto that layer it will double pixels every time making smaller generated larger.
cute, CUTE!!
>Apply Dilate onto that layer it will double pixels every time making smaller generated larger
That gives you non-square pixels that don't line up with the pixel grid.
It's best to shrink the image to 1x1 pixels (12.5% scale), apply the noise and then blow it back up to 8x8 (800% scale).
In Gimp, that has to be done with the "None" interpolation method to avoid blurring pixels.
In other image editors, it's usually called "Nearest Neighbor".
Thank you very much again!
Can someone please remove the signature and also make the background transparent in this pic >>8049357?

Thanks a lot
File: chunli_render.png (1.83 MB, 1586x2560)
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1.83 MB PNG
Thanks a lot!
When the Color is converted to Indexed the gradient edges become square.
Probably left that out, Also didn't see your image.
File: motorpsycho.png (227 KB, 1920x1080)
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227 KB PNG
thanks a lot man
Thanks a lot!!
File: Droids.png (852 KB, 595x847)
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852 KB PNG
Can anyone please change this poster into a wallpaper? I would like to have a wallpaper of the part beneath the text.

Can someone re-size it to 1920x1080 by cloning the droids and tanks left and right and remove the dirt in the corners?
It's regrettable that the outline doesn't line up with the fishes like in the original cover.
File: amiyty.jpg (509 KB, 2048x1871)
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509 KB JPG
Can someone please finish drawing the purple thing at the right side and then remove the white background while still leaving the pink halo? Thank you so much.
File: IMG_1780.jpg (206 KB, 794x1191)
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206 KB JPG
please anons if u can help, i would be really grateful. i’m not good w photoshop at all. i just hate that this pic has like zero margins. and the little blemish above the soccer ball (?) annoys me so bad. otherwise this is so sick. thank you thank you!
it's just a bad scan, please be specific about what you want done and target resolution
File: ASS.png (5.58 MB, 4859x2733)
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Bit shit rushed many seams
Can anyone pleasee remove the text "coldplay viva la vida" I want the picture to be only the girl
File: AIslop.jpg (821 KB, 2155x2155)
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This isn't a reverse image search thread.
Thank you. It looks great.
Would it be possible to get rid of the tiles in the background?
File: ASS.png (4.97 MB, 4859x2733)
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4.97 MB PNG
File: zpu3LmVRd.jpg (55 KB, 720x900)
55 KB
Make her top into more of a strung-together in the wild style leopard print bikini, please.
Just to seem less professionally made and more one she made while stuck in nature.
This is perfect. Thank you.
Thank youuuu
For some reason I couldn't find it when I was doing a reverse image search, guess I'm just dumb lol
you’re right! my bad. could you add an inch or so margin around the outside of the picture so that the text at the bottom is centered better. target resolution 1290 x 2796 for an iphone? hope this helps! thank you so so much
File: revista de revistas.png (486 KB, 1290x2796)
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486 KB PNG
oh my god that looks perfect! thank you so much!
I would love this image without the couple >>8049065
(didn't repost image to avoid cluttering the thread if it can just be linked)
File: 1710166979757188.jpg (1.38 MB, 3840x2160)
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1.38 MB JPG
hows this
It looks great, thank you very much.
Is there any way to turn this >>8050192 into a decent 16:9 centered wallpaper using the original height (since it’s 4096 already)? Thanks a lot.
File: 171080254182399.jpg (4.41 MB, 3840x2160)
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4.41 MB JPG
here it is centered @ 16:9 Anon, 4K (UHD-1) was as large a resolution as could be made to fit within the 6Mb upload limit, hope this is okay

16:9 NOT 4:3... *facepalm*
Nigger, I tried.
File: 1705007311126647.png (1.99 MB, 1474x2306)
1.99 MB
1.99 MB PNG
And you did really good Anon, apart from the aspect ratio thing

It looks like this request got missed Anon, here you go, hope this is okay
Can someone extend the left or right side to make this 16:9? Whichever side is easier.
File: Paperblue.jpg (1.09 MB, 1900x1163)
1.09 MB
1.09 MB JPG
Requesting a resize to 1920x1080 please.
File: 1710887223524855.png (4.76 MB, 1920x1080)
4.76 MB
4.76 MB PNG
File: IMG_0711.jpg (1.34 MB, 1212x2016)
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1.34 MB JPG
Can I get a red rope running up her back, get rid of the white border, denip it and resize this to 1080x2340?
Can someone remove the text in the top left corner & also extended the right side to make this the picture 16:9?
Nobody willing to try?
File: no-mans-sky.jpg (3.85 MB, 5120x2880)
3.85 MB
3.85 MB JPG

Here you go Anon, hope this is okay
File: 1706425694550616.jpg (2.94 MB, 3840x2160)
2.94 MB
2.94 MB JPG
Requesting a shaved pussy edit.

File: 1710926155728810.jpg (3.22 MB, 3840x2160)
3.22 MB
3.22 MB JPG
Nice work editing out her bush. Thank you anon. If you don't mind, could you add a similar style of pussy like in one of the references too?
That works. Thank you.
Many thanks.
File: test1.jpg (18 KB, 675x641)
18 KB
hey guys, can someone extend her hair at top? thanks!
Serve us the original you retard
File: test1.jpg (37 KB, 675x641)
37 KB
>can someone extend her hair at top?
Could anyone make a 2560x1440 wallpaper from this please? There may be higher qualities of it online but this is the best I could find quickly checking around.
i knew this would happen hahaha

that is the original. its a pp thats why its small
File: 44.jpg (462 KB, 2560x1440)
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462 KB JPG
File: TR-6'HyzenthlayII'.jpg (691 KB, 1754x1240)
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691 KB JPG
Request to remove the text, the black borders and then 1.5x the image. Thank you for your time.
Thanks for such a quick delivery!
File: IMG_6742.jpg (378 KB, 1178x2137)
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378 KB JPG
if you guys can put some grass or sky in the image I would appreciate it
The update is rolling out the new avatars are hideous
I just want something to remember them as they were ;_;
File: horizon-lyh-srh.jpg (98 KB, 800x1132)
98 KB
Can anyone remoce the text pls? And maybe add some more quality to it. A sharpen effect or smth.

You want better quality Text ?
File: opus_manga.jpg (1.14 MB, 1500x1080)
1.14 MB
1.14 MB JPG
Could someone remove all texts from this picture please ?
Thanks for this
File: grafix.png (95 KB, 957x640)
95 KB
old 2009 image that i found scrolling through internet archive
can someone make this less blurred
is this REAL?!? HAHAHaAhAh
File: GJcyt9MX0AAhZge.jpg (35 KB, 502x680)
35 KB
Can anyone remove the artists text and upscale it to 1920x1080? Thanks
File: 1706890530814603.png (2.59 MB, 2560x1440)
2.59 MB
2.59 MB PNG
Requesting removal of black inner border.
>• ALWAYS REVERSE IMAGE SEARCH before you ask us for help. See the /wg/ sticky.
File: 1711349431749288.png (2.01 MB, 2560x1440)
2.01 MB
2.01 MB PNG
Thank you.
File: cammy.jpg (384 KB, 1700x2048)
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384 KB JPG
Can someone please make a transparent background render of the girl here? Thank you in advance.
Could I get 3840×2160 wallpaper of this with Shego to the right and all the Xmas stuff and text removed?
>• We recommend NOT posting NSFW images. /wg/ has always been SFW (ignoring the default Yotsuba theme). Moderators have started ENFORCING this rule.
can someone please finish drawing the tip of the hand that’s missing on the left side, and then remove all the white background so the girl and the moogle sit on a transparent background? thank you.
File: 1711397100190889.png (999 KB, 1087x1491)
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999 KB PNG
thank you
maybe put this sky behind them? ;_;
File: FUCK.jpg (460 KB, 2560x1440)
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460 KB JPG

It's no possible
File: 20240328_103738.jpg (275 KB, 900x1600)
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275 KB JPG
Please resize this image to 1080x2400 without deforming the image. Thanks!
File: 1711692786537606.jpg (2.69 MB, 3840x2160)
2.69 MB
2.69 MB JPG
OR here, I got a delivery from /aco/'s edit thread
NSFW (nudity, boobs touching, hand covering vulva): https://files.catbox.moe/ai5523.jpeg

Can someone please seamlessly remove the signature/watermark, and then make all the background transparent (you can keep or get rid of the text, I don’t really mind).

Thank you very much!
File: cammy.png (2.56 MB, 1700x2048)
2.56 MB
2.56 MB PNG
im not cleaning this so someone else can take a crack at polishing it,
File: 1710589024977153.jpg (731 KB, 3200x1800)
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731 KB JPG
Could someone pls remove the nip piercings and delete all of the words/watermarks
File: 1710589159612137.jpg (1.22 MB, 3200x1800)
1.22 MB
1.22 MB JPG
This one too pls
File: Cammy.png (5.84 MB, 3000x3614)
5.84 MB
5.84 MB PNG
Thank you for both attempts. I'm probably using the second one. <3
File: laptop.jpg (130 KB, 1920x1080)
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130 KB JPG
Can someone make variations of this in different colours? Instead of blue shades, it could have green, red, orange, white, grey, yellow, brown, purple, silver, burgundy, etc etc.
File: Photopea .com.webm (2.03 MB, 1472x1000)
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2.03 MB WEBM
Make your own.
File: wallhaven-3lq8wy.jpg (479 KB, 1950x1378)
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479 KB JPG
can someone get rid of the text if possible
File: Pissoff.jpg (1.28 MB, 3000x2120)
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1.28 MB JPG
The sticky seems outdated, where's a good place to look for wallpaper's outside of /wg/?
Can someone please remove the yellow background and make it transparent while still keeping the teal shadow? >>8052068 Thank you very much
It's beautiful thank you
Can someone make me cool wallpapers using the Powercolor Logos?
File: 1684409747758994.png (170 KB, 2560x1440)
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170 KB PNG
Would a kind soul be willing to remove the backgound buildings (anything with lights) and replace it with the existing gradient? The help's appreciated.
File: 20240401_120629.jpg (455 KB, 1170x1655)
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455 KB JPG
Can I get someone to please get this image to fit on a Pixel 8 Pro?
1344 x 2992
Can I get this made into a 1080x2340, same BG?
File: backdrop.png (77 KB, 2560x1440)
77 KB
File: Untitled-1.png (1.42 MB, 1344x2992)
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1.42 MB PNG
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63 KB
File: ffvii.png (2.19 MB, 1080x2340)
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2.19 MB PNG
Woop! Thanks anon!
File: 1604225993061~1.jpg (1.51 MB, 2160x1620)
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1.51 MB JPG
Requesting her stomach edits skintone to match the rest of her, please.
Just needs a slightly more orange tan.
Her forehead or bicep on the right of the image would probably be the best reference.

Also, modernising her Iphone to the latest model would be great too, thanks. Just a generic case is fine, but the size probably needs to be slightly bigger.
>image too small

requesting a kind soul to extend the pattern's borders for at least a 1920x1080 screen while keeping the text centered, thanks!
File: 6544360198242323.jpg (375 KB, 600x600)
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375 KB JPG
OP here, resized the image from a higher quality one i found and with the right colors
File: wallhaven-7p9j63.png (1.85 MB, 1920x1080)
1.85 MB
1.85 MB PNG
Oh, thou great and revered gods of image modification, please help out a mere mortal, that is me, and through your immense powers, please remove the logo/watermark from this image. Thank you, and anticipating your blessings.
I'm sorry, OP here. I found some important mistakes, some parts of the hair are erased and a part between the hand and the hip is a bit weird.

Reference: https://files.catbox.moe/s136eu.png

If someone would correct these it would be awesome. Thank you, and sorry for bringing this up again.
File: Get rendered.png (2.52 MB, 1700x2048)
2.52 MB
2.52 MB PNG
Remove all of her tattoos, please.
Please remove the man in the picture.
Please remove the man in the picture.
Please remove the people in bottom left from the image. Many thanks.
Thank you!!!
File: 20240403_132911.jpg (432 KB, 1170x1655)
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432 KB JPG
Can I get someone to please get these 2 images to fit on a Pixel 8 Pro?

1344 x 2992
File: 20240402_173154.jpg (1.55 MB, 2671x4096)
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1.55 MB JPG
This image as well please and if you could remove the water mark I would highly appreciate it.

Thank you so much in advance!
File: wallhaven.png (1.21 MB, 1920x1080)
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File: Thank you Anon.jpg (508 KB, 2200x3000)
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508 KB JPG
You're a goddamn magician. Innumerable thanks!
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Can someone please make a transparent background render of the witch with her owl staff? Thank you.
there u go mate, hope its good enough
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there u go anon, hand drawn some stuff but i think its not noticible, enjoy
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Requesting it to look like he's daydreaming about Lucoa's chest in the top of this image, please.
Image to use is here:
Preferably with a thought bubble effect, and with the colour saturation to match the rest of the image.

It doesn't need to be a gif, just a still image is fine, and preferably with it tilted so it's more straight instead of on a slant, thank you.
PERFECT! Thanks a lot for all dat hard work.
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can somebody move the mantis to the right side of the image, size it down a smidge, and increase the resolution to 1920x1080 while keeping the background intact? please!
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Can anyone remove the crown?
Two images.
File: GIpTspTbAAYqy2b.jpg (64 KB, 1280x720)
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thank you, but i hate to bother you again. in your edit, the manits is too small and can you lift him up from the bottom right and put him closer to middle right?
For https://files.catbox.moe/oy2v5e.jpg , requesting that the orc girl's pussy slit be made longer (like about 2-3x the current length), just so it's more visible in zoomed out view.
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Hey! Can someone please make this for a phone wallpaper? Thank you!
Thank you!!
>• STATE SPECIFIC DESIRED IMAGE SIZE, (ex., 1920 x 1080). "Bigger," "higher," "fit my phone," and the like, are NOT sizes.
learn to read anon
File: shantae glasses.jpg (736 KB, 874x1166)
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Can someone please remove all the watermarks? They're all over the place if you raise the exposure a bit. Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!!! Can you or someone else also finish drawing the purple ooze thing so it doesn't look chopped at the right side?

Also, great seeing based >>8052941
>>8052946 Owl House enjoyers.

Thank you so much again!
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hey! can someone de-smut this? thin leggings maybe? i really like the vibe of the picture, like a cozy sexy day inside. but full vag on home screen is too wild
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>i really like the vibe of the picture
Not OP, But you fucking win.

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pls put the dude at pic related in a 2560x1600 background, be it a futuristic landscape a la Battletech or a medieval-like one.
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An oldie but a goodie. I know shit about upscaling besides online wrappers for waifu2x. Seeing it upscaled 400% (800x600 -> 3200x2400) would be amazing. Please and thank you <3
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Could someone please make this ~1443x2154 (double the height), expanding the sky upwards for the added height? I appreciate any and all help in advance. Love you IMT
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Here's a (bad) example without the sky being expanded to sort of illustrate what I'm asking for.
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Kickass, thank you
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Was using it to build a VHS cover, thanks man
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Would anyone please remove the words "Led Zepplin", it would be much appreciated
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I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, but I was wondering if someone could remove the black dot in the center of her chest for me.
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thanks anon
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Please make background OLED black.
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Not sure exactly what you mean but maybe this will work
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can some one make this 1080x2400 and the blue background to a green that matches the leaves? And remove the Lux mark

it has been a couple of days and i am just checking in to see if anybody even saw this request. i am also hoping that the original editor of the image i posted still has the .psd (or whatever editor he or she used) file so that any changes could be made quickly and without much trouble. anyways, i am hoping for the edit request i made on 4/07/24 if that is at all possible. thanks in advance.
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This is my best attempt at it, hope you like it anon
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Interesting take and I do like it a lot. Would only nitpick on a pair on things: The loss of the color/shadow on the swordman makes it looks too stark against the background (maybe changing the red to a mute blue would do the trick) and the specific background is too high-tech for the swordman. In any case, Thanks a lot. It does prove the concept and the swordman looks way, way cooler with a background than on it's own.
thank you
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Thank you so much.
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OP here again, made a clean template for the pattern on GIMP, but i dont think i can make a good looking pattern using GIMP, any photoshop anon can take over from here? Just need the "Tighter" on the middle and the rest of the pattern to just repeat for a 1920x1080 screen at least

thanks beforehand to the brave soul that does it
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Can someone please finish drawing the glowing aura around the bird so the edit doesn't look chopped? Thank you very much.
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Can someone remove the watermark from this image?
Thank you!
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Thank you very mucho!
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Incredible work, thanks a heap.
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Please remove the speech bubble and text from these. I'll send you some cool pics to show my appreciation.
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anyone has a wp of the exact moment of Excalibur (1981) where the sword is thrown back at the lake? I was trying to make one myself but it comes out pretty shitly
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Maybe this
p good, it's just that i'm trying to get the shot with the red sun
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please turn this into a wallpaper
>• STATE SPECIFIC DESIRED IMAGE SIZE, (ex., 1920 x 1080). "Bigger," "higher," "fit my phone," and the like, are NOT sizes.
Can someone edit out the emotes? I can't find an uncensored version anywhere, and would love to use the pic as a 1920 x 1080 wallpaper.
+1 wrt. wallpaper from this. 1920x1200 thanks,
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Sick, good job!
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Can someone make this a 1920x1080 pape pls
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Please remove as much text as possible.
Original here:
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Can someone remove the letters?
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File: wallhaven-5w8qm7.jpg (1.41 MB, 1200x2000)
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Can you make this a wallpaper to fit at least a 2560x1440?
Here's the original size image. It's huge.

File: Flešš.jpg (85 KB, 1400x1400)
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Can someone make this work as a wallpaper for a 750x1334 phone screen?
Can someone separate each box into its own image, cleaning them up enough that I can shrink or enlarge without problem?
if you have time, to just clean up the full body image?
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Want this in higher quality then rendered. No need to complete the juice box, but that’d be cool. Thanks in advance.
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Don't know your preferences so i made a few versions of it, hope you like it ^^
Hey, wow thanks! I didn't know exactly what I wanted, so thanks for making more than one version.
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Found this at:


Can someone make it 1920x1080? Thx,
Anyone able to help me fill in the white space up top and make it look cohesive?
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>DO NOT add white space
The Aspect ratio is 16:9 so it will fit in 1920x1080

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Can someone make this into a 2560x1440 at least as well?
You are a champ, thx
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I might not be able to finish this one today. Getting close though.
That's quite a great improvement.
i need it to be
-1920x1080 or higher(2560x1440, 3840x2160 etc)
-watermark removed
-optionally blues to be more purpleish
-link to the original(https://pngtree.com/freebackground/faceted-black-background-with-neon-pink-and-blue-glowing-lines-in-3d_3652078.html)
thanks in advance
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Please remove the 'Lamborghini' text from the tractor.
Thank you so damn much, image modification wizards.
tried some different approaches to this

frame: https://files.catbox.moe/ghxe9m.png
shadow: https://files.catbox.moe/g75s17.png
shape: https://files.catbox.moe/cvk0v5.png

the idea is to put your icons in the blurry moon background surrounding the center to make the illustration pop
Don't tell me you prefer Ferrari.


Ferruccio Lamborghini didn't mortgage the winery so you could remove the name from their tractors.
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Could you kindly fulfil another request? If it's not too much trouble, could you remove all text from the image, making the image entirely text free.
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An anon did incredible work at deblurring the chest in this image, but I was just hoping the rest of the image could be deblurred, please?
Also, increasing the resolution would be appreciated as well, thanks.
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can you make it 1920 x 1080 with some more clouds on the sides? pretty please
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can you extend the background to the sides? thank you
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same thing for this one, please
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thank you
Could someone please remove the red icons in the bottom right corner? 1/2
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wow thank!
Can someone please (1) remove the patreon link (you can keep the signature if you want), (2) finish drawing eiher side of her hair, and then extend the background to the side until you reach 16:9 aspect ratio?


I'd guess it'd look better with the girl on the right side, but maybe it'd be fine if she's on the left. You're the creatives here. The important thing is that it's not centered. Thank you in advance.
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i found the original image for you but i dont have image editing software
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Please remove the droplet on the top right.
Danke schön :)
and make it into a totally bland and boring image? man, you got shit taste
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Is it possible to extend the trees so that they take up about 2/3 of the image in the vertical direction? I want to use this picture as my phone wallpaler but I can only fit two rows of icons without going over Totoro.
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Would it be possible to remove the white background in this image? Thanks in advance.
>• We recommend NOT posting NSFW images. /wg/ has always been SFW (ignoring the default Yotsuba theme). Moderators have started ENFORCING this rule.
learn to read anon
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>Moderators have started ENFORCING this rule.
really? there's a bunch of porn threads up
why is this board orange anyways, makes no sense since /w/ is blue and if anything they have more reason to post porn
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Thank you so much! Greatly indebted.
>• DO NOT post images unless they need to be modified or are the answer to a request.
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That's amazing, thank you. By the way I'm retarded and meant to say 1/3, but cropping and adding black falls within my image editing skills. With that I can make the trees as tall as I want, so it's even better
please for the love of god someone remove the lettering covering the image
rather, new thread?
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is it possible to make this into a phone wallpaper 1440x2560 with the image primarily in the middle? thanks
Please remove the slippers from this picture.

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