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The Third Person, Third Biggest MOBA, based on various World Mythologies.

FACT: The 4chan clan is [SmGen]: Smite Gen Plus! All new players are welcome!
Most members are on around 10pm-4am UTC+0. Party up with anyone you can find.
Regulars usually talk / LFG in-thread, don't mind them.

>>Last Huntoon Goddess, Nut

>>NDA Closed Alpha is NOT ongoing, DO NOT ask questions about it, it WAS NOT leaked here
>>New Magetoon Goddess, Hecate with Open Alpha, May 2nd (findom paypiggies only)
>>Closed Beta, 30th July at 23 Godtoons
>>Five total new Godtoons before the formal release at 50 in early 2025
>>Roadmap planned for 100 by late 2026
>>Finishing catchup of 135+ by ~2027
>>Basically, we're fucked

>New Player Guide + Splash Art Gallery



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Shi2 early roster
New = *

Seen Playable (14/23 for Closed Beta)
> * Athena
>Neith (forma uglo)
>Thanatos [Not enabled]

Divine Legacy / Pass / Confirmed
>Aphrodite (forma breast reduction surgery)
>Hou Yi
>Jing Wei
>King Arthur
>Nu Wa (forma niqqab)
> * Poseidon
> * Ra
> * Scylla

Mentioned / Datamining / Unconfirmed - https://smitedatamining.com/smite-2-datamining-aladdin-joins-the-roster
> * Amaterasu
> * Atlas
> * Baron Samedi
> * Cthulhu
> * Cupid
> * Ganesha
>Guan Yu
> * Kali
> * Kuzenbo
> * Maui
> * Medusa
> * Merlin
> * Ratatoskr
> * Sobek
>Sun Wukong
>The Morrigan

New Godtoons (x5)
>Hecate (Mage)
> * Mordred (?)
> * Aladdin (?)

~ 60 / 50 Releasetoons (~10 mentioned are postlaunch)

9/24 - 38% of Assassins
13/24 - 54% of Guardians
10/24 - 41% of Hunters
15/38 -40% of Mages
8/20 - 40% of Warriors
55/130 - 42% Total
don't care not playing shit 2
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Basically I'm just not gonna play it (the sequel!!)

I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know..... UGH I know.....

It's just that I'm not playing it is all.

In other news, the Paladins faggots got what they fucking deserve:
>dead for 2 weeks on /vg/ after 404 (it's actually grover)
>can't even maintain a presence on /vm/ at this point (unlike us, one of the faster topics on the entire board)
So basically Shit2 is LoRez's last shot in the dark, and they're only listening to their hugbox communities as usual.

Jaune is so lucky...
When are they gonna list the Nut voicelines on the smite wiki
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Et tu, palababs?

anyone want to play smite 1(I will be playing smite 2 and spending legacy gems btw)
but you need to spend money to be able to spend those goytokengems
Hirez is creating a brand new, FREE, state of the art game. The smite playerbase will be revitalized. Plants that were dying will be nourished. and your response is like you have been slapped in the face? It is good to buy gems to show your appreciation. I think 400 gems per 10 hours of gameplay should be the norm. Let me guess, you dont tip waiters or drive-thru staff either? Ungrateful europeans.
Yurofags are asleep right now.
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oh, now wait a minute
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I love Lermy
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do not start with the shechud posting so early you fuck
>those bacchus icons
I will no longer be playing SMITE 2
imagine the grease...
To play devil's advocate, the Paladins community is more alive on other platforms, the 4chan community, however, had been in decline for a few years now.
Comedy Gold XD
10/10 bait
>I'm just playing Devil's Advocate
Sure you are pal(dog).
i just spent all game seething about 2 enemy warriors rushing equinox but then i checked my death recap and it did 44 dmg total. maybe its no proccty woccy slush?
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They'll add Aladdog but not Lu Bu it just ain't right.
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They were definitely alive a year ago on twitter when I posted an ai picture of evie when I was first learning stable diffusion and they all got mad. Your view count statement holds true even on my tiny channel.
My 10 day old Smite videos have as many views as my paladins videos accumulated over 2 years.

Its sad because I liked Paladins but there was too many problems like awarding negative MMR for a win and all that was left was mentally ill people that would just grief matches.

They should just add the paladins characters as a smite pantheon. I would be impressed if they could add a first person perspective for the fps characters like viktor or strix. Grover would be confusing with sylvanus being there too. Maybe if he has his huge axe and swung it around his head or something, maybe then you could tell them apart.
>this is what butthurt Paladins shills ACTUALLY believe
they should add an item called Solstice that damages if you take damage from the front and gives mitigations if you take damage from behind
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The person posting slop in every thread is quite literally a transexual pink haired anime girl v-tuber.
I bet the sex is insane.
I should make a video on my they need to unnerf support starter.
I think youd be wasting your time since if theres no nda for alpha, then everything will be spammed with smite 2 and nobody will see it or care to listen. Either post it befores the alpha or awhile later. Im not sure anyone will care either way since hirez will probably focus on 2 and not care about 1 at all for awhile.
I haven't played in like 2 months and the first thing I did was buy trash goblin Scylla.
I have 4.7k gems left. Leftover from when I bought a bunch last year, literally right before announced smite 2 LOL but it's cool.
Anyone want to play later? I'll host when I'm actually going to play and I'm only playing arena.
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Another forced loss trying to keep him down.
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>Slime UWU iswas a weab
how could we not see this coming?.... was the're no foreshadowing to this reveal?!.....
Slime is a tranny obsessed with AI images and anime

Dolize is obsessed with AI CP and anime

they are the same person. Ive cracked the case.
Sturdy shard is OP and you shouldn't replace it with a relic.
So I should spend all my gems before smite 2 since they don't mean anything now? What about all this favor?
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There are no good support picks right now.
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He is officially excommunicado and I will no longer be seeing him at the launch.

agni, arachne, ah puch, afro, all start with Artio therefore A tier
if youre latam, you can also use Anus because the J is silent
Sister... would you like to explain yourself?
See you at the launch.
sir I am but a simple art runner and off class main. I'm also a protector of children and a friend of the basilisk. I dont even know any doll eyed sharks or Cat-Lon. I've never even set foot inside of an ikea, omae.
Mentals broken
See you at the launch.
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...and CHARYBDIS!!!
See you at the launch.
See you at the launch.
See you at the launch.
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I'm playing smite 2 next weekend.
Still not playing smite 2
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>no Khumba
You will be invited to Lermy's orbiter party on the launch for your support. See you at the launch.
>Hirez is creating a brand new, FREE, state of the art game.
Free if your time is worth nothing
>The smite playerbase will be revitalized.
Still not playing Shi2, still playing Smite
>Plants that were dying will be nourished.
>and your response is like you have been slapped in the face?
>It is good to buy gems to show your appreciation.
>I think 400 gems per 10 hours of gameplay should be the norm.
>Let me guess, you dont tip waiters or drive-thru staff either?
>Ungrateful europeans.
Comparing everywhere that isn't America to Europe is more of an insult than bragging that your service industry is legally underpaid slavework that demands literal begging after your service to "get by".
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Because I don't care still playing smite and the sequel smite 2.
dont you combat triangle me
ill have you know i bought meditation
Don't care.

Still not playing SMITE 2, not buying gems, and not seeing you at the launch.
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if you date charybdis, you also have to date charybdis's hand.
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if she's dating me, she'd also have to date my hand, so i dunno, seems like it doesn't matter
Is this about right; without weird meta picks?

Arachne, tsukuyomi,bastet
Kuku, anubis, nu wa
AhMuzencab, xbalanche, Danza
Bellona,nike, sun wukong
the meta is whatever toons I enjoy
i dont know the meta because i only dominate.
looks about right, but ierfag is gonna post his shit in a few days so idk if it's accurate or not

>AhMuzencab, xbalanche, Danza
in an ability meta, but I'm not sure if we're in that right now. if it's basic right now, it'd usually be something like rama / artemis / izanami instead (but ability is easier to play, so ?)

>Bellona,nike, sun wukong
these are all solo carries, aside from nike (chudpick free winz), it requires more out of you than just picking someone more teamfight-oriented like odin or shiva and going afkfarm brain off no thinky. sure, you won't have as much early kill pressure and need to know when to play for wave, but the reason why those do so well is because they shitstomp people who don't respect them and snowball off it. give them space and starve them out early, and a teamfight warrioid gets more done, more safely, for easier.

is also correct
is also correct
Adc confuses meta right now confuses me the most. I either stomp or get stomped lol
So is Stormseeker a good item or not?
Is it for Hunters or Warrioids?
It's a meme item for solo lane. Right now If you go Equinox into stormseeker you can get about 200 stacks with Ravana before the game ends.
>Not making out with the Maw while Charybdis sucks you off
NEVER gonna make it
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>my muscles and dick grow exponentially until I look like a bodybuilder with a 50 inch dick
>charybdis tries to run, but before she can even take her first step I've already evaporated her clothes with my rape powers and cummed inside her 1000 times
>she screams out loud as she orgasms a million times and instantly becomes pregnant in one second and gives birth to 6000 of my rapespawn who also rape her and make her birth 1000000 more until she dies
heh, another successful rape...

dangerously based
I unironically shape the meta. Everyone is going sprint because of me. Everyone is playing Sylvanus because of me.
its the worst item in the game, possibly the worst item ever added to the game. best case scenario you have an item that costs 1900 and gives you 15 power and 40-50% attack speed (stacked). or you could just buy obow for 2100 and have instant 35% out of the box and a useful passive.
Imagine if Assassins got stormseeker and hunters got Equinox LMAO.
Remove all stats from stormseeker. double the passive stack value. I have saved smite 1.
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"I think support players should literally get the only starter in the game that actively punishes you for doing well" - Hirez balance department.
Nigger you can take less Gold-efficient starters if you don't need it.

The Support strikes out in pain as it has the best starters in the game.
No, it punishes you for your teammates not doing well. IE, it punishes you (as a support) for not providing support to your teammates.
AltBlue will you be don't care still playing smite 2 or are you don't care not playing smite 2?
notice me altblue
see you at lunch
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This bitch will ruin your life.
I've not played Smite in a long-ass time. Figure I'll DL it again after hearing about Smite 2, to see how bad things have been in the past, many years. I figure I have enough for my PC days between play unlocks and free/paid gems that it's worth revisiting. On my Switch though.
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So will Smite 2 increase the playerbase or just kill both games entirely?
shite 2 might increase smite 1 numbers after it flops but if hirez tries to kill smite 1 then both games will die.
Everyone knows SMITE. Those who had a interest in SMITE but dropped off along the way will try out SMITE 2. SMITE 2 will eclipse SMITEs current numbers tenfold at launch, and will then drop a bit, but then have 3x the regular as SMITE 1 currently. SMITE 2 is our redemption. Buy gems.
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Which way?
/smgen/ no longer exists sis we /vm/
neithtoons ult has 100% strength scaling and 140% int scaling. what are the implications of this?
There is none because without exception every neith shitter will feed their brains out.
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would anyone like a scylla acrylic charm? im considering drawing one, done a maeve one before
Can I have a Jing Wei one Alice.
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What does that mean in normal person speak (Power Scaling).

I mean it's cute, but why are you seeking our dogged approval? Do what makes you satisfied, it's obvious it's going to come out well either way, post results when done.
maybe! i like her too
letting you guys know as i can sell them for $15 usd but thanks charybdis fren
imagine seeing a man out in public with a scylla charm. you would just know.
it means i get to int with int neith
ummm based?
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Sure. Have you done any other Paladins ones btw?
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do a 360 and walk away to /gensm/
What should I play to climb out of ranked? Orjust play casual conquest
Post your favorite god and your pronouns.

Nike. He/him.
play junkle hun bat and steal cs from mid laners
do this and I steal all your camps and troll the match
If you're selling, you're better off appealing to the retards on leddit / tw@ter desu. Not endorsing them, only that it's easier+more money, an they'd be into that kinda stuff.

I don't need to specify "pronouns", people know what I am when they look at me and I don't give a fuck about sticks and stones.
what is it about paladins that attracts so many gay and tran? why are they leaking into smitegen2? is it normal to have a little bit of blood in my stool?
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Smgentlemen have had more discussion on this board in 3 days that Paladogs have had in 3 months
They are otterly irrelephant.

>what is it about paladins that attracts so many gay and tran?
Dunno, never played it.
>why are they leaking into smitegen2?
Talked the talk, couldn't walk the walk once we ditched them, now they're wandering vagrants once again. A few are just their old creativefags moving onto greener pastures with series they're semi-familiar with, but I'll bet that a few of the vapid dramafags and attentionwhores are trying to insert themselves here for lack of a life otherwise like nomadic jewpeople.
>is it normal to have a little bit of blood in my stool?
No, but most of the time it can just be a small cut near the surface rather than full-blown internal bleeding. Eat a ton of fiber (husky grains like oats, fruit skins like apples, dried fruits like raisins etc), pay attention to your health / how you feel, don't be afraid to go to the doctor if condition deteriorates.
worth a try! to be desu desu desu
im trans btw if that matters
we know dolize
we know slimeuwu
Play what you think is good and play consistently well.
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hey! Ive always been here u stinky

>what is it about paladins that attracts so many gay and tran
Anything that is competitive and allows a lot of individualism attracts transwomen from fishing to moba to speedrunning.
Think of it like that graph of crazy over hot for women. but its competitiveness and individualism.
comp on the left and individualism on the bottom

top right corner = transwomen at max competitive & individualism ex: moba
bottom right corner = special snowflakes at no comp & max individualism ex: im unique!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
top left corner = men at max competition and no individualism ex: chess
Middle to middle leaning right: cis women who are mid and play the sims for 2,000 hours and have the most cracked out custom house youve ever seen

Paladins is 90% BR and russians and the other 15% are the same 50 guys from the usa, korea, japan that have like 13,000 hours in it and the last 5% are randoms with less than 200 hours or so.

Avoid oats unless they are organic due to glyphosate and chlormequat also dont eat chocolate but in small amounts if you really have too. It has lead in it and thats making you bad at video games.

ur butthole status: either not enough fiber/water/or your main food choice is processed and has something in it thats probably like a synthetic chemical etc that your particular gut biome cant break down and its giving you rock hard poops and you need to swap to a different brand. beets color your poop. light bright red is surface cut like a scratched hemmoroid like a paper cut. dark red/black stools is internal bleeding somewhere accumulating and you should go to the er.

Thats all the trans_math, paladabs,GIRUGAMESH, and chocolate buttfax I have for now fellow gamers
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I cant wear a helmet when im fishing, cause if I fall in the lake, it just gets filled with fish
>merc goes 7-12
>he calls our fenrir a motherfucker the entire match
>fenrir has done nothing wrong and is like 17-4
>merc drops like 8 more fbombs in the lobby

>next match
>this teammate afks two games in a row
>teammates refuse to report him
>he just spends the entire matches screaming about WHY DONT YOU JUST PLAY THE GAME

Is today crazy people day or something? Should I buy gems? Is it okay if my butthole has gems in it?
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shorthand for various f words
muh reddit
hey guys, easy coomer toon for me?

> >>1270284
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11.4 Objective Tier List
Didn't have one last time because the dataset wasn't reset, but this one is up-to-date. Will cover last patches changes where appropriate.
>Main general thing to note on is that the the overall number of games played this pach is ~25-30% below the usual figure - between Smite 2 and Dominion, it's taken a notable bite out of the Conquest playerbase.

>In the Solo Lane, Warriors are in their element, in the strongest meta they have experienced in over a year; with Bellona leading the Basic Warriors to the top of the Solo meta with a generally mixed bag after that (be it the addition of Equinox, Stormseeker or the Bull Demon)
>Ability Warriors are generally unphased and Solo Guardians are equally divisive - it's the Assassins that took the biggest hit as the Basic Warriors rose up
>Lancelot, Cabrakan, Xing and Cthulhu's mini-reworks have both proven to be highly effective; but Surtr's only pushed him up slightly. The biggest swing was Osiris - with his niche playerbase combined with previous buffs, he's rocketed up from one of the worst in lane to one of the best. Odin on the other hand, despite the overhype, has come out about the same in Solo and has notably taken a hit in his winrate in Support.
>Guan is a flawless 50% winrate, and is the current patches winner of Most Honest
>Kujira has completely fallen off a fucking cliff in terms of winrates. The attempt at balancing him around the Arrow has ruined him.
>Despite all this movement; the overall map does not currently favor Solo, with it barely influencing match outcome. Hardcarrying from the Solo lane is currently in the dumps.
>Mid has moved very little overall; with a general spread outward. The usual Bruisers are on top, followed by Sustained Damage, Physical Mid is doing reasonably well (but is out-done by current Conduit), while Burst is currently down. Overall, very normal Mid meta.
>Eset and Yu Huang have both definitely felt their buffs, rocketing upward out of their previous ruts. Chang'E, Zeus & Agni on the other hand, not so much.
>Kukulkan's winrate fell off a fucking cliff
>As a side note; Maman is the first native role/category Godtoon in my years of doing this, that did not have enough of a playrate to even be noted on in Mid (she's even rarer there than offpicks such as Martichoras). Not to be missed either way, she's currently at 36% there (which isn't even an excuse, considering Ao Kuang, The Morrigan & He Bo are equally balanced around the Jungle)
>A rare occurance, but Mid and Solo currently have equally negligable impact on overall match performance - the game is currently decided by who controls and wins the Duo Lane.

>Seems like it happens every year at this point, but Warriors have once again pushed the Assassins out of their own role. Including lesser-played Warriors, the Warrior Average in the Jungle is nearly 5% higher than the Assassin average. Mostly from them getting more out of Sustain from Equinox, and being able to bully harder early on for Bull Demon
>Magical Jungle may appear to be up, but it's only in part due to their more scarce / experienced playerbase. On a wider scope, Magical Jungle is just as bad as it was before.
>The biggest loser of these two patches has been Thanatos; dropping almost 3 entire tiers off his blanket nerfs. Very few benefitted from QoL changes in the Jungle otherwise, aside from Achilles, with a slight bump up (leaving the worst-in-class to uncontestedly be Hercules, who despite the animation changes, is now even lower than he was before)
>On the other hand, Thor is down for no fucking reason whatsoever, despite no buffs or nerfs, without presence in Solo or Support either. As such, while Set is usually the one to "deserve" the worst-in-class title, for honesty's sake, Thor takes the spot this patch

>Despite high overall winrates, Support is a role almost impossible to carry from as of right now. Their influence on a match is almost entirely due to their partnership with the ADC, rather than their own input.
>Again, Warriors are the premier choice for this role - on top of the usual suspects, Mulan, Guan and Erlang have made notable leaps forward (on top of various lesser-picked Warriors not shown)
>Hel's change might have been intended for general-viability, but has only moved her up in Support, and moved her up quite a lot to the point of general viability at that. Cabrakan and Terra also made gains; while Maui, Fafnir and Sobek barely budged.
>Lot of contenders for the top-spot for Guardians, but between Bacchus, Cthulhu and Xing; Cthulhu takes the lead in terms of playrate and overall performance within matches

>Skadi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxL4pzuwSUQ?t=8
>Nut has settled into the meta at this point, on the definite lower cluster. Part of this in due to her building - when opting for Ability-focus, she's actually got a winrate closer to the general Ability-pack, but the vast majority of her players seem to run Basic-focus (for whatever reason)
>Other than that, Chiron's QoL to be able to use Shot while Running has pushed him up immensely, Cupid's double-stack was a healthy buff; while Jing Wei's QoL knockup has overall resulted in both a lower winrate and less playrate. Animation fixes otherwise did almost nothing, with Heim in particular barely moving despite 2 rounds of QoL.
>Bellona is a thing in the ADC lane this patch, for whatever reason.
>Suffice to say, Charybdis is a far better (and more honest) ADC than a Solo laner. Seems a few people tried to run her with Stormbringer.
I think Herc is actually really good right now for two reasons. His boulder accuracy has gone up so much and secondly in a teamfight he shits on equinox.
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It'll have like, 40k launch peak at best. Smite is not a big game and there are a lot of reasons not to play Smite 2
>your favourite god didn't make it in for launch
>have to relearn every random change they made to each god's kit
>items and stats are totally different
>Assault isn't in
>matchmaking will be even more of a clusterfuck than smite 1's since everyone is starting from zero together
>your PC can't run it (UE5 kek)
>your skins didn't transfer and most of them aren't in smite 2 anyway
>you just think it's bad/weird
Hirez gives no fucks, they think they're making league of legends 2 but it's going to die a painful death like Paladins
I wonder what the impact on other God balance is when you consider which roles have 'safe' picks people can play when they don't main that role. Like Tyr or Hachiman. Gods you can't really mess up on.
What I'm thinking is Top pick is going to get their role and pick something that's either strong or can't be countered.
What does that even mean. What am I thinking. I think that would mean the top player has more chance of making an impact if he's given an even state from the other roles and those straightforward gods would deliver that.

I'm interested to see actually what are the winrates when teams are viewed through Role order. If you had your team arranged by Elo what order would be the best. That would be affected by having easy to play roles in specific roles. Like It's pretty hard not to do well with sobek even if you're bronze. You press buttons and they all do something.
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this is what you're shilling and spending gems for?
>consider which roles have 'safe' picks people can play when they don't main that role
Izanami / Anubis are still scrubstompers that people play when they don't get their role doe
Honestly huge W for Shotacons.
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wtf lol
At that point just make it up as you go along lol

Devastating loss for toddlercons and mythologyfags doe
cute and funny shota godtoon
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Fucking hell
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Everything (and brother, I mean everything) out of this mess is a joke.
>It's the same Smite you know and love.... just a direct upgrade!
>>Except we changed everything
got honest and dishonest the wrong way around, entire post discarded + faggot
Literally forced to stay in duo even though I want to group for Bull Demon King. Sigh.
shota sisters...we won...
no! sorry!
lolicon sisters...we lost...
Equinox still op lol.
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but the sovl... why drain the sovl? he had sovl and now has no sovl.. im going to drop an f bomb now... f-fuck!
theres no way 1 health per auto is useful
It's literally old gaia except if gaia also did double backstab damage for some reason.
charybdis if he female
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Movement speed, attack speed, healing, bonus damage and power in one item for 2200 cost
Better remove 1 flat HP from its heal, that'll balance it!
I am now announcing my transition into a full time Cupid player
I wonder how many of these are just bad players picking the popular characters and being poop with them; eg thor for instance...or everyone want to try stormbringer and ability based Assassins are down idk.
is arena in smite 2, thats all my friends and I play
yes (my wife works at hirez)
arenachuds kneel before domchads
arena is the closest thing my friends and I can find to old League of Legends Dominion mode, which needless to say its not super close but it hits the feels
Nox and Terra are going to have some fun with this one...
>they finally nail the general chibi artstyle after many years
>have the talent to do the classic baby look without it looking weird
Disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined, if it weren't so funny to watch the trainwreck that is S2.

If it is, we haven't seen anything shown or heard anything mentioned about it yet.
theyre not going to launch without smites most popular mode. get real!
Just finished for the night wubb. Was playing all day.
ikki dakimas gomaisu!!!
Will smite 2 have matchmaking that makes me wish I were dead?
Oh who am I kidding, of course it will.
Remember when Smite 1 moved to timed queues and Hirez said matchmaking quality improved substantially both in feel and in statistics, and then later they moved back to the random pop queue because idiots spent months asking for multiqueue even though they could literally just select whichever timer is the shortest and get the same effect?
gonna proc some squishy fbombs on this godtoons kits, maybe rotate later and grab some pen
see you at the launch

pepperidge farm remembers
Ranked timed queues are great.
if you say an fbomb i will have to get off this subchan. my mom doesnt like me hearing that sort of stuff.
cmon sister. cool kids dont cuss, they dont drop the fbomb, they dont say the bword, they dont use the nslur
Fuck man equinox is so bad but I can't trust my team not to int to it so I have to ban it. But It's so fucking easy to shut down.
The store items changes have been shit for like 4 seasons.
stone cutting sword
stone cutting sword
in my time of need
stone cutting sword
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Part of me wants to make a smite subreddit where people can post their matchmaking horrors.
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ponpon trying to explain how its not over, colorized 2024
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They just confirmed on stream conquest is the only mode.
I will make the ultimate build.
These bellona autos are a miss from me.
>kukulkan now has cernunnos charge
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it looks soooooo bad lol
SMITE 3 will save us.
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>they're actually fucking defending branch-in items over branch-out; when one of Smite's biggest selling points is branch-in
Who the fuck builds Tier 1 Mace then gets salty they have the choice between Jotunns, Crusher, Brawlers but doesn't have access to Transcendence.

>but stat bloat
So if Beat Dick and Ruin are off the same item, the Phys / Magical split is gone now right?
What's the point of split prots? Or is there 4 stats now Phys / Mag / STR / INT? This is so needlessly confusing.
How am I going to be able to find a button for all these new actives.
>literally laughing and joking about one of the huge balance issues of branch-in that they've never had to deal with before (pre-finished item powerspikes); that LoL and DotA and their literal multimillion dollar balance cycles have never managed to fully solve
remap your gamer dildo
>squeezing your anus is beads
>shitting yourself is aegis
>we made this system so accessible that it makes no fucking sense to anyone
What I imagine that's going to happen is everybody is going to facefuck eachother while they activate their 4 silences and 7 CC immunity buttons.
>le screeching goygoyle
>literally just Mantle with double duration, a quarter of the cooldown, non-automatic use, on-demand use and less intuitive stats
>>this is a selling point
There are retards with no internal monologue that are being told this is a good thing, and are believing it
Tanks are going to be fucking dead then? LOL
so what's stopping me from taking 1x 50% item, then 5 pure power items after, and completely ignoring tanks

>no flat pen
so auras are useless now
Bros I don't think I'll be playing SMITE 2 anymore this is a bit TOO shit for my taste desu
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play-shi2-buy-gems-fag is awfully quiet right now....
Ahahaha removed ITSOVER
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LOL and DOTA will save shit 2 trust the plan.
One whole tank item COPIUM
>It's the same Smite you know and love.... but a direct upgrade!
Nigger I play this game because I like the dynamic between auras and pen. I don't want to fucking babysit ungrateful ADCniggers with counter-play items for their own fuckups, I want to play the game.
none of their plays will migrate over because their games already established thoughbeit
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Lermy...save us...
Not having to go cloak thebes prydwyn every fucking game might be FUN LOL.
you didn't have to go them every game that was just a skill issue on your part
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>having to go
Literal skill issue

>implying it won't be the same shit under different names, except more hoops to jump through and even more of a limit on your playstyle
If you don't beads your ADC after they get Anubis wrapped when INTing, it's your fault.
Looking over the items it seems like supports will have 8 relics which seems OP.
Shut the fuck up idiots.
>Go thebes cloak prydwyn
>Have 200/200 prots
>Go literally anything else
>120 prots
Fucking retards.
uh oh melty
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>if I don't have 200 Prots by 3 items, the game is unplayable
>there is no conceivable alternative
Actual metaslave nigger

If you can't stack Proph, you don't build it.
If you can't use Pryd, BPoV is an option, and there's more than enough alternate sources of CDR. You need 2 10% items to hit 30% with Totem, and you can get one with Prophetic.
Thebes is not a mandatory first item, and can be built at basically any time.

None of these are mandatory, far less as a mandatory combination. Thebes / Binding / Robe, or Proph / Sov / Pestilence are equally viable Support cores depending on playstyle, even before unique starts like Healers.
Ok you are actually braindead. Game is over by three items. Reaching six items as support is extreme cope.
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>Ok you are actually braindead. Game is over by three items. Reaching six items as support is extreme cope.
This nigga said sov unironically hahahahha
Is this AltBlueSilver2 speaking
>Hmm should I build this item that's 120 prots??
>No! I will build this 40 prots item that's viable!
HAHAHAHAHAH Are you for real!?!?!?
uhm sister its highly dishonest not to factor in the aura to your entire team- wait its still better. wtf why would hirez do this?
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it was in this stream
i aint scrubbing thru all dat to find the timestamp though
sorry arenachud, its over for both of us
>You need to build Stormseeker / Transcendence / Arondight as damage every game or you're throwing
Imagine being so stupid that you think it's all about the numbers and not how you use them.
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Does Titanforge consider us to be part of the community?
yes we are .001 of the smite playerbase :)
retard silver shitter
im not playing smite 2 though it's about having a source to clown on smite 2 retards with
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>we don't know why Chaac's 2 was a face
>>so we improved his ability icons
Can anyone tell which ability is which at a glance?
they should switch the new icons for his 1 and 2
bacchus icons looked even worse in game sadge
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>we made Loki's blind into xbal ult because the 12.7 people with epilepsy sperged out over the screencover that actually blinded you without completely blinding you
>"improved" Zeus's 2 by making it the exact same but without the shield portion because we put the guy who was open about the fact he hates playing Zeus on his design
>"improved" Neith's 3-1 by removing it and making her a mage instead (she's all about weaving now) (except we redesigned her so she no longer has anything to do with weaving, like her bow being a loom in S1)
>"improved" Bellona's passive by removing the most important half of it (early prots) and tying it to her weakest stance (also she's forced to build for it now)
>changed Kukulkan's grey wind effects neon blue because ???

>same game btw, please keep playing (and paying)
This shit looks so fucking bad.
All I've learnt from watching this through is that they quite genuinely and literally have never had a clue what they're doing.
I don't want a 'high skill cap', I want the shit I already like, not chasing trends from games that I don't fucking play for a reason. If I want a skill ceiling, I will play DotA, where I can alter the map itself by cutting down trees, while I juggle 500APM macro. But I don't.

Also correct me if I'm wrong but did they try to celebrate removing the death animations as a good thing? Like instead of the custom character-tied animations, they just fade to a uniform VFX glow effect. No more Odin floating up and exploding into ravens, no more Fenrir shrinking down, no more Ares / Ishtar being dragged to hell with chains, no more Morgana getting her soul sucked out by her sword, no more Fafnir being knocked down before crawling over to grab one last piece of gold, no more Baron summoning his coffin to slip away in, no more Loki clones giggling to each other etc.
Just a good thing I guess. Soul removed from everything, right down to the anti-soul gas all over the map.
Fuck man, I was trying to be optimistic.
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This is hirez. The same studio that's killed off every game they've ever made so I don't know why you had optimism.
>Lokis 2 is an improvement both gameplay wise and accessibility wise
>zeus 2 is an improvement gameplay wise
>Neiths always been ability based, this is a nothinghamburger
>the only thing bellona players deserve is a knife in the gut
>kukulkan getting much better looking ability fx is somehow bad

I will be playing smite 2 with a double gem deluxe meal.
This is the person designing your gods btw. got hit by 1 auto at level 1 and immediately popped a mana potion for no reason.

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>If I want a skill ceiling, I will play DotA
Basically this. They're chasing League and DotA, but in a way that will never compete with them and only alienate from their current strengths.
The Smite playerbase is never going to be as competitive as the DotA one - case in point being most people don't even know intermediate stuff like Yemoja's Moonbeam golden spot that hits all 3 htiboxes (let alone more advanced tech like Susano blinkpull), that would be considered baseline understanding in DotA. Even "pro players" don't know that Set has been able to Shurima Shuffle since release, which is literal gravel-eating-tier League tech (yes, League, to put that into perspective). Shit sounds good on the surface, until you remember Janus is one of the most popular mages, and needed a shitter-hitbox on his 2 because nobody could hit it (and he still has what, 40% winrate?), even before his 1-3 interaction. Remember AltBlue's Terra wall? Even competitive shitters cannot fucking play ceilings, and bitches & whines when they get them - sounds good on paper, repeatedly proven they don't want it in practice.
The Smite playerbase is never going to be as popular, individually unique or braindead as League - it's not the literal most profitable videogame IP of all time, it's locked to 3rd person so you can't play around with not needing perspective (ie, you cannot have Gangplank or Urgot in Smite), and it's not complete point&click auto-target (even Fenrir 3 / Aphro aren't as autoplay as Briar Ult / Yuumi).

It's never going to compete with them. So why the fuck are they trying, at the cost of stuff that Smite could be doing unique that benefits the playstyle and climate already set out that shows off a new engine (eg, Zeus Ult changes the weather, Portals should take time to turn on but have a seamless path through when passing through). Even before the grainy effects or the horrible itemisation (that's 100% going to bite them in the ass).

Ex-pro player btw
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>you'll be able to play any godtoon in any roleslot - THERE ARE NO CLASSES!
>>showcases this with guardian/hunter in duo (building prots and building attack speed), mages in mid (building power), assassins in jungle (building power) and warrioids in solo (building hybrid)
>*both teams do ittoo
They've never given me a key and I've made tons of stuff, so I'm gonna say no. We're fbombs to them.

The council of literally who
Reddit meme boards
Smite forums?
Steam community
Facebook groups
Bing searches about smite
Weakens website
Smite website ticket complaints
Random dart board
Let's just change the items again
Let's just change the conquest map again
/v/ thread filled with Muslim, Jesus, and tranny aphro jokes
and finally us /vm/ at the bottom
I got called a chud by Lermy's orbiters when I asked if she knew of the /smgen/tleman once
>Lermy's orbiters
Lermy has orbiters she plays with sometimes and they seem to know of the existence of the former genny
Youre pretending to be me when i went through the worst moment of my entire life? why? does my torment make you laugh? does my trauma entertain you? the jeers of lermys fedora squad were nothing. it was her deafening silence that impaled my heart. please. dont do this to me again. just stop. please.
This was literally me schizos kill yourselves.
No wait they gave me a nox skin once like 4 years ago.
guys its an alpha, we should give smite 2 a chance!


fuck we're doomed boys
They mentioned it all being tied to items though right. Like guardians not getting base prots. Doesn't that make them extremely dead since they all how low mobility and self peel? I suppose then the answer is Gods like Sylv and herc who have prot stims. But that depends on their value in SMITE 2.
uh oh wubb melty
I saw in one of the videos there was an item that gave you 30% pen on its own. if thats the same 30/40% pen and not 30%/100% thats fucking horrifying.
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bros..... i thought the game was over in 3 items....??....
The aphro spectral really sends this image
I think aphros fourth item would have changed the state of the game looking at these scorelinesq
You absolute fool. This happened because smite 1 doesnt have the intense graphic quality of the updated smite 2 icons to differentiate the difference between breastplate of valor and spectral of whatever.
She was forced into it by the closed branch options. SMITE 2 fixes this issue.
So they basically changed relics to be the support item actives?
No, Relics is downgraded to only ever be Beads (on a 5 minute cooldown), you can't take a second Relic, you get one free permanent Ward that you can upgrade into a permanent free Sentry Ward, you can't take multiple wards, you can't take custom wards lie Ravens or Prox or Chalice, and now the rest of the Relics are tied to your 6 "normal items", mapped to different buttons, and each Active Item has no Passive, so it's just a stat stick clogging up your build outside of the associated Relic-Active.
Don't care still playing the same SMITE I know and love just as a direct upgrade.
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smayy lmao
is smite 2 enough to get this thread back on /vg/?
>1. Do you think it will do well to begin with
>2. Do you think we want to go back to that overbumped gachashithole
/vm/ forever this board is slow as fuck and that's a good thing
>Shurima Shuffle
You mean to tell me that Set can teleport onto charging sand minions?
Sounds a lot harder to do than pressing E and Q in league, but still pretty cool.
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Sweet, only 4 years to go until it reaches feature parity with Smite 1
Do Hi'Rez really think Zeus's tier 5 is worth 40 dollars?
retards will buy it at any price lol
They forgot to invite me, and I don't want to buy the pack
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Yep, and to explain the others since it seems you're new
>Susano's yoink is mechanically identical to Hercules's just at a shorter range; hence with good timing you can press, 180 and blink without putting yourself into combat state, and if it connects, they will be pulled the full 65 units
>The AltBlue tech is pretty inamous here because it was AltBlue's signature move (some say hardcarried him to GM), but it used to be that timing Terra's wall to crash onto you mid-dash would get the damage of both the crush and the shatter (+ pillar). Pretty difficult, but if done right, could let you perform an entire kitdump at once + a bonus wall shatter + have a dash out. After SPLshitters found out about it, it was patched out within a month but the absolute state Yemoja is still in is fine - like her being able to activate on-CC item's for her team, which is done by placing a ring shortly in front of a teammate. Mechanically speaking, the ring itself doesn't count as hard CC, but the suction into the ring does, which means Yemoja can already do what Shi2 is advertising with Magi's Cloak etc, aka able to apply Beads on demand for her ally. And that's just one of many for the fucking state that Yemoja is allowed to be in.
There's tons of others (Maman Snake Corners, Serqet Projectile Ults, Janus underportals, Batz warptech, Vulcan Macroturrets, Wardshielding, Jing Wei flight manipulation, Geb knockback cancel, Apollo lagult, Morrigan Ult eaters / perma-Ult, Loki / Tiamat walls, Hachiman fake Ults, Ne Zha / Thanatos blinkchains, KA dashAA) (etc / non-exhaustive), but case in point is that people can't be assed to learn them, and would call them bugs / hax if they saw them out of context without bothering to even question how things work, which often times has a completely intended comparison.
Basically, high skill ceiling and intended-mechanic tech already exists, nobody wants it. Only midwits that don't know shit about it, think they want it
>Doesn't that make them extremely dead since they all how low mobility and self peel?
Yep, instead of offSupports having the downside of less survivability, they're just going to be the undeniable meta. On example is that no matter which way you slice it, Serqet has a better base kit than Athena, but it's brought down by Serqet having ~1/3rd of the durability. Remove that, and there's no reason to play one of the strongest Guardian Supports in the game lol
pros are the ones who made the bug known to begin with you spaz, its not the altblue tech
AltBlue was posting clips with it three years before SPLshitters knew about it and used their deepstate connections to get it removed.
Watching the SMITE 2 streams. This game looks like an MMO now It's weird.
>1 + 1 Health per level, doubled against gods = 1
Can't wait to play support where my role will be using active aoe beads against active aoe silence into active aoe sprint against active aoe slow into active aoe buff into active aoe stasis
bro your basedshroom healing station?!?!
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It'll be the worst parts of dota2 active itemisation with the worst parts of Smite's reliance on raw numbers to do anything
I dont buy equinox because i dont play faggotrole, sorry!
Unrealslop has claimed another victim
uhh based department???
Ok good team fight guys lets recap. Who used what actives?
>Proceeds to list 30 different items with differing cooldowns.
>proccing the squishy might actually be a real phrase in shi2 if there's an item called it
put that zesty squishtoon in his statis plasis
how many times can you use that aoe stasis back to back?
>stasis your team
>get phoenix for free
rizz check on soft boy bacchus


drizzle drizzle
I can't go from being to pick between 40 gods to 2. like there are so many different types of playstyle supports. It'll be ages before SMITE 2 has that roster.
yeah but ajax said you can play any god in any role btw
they talked about how fenrir and loki were the only "assassin" junglers, then followed up by telling people to play ymir jungle. hope you enjoy playing against loki and fenrir xisters.
>most popular mode
reminder casual cuckquest was ranked 3rd, behind arena and assault.
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Who do these negros think they are?! No one is going to buy this!
umm sweetie it's actually a freegame, the $100 is for an epic Tier 5 Zeus skin, all the godtoons forever (again, but for real this time) early access to the epic alpha state of the game (aka pay to playtest) and nets you a zoinging 23 goypasses, along with the reimagining of the caca demon ymir skin

you don't HAVE to get it ughh
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Current numbers. Cuckquest is on top right now, but not by much.
slash sisters...why are we so low...fuck...
>only 3 magic adc items
>9 physical adc items

okay i guess fuck me then
why redo the system if you make everything the same but a different flavor while taunting me with the idea of every god in every role
erhm. smivm. where the fuck are the clips? you did get your invite, didnt you?
>vgs system is completely different keybinds from smite 1

>first game of smite 2
>im support
>my adc leaves the game after we start the purple buff

$100 +tip
>there isnt even a disconnect noise
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Question for you
When Aphrodite is added to Smite 2, do you think they're gonna cater to the SJWs, or are we going to get our big tiddy bimbo?
hades is a smash hit amongs't homosexuals and women who say theyre bi but only date men and aphro is literally nude, so i think theyll be fine with titta
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100% she'll be more covered, I mean for fucks sake it's not even Neith, even Bellona got more covered up (arms covered over + facebogged)

Aphro in the Hades franchise somehow looks like a 40 year old woman and a 20yr old tranny at the same time; absolute pinnacle of (((skeevy))) definition shifting and agenda pushing, she isn't attractive in the slightest.
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FACT: this is a cross-gen neith skin
FACT: sex sells, and hirez knows this well
FACT: aphrodite will be wearing a slingkini at most in smite 2
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my ancestorr :)))
>hades is a smash hit amongs't homosexuals and women who say theyre bi but only date men
so is Taylor Swift and look how that turned out for Neith's original design >>1275609
>7 games in a row now
>all my teammates are like 0-11
>but im positive every match
>even steal fg one game
>still lose
>play bellona
>win 5/5 games
it's really that easy.
people have 0 idea how to build right now, so you can just hard counter with the basics including active items.
Still, smite 2 feels incredibly lame right now, feels like the pace of season 1-2 but worse, and i have no idea why they felt the need to give zeus a fucking stun.
Also ymir's stupid wall launching is gonna need nerfed
ive been playing support
>ymir's stupid wall launching is gonna need nerfed

I already got a duo killed throwing them under tower doing wall launch
He’s also stupidly strong in solo now that his AAs are physical, and they also buffed his 2 range.
The only game I got diffed because AA assassin build Ymir completely threw me off
>get 2 kills and 3 assists as jungle anubis
>loki has 1 kill and is afk farming jungle
>hes 2 levels higher than me

This is not acceptable.
>jungling rewards more than gank spam
Thank god, no more cringing and taxing mid
Kek why did they give ymir a ranged pluck.
because anubis's stun is invisible so you cant even tell where the fuck the projectile is
it still put the lanes way ahead, it just griefed me the jungler
so i win the early game
then I guess theoretically farming jungle shits all over you guys mid game and then we are all forced to play late game
or if the ganking jungle dies and doesnt succeed in the ganks, then you automatically lose the game as the other jungle snowballs into godhood
Because Yemoja has it, so powercreep. No simple Godtoon left alone.
No doubt Sobek will be getting iframes on Ult once he's in.
The new item system seems really scary. Doesn't it mean that gods will be able to craft their perfect items?
That little clip is really cute, anon. I have a few from games and stuff I have and they use little stars. The cat shaped one is adorable.
all mother fucking 14 games so far the enemy team has a loki and my team doesnt
oh dont worry guys i finally got a loki and he used his 1 and his 3 to kill the same minion come into my lane as a duo that i didnt get an adc for when he called solo and I as the jungle became the adc

then we refused to surrender for 25 minutes until we were 4-28

man im sure looking forward to playing with the smite community in a new game when they shut down smite 1
why do you guys keep blogging about your games. you aren't actually giving shit 2 a chance right?
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ive been trying for 14 fucking hours and i cant win a game of smite as ymir because everyone is fucking stupid as all fuck
every game they go 0-11
i played this last game for fucking 58 minutes and I had us 75-4\5 and I still cant win and we had 3 mother fuckers dced

the community is too fucking stupid
i cant carry them
everything they do is fucking bad
this is unplayable
the game is like 6/10 but the fucking community is unable to deal with the ui, the new teleports, the new camps, the items, etc.
They just cant do it. Its too big brain for them.

Stop playing SMITE 2.
Smite 2 once they get most of the good gods back will be kino.
Still hate mandatory beads and moving actives to items. You end up just having three actives on tanks.
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I believe the term is
you have to realize smite's playerbase is primarily c*nsole now.
They are literal NPCs who can't function without build and meta guides.
it doesn't help that low-rez didn't ship the alpha with a basic tutorial of all the new features and actually expected MOBA players to read.
Most people probably still don't know what the numbers on the camps mean.
shit 2 once they revert back 99% of the changes will be kino
post clips you sickos. are you telling me not one notable moment has happened?
I like most of them.
All Items being built by anybody now means (in theory) we should never have retarded sweeping buffs/nerfs and instead will always be god-targeted.
I’d just like beads being optional with other base relics as options too.
I really miss horrific/ blink , and new-horrific sacrifices a STR/int slot. And blink ammy is currently bugged as a combat blink and they’re gonna remove it .
I really like smite adopting dota items, it will truly reward theory crafting and innovative players
There really isn’t any sick nasty potential yet.
Maybe some humorous Ymir yoinks, but he’s cringe and dishonest now
Did all players that know how to ward leave to play Smite 2? This can't be my life now where me and 1 or 2 people are the only ones warding.
Don't care still not playing SHITE 2.
You WILL play (when they add your favorite godtoon)
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Don't care still not playing the shitty sequel.
You WILL when they finally EOL smite 1 and no other MOBA gives you the same satisfaction
sorry, i'm just not gonna play SHITE2 HAHAHAHA I'm just not gonna do it, that's all AAHAHAHAHA
shit 2 will finally kill /smgen/
>Ymir is now a better jungler than most of the actual assassins.
2 needs basic attack accuracy that scales with INT
>Both hunters can leap fenrirs 3
>Both mids cant
lmao at trying to play mage in SMITE 2.
I feel that way with hunters actually.
Builds make or break them even if you play perfectly. While zeus and kkk’s new kit additions can lazily win trades that aren’t calculated near regardless of what you build
bro they didnt even do the camps. they just laned. forget firegiant or goldfury.
they didnt even do the baby harpies much less the buffs. I had like 10k gold after buying the two 3k potions and there was nothing else to buy. We eventually lost 1 single teamfight while our twitch streamer loki just sat in lane waiting for the minions to get to him instead of walking up the lane.
I just would not take any games seriously right now. Most people have the myopic mindset of just getting used to the new “feel” and experimenting.
They dont have higher capacity to realize the general fundamentals and even most items are largely the same.
I do look forward to ranked though. A LOT less people are going to be able to fail upward and get carried.
Bad builds and shallow game knowledge will filter the shitters hard. Especially the jungle mains who can only gank spam
My favorite godtoons are in and I'm still not playing shite 2
Is the alpha out? How long do I have to get the godpass?
how many gems have you guys bought so far? 800 for me, i might tip 400 more before the test ends
The founders edition you mean?
Likely for atleast the next few alpha tests, and probably the beta too
Ah yes all that value from the icon and 10 mastery skins for gods. How could I forget how much that is worth?
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>All Items being built by anybody now means (in theory) we should never have retarded sweeping buffs/nerfs and instead will always be god-targeted.
>adopting dota items, it will truly reward theory crafting and innovative players
You are genuinely a fucking idiot, and you've clearly never once touched DotA in your life.
Don't care still not playing the alpha
zeus skin is worth like $15.
I honestly saw people using it in smite 1 and I ddint even realize it was the t5
I thought it was one of the many shitty latam skins or something
Articulate your opinion instead of name calling like a child.
And I did play dota for awhile, and nothing about it contradicts what I said.
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bros...why are so many people playing the alpha...
oh my god. maybe they didnt send out very many invites, and thats how many people bought the deluxe burger meal? pls sir
Ajax won. The founders pass won.
I paypigged the basic founders because I WILL NOT worry about having enough favor when they add my wife
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>Articulate your opinion instead of name calling like a child.
I don't need to, namecalling is the ultimate form of argumentation, since my time (as somebody who is correct) is worth more than your waste of time (somebody who is incorrect, and as such is of lesser value); so me saving my time while doing something I enjoy is of objectively greater value and benefits the world as a whole, while laying down foundation for onlookers to pre-form opinions about who is wrong (you), so my later, more conclusive arguments hit harder.
> I did play dota for awhile, and nothing about it contradicts what I said.
Then you would know the absolute basic-level shit like Chang'E being the closest anyone in Smite plays to DotA's item system, and she's not even in Shi2 yet. Additionally, you don't pack T1 Actives like grenades or smokes, you don't pack your town portal scrolls, you don't pack your tangos, you don't upgrade abilities via items, you don't pack your Jungle Boss Rewards, you play around unfinished item powerspikes and you cant build multiple of the same item.
As absolute basic concepts. Just because it's branch-in doesn't mean it's DotA (and you haven't even established why branch-in is better than branch-out which it's not, as you bitch about formal argumentative etiquette). You have never touched DotA in your life, retard gorilla ape triplenigger fbomb.
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it's over
>Then you would know the absolute basic-level shit like Chang'E being the closest anyone in Smite plays to DotA's item system
I merely meant the high-level modular components of dota and league vs linear linear upgrade of smite 1.
Obviously smite 2 doesn’t have all the mechanics of dota….
isnt alpha on the standard founders? Its like 20 vs 30 or something.
thats the normal price for the god pack
the zeus one is the insane one
LOL if you desert for fucking the 1 minute timer of the lobby its a FUCKING HALF AN HOUR BAN

are you fucking crazy
All those players, yet not a single play....

Should ban you for the entire weekend desu
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>you haven't even established why branch-in is better than branch-out (which it's not), as you bitch about formal argumentative etiquette
Well go on, we're all waiting, Mr Halls of Debate
not him and yeah you maybe right but thats not how people read your argument
they arent viewing you from a moral or logical superiority
they view you as a childish nigger like the rest of the internet that just shows up and screeches
they view you the same as those kids on the usa college campuses screeching about jews and palestine
just some asshole that shows up and yells and then leaves because its essentially the same thing
like those iq graph memes of a 60 iq retard and a 130 iq retard doing the same thing for different reasons but the result is the same
so everyone just assumes youre the 60 iq retard and treats you like that and just ignores you
even if you are right, they will still ignore you
if you type out the explanation, they wont listen to it even with video evidence.
so the real answer is to just completely not engage with stupid people at all
or as the 90s kids short handed it

smgensisters... it's over...
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everywhere i go, i see her face..
Are you really asking me to defend the inherent quality of components having more depth than singular linear upgrade paths?
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No, I'm asking you to explain how to play mahjong you stupid cunt what the fuck do you think.

>they view you as a childish nigger like the rest of the internet that just shows up and screeches
And for that childish nigger to then lower their expectations, catch them off-guard and resoundingly outwit them puts them down even further in a bystander's eyes. It's the argument form of a sucker punch.

>the vast majority of people are low IQ niggers
>appealing to people who aren't low IQ niggers is how you change minds and hearts
You are literally too stupid to see your own self-contradicion. You're just parroting what you've been told because you're a useful idiot.
Emotion for the many, logic for the few - a concept you clearly fail to grasp (which is why you'll never be anything of note).

>if you type out the explanation, they wont listen to it even with video evidence.
>even if you are right, they will still ignore you
Literally their problem not mine, and if they're dumb enough to let a basic insult dissuade them from aiming to be correct, then they were never going to be convinced anyways, so calling them a nigger and pissing them off is the strongest opening move possible in chess.
You act like litmus tests are a bad thing. Start from a foundation, and escalate, dumbass.

>so the real answer is to just completely not engage with stupid people at all
>>if you let your enemies defeat you, you win!
wowie zowie you're a clever cookie!
Quick question, is your child the same color as you? (just wondering I PROMISE)
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>Are you really asking me to defend [my point]?
uh oh gallonofmilk meltie
Components add exponentially more multi-faceted strategy that can invoke bluffing as a concept in baiting your opponent to wrongly make assumptions and counter build for those.
Or add the extra bit of stats that win you
Important trades or micro. While keeping you open to counter building too.
While in smite 1, it didn’t matter that you’re building t1 hammer, because the entire tree just amounts to more damage and pen or maybe anti-heal.
And you can’t keep multiple t1s in an even game. So the amount of variables and depth is objectively fewer. Your intentions are easier to discern.
Multiple t1s hurt you as well, and counter building requires telegraphing your intentions.
I know you’re just trolling because you have a massive ego.
>does 2 + 2 actually make 4??? Why??
T1 mace*
Before you have another pedantry attack
Wasn't it the #1 highest seller on steam in the US for a day or two?
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Well I found out the hard way that:
the new placeable version of hog: scepter of dominion
>takes up an item slot
>has basically no stats
>has a massive 240s cooldown
>stuns not just the enemy, but also stuns you and your teammates too, if youre inside the aoe

So that was fun.
Anubis tank wasnt super terrible when I was using all the active cleansing relics.
Damn this shit looks souless. Also why the fuck did anubis turn into gold dust?
>width of the entire lane
>an entire lobby of whales could fit inside
>larger than Agni bombs and pos ult
Consoles and controllers have done irreparable damage to smite.
Most of the engineering of smite 2 so far has probably been low rez figuring out cross-gen model rigs
Ajax has been meticulously working with the fat fuck to remove every trace of soul from SMITE 2.
if smite got shut down and a group of die-hard fans attempted to recreate the game, this is how it would look.
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>you can play anyone you want in Support, provided you just take 5 scissors items to counter the enemy paper items (it can be done by anyone!) and do nothing but babysit your teammates all game instead of making your own plays
Shills look at this LoL Enchanter shit and say it's a good thing for the game.
>why the fuck did anubis turn into gold dust?
All death animations have been removed (not even kidding) because it uhhhh looks better or something.
death animations add so much sovl... no way they dont revert this, right sisters?
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>most (You)'d post this thread is laughing at Cupid's redesign
>most upboated post on leddit is a SEAmonkey (who doesn't even have working servers for the Closed Alpha) running damage control and begging people and LoRez to ignore everything bad and just maintain course into the fucking wall
>most watched non-official YouTube video is Weak3n clickbaiting
Smgentlemen vs bootlickers vs sellouts.
We really are just better than them.
Your card arts?

Your death animations?

Your favorite skins?

Your classic models like Classic Bacchus?
Gone & remodeled.

Your VGS muscle memory?

Your ability arts?
Reworked with less readable silhouettes and a flat uniform palate.

Your unique attack effects?
Made disability-friendly for people with epilepsy (but every effect is a flashbang with glitterdust).

Your Special Emotes?

Your end of match Win / Loss animations?

Your Godtoon-specific kill-taunts?

Your Totems?

Your stacking buff-belts?
Gone. You will have one buff you choose to pick up and you will be happy.

Your Baron's Brew?
Incompatible with the current system.

Your distinct item trees?

Your favourite sextoon?
Covered and facebogged.

Your class identities?

Your damage split?
Everyone is hybrid now.

Your other gamemodes?
On hold, less important :)

Your Logo?
Stripped down to it's bare minimum basics.

Your menus and UI?
Looks like League lmfao.

Your clan?

Your Procs Wards?

Your Relics?

The S0VL?

The march of progress will continue, and you WILL be happy you fvcking chvd. Bababooie wololoo.
Did they ever talk about the removal of death animations?
I dont know if thats the play to make. Ive mostly been playing anubis attack speed crit jungle. Ive been support like 6 times and every time I just end up being the adc or the mid because nobody goes to the right spot. That game I was supposed to be support anubis and our support went to solo lane. Zeus our mid became the jungle and I the support anubis became the mid but built tank.
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they'll be back by season 7 when they start ramping up smite 3 :^)
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the only thing i can recall is one of the devs gasping and going "oooo so pretty!" after ponpon killed an odin bot. the fact that they even added the gold death animation means they put time into making it. wait. oh my god. its going to be a new cosmetic to fill the battlepass with like jump stamps... no.. NO!!! SAVE US LERMY PLEASE
This is 100% true btw. I will no longer be buying gems.
Queen Lermy will stay on the Smite project and comfort us into the sweet coolness of the night, as the flames of Shi2 consume LoRez HQ.
Me playing shit 2?
Not happening.

Me buying gems?
Not happening.

Shit 2?
Dead on arrival.
pred and gigantic 1.5 flopped
as long as hr release new gods and eventually add arena, smite literally can't fail
Dont care still playing SMITE2 and buying gems and rebuying skins
What does a hero shooter have to do with a MOBA? Shit's like saying Payday 3 flopped, then saying Shi2 will succeed by doing the same thing.
gigantics gimmick is basically being a more vertical arena with player-made camps, it also has item building now.
it's very much a MOBA in the same way Arena is still a MOBA (barely).
326 playing 5 min ago
>a more vertical arena with player-made camps
no it's not
>it also has item building now
no it doesn't
>it's very much a MOBA in the same way Arena is still a MOBA (barely).
as the head patriarch of the smgen clan, i testify that giganit is not a moba (when people say moba)not ome autismic technnial definition it's jus not a moba)

still geting fast queues btw
is that where youve been you fuck? and gigantic is definitely a moba. multiplayer online battle arena. easily fits
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>moba players who label it a moba are wrong
ok retard
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>is that where youve been you fuck?
yes, ive not really been hiding it https://arch.b4k.co/vm/thread/1197991/#1209698 >>1252855
>multiplayer online battle arena. easily fits
>>(when people say moba)not ome autismic technnial definition it's jus not a moba)
overwatch is not a moba is not a moba but is multiplayer online battle arena
super smash bros is not a moba but is multiplayer online battle arena
fortnite is not a moba but is multiplayer online battle arena
mario kart is not a moba but is multiplayer online battle arena

maybe i am a retard (maybe) but that doesn't not mean i'm not correct
lil wayne, john maynard keynes and steven hawking are both retards and they were right about a lot of things
all of those games are mobas.
i concde my point
real life is a moba just with the ability to toggle on and off your pvp flag at will and attack other players.

people just choose to not toggle the flag but have the potentionally to turn any area into an arena with or without the other person's flag being activated.
Thus the flag only exists as a indicator of murder a VET if you will.
kulk doesnt work at all with phys items
i guess this ANYONE CAN USE ANYTHING is just code for: "we made them access the items but it doesnt scale with them at all LOL"
um actually bellona's autos scale 20% with int,,,, so you can definitely build int on her :)
Kek so god who lean into one damage type will farm all the other gods who have to build hybrid to have access to all their abilities.
>play Chronos
>have to build strength because basic attacks scale with it
>your abilities do fuck all damage because they scale with INT
>real hunters just build unga strength and get gigadick ability damage too
>shi2 minions have autoexecute thresholds for basics
>check the list at the top
>izanami, KA and maui (aka cleaves) are due in early
ohhh that's gonna be bad
more shit that sounds good on paper but doesn't play good in practice
Wait that's a feature? I thought it was a rounding error LOL.
Uh doombros?
I thought you guys said Smite 2 wouldn't get coomer skins?
until they buff hybrid items
>Smite player figures out why League and DotA balance is notorious for being a literal pendulum where half the roster swings in and out of viability at any time with massive metaswings, are expected to be "given" a "turn" at least once a year, and this is a totally normal thing Leaguefags and Dotards just have to suck up and deal with
>colored, circa 2024
>now godtoons that don't scale hybrid are pushed out by hybrids who just get more of everything
Welcome to Mr Icefrog's Wild Ride.
Or alternatively, if it ain't broke, don't fix it; especially when you're being praised on how you were doing it different before.
When they said about it I that you could build your own item. Like if you wanted a split prot item with cooldown you could now do that. Or if you wanted a dedicated Physical defence CCR item you could now do that. Maybe it will be more like that when they add items:?
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dont forget all the gods that cant attack very fast or hit hard enough to insta clear will lose jungle to anyone who can clear those back harpies fast or instantly cause thats like a 10+ penalty per camp
Being optimistic about a system makes me a bootliker??? Are you ok ?
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Being optimistic is wishing an inferior system will fuck off and not giving it a shred of your time of day. Being realistic is just laughing at anyone with faith in it while you still can, because the crushing obsession for change is inevitable, and you may as well squeeze what fun you have left out of it.

It ain't gonna get better Anon. I ain't playing Shite 2 when this is it's foundation and direction.
Why don't we just ask the Leaguefags who already have that item system. Oh wait, I just did:
>But I'll be honest Anon. It sounds retarded.
>Maybe if you're a wood rank dogshitter lol.
Look Im not a shill.
>Is it the smite 2 weve hoped to replace smite 1?
not yet.
>will it be good within 5 months or a year?
>will it have all the smite 1 skins and stuff
no hope for several years

But hirez's alpha is the best alpha ive played in a decade.
its only crashed on me twice out of like 30 or 40 matches.

Basically I'm just not gonna play it (the sequel!!)

I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know..... UGH I know.....

It's just that I'm not playing it is all.

smite has been dogshit ever since hirezbart left
dont care still not playing it, have fun without me
It's been shit since around whenever Kelly stopped streaming on the official channel. Smite 2 will be a disaster.
This doesn't make sense at all. I'm saying that the way they said it is that you would get a tier 3 item with a combination of all stats you want. Not three tier 1 items.
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Babylonians predicted this would happen.
Don't care

Still not playing SMITE 2 or buying gems
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It's literally going to be this for the thousandth time
>>But I'll be honest Anon. It sounds retarded.
>>Maybe if you're a wood rank dogshitter lol.
Why do league players think prophetic cloak(Split prots with cooldown) is bad?
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Playing bots is more fun than playing the actual people who play this game.
dishonest toon. his 2 will scale off int transitioning into basics. not to mention mage chronos with poly is better anyways. buy gems.
dolize didn't buy the founders pass because he's based unlike slimeuwu(faggot irl)
Do. Not. Bully. HER!
Yeah I'm not playing SMITE 2 when my choices are Athena and Bacchus. Huge L.
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Yeah I'm not playing SMITE 2. Huge L.
still really insulting that agni wasn't part of the core roster.
HR pandering to kuk mains is so cringe
They probably chose Kukulkan because he's got a lot of different things in his kit that other gods share
>projectile with status effect
>line with knockup
>deployable that deals damage over time
>stat-altering passive
Agni has most of those too, but he hasn't got any knockups so it's slightly less efficient.
agni has a higher ceiling, stun, better kit synergy, and history though.
He's just objectively more fun to play, plus his bombs and particles would have been a better graphics showcase too.
The only reason kuk got in was because of his "meta" state of Smite 1 at the time.
>Wanting to play Agni against Fenrir.
based monkeyspeakamuletmaxxer
>fenrir ults or leaps you
>you 1 - 3 | 3 - 1
>no (convenient) blink so no means to catch up to you
There's a reason he was the crutch god for mids before the kuk buff, he's incredibly easy and safe if you aren't a retard
CC immune in brutalize Fenrir as well, so you can't even bomb yourself to get him off you
visualize terra farting
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The resemblence is uncanny.
Yet Cabrakan came "first"?
Athiests still refuse to believe in a higher power orchestrating everything despite this.
15 people along the san andreas fault are dead
sisters why wasn't I given an invitation to the alpha? i've played this game for years!
you aren't missing anything, 2 is currently a downgrade, and will likely be that way until maybe season 2-3
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You were supposed to buy the battlepass
you probably didnt buy enough gems
Bro your gems?!?! Bro your founder's pass!?!? You're pissing ajax off rn fr fr.
not lucky enough

Me either either with like 3k hours etc. If I was a social media manager id just check the major websites and invite the top 100-200 creators of each place to the alpha etc. Afterwards, I'd look through the #youtube #smite #twitch tags and anyone with like 10-20 oc id send them a 50% discount or something. Anyone over 50 oc id send them the god pack and a 50% discount to upsell them for $25-50 and basically pay $30 for months of content or maybe a decade who knows per person.

But I guess thats not what a "social media manager" or whatever does. I dont even know what they do. Sit on discord being a janny? Answer dumb questions on twitter like: "Where do I report someone?" Queue up twitter posts and copy and paste into other platforms? How long could that even possibly take? 2 hours? I figure you should have a list of content creators from the previous social media person and the majority of the work is already done. Youd spend the rest of your time lurking maybe?

But I don't see companies ever post anyone's content unless its like extreme cosplay. Like it takes maybe 30 minutes to read our thread here. You could look up the archives and type in webm or youtube and check the past 5 threads for anyone that makes stuff and cross reference their account and email and message them the codes. How many would it even be like 6 people? Companies dont even seem to do the minimal effort to be successful.

Every game company should have a website section dedicated to pure content from their creators that the social media person posts too. I never see any company doing this. If anything its a page of their sponsored top creators not even the ones they send keys too. They dont even post the sponsored content that was made from the keys and make use of what they actually paid money for. Everyone just doesnt care about anything anymore. Its sad. Man I watch all the games I like die due to laziness and incompetence.
And now that I think about it, they literally use an official service for some of the keys like keymailer and they have to go in manually and approve the content submitted. So they dont even have to keep track of all those keys and they literally get a link to the content delivered to them so they could post it up on their social media pages after reviewing that its not filled with pictures of corpses or something. But they dont. So all these companies give money away by giving keys away to get sponsored content created and dont even use the content they paid for. Its so dumb.
How many gems did you purchase?

Also, witnessed QUINTS
i feel like they would send more invites to people with a casual amount of hours as opposed to us because they know we're already in deep
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dial 8. im playing co-op conquest vs hard bots
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dont open this image gomad
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why would you do this to me
Thats why psychologically you would bait them with 50% coupons and make the zeus $40 or whatever and that gives them 23 slots worth of characters to upgrade and get them invested in for like 200 hours or whatever to pump up the numbers while they fill it out. They gotta have at least a few gods in those 23 they like and will max them out from autism and make content in the meantime, since they only have so much freetime and if theyred addicted to your game then thats what they'll make due to convenience.
get online
why did you do it? i warned you
*the sound of a thousand angry minimap pings*
"I'm going for jungle buff!"
"I need the jungle buff!"
I encountered this with a neith where she controlled the early game when I rushed crit and antiheal against her INT healing build. If she was full hp and I wasnt, it made it very sketchy to face her because her brainless huge aoes hit like a truck. But once I got the new brawlers, she couldnt heal anymore and lost as long as I didnt miss like 3-4 autos in a row.
Even with a dc on our team the match still ended with her being 2-9. She was never relevant again after that point vs me.
>he didn't vel back
sadly it doesnt even matter cause it kicks you over to your teammates camera pov pretty much instantly. probably an anti-toxic reddit feature so youll have to pre-vel them i guess. i was kind of using all of my brain cells to press the abilities right too. you couldnt set things to custom cast types. It was either all normal, quick or insta.
>sadly it doesnt even matter cause it kicks you over to your teammates camera pov pretty much instantly.
Yet another reason for me to not play shit 2!
the creator of scylla eats bread is back to try the smite 2 alpha, and not even he can save it. its over.

Bros...the 5 man ymir bug...it's op...
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ymor is her
Conquest map is too big. Games are too long.

Slash players r braindead2
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Are all damage fafnir players trans?
I thought Fafnir Dragon doesn't proc item effects.
Impressive and notable.
Why can't zoomers handle the bantz?
Is it because thei'r worthless Gen X parents let iPads raise them or something?
playing smite 1 conquest vs bots again see ya there
See you at the launch
dolzie come back
nice to see someone other than the tranny posting clips. now we just need wubb and genlog to start posting clips again
Don't forget dolize clips!
impressive, however, not notable
Do. Not. Insult. Her. Again.
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I will now be giving feedback to a game I did not play
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I miss her
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yeah >>1268058 we knew already
now fuck off back
AltBlue can we not?
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it doesnt. its for additional ullr

I didnt know they removed the csgo mid lobby mic time.
They also recently added the option in fortnite to hide "negative dance emotes" from displaying.
I think theyre all retarded in a sense. Not in a mean way but in the actual clinical definition of the word. They have the social etc skills of a 4th grade child. Then they polarize into the innocent snowflakes hyper leftists or hyper doomers sigma males. Which results in the aggressive group attacking the weaker group that then goes full police state on them kicking and screaming like any 9 year old would do. Yet both groups, are actually 15 to 25. With AI, the screechers have adapte to weaponize these systems against them and demand more tools to do so. Oh! Speaking of that, they also started doing retroactive bans in Overwatch 2 for any cursing said in game chat that would normally get censored by the filter, even though the filter is set to be on by default and the only way youd see cursing is if YOU ACTIVELY CHOSE TO TURN IT OFF.

Meanwhile, I had someone named PoopShitz comment on one of my videos today bypassing google's entire multiple ai systems because it doesnt filter account names or you can bypass it by adding random text around your name defeating one of the biggest megacorps in the world.

I miss the old days when you could curse at each other for 20 minutes, then 1v1, then agree to a streetfight behind Wafflehouse. And as youre pounding your 5th Mtn Dew Slimjim™ prep in the alleyway, suddenly CtrlRed2000, a 5'3 girl shows up and halfway into the knife fight, you start making out, which leads into a whirlwind romance for 2 years, until she gets split in half by a runaway icecream truck. Then after a few months of staring into the void, you're back playing Smite 1, but you can never play duel or kulkulkan again, because you'll think of her and start crying. Why can't we go back to that? The good old days. https://streamable.com/pmsd7k
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oh my god it was at the 9th grade level when I was a kid. Its gotten so much worse.
its soooo bad. I was kinda half joking with a somewhat serious tone about them being mentally handicapped.
But 98% of them literally cant explain why sources could be lying.
They cant explain when to choose divine ruin because the enemy team has healers.
This is from 2012.
This is 12 years old.
Its so much worse.

Good news is smgen is in the 2%.
How will smite 2 succeed if people cant read?
Are like half of gamers in general in the 2% because they can read?

I ... man this is bad.
we are absolutely doomed.

>4% are nonliterate
They can’t read well enough to perform activities of daily living in a modern society — let alone to take a literacy test.

>14% have below-basic literacy levels.
Most of them can identify which candidate earned the fewest votes from a simple table identifying three candidates and the number of votes they received.

>34% have basic literacy levels
most cannot identify the link leading to the organization’s phone number from a website with several links, including “contact us” and “FAQ.”

>36% have intermediate literacy levels.
But most cannot click to the second page of search results from a library website to identify the author of a book called Ecomyth.

>12% have proficient literacy levels.
But most cannot review search results from a library website to identify a book suggesting that the claims made both for and against genetically modified foods are unreliable.
If you write for these proficient readers, you’ll miss 88% of adults in the United States.

2% have high literacy levels.
Across all countries, only 2 percent of adults performed at Level 5 on many of the variables in the literacy and numeracy scales,” researchers report. Because of the low number, these are included among the 12% in Level 4/5.
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>52% of Americans cannot identify the link leading to the organization’s phone number from a website with several links, including “contact us” and “FAQ”.
>88% of Americans cannot go to the second page of a book to identify the author.
>98% of Americans cannot review search results from a library website to identify a book suggesting claims made both for and against genetically modified foods.
>This year (2021), for the first time ever, PIAAC combined the fourth and fifth literacy levels. That’s because there were no longer enough people at the highest level to count. Because of the low number (2%), these are included among the 12% in Level 4/5.
>Medical information for the public should be written at no higher than an eighth-grade reading level, according to the American Medical Association, National Institutes of Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
And 100% can't spell authour lmao.
when i get killed in fortnite and someone procs the griddy on my body i have very violent thoughts so its really a good move by epic in my opinion(my mother would be in danger otherwise)

i dont belive this to be hanest. how could you not click a link?
Even if it is dishonest what is is lying about?
That internationally they polled randomly 5,000 people in the various countries and 98% of them actively pretended to be retarded to troll the results of the test?

Either everyone is stupid or 98% of people are now actively hostile trolls or a combination of the two.
If you are Guan Yu and playing Solo, you have an Anubis mid, the enemy has an Apollo adc, and the difference between your gold and the enemy teams gold is 2,000, are you a Warrior?

A) No
B) Guan Yu
C) 2,000
D) 12 Fbombs
E) Yes
F) __________
If you get CC'Das the Whale while in ULT you get CC'D for longer?? Is this a bug or is this god fucking SHIT.
I'll take A because Shi2 wants to eradicate classes and this feels like a trick question, so the retarded answer due to the retarded decision seems like the factually correct one.
Guan has prot shred so that makes him a support.
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12 Fbombs for 500 procs
Guan Yu doesn't exist in SMITE 2.
Good I love Jing Wei.
F) U
I guess thinking more about smite 2 in general, I thought the alpha went well. Its got a whole year so, I think mechanically, it will easily release as a polished barebones version of smite 1 just with only the 30 gods or whatever. I didnt have any real problems with the game itself other than anubis stun projectile being invisible sometimes, but i figured out the timing eventually. I crashed once going back to the main menu after a game ended.

I spent like an hour or two at the start just reading items and making somewhat builds and taking pics with my phone for reference. Im a person that almost exclusively plays off meta and tons of random gods, so I have a good sense of general builds in diff scenarios compared to the 67 star Fenrir main. Im not sure the average person who can barely read has that patience to learn all the new items, memorize 80 new pictures, deal with fake false memories of items that dont have the stats they used to have etc.

I worry its going to be extremely overwhelming for them. And thats just someone whos played smite before not someone who has no in game knowledge at all and is brand new to the game. The game to that person must be astronomically complex leaping into some halfways LOL DOTA clone without the build up those communities had over almost 20 years of playerbase training. I think its gonna result in a lot of inability to read or care about it that creates griefing and a lot of people screaming at each other. If the player base is mostly: "I want to play moba but in a fun moba map/arena quake form not a complicated nerd read and memorize the entire dungeons and dragons manual experience." They might not want to play or just go back to smite 1 and smite 2 will just be the few hardcore people and the community will split, due to the playerbase misread like what happened with that csgo battleroyale mode that wasnt what the players were about. I like smite 2 but worry maybe the content change dump all at once is asking too much.
That doesn't make sense. This is just like a big patch.
Thats how it felt to me too, but Im not sure its like that for everyone else. The majority of the players in the alpha were struggling to do anything that I saw. I could jump in the air at people and theyd panic beads. I think all of my games except 3 surrendered at 10 minutes.
I put that down to it all being new players.
I hope so.
That's a good thing though right. The only thing I feel holding SMITE back is the amount of people that play It.
Yeah. Last night i had a vulcan teammate that kept calling everyone baby and telling us to suck him as he kept diving into tower for 25 minute until he got bored and decided to tell us about adult diapers instead. I would not mind new people.
how is making the game like dota/lol more polished
Oh no I meant in the context of it being a functional completed remake. I think it should be on the level of smite 1 season 3 or so a year from now, but its only going to have a small amount of the total gods. Its mechanically around 90% completed already. We havent had stuff like clans feature for like...5 years. Theyll probably add the clan tag system and stuff within the year. The biggest bug I saw other people had was fenrir's bite threw you under the map or sometimes picked up two people. It never happened in my games. The skin loss kinda sucks, but I never really bought any. I always chose what skin to use by the voicelines or VEL spam ability, so if I get like a ra or rama tier vel spam, im good.
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>I always chose what skin to use by the voicelines or VEL spam ability, so if I get like a ra or rama tier vel spam, im good.
That it only plays like 4 of them before its only client side?
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What gamemodes do noobs play on. I'm playing Smite with a friend and so far both of our Conquest matches resulted in our teammates sperging out about our lane being bad, we moved on to joust and the 3rd guy went AFK after we decided not to surrender for both times too
Arena. If you are both new you should be in a sub 30 queue so the people yelling at you for being bad are probably shitty smurfs. Conquest is a perfectly cute and viable gamemode at every level and rankexcept bronze and silver lmao.
I keep forgetting, my friend actually played a bit around 5 years ago but he forgot everything and is pretty much a noob as well. Might be a reason we are getting less noobish players vs us.
I'll tell him to try Arena next time we play and see how it goes. I think Conquest looks like the coolest gamemode so hopefully we'll be good enough for it soon
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Sigh take me back.
altblue the exploit was patched and you'll never reach gm again so just move on with your life
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Queen Goddesstoon confirmed Onslaught back, new mage item and HUDskins

Smitebros > Shi2rannies
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>nobody online
I'm all tuckered out after playing the alpha all weekend sorry!
from now on this is the smite 2 general.
AltBlue can we not
shite 2 lol
yeah i think theyre colpying lol a bit too much too pal
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Never forget what they took from you.
A guardian clearing camps made pro players shit and piss themselves
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>when you lose your 80% winrate because people have dced 3 times in a row when you play which caused you to lose not because you lost the game but because your teammates surrender the game forcing you to take a loss
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>"people" think that 70% of Shi2 Alpha matches having a leaver means that it's rampant tahxicity and not that they don't want to fucking play it's changes
>>despite every person in that alpha playtest being a loyal paypiggie who purchased their entry pass like good little goys
I think if you crashed in smite 2 you werent able to rejoin the match
maybe 3rd worlders pcs couldnt load the map and would crash since most of them are running on a 4850
also anon there was a sign up on the website for months
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What a shame.
Even if you hate smite 2 its like 33 skins for $65 in smite 1 if you ever bought the $65 gem sale 8k gem bundle if you use the gems to buy the immortal honor thing + 2 battle passes.
Thats the best deal I remember the game has had. Normally its like BUY THIS O N E BARON SAMEDI SKIN for $100 LOLOLOLOL

I also waited to buy my godpack for like $6 through egs so yeah
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>paying for a free game I'm just not going to play AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
We're really are reaching end-stage MTX. Todd Howard's Horse Armor will be vindicated.
The $65 is for the gems for Smite 1 to get skins for smite 1. I didnt mention about you playing smite 2.
youre so caught up about being anti smite 2 youre just screaming about things im not even talking about.
Both of them were release gods.
>buying gems

lmao even.
sister if you don't buy gems how are you supposed to get your coom skin?
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Hirez owes me a premium gaming experience at no cost.
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I was blocked and reported for feeding
bros.. in hades 2 scyllas name is pronounced skilla.... has smite got it wrong?
hades 2 is a tranny game so it's the one that's wrong
scylla isn't a little girl in hades 2 so clearly they are wrong
one game has charybdis and scylla. one game only has a shitty hag version. im sure you can find the answer yourself
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It's Scylla / Silla, not Skilla / Skulla; because it's a proto-Sicilian loanword that predates Greek civilisation / language (unlike Charybdis / Kharibdis, which is an originally Greek word), so is more similar to Latin / Italian than Greek convention.
Either way, Hades 2 is fake and gay, and it's shit's all retarded. Waste of time for everyone involved.
the greeks were black gay and had vitilago, chud.
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anyone that specifically trans things and especially if they make them manly looking trans non-passers should be ignored completely because they are just doing things for blackrock woke points and dont care about accuracy or even about not being transphobic. Making transwomen as manly non-passing men to be #woke is like adding donkey kong to your game and saying: " Look black people! Its literally you!"

Even on adding in lgbt diversity, smite does a better job.
>is a tranny right
Please stop using the t word.
mommy slimeuwu's feminine cock and balls!
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Did I stutter?
>and had vitilago
shit's all retarded

Do you disagree?

>Mercury just with a haircut is transfaggot
>Vamana is transgnome
>Hercules as a robot is transhumanist
>Zhong in cosplay (as an OOC joke that he never gets skins and it needed to be a Neith skin) is transcharacter
>Thanatoast is transedible
>Mulan and Thor being accurate to their mythology is transaccurate
Weird takes, a little bit obsessed, but ok.
The zhong qui skin is actually Hi-Rez being based and mocking trannies while using the zhong no skins neith every skin thing as a facade.
zhong is just a crossdressing gender expression skin doing what you said. Its not mocking trannies
even the kumba one isnt mocking trannies. its mocking adult baby play weirdos if anything.
also its a gender swap girl cat robot

what if I told you Smite technically has jesus in it too?
Powdered toast man literally creates bread out of his body via a miracle of powder into toast and gives it to people.
big if true
yeah but thanatoast can't make wine or walk on water
>yeah but thanatoast can't make wine
Gilgamesh Passive + Baron Passive
>walk on water
Walk next to Charon / Sobek Ult, who turns the area around his boat into water.

holy moly somebody call the pope, he's gonna wanna see this....
patch show today

lermy appearance?
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I'll try it when its released but it looks like a downgrade over smite 1 so far
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Hades adc with antiheal worked really well against 3 healers.

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