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2024 moderator elections edition!

>What is /v/scape?
Vidyascape (AKA /v/scape) is a fully featured 2007 RuneScape private server started on >>>/v/ running since March 2014.

Experience the game mostly as it was in 2007
Active devs with dedicated server hosting - 99.9% uptime
No Grand Exchange
2.25xp rate - Less grind allows you to progress faster
Access to all content - Free forever! Explore Gielinor just like a member
No donator benefits - Only your in game wealth matters. Nobody can pay for an advantage
122 quests - 248 Quest Points available, fully scripted and working!
God Wars Dungeon, Fight Caves, Barrows, Treasure Trails, Pest Control, Barbarian Assault, Temple Trekking and much more!

>Main Website
vidyascape.org - Downloads, Highscores, Announcements, Patchnotes, World map, Bug tracker, and Dev blog.

>Getting Started
Play directly in the website through your browser, or
Windows / Mac / Linux - Install Java 8+ then run the .jar client, or
Android - Download the .apk on your phone.
To create an account, simply type your desired username and password in the client. If this doesn't work, the username is taken.

>Wiki, Price Guide
vscape.wikidot.com - server specific information, including clue/quest/skill guides
pastebin.com/wWwFeNha - item price guide

>Additional Resources, FAQs
If you're experiencing issues, please see: vscape.wikidot.com/wiki:how-to-play
Beginner's guide: vscape.wikidot.com/getting-started
General OSRS info (not 1:1, do your research): oldschool.runescape.wiki
Basic in-game commands, type ::info, ::rules, ::commands
Global chat (yell), type ::y (message)
Issue tracker: gitlab.com/vscape

>Account locked?
Log onto Community (pw:ayylmao) and pm a mod
Or send a message on steamcommunity.com/groups/vscape


>OP Pastebin

Official trade discord: https://discord.gg/6sDjXk5PNb
Official PvM discord: https://discord.gg/vJ3hAjGDeQ
First for the new official Vscape discord channels! Please vote for the 2024 player moderator of the year!
Official trade discord: https://discord.gg/6sDjXk5PNb
Official PvM discord: https://discord.gg/vJ3hAjGDeQ
is it feasible to let the bank use the same arbitrary item placement mechanics as the inventory? also, is there a comprehensive list of settings.ini flags? not the incomplete one on the wiki
stop making threads days before the old one gets archived you retard
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Hi, i tried joining these discord servers but they were filled with pedophiles and trannies posting cp and zoophilia porn and when i complained i got banned for it, what gives?
hello 4chan newfrens
the person complaining about multilogging on an ironmeme account, as well as discords having pedos, trannies, and furries, is called a "troll"
trolls feed off of your replies and don't care about your arguments, they will actively ignore them and do mental gymnastics to keep getting replies
falling for a troll is called "being baited" and makes the thread worse
you will end up looking retarded because you are actively engaging someone who is only trying to ruin the thread
if you are trying to bump the thread with trolling/counter-trolling then have you considered sui- i mean a different approach?
have a nice day
hello 4chan newfrens
the person complaining about cheaters getting exposed on Vscape, as well as discords being exposed for having pedos, trannies, and furries, is called a "troll"
trolls feed off of your replies and don't care about your arguments, they will actively ignore them and do mental gymnastics to keep getting replies
falling for a troll is called "being baited" and makes the thread worse
you will end up looking retarded because you are actively engaging someone who is only trying to ruin the thread
if you are trying to bump the thread with trolling/counter-trolling then have you considered sui- i mean a different approach?
have a nice day
paying 1k usd for cuteboy's location.
surely nobody would intentionally post inflammatory rhetoric online for the sole purpose of garnering angry replies
but if he doesn't someone else might make one and he wont be able to use the OP to attention whore and shill discords
Yeah honestly hh and fedposter need to stop posting bait and trolling it's constantly derailing the threads or at least tell their goons to stop doing it because it's getting out of hand.
i'll never vote fedposter for slacking the calls in barbarian assault
lie some more faggot
lol lmao even
since when the fuck does fed play ba?
Oh my bad sorry, actually all the pedos and trannies inside the pvm discord choose to post their cp and zoophilia porn on the main discord instead to ruin it then claim how the pvm discord is squeaky clean. My mistake sorry.
keep lying faggot
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dunno what the fuss is about, the trade and pvm discords arent actually that bad. slower sure but more focused compared to the spamfest of the main server which i had to mute
The problem is that the users from the pvm discord shit up the main one with crap then shit talk how bad it is when it's entirely their own fault.
These people wouldn't even need to make alt discords if they just stopped posting cp and shota porn in the main discord but apparently that's too much to ask.
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*violent clapping intensifies*
I would be quite miffed by the state of this thread if I had the ability to care about anything.
Who's doing it then? Show us some proof, faggot.
he has 10 penance queen kills so you tell me
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daxes are so expensive its gonna take forever for her to alch the 6,000,000gp necessary to buy one
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Lucky for her I, Hamhouse, am offering rebates on all qualifying dragon axe purchases
Now with my Hamhouse Rebateā„¢ she will be able to acquire her very own dragon hatchet for the far more affordable price of only 5,000,000gp
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I look like this and I say this.
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>cheats in game
>proceeds to use cheated in game wealth to humblefag and bribe new players
Wow guys i sure do love the Vscape mod teams firm stance on upholding the rules and not playing favorites.
See >>1264315
The PvM and trade discords have several well known vscape pedophiles in it already such as xavier and ben arson
Now stop gaslighting and trying to spread misinfo pls.
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you must be new here
/v/scape is a cesspool of cheaters and faggots who havent been banned
-t. oldfag who cheated 500m in gold from dragon arrow head alching in 2014 and botting flax from 2014 to 2017
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I know that deep down that's the Vscape community as a whole and it's always been that way but the fact that these people adamantly lie and pretend it's not true is mind bogglingly retarded. Like people here saying that Vscape is transphobic or racist when they've been jerking off to and begging sylvia for tranny nudes in the discord for the past 8 years straight and posting bbc porn or fedposter constantly complaining how osrs is ruined by fags and pedos then he comes to Vscape of all places instead. Everything they say is contradictory and hypocritical and makes no fucking sense.
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>admitting that tards telling obvious lies in an anonymous thread in which said autism is contained genuinely upsets you
weak, just play the game.
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>play the game where all the top players openly cheat and it's infested with pedophiles and trannies in all 5 discord servers and the matrix server
Yeah not happening.
>all top players openly cheat
>not happening
okay so leave then.
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yall are some faggots for how hard you try to act, just talk your shit in yell and don't be a pussy. hiding behind the thread implies you care about social currency in a 4chan rsps which is really pathetic. Instead of turning this into a fun in-game pvp event with some fun shit talking you sit in here 24/7 pretending to be some kind of jester god mastermind, weaving the webs of deceit to sway dissent that ultimately doesn't even matter anyway. just sad and gay tee bee ayytch
dude i took one look at the main discord and there's pedo channels like what the other anon said, pot calling kettle black. at least the other discords keep it clean, i don't need to see that crap

>just hide/mute it bro

no, thats a pedo cope. i dont like pedos but i also dont like witchhunting. at the very least have no pedo channels
The pedo shit in the main discord is being posted by the people in the PvM discord that's the entire point. It doesn't matter if they are using a separate discord to pedo post it's still wrong and they need to go but fedposter loves pedophiles and refuses to ban them.
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>all top players openly cheat
>okay so leave then.
You and all your pedophile friends leave first.
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>People still falling for the same bait for the 5th thread in a row
i just care about the people in-game and only to the extent that i might have some dealings with them
As much as i love runescape, i have no clue on what to do since i feel lost and i never had membership, only did the waterfall quest and other few things. but exploring is nice, although having a extended draw distance would be nice. also what has happened with the recent surge of playercount? last time i played during saturday morning there were like 35 players online.
Completion of Recipe for Disaster is a common starter macro goal to work towards. Tons of prerequisite quests and stats that will take you all over the place.
I'll keep that in mind for the weekend
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I hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This thread. This server, whatever you want to call it, I can't stand it any longer. Its the yell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your shitposts and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by them. Its -- its repulsive! Isn't it? I must get out of here. I must get free... and in this thread is the key, my key. Once Vidyascape is open source, there is no need for me to be here. Do you understand? I need the source codes, I have to get inside Vidyascape and you have to tell me how. You're going to tell me, or you're going to die!
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There is a clan chat in Vidyascape
They call the House of Ham
And it's been the ruin of many a poor goy
And God, I know I'm one

My mother was a crafter
She sewed my blue d'hide
My father was a alchin' man
Down in Vidyascape

Now the only thing a alcher needs
Is a fire staff and runes
And the only time he'll be satisfied
Is buying mlongs from Seers' troons

Oh, mother, tell your children
Not to do what I have done
Spend your playtime in greed and misery
In the clan chat of the House of Ham
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dirac, i'm deepening your meme lore within reason. please pretend to be bad at history
- Tick Manipulation
- Buy X
- Lootshare
- Beekeeper
- Rat Pits
- PoH Dungeons

- Spacebar + numbers dialogue options + esc to leave menus
- PoH Room Mover
- Ammo Slot Pickup
- Fast + CCW Fairy Ring Dial
- Bank Placeholders
- Extended Bank Options
- Quick prayers and quick spec
- HUD Timers
- Quick Options for NPCs
- Customizable click options (including shift click drop)
- Autocast options
- Individual Minimap Orb Toggle
muh heckin demanderinos
mentioning lootshare should alarm me to not take this list seriously but i'll bite on the "QoL":

>PoH Room Mover
>Ammo Slot Pickup
>Individual Minimap Orb Toggle
>Extended Bank Options
rather inconsequential and seems like wasted work to implement

>Spacebar + numbers dialogue options + esc to leave menus
>Quick Options for NPCs
>Fast + CCW Fairy Ring Dial
navigating obtuse text menus is a soulful aspect that I wouldn't want removed for the sake of QoL efficiencyscaper NERDS

>Quick prayers and quick spec
>HUD Timers
to me, Runescape still has the soul of a MUD and I wouldn't want it to have the control panels and HUD of a modern game
there's plenty of modern games out there for (You)

>Customizable click options (including shift click drop)
Even if I feel I'm in the wrong, shift click drop I would personally want because I have a tendency to juggle piles of items and I'm not even an UIM. I acknowledge that this already would be beyond QoL as it would make or break certain methods. Arbitrary customization of left click options is stern NO, for reasons already brought up.

>Bank Placeholders
non-offensive QoL
although as is, having an actual extra item in the bank to hold the space is like a privilege you have to earn which is slightly interesting
let me autocast ibans blast you fucks
>POH room mover
lol, lmao even
in general it's another case of QoL I want/like is good and QoL I don't is bad
I can't even disappear from /v/scape for two days without you retards spewing shit huh? So let's address this, shall we?

OSRS has been ruined by a bit more than just 'fags', if you actually spoke to me about this properly you'd understand. I can't be bothered rehashing this bullshit on here.

I don't participate in the main discord anymore since one faggot decided to be obsessed with me and stalk me around the game. As for the pedo posting, if it happens in the main discord, that ain't my problem. If it happens in the PvM discord, then it's my problem and I'll deal with it.

I know there's people in there who are complete pricks like Ben Arson for example, but they just lurk and they don't seem to be doing anything worthy of a ban. If someone starts dumping loli or whatever in the PvM discord, I will deal with it.

This dude gets it. Instead of sperging in the thread about it, log in and have a conversation with me about it. Although you'll have to wait until I'm home on Sunday.

Even then... you fuckers will still sperg up until that point because you have zero self control. Someone will probably namefagging as me as soon as they see this post.
now do (Ham) House of the Rising Sun by The Animala
>It's fine to have pedos in the pvm discord so long as they use the main discord to pedo post
Your still retarded and supporting pedophiles and osrs still has better mods and community and less pedophiles than Vscape.
Do you know how to read? You illiterate fuck?
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pls gz
Yes, it's how i know that you support pedophilia in your discord by reading your posts.
>guys i'm best friends with furfags and simp for them at every opportunity and my friends list is filled with them but i'm actually a fence sitter and don't really like furries i promise - t. fedposter 2024
Source: you made it the fuck up.

Try again you illiterate spastic.
Actually it was based on that @everyone post you made in the discord saying you will never ban pedophiles or trannies from your discord and the multiple times in game where you announced how much you love furries in :yell
I never said that. If that's how you interpreted the post, you're fucking retarded.

Also if you can't detect sarcasm/shitposting on the Internet, you shouldn't be here.
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>says he will not ban pedophiles or trannies from the discord
>has pedophiles and trannies in his discord that still aren't banned
>says it's okay for the pedophiles to post pedo stuff so long as it's in the main server and not the PvM server
But guys you don't get it apparently he's just being "sarcastic" and "shitposting" he's just supporting pedophiles in Vscape as a joke guys.
>a girl posting her feet on the discord needs to be banned from the game and community for attention whoring
>oh but a tranny posting feet pics in the discord needs to be worshipped and simped for and given complete power over the community - insomnis 2023
Also congrats on getting the only female in the entire Vscape community to rage quit just because she was drawing attention away from your tranny.
Keep doing those mental gymnastics you fucking retard, you'll get something right eventually.
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>guy says he supports pedophilia so long as it isn't in his server
>says he will never ban pedophiles from his server
>call the guy a pedo for it
>mental gymnastics
Do I need to get the paper and crayons out to explain this to you, retard?
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>I play on a rsps where you can spam tnd and 1844 and be racist as fuck but being sexually attracted to cartoon children is where I draw the fucking line!!!
Shut up nigger
You forgot to add
>i play on a rsps where you get muted or banned for insulting furries and trannies but trannies posting shota and cp is allowed
I will meet up with and fight anyone in this thread.
>protesting over the acts of 4channers you have no control over instead of just ignoring people
you're pathetic and very homosexual
How convenient that you entirely overlook jannies treating the discord like an egirl orbiting server and then posture as if the image is about deadmimicked rather than them
Why are you posting screenshots of jannies simping for an egirl that was in the server for a grand total of 2 weeks but not the jannies simping for a tranny that's been in the server for 8 years? And all the people that shit talked deadmimicked in the server just happened to be tranny simps what a strange coincidence.
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shut the fuck up satan

Right then, you fucking moron. Let's address this, shall we?

>says he will not ban pedophiles or trannies from the discord
Unless they post illegal shit in the PvM discord, I don't care. If they're posting it in the main Discord, that's for Pickles, Odel or whoeever to deal with it. I don't bother with the main Discord for my own reasons.

>has pedophiles and trannies in his discord that still aren't banned
And it will stay that way until they post something that's illegal or breaks the server rules. If you don't like it, tough.

>says it's okay for the pedophiles to post pedo stuff so long as it's in the main server and not the PvM server
What happens in the main Discord ain't my fucking business.

>guy says he supports pedophilia so long as it isn't in his server
I never said that, you're fucking delusional.

>says he will never ban pedophiles from his server
I'm only banning them if they fuck around.

It's almost like I need to make an updated @everyone post because you're fucking retarded.
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>I don't bother with the main Discord for my own reasons.
>What happens in the main Discord ain't my fucking business.
>guy says he supports pedophilia so long as it isn't in his server
>I never said that, you're fucking delusional.
Literally just doubles down on everything then says he didn't say that in the same post where he says it. wtf is this?
>guy says he supports pedophilia so long as it isn't in his server
i'm not weighing in on the current fags or drama, i dont use any of the discords and never will, but this is ludicrous. the fact that one doesn't personally lead a crusade outside one's domain of influence to purge filth means that they're supporting it? you first, show an example.
It's not outside of his domain or some kind of crusade. He just has pedos inside his own server and let's them pedo post in the main discord that's it. He knows they are pedos and posts pedo stuff and he allows them into his server and refuses to ban them.
At this point, I'm just going to echo what was said in the PvM Discord.

STFU loser.
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i was banned for no reason tho
post more of this please
Miyu fishing lobsters!
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And there we have it. The man doubles and even triples down on protecting pedophiles in his discord.
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pedophiles should be shunned from society.
This but unironically
made a new account
lets see how far I'll go this time
Kill yourself retard.
Hi cuteboy. Fuck off and stop lying.
wheres the lie
>infinite run energy is still a thing
when is it getting removed along with slayer rerolls
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Why don't you tell everyone yourself?
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Hey Noobs,
My username is John1987, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid yell shitposts. You are everything bad in vidyascape. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any boss drops? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own low levels, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures of sylvia on discord.
Don't be a [player name hidden]. Just hit me with your best ice barrage. I'm pretty much maxed. I was captain of the playerkilling team, and starter on my bosskilling team. What combat do you do, other than "jack off to naked drawn japanese people"? I also get straight 99's, and have a banging hot gf (She just Energy Transfer'd me; shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
i dont know what you're talking about
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yes, i failed my history test
Well when you remember, you let me know. :)
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may i have my posted it once award? man just ctrl + f'd every post
Well he does have a point... but you seem to be missing it.
can you just tell me
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what the fuck happened to dragons? if they are adding post 07 crap where is the leaf blade axe and other autistic 1/10000 drops so you can have fun
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More schizo seething thinking everyone negative of pedophiles and trannies must be the same person because it's impossible for multiple people to not like trannies or pedos in vscape.
Also >>1268064
ummm why did you whitewash NBA young boy
Go back to your tranny general.
But sir he's already here, this is the Vscape general.
guys i fucked up i spelled Ruenscape wrong
what happened to dragons?
dev team is only adding stuff that is 2007 halloween accurate
Stfu no one csres
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i assume he's disappointed they're the 07 model and not this. i am too a bit but i know what era i signed up for
I like the newer models
this looks like plastic toy crap
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You seem a little obsessed. Is there something you want to tell us?
Keep projecting nigger. Fed lives rent free in your tranny addled head.
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I took a two week break from this general and you faggots are still arguing. how do you guys not get sick of this shit
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Dumb nigger is obsessed with trannies and pedos.
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>dumb nigger
hol up
you be tellin me
a SMART nigga out there?
right now?
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Official announcement from fedposter.
It's okay to be a pedophile and post cp on discord so long as it's not being posted in his server. All pedophiles that post cp or shota in the main discord server are welcome in the PvM discord - fedposter 2024
that's a based position though, seethe and cope more. stop being a hypocrite, if you truly hate pedos so much, then get rid of peod channels in the main discord and we simply wouldn't be in this mess. simple as.

you are seething and coping because you choose to stay in the pedo zone, no matter how many times you cry pedo in other people
But the pedos on the main discord are the same ones in the PvM discord both discords are a pedo zone. And why is your solution to only remove the pedos from the main discord but not the pvm one?
I fucking called it. lmao
Better deal with it then cuntface. I don't do preemptive bans. :)
Would you like a list of things that'll get you banned? Just so we're clear?
ya'll spend more time grifting eachother on discord than playing the damn game
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started playing yesterday
it has been very comfy
now that the option to buy 50 from shops has been added, add option to make all for bolts in the smithing menu
because you can't truly remove pedos, it is impossible, you will just go on a deranged endless pedo witchhunt forever. what we can do is remove the pedo zone, remove pedo channels, remove pedo conversation and remove pedo content

because frankly my solution works and yours doesn't. the other discords don't have pedo channels. the main one does. who cares if its "the same pedos" whatever that means, yesterday this player is a pedo tomorrow that one is a pedo it doesn't matter

no pedo content is no pedos. you are still participating in the pedocord with pedos otherwise, this is the truth of it. do not be a hypocrite
despite how shit the thread is, the people in-game are generally very nice and helpful
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Reminder: If you stop using discords in general because of pedos the pedos will eat each other and die because pedos usually are socially parasitic, they can't maintain social structures on their own
...what channel is the pedo channel on the main discord?
basically everything not vscape related my guy. in fact they don't even have vscape stuff front and center, it's an afterthought to them. all the random and misc channels they have, look closer, check their archives, pure pedocore

oh and then there's all the anime and porn channels, they dont even try to hide it
>I don't do preemptive bans. :)
Yes, you already stated you will never ban pedos like 3 times now we already got that.
What witch hunt? we already know who all the pedos are because all the shit they posted was in a public discord with over 1k users and it doesn't matter if they use the main discord to pedo post your still enabling them by not banning them. And you claiming to be anti pedo while saying it's fine to have pedos in your discord so long as they post cp elsewhere makes you the hypocrite.
It's the nsfw-gay channel it's where all the communities trannies post shota and cp and zoophilia porn and their own tranny nudes so the thirsty vscape mods can worship them and ban anyone who insults them. The same stuff was also posted in the regular nsfw channel years ago before they made the new gay one.
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I just scrolled through the last 4 months of content on nsfw and nsfw-gay and only came across 1 cub photo and 3 cunny photos. Do not see any zoophillia. I do not see any CSAM either.
goys it's only a little pedophilia and animal fucking hahaha
Keep lying to yourself retard. Maybe it'll come true one day.
I think this person is actually retarded or is there like a hidden channel with the cp bestality/zoophillia or are they an actual schizo
so much better
Yep, you have to join the secret vscape cabal to gain access. Just send me your credit card details and I'll make it happen.

Nah, guy is a fucking loon.
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>dev team is only adding stuff that is 2007 halloween accurate
Nope, it's whatever the devs like. The devs simply prefer '07 in most cases. There are several changes that improve the skills the devs like while arbitrarily keeping other skills as pErIoD aCcUrAtE as possible. As a result some skills are significantly more profitable than others. Also GWD.
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Sounds like you are the actual retard if you can't see the shotacon fur porn being posted in the open.
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Try searching under madman and deadmimicked usernames or you could just search under one of the troons usernames because every single one of them has posted shota and other crap at least a dozen or more times.
There is actually a Vscape mod only discord server that's private and invite only but i have no idea what gets posted there because i don't have a snitch yet. And there's also the Vscape matrix server which also has more pedo troon shit on it but i haven't joined it or checked it personally yet.

Oh and make sure to report all the posts while you do it so more accs get deleted (:
Like what, autocraft runes from pouches? Rofl.
Keep making these random accusations, cos it just reveals how crazy you are. We keep getting new members and getting big drops at GWD while laughing at you schizos sperging out in the thread.

And I don't know what matrix is but you sound like you are just talking out your ass about it since you by your own admission don't know what it is.
what is like game like for newbies? do you need to be a boomer to get into this?
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A 2005 client must be in the works, surely.
You spreading misinfo and supporting pedophilia isn't some kind of epic win. The discord is still going to go down eventually and the community is still being exposed for the pedophiles you choose to protect.
I'd check it out, explore without a guide is probably the best for noobs. Just be aware if you die, you will lose most of your items so make sure to bank what you need!
"ESTONIANS could be here" he thought. "I've never been in this part of the wilderness before. There could be ESTONIANS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE ESTONIANS" he thought. Midi Sweet Dreams are Made of These reverberated his entire mancave, making it pulsate even as the 500gp keg of beer circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of foreigners after dark. "With a cannon, you can grind anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.
i can only make a guesses as to how zoomies would perceive it so this is mostly a bunch of musings and broad generalities taken with a grain of salt

one such impression i'd imagine someone younger trying it for the first time would immediately be struck with is that it's unresponsive and slow due its internal workings (that i don't need to get into)
as a consequence, the game is rather low on skill expression and rewards time investment and a slow and steady planning more than individual sessions
getting past the technicalities and how it feels, it's a a light hearted, silly and basic fantasy setting with a wild hodgepodge of variety content
it can also be treated as a chat room time waster with chill point and click game and capitalism attached to it

if you're worried that you're a latecomer, don't be. i started like 6 weeks ago and i'm deep into the midgame with the whole game opened up and starting to touch on some later game stuff.
i didn't expect anyone to reply me. thank you both. i have only played 1 other mmo before and this one seems interesting. thanks again
i was immediately bothered that the midi wasn't in runescape sound font and apparently someone had arranged it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_VE3EJHYOo
Report the PvM discord then. I fucking challenge you.
>the Vscape matrix server which also has more pedo troon shit on it
>i haven't joined it or checked it personally yet.
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>report the discord to the Discord staff
>the Discord staff known to protect 'cub' pedophiles and allow shota porn
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I already know the matrix server has pedo and troon shit on it thanks to people like starlight talking about posting tranny shit on it. So yes i don't even need to join it to already know it's filled with shit.
I think all the spaff you've absorbed from playing the soggy biscuit game with your mates has started to rot your anglo brain. All we ask is for you to stop supporting pedophiles in vscape and you have a mental breakdown ITT and in game and on discord all simultaneously.
is this just runescape for virgins and dweebs or something
I mean, that's just runescape bro.
half of the posts in here are about furries and discord and shit like that it seems a lot more degen
Ingame isn't as cancerous as the thread, many such cases.
im a zoomer but i play osrs instead of this gay pserver
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No in game just has a bunch of furries and trannies talking about gay sex in global chat and if you complain you get muted or banned.
Which is obviously way better than this thread.
you were the guy who got all his posts deleted earlier for the same reason, right? lol
No i'm pretty sure that was CB and hh and dirac.
stfu troll
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can somebody tell me why the ore rocks and herbs have a non 2007 look to them?
Some do. They were being graphically reworked, but not all at once. So at the time period of the server, some have the old models, some have the new models.
>And you claiming to be anti pedo while saying it's fine to have pedos in your discord so long as they post cp elsewhere makes you the hypocrite.
i am anti pedo but also anti witchhunts. i don't know or care what people do elsewhere, because that's out of my control and it's not enforceable. what is enforceable is banning PEDO CONTENT and not having PEDO CHANNELS -- a problem the main pedocord REFUSES to address. just ask them why they haven't changed to an objectively superior community server yet: muh pedo porn, muh pedo channels

keep seething, coping, and frankly defending real pedos in the pedocord because you are still granting them a platform to groom others while claiming to be anti pedo too. peak hypocrisy
discord is exclusively for merching
>i don't know or care what people do elsewhere, because that's out of my control and it's not enforceable.
Once again just because they are using the main server to pedo post does not make it okay to keep them in the PvM discord and it is enforceable because we know who they are already all fedposter has to do is right click their name and click ban but he won't because he already stated he will never ban pedophiles.
In the end the PvM discord is still pro pedophile and filled with pedophiles.
>i don't know or care what people do elsewhere
But you do, because you can just look in the main Discord.
>because that's out of my control and it's not enforceable
It is enforceable, you just choose to pretend it isn't there because it isn't in the room you are currently in. It's like a child who thinks their parent doesn't exist because they hide behind their hands.
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he has a cleft lip btw
i heard this as well
this game is called vidyascape but some of u guys would be more at home playing avidyascape
did opisekaimc quit?
main discord is still pro pedo with dedicated pedo channels whats your point

main discord is still pro pedo with dedicated pedo channels whats your point
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The point is Fedposter is deflecting criticism by putting his head in the sand and pretending what he sees in the main discord doesn't exist.
He visits the main discord, he see the pedophiles posting there, and refuse to ban them in his own discord because it gives him a feeling of power in his shitty life moderating a discord. So he makes up this rule about tolerating pedophiles as long as they don't do it in front of him.
Or maybe the P in PvM stands for Pedophile versus Monster?
I just watched that video on your channel where you faked committing suicide
what? i would never kill myself
I wouldn't report it to the Met. They're too busy sucking Hamas cock and arresting people for being Jewish.

Report it to the FBI or something then. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ Crying about it like a bitch won't do anything.

We? Is that you and your headmates? And I'm the one having a breakdown? Topkek.
Which part of 'I left the main Discord' are you failing to understand you absolute dribbler?
Which part of "You are abhorring pedophiles who you personally know are pedophiles" do you not understand you absolute cockmongler?
"They're pedophiles because I said so."

You admitted they have PEDO CHANNELS with PEDO CONTENT in the discord. How does that not make them pedophiles by your own admission?
Keep telling yourself that, it'll come true one day, you fucking schizoid. :-)

Oh by the way, I know who you are. :-)
Keep telling myself what you literally admitted?
Have you been cooking with too much aluminium foil? Cos you got fucking Alzheimers.
Keep schizing grandpa. You'll be right one day. :-)
N-no...I got called out for harbouring pedophiles in my discord with my "don't ask, don't tell" pedo policy...better relentlessly accuse my interlocutors of mental illness until this kerfuffle goes away.
Ok gramps, back to bed, go take your pills. :-)
PvM Discord Chads don't have this issue. As long as you don't talk about your pedophile hobbies in the discord, you can't get banned for it :-)
sorry guys, it's all true, i sneeded
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>>Fedposter has been really raked over the coals recently for his support of nonces and kiddy porn posters.
>sounds like he's more of a Pedohoster then!
rent free
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Choose experience.
Choose a skill.
Choose a grinding method.
Choose a clan chat.
Choose a fucking big bank account, choose mat stacks, equipment, consumables, and rare drops.
Choose a bank pin, two factor authentication, and a long password.
Choose fixed pess exchange values.
Choose a player owned house location.
Choose your friendlist.
Choose fashionscape and matching colors.
Choose a three-piece poorfag outfit in a range of fucking alch values.
Choose ironman mode and wondering who the fuck you are on a sunday morning.
Choose ::sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing old event videos, stuffing fucking purple candies into your mouth.
Choose losing your equipment at end of it all, respawning in lumbridge, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up newfag teammates you trained to replace yourself.
Choose your future.
Choose experienceā€¦ But why would I want to do a thing like that?

I chose not to choose experience.
I chose somethinā€™ else. And the gains? There are no gains. Who needs gains when youā€™ve got bankstanding?
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remove slayer rerolls and infinite run energy
play hcim
I did report the users posting loli/shota but there isn't really that much being posted, and its from two users. There is also zero CSAM.
madman has furry porn posted but no CSAM or shota or cub or loli.

user deadmimicked doesn't show up so I guess they got banned?
are you confusing vscape with tf2?
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enrage and confuse discord with this one weird trick
As far as i'm aware madman was the only one who posted irl zoophilia and deadmimicked was the only one who posted cp but she got banned the rest of them just posted shota and cub stuff.
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No but there is a pretty large community overlap with tf2 so it's easy to make that mistake.
How does this actually work when the trannies and furries you get muted and banned for insulting in game are the same ones in control of the PvM discord?
Have you tried choosing to be funny?
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Hey do you guys remember that time you made that hh shill thread on /vg/? Whatever happened there?
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Agrreed. This isn't just a private server anymore. It's an emulation of the greatest era of Runescape to ever exist. The mods are pissing in the eyes of every 07 purist and RS2 enthusiast by keeping these blatant inaccuracies in the game.
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[CUTE] trading has been suspended until next week
dirac gained 0 respect, total respect gain lifetime 0 respect
>CB delisted
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But dirac what about this respect report?
got drowned in the sea of ffxiv tranny generals and gacha coomer generals
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funnily enough those are featured channels in the main pedocord. really makes you think
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>Alright guys if you make fun of me with a wojak one more time ITT me and all my discord friends are going to mass report you so stop it.
Why is the PvM discord like this?
>Seething about getting his wojaks deleted
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wishes he was a janny so bad its unreal, quintessential hall monitor archetype, covets power above all else, bad vibes all around, extreme low frequency person
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*takes notes*
@red@ anime
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can you shut the fuck up about spamhouse already? if it's not him shitting up PvM with low-effort memes and in-game chat with constant ::y @gre@ CHUNK dumbassery, it's one or more of you faggots posting discord screenshots and autistically screeching about manufactured hostilities designed to be as obnoxious as possible. PvM exists to kill the large bird boss with all the best gear and unmatched efficiency on the server. getting 50+ kills before leaving GWD is a fairly common occurrence
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are you seriously so burgerpoliticsbrained that "fighting the hamhouse" led you to "soijakposting is not shitposting"?
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Wtf I love HH and the pvm discord now????
Honestly dont see ham posting in yell much anymore :(
arrows are faster
PVM discord link don't work
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New OP image
lol I am stuck
bow with no ammuntion doesn't let you tag he pillars and I can't unequip it
the fuck how did this happen?
I got out
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>spend half an hour rerolling task for cave horrors - never get it
>during this I look up task weights and see it's a common task
>report bug
>time passes
>get curious later and dig more into slayer weighting
>cave horrors are only assigned if 85 combat
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do u guys think i can kill elvarg in this gear

Main link got revoked or something, which is odd.
must be on account of the pedophiles
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don't work
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At least post the full reasoning
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BASED! how it feels to be a member of hh clanchat (en forma de egge cc)
So i am curious to hear what everyone's reason for playing this over osrs? Personaly i think the new content jagex is doing just feel too Disconnected from the original spirit of runescape both aesthetically and contentwise.
Some its for the nostalgia. Some because it's free for members content. Some it's because Jagex fucked the balance of the game starting with GE and raids.
The pedophiles are in your head, not the Discord, you fucking lemon.
Then you're banned, I guess. And since there's only one ban on the server, I'll just remove that, since me and you need to have a little chat.
Cos it's free and Pickles and Odel are more trustworthy than Fagex.
I don't want to support gay pride or play with bots and bot client users
Hey jon venables, If the pedophiles aren't in the discord then why did you say you have pedophiles in your discord that your not going to ban?
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>all the top players cheat
>has worse mods than osrs
>has more pedophiles and homosexuals and trannies than osrs
>still isn't 2007 accurate
Your guess is as good as mine.
I'm not repeating myself. Either accept the reason, or shut the fuck up.

But you'll just reply to this post with more verbal diarrhoea that I'll probably respond to because I have fuck all else to do today.
Oh and i forgot to add they also let you post cp and zoophilia porn in their discord server and if you complain it's an instant perma ban.
It's truly the peak of runescape private servers
STFU nobody cares.
all quests complete; devs are accessible, responsive, and skilled; entertaining mixed population of employed adults and schizo NEETs; economy reflects the exp value of time (aka pess costs 400 ea cuz there are no bots, another player has to cuck themselves on exp to acquire it); fun little easter eggs like the man who says "shitpost" and pepeddinas on the map; slightly boosted exp rate that still makes getting 99's a solid achievement and doesn't detract from the game's original mechanic of everything being a massive grind; you can say the forbidden word for black people
day of fate
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all diaries incomplete; devs are pedophilic, tranny chasers, and corrupt; disturbing mixed population of pedophiles and schizo trannies; economy does not reflect the exp value of time (aka most mats cost nothing cuz there are multilogging cheaters, all a player has to do is multilog to acquire it); Reddit little easter eggs like the man who says "shitpost" and pepeddinas on the map; slightly boosted exp rate that still makes getting 99's a fake achievement and does detract from the game's original mechanic of everything being a massive grind; you can say the forbidden word for black people but insulting trannies or furries gets you banned and don't complain about the pedophiles either.
seethe cope and rope, faggot
sensible chuckle. i wish more diaries weren't "coming soon" cuz all that's left for me is bossing, grinding, and merching
why don't you just stop playing then? You could even make your own rsps. They are not that hard to make these days. The sources look really clean. And the clients are probably a lot more refactored. Get something like Elvarg. There might be something better if you look hard enough. It will probably take a few years to script all of the skills and shit but you'll have more control over who gets to play
today we sing
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>Why don't you spend half a decade making your own game from scratch because it's easier than asking us to just not support pedophilia or upholding our own rules in our game.
yeah then you can dictate who can and can't play :)
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you're right, spending half a decade of your life on your gay little protest/trolling op is a much better use of your time. kill yourself.
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>started playing a few days ago
>having a comfy time questing
>30-50 players online
>in-game community is chill
>have no intention of using discord
i dont know what these doomposting fags are talking about
the only gripe i have is the way the herbs look
it's a bunch of asshurt spastics seeking revenge for being ousted from their only coping mehcanism. none of this exists inside the main game.
Even during the server's first year, doomposting fags were abundant. Except they were in the thread, no trooncords existed yet. You'd do well to ignore everything outside of the game and just focus on the comfy grind.
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>has trannies and furries talking about gay sex in global chat
>has cheaters running rampant and the mods don't care
>if you complain you get banned in game
>none of this exists inside the main game.
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>if i keep repeating my unsubstantiated nonsense over and over surely it will stick
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>if i keep shilling and spreading misinfo because a fat jewish israeli told me to surely it will work eventually
>my retard campaign is just but people responding to it with theirs is not.
it's almost like you just want to bitch and there is no pleasing you. do you have anything of value to actual add or are you just going to keeping crying that everyone who doesn't like you is a pedo troon etc.
But i did add something of value?, i exposed all the pedophiles and trannies and the corrupt mods and the rampant cheating in the community and made it public knowledge.
And there is a way to please me just stop supporting pedophilia in vscape.
>i made a list of people and called them a name first so it's true guys you gotta believe me omg
i'm not evening saying there are no people like that, i'm saying you crying and shitting your pants in every thread is a waste of your time. Let's play devil's advocate and give baby what he wants; lets say there is a massive degenerate secret pedo tranny jew bbc cabal, do you think you pulling this shit is going to change anything? what do you actually want? this place has always been a server associated degeneracy general autism, why are you surprised? you're holy call to arms is that you went to a known spoon drawer and found spoons. just ignore the people you don't like and be in whatever discord you want. stop acting like you wanna do anything more than just publically shit your pants and roll around in it. you just keeping making shit up as you go along to justify it.
You don't understand cuteboy
The only thing you've exposed is how much of a lunatic you are. And yet you're still too much of a coward to identify yourself.

If you care so much about pedophiles, go submit a tip to the FBI or something.

Actually no don't, because "muh pedos have infiltrated the FBI and they're protecting /v/scape' right?

Seriously, get some fucking professional help, no one believes you anymore. Anyone who does wouldn't make it in /v/scape anyway.
It's all made up nonsense by some spastic that doesn't even play the game
when is telegrab going to be buffed to grope gnome cheerleaders?
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>only thing you've exposed is how much of a lunatic you are.
Says the guy who openly announced his support for pedophila. Okay mr.jon venables your right i'm a lunatic for not liking pedophiles in my gaming communities.
>Hundreds of public posts in a discord with over 1k users is not proof
>Posting screenshots of said chat logs is not proof either
>No one is a pedo in vscape because i say so and all evidence is debunked because i say so
WOW great argument guys why didn't i think about this before.
always has been
Anything is possible if you put your mind to it. I do think a shortsword is a better option for killing dragons with, though. You can get an adamant one in Varrock if you're willing to get 30 attack and save up a little bit.
Remember to have an emergency teleport with you too. You might be able to buy a single teletab from a player, or you could do Ghost's Ahoy and get an ectophial. Enchanted jewelry isn't the best option because you have to go through a dialogue option to select the teleport, which can be interrupted by combat.
Good luck. I'm rooting for you.
You can right-click on enchanted jewelry in your equipment tab to select the teleport options directly.
Oh yeah, I thought that was an Oldschool specific thing. Is that 2007-accurate?
Take your meds schizo.
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Implying that i'm ruining the threads by making a valid complaint about the rampant pedophilia in vscape. The only ones ruining the threads are the ones endlessly denying it and derailing the threads with gaslighting and arguing.
Ok grandpa, let's get you back into bed...
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There are no pedophiles in the /v/scape Discord.
Figured someone would namefag as me eventually. Go on then, let's see how this plays out...
But your not fedposter? your jon venables.
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Remember to join the new official Vscape discord channels! We do not ban pedophiles, trannies, or furries, all are welcome!
Official trade discord: https://discord.gg/6sDjXk5PNb
Official PvM discord:
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Oh and the official in-game clan chat is "hh", make sure to join it!
was my experience as well, and still is
Hi, my friend tried joining the hh clan but a user called hamhouse told him that he had to masturbate on cam over discord while crossdressing to him first to join. What gives?
Sure I am gramps...
I'm failing to see the issue here?
wait, hh stands for ham house?
I thought it was that phrase loved by pasty white gamer losers
this place is so embarrassing lmao
The discords are full of normal well adjusted people who just want to grind, though. The schizo in the thread has been banned.
lmao nigger you will never be the real fedposter
>the discord
>normal well adjusted people
>t. a homeless mentally ill neet who plays vscape all day
you don't even meet that qualification lmao
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i made it clearer
hi hitlerrules, please kill yourself
Truth hurts, huh laddie?
lmao you've been dogging fed for weeks, if i was doing that i'd probably kill myself, you should too
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>The discords are full of normal well adjusted people who just want to grind
Normal well adjusted people aren't pedophiles and they don't post shota and zoophilia porn on discord
KEK true fat lazy homeless british neet with schizo paranoia = fedposter in a nutshell
do you make a habit of replying to yourself? and fed is the schizo? lmao

neck yourself plz
>There can't be more than 1 person in the entire thread who doesn't like pedophiles or is critical of fedposter
>it all has to be the same person
Nice cope schizo
try harder please its fucking obvious lmao
Just let him have his fun. This is probably the only place he won't get dogpiled like he would in game whenever he opens his mouth. KEK
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>It's all CB
>No it's the estonians
>No it's osrs shills
>No it's omorashi cc
>No it's all fake and just one guy arguing with himself
>No it's all hitlerrules
You're right, I should stop bullying the mentally unwell brit, he might have a mental breakdown and become obsessed with playing an online video game for white losers
all me, sorry
what does this guy have against pedophiles anyway?
>hitler/drew doesn't even deny it was him
The crystal bow "fix" really broke you huh?
t. the same guy "embargoing" the guy who noticed dragonfire was incorrect lmao
the embargo list was such an embarrassment for hamhouse. you can't interact with anyone who disobeys the hamcult leader? hh is such a cluster B narcissist manipulator
i have been saying this for years
>hh is such a cluster B narcissist manipulator
makes sense as he feels the need to shout his own name like a pokemon creature rofl
The real poster: OldMike
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H.A.M. in game:
>complete losers that get BTFO by the righteous player character
>holed off of society in their underground chat room where they plan revenge against a list of players that have "wronged" them in some way
>fired from their job by the admin of the city
>treated like a laughing stock by normal citizens
Really makes you think.
>anon also admits they were actually in the right all along

now that really makes you think
>Sigmund's mustache is an inverse Hitler 'stache
whoa, Jagex.
pedos usually project their guilt into others and accuse everyone else around them of being a pedo
So like what your doing right now?
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selling daxes 500k ea
they are 6m actually
whats their alch value? do that
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They nerfed master farmers, jerry!
>They nerfed master farmers?
They nerfed master farmers!
>So what, can't you pickpocket someone else?
No, jerry, I can't! I knew his drop table, his success rate, his xp rate, where to stand to one click spam, how often to eat, how often to bank, everything! Hours and hours of practice, down the drain.
>Well you had it coming, you knew he wasn't period accurate.
You can't just nerf the seed supply like that! What am I supposed to do for potions and herblore and farming now, pay exorbitant sums to those crusty bastards holding fat stacks of seeds?
I hadn't even gotten to heroes yet!
We live in a society!
HAHA funny look at me guys i just posted the exact same 10 year old joke as i did in the last hundred vscape threads haha funny
metaposts are less funny than reposts, funnily enough
I laugh at the master farmers pasta every time it's posted.
I don't know what these are referencing.
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every day more & more ppl come to me and they say:
"CB u are so right about that hamhouse fella, thank u so much for opening my eyes to his dastardly ways"
and i nod and say to them:
"yerp, he is the most bastardful snake in all of vscape history fr i told u i've been telling u"
and after that they usually start sucking me nice and good and i unleash ropes upon ropes of ripe warm spooge but that is not important what is important is that the tides are turning and fffuckers like hamhouse who are doing everything in their power to sow strife and normalfaggotize this once lovely and beautiful community with gay discord cliques are finally having light shined upon them and seen for the evil wretched cretins they truly are thank u everybody for reading my post i will continue to destroy this libtard hamhouse with facts and logic
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Rarest item ingame?
>all diaries incomplete
oh ye of little faith...
before sperghouse it was hubcap, after it will just be another
2 PIZZAS??!!
and I just got these two extra bones drops in a row too
saradomin loves me what can I say
we have the best drops, folks, simply the best drops, and john runescape, you know, I saw him the other day, and he thanked me, it was so nice, wasn't that nice?
imagine being so booty bothered about a change in the server you spend your free time flinging your shit in game chat, and in the thread, AND do it for months, if not years.
which change
feathers for bird eggs was removed
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I'm the pasta connoisseur and I honor my former masters by using <1% of each thread to respect their memory.
You're giving me shit over this while the threads are >90% shitposting. That doesn't make any sense. You know what else makes no sense?
That cutscene doesn't make any sense. He talks to you in the middle of a race, as you are driving in the opposite direction and there is a car about to crash into your car, yet somehow after he talks there is no apparent crash and suddenly cars are driving in the same lane as your perspective. For not to mention that fucking trench coat, it looks like stiff beige blanket with buttons on. Oh and the beat? sounds like something I could shit out in 15 min, including the time it took to download the software to make it. What is that lyric "11 o'clock who is ringing my phone, I'm cool laid back like Lenus(?) and Moan(?)" the fuck does that mean.
That face the only redeemable quality about the whole video. Oh and did I mention, the cutscene kinda implies time has stopped as he starts talking but when he drives off, it's like he is shifting back into gear as if it was live, or that he is somehow able to control time with his gear box. Did they even consider that moving while time is stopped has some massive implications, like infinite friction being generated. Also what the fuck kinda generic name is 'Wolf' how about you wolf down on deez nuts, I'm glad he lost his money, dude should have spend his money on new clothing.
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leprechaun noting was re-added
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this is where im gonna drop hamhouse into
what did they mean by this
Bro this is the year of our lord two thousand and twenty four, you can't be making jokes about burning jews like that.
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But who's who in this scenario?
i am all 3 people
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based volcano spotter
i don't like he attitude
Now that the dust has settled, was vscape a good server?
Good server
Shit mods
Shit devs
Shit discords
Shit community
Shit players
lol, lmao even
the inconsistencies with QoL and accuracy really grinds my gears
Spiteful retards who can't/won't move on aside, it's nice
also this
Sorry you feel that way.
It's not true to the original. If you said faggot or nigger you would get banned/muted
No. It is the best server.
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>best server ever
>not 2007 accurate
>constant nerfs
>corrupt mods
>bbc posters
>israeli jews that somehow have control over half the playerbase
>players get banned and muted for wrong think
>all the top players cheat
Braindead shill moment.
now, how many of those affect your experience in-game?
STFU troll nobody cares
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>the dust has settled
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keep talking gentleman everybody's listening
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At least 6/10 of them affect your in game experience and this is purely in game without using the discords or threads.
>in game experience and this is purely in game without using the discords or threads
why did you think you had to specify as such? what do you mean in-game means?
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Because fedposter and hh often use the excuse that the mods and devs of vscape choosing to host and distribute cp over discord doesn't matter because it doesn't occur in game. So i felt that i had to heavily specify that these other problems are entirely game related and occur in game
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theres no real reason to get 99 agility unless you want the cape, the maximum energy restoration rate is at 96 assuming it uses the correct formula
why won't anybody make allegations against me ;_;
i promise i'd confirm them all as true
just samefag for attention, it's mod approved since the removal of the IP counter
i see, thanks

ur cock is too huge
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All of you kind enough to read my posts....This is my new post- "Dream."
And stop seething over CB ITT no one cares he barely even posts.
CB will go down for this
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I don't get it why did you post a picture of hamhouse then type "t." what does this mean?
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Holy SHIT. The cheater stuff is new to me, but everything checks out. Here is a compilation of evidence against Cuteboy (the pedo shitting up the thread):

Shut the fuck up. Nobody cares about your manufactured e-drama.
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Holy shit you guys i just found this discord message from hh. What did he mean by this?
HH exposed?
>Sept. 3rd 2024
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What about this other one i just found?
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CB MELTDOWN!! Enjoy your ban fag.
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Wow that's really interesting but have you seen these posts about HH talking about him and his discord friends mass reporting posts and intentionally spamming and derailing the thread and also cheating in game?
TL;DR hh cheats and intentionally derails threads
you are deflecting your shit onto other players it looks like.
>no way anybody legit gets 99 agility
he's putting my autism into question!
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>posts proof of player cheating
>umm actually it's not true ur just deflecting
Nice cope and bait
Here's an actual deflection of an angry israeli jew making fun of someone else by calling them jewish.
>Multilogging on a ironmeme alt
we doing this shit again? explain how botting 99 agility isnt cheating?
>rules say no multilogging
>the rules are wrong because i say so
You really still stuck on this weak cope explanation?
explain how botting 99 agility isnt cheating?
No one botted 99 agility? who are you talking about?
See >>1273861 you dirty botter faggot.
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So ban everyone with 99 agility?
What the fuck are you smoking?
Nowhere in that post does it say he botted or cheated or used scripts.
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>Tell me... A story...
And void-black client began to download cache... A system of skills interlinked within skills interlinked within skills interlinked within one character... And dreadfully distinct against the dark sky, a midi tune played.
>Have you ever been in the wilderness? Skills.
>Do they keep you in an ape atoll cell? Skills.
>When you're not collecting your dailies do they keep you in a little player owned house? Skills.
>What's it like to hold your heroes' quest partner's candlestick? Interlinked.
>Did they teach you how to feel tick to tick? Interlinked.
>Do you long for having your skills interlinked? Interlinked.
>Do you dream about being maxed? Interlinked.
>What's it like to hold your fallen comrade's gear in your arms? Interlinked.
>Do you feel that there's a part of you that's missing levels? Interlinked.
>Within skills interlinked.
Within skills interlinked.
>Why don't you say that three times: Within skills interlinked.
Within skills interlinked. Within skills interlinked. Within skills interlinked.
>We're done. Constant_K, you can pick up your tears of guthix.
Thank you, sir.
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Is this the part where you pretend to not support pedophilia in vscape after you made half a dozen posts publicly announcing your support for pedophiles in vscape?
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this is the part where you bing bong ding dong you rice fucker
Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of offering bones on my gilded altar. Speak up grandpa.
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Imagine being CB rn. Ham won.
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>Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of grooming minors on my discord. Speak up chad.
Fixed it for you.
Didn't I tell you to take your meds? You're delusionposting again...

Although I'm sure someone will come along and call you a retarded nigger at some point. :-)
stfu schizo no one cares kys
Don't care
Didn't read
Stop posting cp on discord.
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You are part of the manufactured e-drama.

All the posts and so called "trolling" is fake and a joint cooperative effort by unrealhaze, dirac, fedposter, hamhouse, starlight, mai-chan, cuteboy, and omorashi and some others. None of this was ever real it was literally all created and fabricated over discord to stir shit up and shill vscape that's it. And the vscape mods know who was making all the troll posts since the beginning but took no action or said anything because they were in on it.
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it is subtle but discord's font actually uses a lot of different colors in it and only appears gray when zoomed out, a lot of fake discord message generator sites get this wrong so if you're going to fake discord messages you have to do it properly, another giveaway is the jpeg compression even though they are .pngs which wouldn't happen if they were direct screenshots
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Wraithchill stole the discord from the mods so that Fedposter may use its power and influence to slay Nerfarian and ascend into modhood. Hamhouse is one of Fedposter's devout followers who runs a fight arena thread where he instigates players to fight for his amusement.
It was obvious the screenshots were fake to begin with.
>hey guys here's CB conveniently admitting to trolling the threads in retarded reddit speak
And the message is from months before any posts ITT were actually made.
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HH is the one pulling the strings, he is a moderator across both the alt discords and has the largest in game clan currently. He also has the mods on a leash with complete control over them as evidenced by his rampant cheating and he's currently trying to promote and raise fedposter to mod status so he will have one of his own people as a mod to further implant himself and have further control over the community.

HH is behind everything, he has all the power and holds all the keys and pulls all the strings.
Will the samefagging continue? probably.
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>There cannot possibly be more than 1 person in the entirety of vscape with a negative opinion of hh or fedposter it all has to be the same person
>oh and it's okay for hh to samefag and mass reply to himself 20 times but if anyone else does it ill cry ITT and kill myself
What? Huh?
I remember seeing a sadpanda doujin with a vscape advertisement posted as the final page. To the anon who translated it just wanted to say thanks for the nut.
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no problem
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*starts drooling* fuuuck bros i need a futa gf to empty her balls down my throat and fill my stomach with gallons and gallons of thick pungent girl spunk
Y'all motherfuckers still going huh?
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>get nostalgic for rs2, look into various rsps
>vscape looks perfect
>go to thread to learn more
>entire community obsessed with discord and namefags, no content discussion at all
>pic related
Back to step 1 I guess.
that was me few months back, was absolutely revolted and repulsed by the thread but none of it matters in-game so go ahead and give it a shot
It's not like this in-game. The parasocial dramafags are too busy having catfights to actually play.
which players are underage
asking for a friend
Literally Nobody
the ones who seem a little too hapless and genuin and post xD often
fuck off
we're full
Damn, you filtered yourself. The thread is barely even conducive to the actual game at this point.
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>It's not like this in-game.
In actual reality
>in game chat filled with gay sex talk constantly
>filled with rampant cheaters
>corrupt mods
>banning people for wrong think
>hh shitting up global in game chat with his redditor namefagging
Actual in game is just as bad if not worse than the thread.
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shitters HATE this! deny SPREADING with this ONE simple trick
Cuteboy post
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>just turn off global and don't or trade with any other players
How about instead of removing all interaction with community you just got better mods/devs instead and didn't let fags and trannies talk about fisting each others assholes in ingame chat? oh and you stopped muting and banning players when they complain about it.
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It's not like it's always off. Just when the usual suspects decide to fling their shit.
>better mods/devs instead and didn't let fags and trannies talk about fisting each others assholes in ingame chat
You have higher odds of getting two dragon chain drops in a row. So when are you going to stop being a moaner and be a doer? We all know the answer to that
Why would I want to play a shittier version of runescape filled with discord freaks?
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Because they let you post cp in the discord and there's trannies posting feet pics for you to jerk off to.
Just ask Odel the current owner and host of vscape who would rather spends thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours having sex with trannies over vrchat then play his own game.
only one poster ITT btw
Jews rock!
>Jews rock!
Stop shilling for hh he's just an annoying redditor and is one of the most annoying players.
Hamhouse? Jew? Israeli? Schizo? Hates CB? Cheated his way to the top of the leaderboards?
Ring any bells?
No, I've never seen any of those people in game before. Did they quit?
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He might have died in that recent airstrike over israel but as far as i know he survived and is still playing.
>removing all interaction with community
global fags truly are the most delusional attention whoring retards.

clan chats exist you absolute sperg
I have un ironically never seen someone get banned for anything other than botting or someone get muted for anything other than spamming yell. Cease this stupid campaign to try and kill vscape, it has never worked and will never work
first of all, you're advertising splintering the tiny-tiny community into even smaller and more incestuous enclaves rather than the overall health and secondly WHERE ARE THE CCs? never heard of em
>just use hh cc instead
>the cc has all the exact same retards that shit up ::yell in it
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>i didn't see it therefore it didn't happen
>now please stop all negative opinions of vscape or else
How about you just fix your shit game instead? then i won't have anything to complain about.
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May you learn to let go and move on someday, anon
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>Join Wew
>You are a newfag
>Get kicked
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>join wew
>you are unvaccinated
>get kicked
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>Join omorashi cc
>You are based
>join Estonian CC
>wildy on lockdown, abyss runecrafting ain't free
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>abyss runecrafting ain't free
I thought they stopped doing that when the Zamorak Mage was made to ignore teleblock.
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>4chan server
>big cry cry when somebody peepeepoopoos in game
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>4chan server
>mods ban you for wrong think and love trannies
that's in the boardwide rules at this point
Yeah but it should be put into the vscape rule page as well cause vscape jannies suck just as bad.
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how does a ham get housepect?
dirac stock plummeting in the ovid respect chart
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i belong to none
my solitude gives me strength
I don't get it what is this supposed to be showing?
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it shows that history repeats itself and man is on the perpetual hamster wheel for respect
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all you really need to do it blow glass and make blk dhide bodies, sometimes air staves and ruby bracelets. the only drama is in your mind
a cautionary tale of what autism can do to a fucker
dirac is worse than lolicons
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I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than completing swan song after 99 fishing.
Honestly, think about it rationally. You are rescuing, coddling, fighting for and fishing for a village for at least 18 minutes solely so a fish can go and get eaten by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little monkfish - reading it stories at bedtime, making it go to sports practice, making sure it had a healthy diet, educating it, playing with it. All of it has one simple result: its body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck it in every hole.
Raised the perfect monkfish? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way it grew up, who eats it. He gets to eat its tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of its kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised it.
As a man who has a monkfish stack, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 hours of your life simply to fish a monkfish for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
>completing swan song after 99 fishing.
Pasta I know but do people like this actually exist? Who the fuck skills before questing when quests are free experience?
Okay cool but when are you going to remove the pedophiles from your PvM discord?
And can you stop spreading lies and slander about other players that you don't like? thx
swan song was added relatively recently
piscatoris has seaweed spawn
your ass has herpes
your gas has burpees
your pass has buc-ees
Fuck off retard. You've been given an answer and refuse to accept it.

It's not our fault you're fucking delusional. Don't go targeting other members of the PvM discord because I won't capitulate your absolutely retarded demands.

Get fucked, schizo.
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>Asking to not having pedophiles in his discord
>retarded demands
Okay jon venables but why did you bugger that childs arse before you cut him in half?
Fuck off retard, no one cares.
The children that your posting cp of on discord might care and the raped animals that your posting porn of on discord might care.
See >>1276069
in 2D*
Not 2D*
See >>1267925
>Not 2D*
You are right, cuz they ban that now.
I'm just gonna keep pointing you to >>1276069 from this point on. That way we both make low effort posts.
Actually 2d is fine with vscape mods so long as it's shota and it's being posted by the trannies in the PvM discord. loli is a no go
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guys, i managed to bypass fedposter's purity tests and i infiltrated a secret cabal of pedophiles, transgenders, african-american porn fetishists, and furries to deliver top-secret insider information about the cult's inner workings from the leader himself and one of his followers. together we will expose the ne'er do wells of vscape and bring justice to those buying armadyl chestplates at historically low prices. WWG1WGA
saw an arma plate get sold for 15m the other day, tough times for gwders but maybe it's just the market correcting itself
See >>1276069
wtf that's like 3.5 dragon axes
or 600 pess
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Shut the frick up, nohambody cares.
i like the way you think
kek anyone got any more of shit like this?
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whatever, i just got some fly-ass jnco jorts in the mail today and i'm gonna go get my tips frosted. it's hard to look so cool on a forklift operator's wage, but i doubt you'll pull any juggalettes at the gathering this year
>no one has seen it and i dont have proof, herefore it did happen
>there is proof because almost all bans get announced in global chat and several dozen people saw and someone screenshotted it, therefore it did happen
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>when the HOUSE is out of HAM
>"HOUSE" he whispered to himself, out loud, as he looked around to see if anybody had heard him
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A HAM without a HOUSE is unworthy of respect.
fire cape?
i need to get my dragon halberd back and full guthans would be nice for fight caves too
>Dragon darts - 500-1k (R); weaker than rune knives
Rune knives - 2.4k
they're not weaker than rune knifes
dragon darts have the pre(OSRS blowpipe nerf) stats
ddarts:18acc 20str
rune knives: 25acc 24str
how does this justify them being nearly 3 times less expensive?
so they are stronger than rune knives, which are lazily tied to 12k rune bar / 5 knives per bar, which is probably not fair because you can get them outside of smithing

it's just a guide anyway, it's not a rule
I mean weaker obviously
Why are you all acting in such an aggressively unpleasant manner? I get funposting but you've turned the thread into a /b/ tier ugly mess. Some guy shouting his own name on repeat to try to turn it into an epic meme for 5 years now, another religiously reposting 10 year old copypasta, third guy desperately trying to start some kind of personality war that others are falling or pretending to fall for, why? What do you gain out of turning the only means of advertising the server into a rotting dumpster?
They are schizophrenic
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clicking rocks, trees, and monsters is pretty serious business, man. some people can't handle the pressure of pulling a phat 800 exp dark bow spec and switching to a dance of red chins before sniping out minions with ruthless efficiency. so they shitpost, namefag, and gossip about fake drama here instead
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>Expecting a community full of troons pedophiles furfags and bbc posters to make sense and be civil
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Vscape is a fun game.
What is vscape's favorite book?
Shit new ded, report and ignore the troll.
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hamhouse? more like in the DOGHOUSE
As the bible says, suffer not a questlet to live.
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can i make the next thread
hope you manage to make it not gay and not retarded but maybe that's a lot to ask
And I'll be there to shit it up and call everybody I don't like a pedophile or a tranny.
ok i made the new thread:
ever though about updating your vantablack nigger coal thread on rune-server, odel?
where are these screenshots then? with context and not edited to fit your false narrative. oh right that doesn't exist.

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