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Any Roblox OGs here?
Are 2012fags OG yet? It's been 12 years
2011 fag here
no, I'm from 2013
let's get you back to bed gramps.
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How difficult is it to get Brighteyes' Bloxy Cola Hat? Aren't there only around 1000 copies?
the ro-shitters are now saying “there’s no eggs in the egg hunt and that’s a good thing”
Somewhat easily with the right price or limiteds to trade
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2023 oldCHAD reporting for duty
At this point anyone who joined before the massive population boom in 2016 is OG in my book, they were there for the old culture
What do I win?
Been on roblox since 2010, good and simple times
Found the 2015fag
2024 oldfag here
I 100% the godawful egghunt that April
remember when models didn't have 100 Robux price floor?
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speaking of autistic block game in toddler game, a team of devs made roblox + minecraft crossplay: it is called Mineplay

it used to be in open beta but now they paywalled it
yes i did grief the flags on the right

i cheated to teleport myself below the map and interact with the flags,

staff banned me, i think they only log placed blocks since they took action multiple times against me but only after i placed blocks, if i only broke shit they just couldn't find out who it was
I have a 2007 account kek
with the 2007 red classic visor
Is the account still safe anon???
you could sell it to little kids for money
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got you beat by 11 days fag

i actually have pics of me playing roblox in 2009 on a CRT monitor too lmao
That’s what fentanyl is for
seriously? who'd actually buy it?
keep in mind that roblox had a bug where ALL paid access games were immediately free and then immediately got patched after 10 minutes
you now remember when that shitty headless horseman outfit with the only invisible head on the catalog got given away for free for a few hours and then immediately removed from the inventory of everyone who got it during that period
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rogue lineage player gets fucking murdered IRL
more news at 9:30
dude got gripped IRL
I am sure it’s a nothingburger like that Filipino ROBLOX mall shooter awhile back, it can’t be confirmed at
>monad studios troonslop
the roblox mall shooter was a chink
how the fuck do you guys find new games to play on there, it's always the same 40 or so pieces of slop on the page and roblox has had a shitty search system for years.
they should bring genres back and actually limit places to only being 2-3 genres at max so that faggots don't mark their places as everything to bloat the search results
I'd buy it for one cent.
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That time of year again to regret on those limiteds you sold/traded years ago. What’s the worst decisions you guys made?
I lost 200k robux in trading because im retard and I didnt know anything about trading back then
That face used to be so cheap? I don't even remember buying it back then, but I traded that face for bloxycola hat recently
less sold and traded and more my inability to upgrade some of the shittier limiteds I have.
So uh, tranny rogue-esque and sekiro-like discourse here?
i have it
>come back after a while
>new 17+ section on front page
>its all just [CUSSING] tycoon tycoon tycoon
about what i expecteed
I noticed something odd. I checked that faggot owner of Sol's RNG to see his hats, and his first few hats are limited items. His 4th hat is the fucking frozen horns of the frigid planes. Similarly, I also have a friend who's first hat is a limited item. Coincidently, they both joined in 2017.
What's up with this shit? Did they purchase an account or something? Why would the first hat they buy be a limited? They spend over 200 USD for their first hat? You can't event delete accessories from your inventory so they definitely have to be the first items they bought.
that’s something fucky with limiteds where they always display at the back of the hat list when viewing inventories
one trick I like to do is just go to a random account (like the creator of some frontpage place) and browse their favorites.
9/10 you find actual cool shit
Probably USD bought,
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I hope so
How do you cope with modern-era roblox being unappealing to me? A lot of gameplay elements from the old era don't exist anymore and I don't enjoy any of the current stuff as they're similar to shitty mobile games. Any ideas?
Just play a game you like or just make your own game. It’s that simple.
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looks cool but i won’t care because of a badly timed vacation i’m being dragged on
Find good games.
i get the urge to play roblox at least once a year and i hate it. its not even fun and its embarassing when it shows up in my status
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Here's my blox tier list that no one asked for. I noticed that lower ranking games are unfun grinding games (like hit a dummy 60 times to level up), are just boring, or pointless because they lack data saves. Top ranking games generally rely heavily on multiplier, are fun with friends, have fun grinding (like level up as you play a round), and have data saves.
kino, too bad it’s defunct
avert the odds and CoR5 were hella fun when they were still playable
also laughing my ass off at the hunt getting its own containment tier
what is it with robloxfags and sonic
what is it with robloxfags and scp?
it's got cp in it so roblox edgelords can't resist
i dont see raise a peta on there
wdym you cannot connect the dots with autism?
>polyguns is not listed
what a kino game that was
Why exactly did you pick these specific games? At first I thought it was just old shit but there's Doors and AR2.
8th icon listed under "Good"
>took “connect the dots” literally
Anon… I…
>Want to make a game
>Can't code for shit
Damn that sucks, I would make some soulful singleplayer game that nobody plays too.
>also laughing my ass off at the hunt getting its own containment tier
Kek yeah, I don't think all the games from The Hunt are bad but it really is overall brain rot.
Sonic games have nice platformers I guess, and I don't really like SCP but Anomaly Breach specifically is pretty high quality and is fun to complete (it's a like an actual prison break game).
My friends played it without me so I don't really have an incentive to play it, but it does look funny.
Polyguns is good, I just don't have any fond memories with it. Maybe it's because I played too many shooters. It's more of a subjective tier list than rating the actual quality of the game.
They're games I invested a lot of time in, and to be honest, I purposefully excluded some other games because I want them erased from my memory. Otherwise, if a game isn't on there, I probably didn't play them a lot.
>Want to make a game
>Can script
>Spend 20k robux on sponsors
>Still nobody wants to check out my places
What is the name of your game?
I want to learn Lua/Roblox Lua in future. I heard it is easier than most of the programming languages and even easier than Python.
It is pretty easy. To learn how to script these days, I recommend checking out the following
>The developer wiki
>The devforum for anything you're struggling with
>(unironically) watch Alvinblox

When I first got into scripting back in early 2010, I opened Studio and inserted random models from the toolbox and looked through their code to get a clue on how things work. There was also this site called LuaLearners / ScriptingHelpers which guided me in the right direction but I don't recommend doing both of these today as the code and examples they provide are pretty outdated.
can learning rlua be actually useful? is lua used at all elsewhere or will i be trapped in roblox hell? i want to make my ideas a reality but nobody will bother to check them out if its roblox.
I mean, a lot of games are using Lua, for example World of Warcraft. As for RLua, it depends, it can be fun to create and script your own game, even in Roblox. I have a friend who makes around $1000 just from some shitty game on Roblox that he made.
Is the site down or is it just me
In that sense no, lua is used on very specific games. However, it still easily teach beginners the fundamentals that you'll apply on any language.
Post your games. Sponsors aren't a good method to get CCU anymore, instead it is better to advertise on social media and have it pick up traction from there. Some recommendations are making devlogs on youtube, and showcasing unique mechanics on twitter.
>Project Jojo in Bad Tier

Im not gonna argue with you, because I can get why you dont like it. But damn.
wrong, 2011
if you seriously cant see a difference between pre 2016 users and everything that came after you're just a lying fag. roblox used to be the block game that only losers liked
07 fag here
logged in a year ago and all my stuff was stolen, was a few months too late to get any of it back. This game was raped after the creator died. i miss those days. i still have JJx5 on my steam friends.
How is it possible that so many old accounts were pwned?
im going to buy the tickets tie and then pretend im an oldfag
because roblox players back then were literally 8 years old with no email verification and 2fa wasn't a feature, all that on top of them having a massive target of them because of a stupid fucking joindate
I might be over hating idk; I only gave each game like a 1 minute of thought before placing them. I had a fused Star Platinum and a Star Platinum Over Heaven so I think I'm legitimate enough to give criticism. It was just a bunch of grinding and griefers; stand jump, kill a dummy, find shit on the ground, die to some random projectile. The stands weren't really balanced either so even if you grinded your way to the endgame content, it was still a bit unfun fighting people. The most satisfying part of the game was getting the stands and the other rare items, but in the end that's just gambling. And gambling should never be the primary formula in any quality game, so I decided to rank it low because of what it encourages. If you have fun gambling, hats off to you I guess.
I wonder about that too because I look at so many old profiles and keep noticing that they all went online recently.
fair enough.
actually there was email verification back then, i know so because i got a hat for it. it was a sign that just side like "Verified" in green text on a black background.
did they start forcing avatars to save as r15? is there any way to force it to save as r6?
it's not whether it existed, it's that a ton of players didn't use it for a variety of reasons, including not having an email in the first place, or not wanting their parents to know they made an account
Thank god my father wasnt a fag and he advised me to set the age of my account to 18+ when I was 7 back then.
what difference does it make? dont you still need to give roblox your ID to be able to use any of the 17+ features
you WILL use the rig that’s incompatible with the standard clothing template
you WILL use packages to mitigate that even if some games and a lot of accessories aren’t designed around it
and you WILL be happy
i can still use r6, its just that new outfits saved to the menu use r15 which is annoying since i need to go back and change it
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Back around 2010, my go-to was a game called after the flash or something, and back then it was real barebones and pvp was enabled everywhere. my dopamine was spawning with the sniper rifle, going to a spot on the map that was at the end of a long corridor-like desert expanse, park myself behind some debris, scroll my camera all the way out, and click on people RPing on the other side of the map since the bullets didn't collide with the environment at the time. mostly, servers would just empty, but occasionally someone would figure out what was going on by the barely noticeable tracer and track me down, and then it became an hours-long game of them trying to be sneaky or trying to zigzag to approach me, but because there was so much open space on the path to me, there was no hope.
After I got bored with that game, I made another account (I had this urge to make different accounts for different outfits so I could make the name match as well), dressed it up in some edgy samurai getup, and I'd just hang out in Clan Recruitment Hangout games. Like, I'd literally just join those games, park myself in a central area, and wait for people to come to me. When they did, I acted aloof and uninterested in whatever clan they were asking me to join. Power tripped so hard I'm pretty sure my sexual awakening didn't give me as much of a headrush.
After that, left my mark on a couple of games, participated in a halloween game jam for 2014, and eventually made my way to Tradelands where, as a simultaneous TF2 trader main, I really came into my own. I still play it to this day, even after my six year long break somewhere in the middle.
not reading all that
i’m happy for you
or sorry that happened
i read all of this
i also remember spending a lot of my time in clan recruitment games. didn't give a fuck about clans nor was i good at trolling, so idk what i even did there
t. gen alpha
2008 here and ur not og unless you're 2011 prior
The prerequisite to success is an actually good game (or just addictive slop, but that also takes a decent amount of effort these days).
There are absolutely people that don't put in any effort and make a shitter game that luck out, but those are like 1 in 10000.
Based John
>another case of living long enough to see game devs from your childhood get targeted for "bigotry"
Fuck this timeline. They deserve to get "cancelled" for jewing their game to oblivion however
To be fair, Shedletsky stopped working full time since 2014. Personally, I couldn't care how much money they take from my wallet as long as I'm having fun. I do have a problem with whoever the fuck the new creative director is, because it's clear he does not know how to make this platform have the soul that John created.
i remember on o/rt we would call 12ers 12etards or something
or maybe it was 14etards, idk it's been a minute
but either way i'd say anytime before that makes you an og
only OGs remember 2016 roblox
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my OBC ends in far future
great song
generational roblox wealth
Most limiteds used to be dirt cheap back then
i suck at trading
wat do?
i traded away my blue wistful wink when it was worthless
How much is it going for? I feel like with UCG, stuff like this that's low poly and kinda ugly has lost it's charm and probably has dropped in price, or has absurd prices because there's no demand
geg should have parried
>trenches in meh
shit taste
lifetime membership?
>see game that claims to be based on classic roblox
>look inside
>shit referencing stuff that wasn't a thing during whatever era it's supposed to imitate
>creator's join date is post 2014
why am i not surprised
if he was a deepwoken player he wouldn't have died. many such cases!
He probably meant post classic (2010-2014)
limiteds show up in order of upload date, not when they were purchased
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I love hopping into a gear enabled game with this thing
50% is fun; the other 50% is digging, building, and running to the front lines. It can't really be helped despite the quality of the game, since it's a war game. Sorry but I don't like waiting 10 minutes just to get to the fun part.
pretty sure people have been swatted over old accs
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Client-side anticheat/antitamper has been a disaster for gaming
>apocalypse rising
it was a masterpiece at its peak
buy VOO
use the profits for limiteds later
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>Go to home
>Design change
>First thing roblox shows me is curated slop and sponsored slop
>Scroll down and they recommend me more slop
>Finally get to friends section
>Directly under is more recommended slop
>left/right scroll buttons are gone

New vid dropped
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I played Unturned, which has way more features than AR. I don't really have any good memories of it either. I suppose if you never played Unturned, AR as a standalone game is pretty good. (Which now I find to be hilarious because ZackZak basically copied Apoc kek)
At least landscape thumbnails are back. Hasn't been a feature since 2015 I think? What we could really use IS THE GENRES TAB HOWEVER.
>The Plaza Original in amazing
What the fuck was there to do?
I enjoyed driving the little jeep around and ramming it into the storefronts, and the graphics were alright but I always felt it was pretty barebones. Was apartment building (of which I took no part of) really that good?
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Someone posted this pic the other day, guess they decided to make it even worse.
January 2013 gang
Exploiters ruin everything they touch
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not true, clearly you've never played Boobwoken
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There was just a lot of things to buy and badges to collect. I'd argue that it was a better version of Work at a Pizza Place, since you didn't really have to work to get money; you could just play minigames or gamble. Furniture was nice, super condos were also cool. There was this lighthouse badge you could get by translating flashing lights into morse code and into alphabet letters, and if you did it correctly you could get a lighthouse trophy thing. Probably wouldn't be too interested in it today since I find housing design to be kinda boring, but it was the best that we had back then.
damn I never had the patience for that lighthouse secret. I completely forgot they had minigames at all
Are there any good rpgs on roblox similar to Arcane Odyssey? Please, I'm so desperate that I'm considering playing Peroxide.
No, there aren't actually kek. Peroxide isn't even a bad game though.
i feel you bro, you're not the only one there
>old games
>and then there's new games
>throw in 1 or 2 random autistic sonic games
cringe list tbqhfam
>jailbreak in Ok
it was at least Great tier before the alien gun shit
I'm playing it now, and after peeking my head into Blox Fruits and Shindo Life I'm starting to think that Peroxide might be the only decent anime game on Roblox. It's not perfect, but it's miles more interesting than its competitors.
it would be nice if jannies would delete 2 out of the 3 roblox threads so we don't have discussion for the same game needlessly split across multiple threads
and it doesn't really help when underage newfags try to make new threads as soon as page 10 hits, even though /vm/ has a pathetic posts per hour compared to the other vidya boards (/v/, /vg/, /vmg/, /vp/ /vr/, /vrpg/, and /vst/) so threads at page 10 stay up for days
yeah i can't play roblox anymore as a linux user.
old roblox builds still work though.
The entire /vm/ catalog will one day be filled with roblox threads. Today only 3, but next week 4, and afterwards 5. Just like a frog in boiling water >>55555
soon the number of roblox threads will surpass the number of minecraft threads
we should just use this one since it has more posts and migrate to the other one when it dies.
Anybody know any good excutors since synapse exit scammed the lot
You must be 18 to post here

>Today's Picks
>A curated selection of today's highlights
>Just 4 random games that you've already seen and don't care about

>6 shitty shovelware games

>Recommended For You
>4 wide game thumbnails, with on average 1 game you might bother clicking out of curiosity, and sometimes one will be something you've already played

>Spaces for like 9 recently online friends

>Recommended For You 2: Electric Boogaloo
>Wait, we already had this literally 2 rows above

>6 games you've played recently that shouldn't be so far down
>Also it's not in chronological order

>Recommended For You 2: Electric Boogaloo: Part More
>this time it's 9 rows of algorithm trash

>6 recently favorited games that also shouldn't be this far down

>Recommended For You 2: Electric Boogaloo: Part More: The Squeakuel
>Endless algorithm trash
I just recently found out that I have over 1000 videos and screenshots from 2011 kek.
post them all
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I've played a bunch of Unturned too, too bad Nelson is letting it whittle out and die, it's a fun game too, but the "structure" of the game makes it far less casual than AR, but it's also got its benefits, got some great memories of controlling an old Nylex server for a few months with a clan of some irl friends and randos we came across, building a massive metal base that lasted for a while in the southeastern corner of the Russia map, with a runway and all
AR on Reimagined was also a great experience, the fast paced combat on such a small map ensured that it never got boring, you could quickly get geared, and lose it again just as quickly, insane to think it's almost been 10 years
My friend was falsely banned for one day. When he joined a game, either the game itself or someone within the game made him write inappropriate words in the chat. How should he appeal? I know it's just for one day, but he doesn't want to have ban record for something he didn't really do.
You must be 18 years old to post here.
>the electric hat
based beyond measure
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I actually know someone who is aware of the method behind that and uses it, it's currently private (since last time I checked) but whatever it abuses is evidently a huge vulnerability within roblox's engine itself.
Surprised whoever got your friend banned only used it for a 1 day, when they could have instantly gotten him termed on the spot for "child endangerment".
Yeah, he's kinda lucky. I heard about crosswoods incident a long time ago. But I wonder if Roblox will deal with his appeal.
Does Roblox have some kind of ban cooldown or stack up?
Oops forgot to explain why the term thing is a big vuln. Apparently hiding CoreGUI (which is the private part of the method) can be used to make people buy shit. The guy using the vuln makes bypassed cp, then forces whoever joins to buy it and reports them. Hypothetically could also just steal all of your robux.
whatd he say
something about gays and troons
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Oh, and it can be used to hold your account hostage; only the person doing it can unterm you.
would also like to know if roblox removes your ban record when you win the appeal
Yeah, the more chat automod bans you get within any given time frame the more severe each subsequent chat ban will get. Likewise if you don't get chat banned for a while (surprisingly short time frame actually) they will lower in severity. If you start nearing 3 weeks you need to be very careful as any next ones might be able to get you termed. The rate at which it escalates is also based on your account age and whether you've ever bought/currently own premium (or how much money you've spent).
interesting. i got a 7 day from chat like 3 years ago, if i got banned today for, say, a copyrighted shirt i uploaded 5-6 years ago, would it be less severe?
The time frame I had mentioned is like a week or two or something. After that you should be back to 1day. I already said it was super short.
So basically if you don't do anything severe you can't really get tempbanned unless you do it really often?
Any idea of how bans effect your DevEx requests? I don't wanna be barred from cashing out of this awful site cause of some 1 day ban from a year ago.
No idea. I hope it doesn't because in 2012 when I was a kid I wrote "I am pedophile" and got banned for 2 days kek. But I think you would have to steal someone's account or do something really severe where money are involved to get your DevEx request denied.
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Does this mean that you can't talk for example about US elections etc.?
thank fucking god.
limiteds have only risen in price unless its eggs, im pretty sure low poly stuff is more popular now since it looks "like roblox" and doesnt have an artstyle clash like the millions of copy pasted ugc garbage flooding the catalog. i do prefer ugc hairs though since regular roblox hairs have always looked bad.
ontop of what >>1255098 said you could probably settle for knockoff of said hat, which alone shows that theres a demand for retro style items.
Something as low-poly ugly and simple (i.e sovlful and retro) has likely had its charm redoubled and its price raised accordingly.
knockoffs are pretty shitty like this Prisoner 181 knockoff. I'd kill for a good old timey prisoner hat
wtf is taking ruben so long with part 3 of the roblox tried to sue him documentary
that's the only thing i keep track of regarding him nowadays
I would also prefer UGC hair if it weren't for an endless avalanche of e-boy faggot hair.
Hey, UGC trannies, we are using LEGO figures as avatars, why can't you give us something that resembles LEGO hair pieces?
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so does this mean i can just go in Church and report EVERYONE and watch them slowly dissapear?
I am attracted to roblox egirls. I don't know why, but when I see their blocky feet I just get excited. I once joined a roblox strip club and when I saw all of those hot roblox avatars, I started drooling. After five minutes of watching the girls twerk, I decided to go into one of those private rooms.

When I entered, I saw 2 roblox boys passionately kissing eachother. Disgusted by them, I quickly left the game.Later that day, sitting on the toilet, I started seeing things that weren't there. At first I saw a roblox egirl, showing her feet at me. Then, after I tried to lick her legs, I saw those 2 boys again.

I passed out.In the end, I woke up with my head in the toilet. Weirdly, it looked like the toilet got flushed already. What should I do?
omg is that a skibidi toilet reference
its been so many years since the site had a relatively useable UI i forgot what it even looked like. god why did they remove best friends and the ability to actually see group updates without having to check it properly. the latter is probably why every group is basically just a cosmetic to the discord server it's inevitably ran through
don't forget that trying to use the 3d previewer on the website brings your device's performance to a crawl until you turn it off
the e boy faggot hair is based
i dont watch ai sloppers even if he was in the right when roblox sued him
wasnt the big church already CD'd or is there a new one
.t post troonime (Jotard craze) join date
Anyways, gonna whore out 10 bucks and bulk upload a bunch of shittly-made models :)
You have a false morale high ground over computer-mimicked imagery nigga.
>cant t. properly
>muh tranime
checks out desu
When they said Sonic makes people autistic, they weren't kidding
Sucks what happened to it. It was like Prison Life but better; more content in the game. Then things got out of hand. I think they added season passes or some shit.
I wouldn't really say he's letting it die, it's just that he's having trouble developing Unturned 2 so Unturned doesn't get huge updates. Although he did make a minor update this year that makes it easier to play with friends if you're interested. No need for a VPN anymore.
And I haven't played AR since like 2015 or 2016 so I'm unaware of that combat stuff, but I might try AR2 if it's even out.
>period t
>the cancer that is killing 'blox
>shit that does not affect anybody
found the mexican
yup, its sharty
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oh boy time to check my home page
is this even allowed
oh boy! Liquid Shit
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was it? i don't see a difference
ah, i had heard it got CD'd, maybe it was a different place.
Who cares? He got boring when all his content just became exposing this, exposing that. I wish he just moved on from roblox already.
God, what a pile of assfuck
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'teen general
kwah LOST
There's no way he's moving on from ROBLOX. Ruben is too far down the rabbit hole trying to get back at the corporation.
Is it just me or they did something with the roblox physics? I keep bugging whenever I join a random game. I either jump really high or I get flung away.
If only builderman paid for better servers then this game would not have died all because a nigger begged the devs for ping comp to be added
Nice forum siggy
roblox's physics are just fucking atrocious
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tell me how i know you attempt to groom children by group gaslighting them in public discords
you should kys right now
game has ai generated thumbnail, i dont play. simple as
t. regular poster on and probably a shill for a site full of scat & interracial porn addicts
t.assumes it's the same anon as >>1258153 on children's lego game thread
they don't even try to make them look nice or at least passable
so many of them keep so many blatant AI errors it's not even funny
no human oversight whatsoever
also, there are AI generated UGC items, which is as bad of an idea as it sounds
LOL the pussy deleted his post
QRD? Is the game dead or something? I've never played Deepwoken cause of the price and horror stories I've heard about the community
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that's some oddly specific projection, meds. and >>1258716 holy shit both of you faggots are quote signing incorrectly get the FUCK OUT
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i assume the fag that replied to it also reported it

anyway, roblox
did the font on the website change for anyone else? it just keeps getting worse...
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doesn't show up as deleted for me. but if it did get deleted, cope and seethe lol. discord trannies don't know how to ban evade
>that's some oddly specific projection, meds.
no thats just what the sharty is
>holy shit both of you faggots are quote signing incorrectly get the FUCK OU-Ack!
just download a 3rd party site theme
yeah i wouldn't fucking know because i'm not an underage shitter like you two
insert overblown aggravation here
Player base shrunk because of content drought and ping comp, so they are all playing Type Soul in the meantime.
>the community
Not really a problem once you realize everyone in the overworld is your enemy.
nigga's stimming
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No I was talking about the tard above him
gee that also doesn't sound overly specific.
unrelated but is there anything you'd like to tell us anon?
i guarantee all of the UGC trannies (born after 2010) have never held a lego before. The only clothes worn now are meme shit or completely normal everyday clothing, a combination of gay and lame
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where da OGs at
ugh! so true, don't even speak to me if you were here after covid!
maybe we should bump the other thread so it hits bump limit at around the same time so both threads archive around the same time
usually how it works is that the thread created first gets used until it dies, and then the newer thread goes on to get used in place of a new thread. but the new thread was created out of spite in the first place so you have a bunch of spergs who dont want to use the older one.
""""""""""""""""""""""""oddly"""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""specific""""""""""""""""""""""""
fucking retard sees words and thinks "hmm yes he's self-projecting" you sure you are not a spic?
the new thread (this one) was created by an underage discordfag who can’t comprehend that we don’t need a 1:1 ratio of roblox threads to minecraft threads
if we get both threads to bump limit around the same time we’ll be able to cut down on unnecessary threads and keep discussion in a single thread where it belongs
alright, but the old thread has already died out and the new new thread was made a month after this one.
>random bullshit
yes, sometimes retards bake too early, on a board like /vg/ extra threads are usually bumped off page 10 quickly or deleted by mods, on a board like this its just gonna sit around because retards dont let it fall off, and it already has outlived the thread made before it and reached over 200 posts so theres no point in throwing a fit over it.
that's not the problem, retard
the problem is that we keep making new threads even when there's already thr-FOUR FUCKING CONCURRENT THREADS because some underage kid just made another to post some stupid shit that didn't need its own thread
why make a new thread when we can just go into an existing one that clearly isn't going anywhere
the uncopylocked games and avatars threads arent general threads. theres only 2. /vm/ is full of stupid kids who cant use the catalog or search feature, im not saying to make a new thread, im the one suggesting to go to the other one when this one dies.
I hate noobers so much!
it's not our fault that you treat the trash threads like they're the current generals
>nooooooo you can’t just be opposed to making new redundant threads and splitting the same topic over an unnecessary amount of threads because… uh the other threads don’t meet my autistic quality standards, okay?
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you're better off just not posting since you're so afraid that i'll see it and respond
the comparison you're making ironically depends on your mindset i posted in >>1261049
you don't "want" one thread, because you treat all of them like generals and bitch about it after projecting that mentality on everyone else
keep being a butthurt sore loser, it won't help your case only my mild sense of entertainment
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>haven't played in about 15 years
>seeing this thread inspires me to track down my 2007 account
>takes me an hour to find my old hotmail
>finally log in, get a "too many redirects" error whenever i visit any page on the site
>google and apparently this means i'm permabanned
fuck, guess i got hacked. any chance support will take pity on me or is it over?
could try your luck. roblox support isnt known for being helpful though
No harm in trying to regain it.
The charm with the bloxy cola hat is that it produces sound though, that what makes it unique from the sludge of UGC copy and pastes.
I recall ROBLOX disabling chat if you were not over 13.
I wish you luck!
That might be a browser issue or something. Try using a different one or clearing cookies.
it's over...
nah, i checked with some third-party website that lets you view banned accounts and it's been terminated. it was wearing some items i don't remember owning so it definitely got hacked
yeah because I’m supposed to believe someone named “Rivers” would reply with that kind of prose at 12:43 AM pacific time
can’t they just admit that these emails are auto-generated or pre-made with outsourced indian workers putting requests through a flowchart to decide which pre-written unhelpful response to send
Dude, I shit you not, I got my original Roblox account unterminated after 6 years. Reason for ban? Death threats. Yeah. Sent them a nasty email, how stupid of me. I honestly have no clue why the hell they accepted my appeal considering 1) the interval to appeal is within a month 2) it was fucking death threats and 3) I had already sent them an appeal way before.
In my appeal I basically said that my termination should have been only 1 year because I was under 13, and kids under 13 should have different ToS policies (do they?) compared to kids over 13, and therefore should be held to different standards. They also consider your ban history when appealing, so I stated that I had only been banned once for 3 days before my termination. They responded in a couple of hours but finalized their decision after 2 days and unbanned me (I'm pretty sure it was some Indian girl's name too so big thanks to the Jeeta).

Another thing is that the appeal team had sent my situation to the customer support team, and then the customer support team sent it back to the appeal team, and the appeal team unbanned me. I'm not sure what happened but maybe try customer support later.

Bottom line is, I got my account unterminated even though all odds were against me. If you still want to somehow get unbanned, I recommend you try again, but not now. Judging by my situation, I assume that Roblox doesn't keep track of emails or at least deletes them later. Also, I think you just need to get lucky with who responds to you.
>I honestly have no clue why the hell they accepted my appeal considering 1) the interval to appeal is within a month 2) it was fucking death threats and 3) I had already sent them an appeal way before.
The appeals team is a fucking mess, I think you can literally just repeatedly appeal and eventually get someone who will press the unban button these days.
iirc, there was a massive data breach that leaked the data of like, all old accounts. that and theres a big market for them as well, basically any old account that isnt being actively upheld and protected is PG'd by now.
LOL it's even worse now
pretty sure now its
>algorithm trash
>algorithm trash
>endless algorithm trash
; (
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>haven't touched this game in years
>end up learning about a spraypaint game from a guy on a forum that isn't alive anymore
>logged back in and decided to chud a game up for fun
>ended up painting over the entire area with swastikas and gemmies while making a majority of kiddies leave in the process
>pic related
Little did i know that this would be the first domino toppled over that would lead to me becoming addicted to this game again
>learn about a game called Sonic Speed Simulator
>being a Sonic autist, i've heard of it before but initially brushed off playing it since i was out of my roblox phase
>decided since i was playing Roblox again to give it a try out of boredom
>it actually ends up being a genuinely fun albeit extremely grindy and pay to win game
>end up muting it completely while blasting electronic music through Foobar and having a gay old time
>gets to the point where i actually ended up spending money for the first time ever on robux and bought myself some inventory boosts along with cosmetics for my avatar
Never thought i'd end up getting addicted to a Roblox Sonic MMO game where the main purpose is to grab as much money from the parent's checkbooks as it can, but life tends to work in mysterious ways i guess.
If the faggot that uploads shitty /v/ memes to the catalog browses these threads, just wanted to let you know that you're a fucking nigger.
>Mauzymice troonie gets booted from a roblox 'cord I'm in after getting triggered and spamming 50 different furry gifs because someone posted that image
Good work 'teens

I've played that Sonic R port on roblox, it's pretty fun. There's also a billion tech demos for sonic games but those never go anywhere it seems like.
that one is dead and got replaced with a shitty unfinished mmo-style "successor"

that game only felt like a good game since there weren't anything like it back in the days. it's really hard to forgive about the jank and bullshit PR puts in that game now days. glad that whole shitfest of a community died with it
>murder mystery
mid tier microstransaction spend-fest
>brick bronze
project pokemon was significantly better than this shit. way more end-game content, way more pokemon, auras were fucking kino. it's ashame nigtendo shut them down, but i largely blame brick bronze for this because it was such a fucking blatant copy-off so fuck shit bronze for bringing too much attention
>entry point
biggest newfag alert, that game is a copy off of Notoriety which at its peak was significantly better than this shit, plus way more microtransactions
pretty based
very based
>Ready 2 Die/ R2DA
fucking shit tier failures, fuck PR bunch of retarded faggots running that game and i'm so glad it died out twice
should be higher
>mad murderer
slop tier like murder mystery
should be OK, literally a gay slop simulator with slop cosmetics
no just kys
>freeze tag
>boys vs girls
>Phantom Forces
I'd put it higher maybe amazing because it's very high quality
>dragon rage/blox hunt
slop simulators
>another sonic game
should be amazing, one of the most fun shooters i ever played
put it at Great but then again exploiters really ruined this game
>super cars
>jail break
good i'd even argue great especially when i was younger. yes it was a grind fest but the free roam and trolling you could do as a cop with a military heli was based
>flood escape
>prison life
I'd argue peak, best dinosaur game ever on roblox. I'd argue great, maybe now even because they started updating it again
>epic mining
>speed run
good, while it had updates and was fresh
>that gay jojo clone you have on there

Some decent games you're missing
>Tower Battles, Armored Patrol series, The Conquerors 3, Critical Strike (now dog shit but was kinda fun), Da Hood, That OG football game, and Dodgeball 2 name afew
>entry point
>worse than notoriety
go and play an actual payday game you stupid faggot
most of your other opinions are shit too
i'll admit i played entry point only once but it still is fake and gay so kys
it was the best zombie game ever, still would be if it was released today.

it got worse because PR in R2DA wanted to "balance" the game by making shit like brutes with one shot 50000m range clubs that go mach 25 and 350 HP diggers that stun-locked you for free kills. and tickers that would 1 shot you if you were within a 10 meter radius of them. the philosophy was that they'd make zombie also fun, like l4d2, but failed to realize they're complete niggerfaggots and can't balance worth a shit (see champion). stupid swede gook ass nigga.

also adding in reloadable RPGs, explosive minigun rounds, jetpacks, the give command as a whole, excessive amounts of clips and armor bonuses, broken mounts, retardedly overpowered weapon damage, and etc etc for survivors made them overpowered as shit, thus the game became a battle of 1 shots and poor balance.

combine a shittier art style, mediocre updates, and a faggoty community, it was only a matter of time this game finally fucking died.
My account got hacked years ago to a free robux scam. I had no email associated with the account and no other way of proof of ownership either. Only 2 years ago was I finally able to get it back. It eventually dawned on me that since I had purchased BC and some robux many years ago on my old iPad, I could just look for the Apple digital receipt and send it to them for proof of purchase. I'm kinda pissed that I hadn't done this much fucking earlier because i had already made another account by this point with a shit ton of cool stuff on it as well, but i have a ton of cool shit on my previous account so that's nice.

Sorry to hear it got banned nigga
what game is this?
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Why are the roblox niggas creating items but not releasing them?
I joined roblox in mid 2011. Am I an OG?
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Take the public UGC pill
>UGC moderation so doo doo you can literally upload copyrighted items (THAT ARENT ROBLOX LIMITEDS) and sell them to kids for 10k in a day
Roblox is so ass at moderating, I usually have the hats tilted in the screenshot so the janny moderating the UGC doesn't realise it. I mean seriously some times it was so obvious but it gets approved? WHO is this lazy ass janny???
just steal them and reupload them for yourself, duh
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Yeah I was extremely disappointed when I learned about Stealth 2
I ranked the games based on how much fun I had with them, not how objectively good they are. If a game was shit but I somehow managed to have fun with it, I ranked it high
Aside from all the weird shit PR added in R2DA, the biggest problem with the franchise in general was the grind fest progression and how everyone hated playing zombies. It filtered out noobs because they were competing with people levels way above them, and people would always leave the server or go afk when they were placed on the zombie team. This isn't something that can be easily fixed, but taking notes from Counter Strike and TF2, I think it is somewhat fixable. 1) To remove the grind fest, he could have implemented a buy menu during the beginning of a round, with a vast selection of weapons available to players. By leveling up you can unlock different weapons but they won't be better than the default ones given; they all have their ups and downs. This way, new players won't feel overwhelmed and pro players have a reason to continue grinding. 2) To fix people hate playing on zombies, let them pick which zombie they want to play as (for free). Every zombie should be balanced, except for maybe tank classes. Tanks should be the only ones who you can't freely pick.
will roblox ever release any new limited like in the old times?
i remember that as some pvp asscreed ripoff with grappling and shit, i played it once near when it was released and it was ass
it still exists?
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roblox thots arguing
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>Da Hood
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start pretending you know who they're talking about and tell them subtle lies to stir shit up
I understand your point, however I think the game from the start wasn't great, I used to think it is the best zombie game ever released on ROBLOX, but in reality it was just nostalgia at play, making the game feel way better what it actually was.
good point, I think one dead game called Mutation or whatever did the whole zombie game really well by setting a set budget that you are limited to. but that game was stupidly unprofitable due to having almost no P2W shit. plus, if grind was removed from R2D it wont even have much player, no reason for kids to wake up and play the game like to job to get the spas 12. its the core mechanic to keep players in with Stockholm syndrome. there is no proper solution to both be player friendly and profitable. (or I'm just ignorant to the possible methods) plus roblox themselves favors games that are like this, its main reason why Jailbreak etc end up so popular.
buy an ad
What a shit genre the whole "streets-esque" was.
Da Hood is only relevant because of zoomers posting "XD QUIRKY" moments on TikTok whilst they have voice chat on with niggers going ape shit.
The only game that had actual polish within this genre was Criminality, which cosmically fucked itself with consequent major updates, i will never forget shoveling faggots with the rage potion.
Blackout redeemed itself but it kind of died out. I think it has far less emphasis on melee than on gunplay (the very thing that made Crim fun) which was a bummer for me.
I haven't invested time into any game in the past 2 years now after the sheer disappointment that Troonwoken was i promised myself im not going to bother with anything on this cess pool of a platform no more.
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I mean...
$520 for a bland recolor that doesn’t even do anything
He needs to go back to doing Roblox watch. That series was hilarious.
mutation is way better than ready 2 shart ever was
I am more of a heat seeking missile launcher type of guy
which one of you shits did this
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nearly spit out my drink
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wtf found more
that anon was in the "rate avatar" thread on here.
where’s my Adesign then
it’d be perfect for UGC considering it’s just a 2m by 2m sheet of paper
so since we can get away with anything
how do i start making UGC accessories so I can start printing robux?
make jpeg
put in blender
upload roblox
can someone explain this to me pls?
https: //syojakwiki. net/Lee_Goldson
put the o in front of the y and remove spaces
underage and retarded
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no one made a stargate ugc yet? seems like I will make some shekels in future
>implying zoomers know movies from the 90's
Anon unless you are making neon rainbow eyesore toddler slop you are not making big buck.
you misspelled gen alpha
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You didn't make the mesh an accessory.
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>not enough robux
you need to know what the zoomers are enjoying to make the big bucks in mere days
why is it fucking 750 to create one
I know it's to prevent people from flooding the catalog with crap (whichs clearly isn't working) but not everyone is A: willing to fork over 10 bucks for ROBLOX, or B: already in possession of that much disposable robux
oh and this is on a per-accessory basis
Any chance this shit will go limited -> profit?
no this looks like shit
maybe if you actually attempted to texture it like actual golden items from rococks themselves maybe it would do a bit more numbers but as of right now this looks like plastic, just cheese textures with substance painter / designer
750 to merely upload it to roblox and have it as basically your personal item
BUT you also need another 1500 or even 1750 to publish it i.e sell it. But if sells well you can get the publishing fees refunded.
You will need a lot of robux for this kek
wow the jews at roblox really want to get people to buy robux to try out their new feature
guess UGC creation is for everyone now except those who are poor or have too much dignity to buy robux
Yeah I know, but this similar ugly thing is around 120 000 robux now.
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anybody know the game in the webm? friend of minehas been asking for a while
the lack of polish and barebones simplicity was the point, as the original streets was just a social game if anything
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At least if one of your hats make it big then it pays out the publishing fees for the items that bombed I suppose.
what's your guys opinions on rate my avatars
>announcing your underage in a mogolian basketweaving forum for 18+
zoomers are embarassingly retarded especially this Brazilian muttalo
You must be 18 years old to post here. You probably go on RMA and attempt to rizz up some boys, do what you said in your Xitter bio but ramp it up by 10 and off yourself you disgusting mutt.
i'm trans btw if that matters
that's why i llove rate my avatar because it lets me get validation
im also part indian btw if that matters
I really love shitting in the streets in Brazil, where I was born. It is just my culture sirs!
I'm looking for someone...
Y'all niggas are wild bro...
ngl based
jeez your so embarassed, dont worry most of the people here are younger (soiteens)
sub-60 iq mullatto infant namefags on an anonymous imageboard and is surprised he gets (death)threats, more at 9
my ass did not know...
thats why you lurk for like 2 weeks, i started posting here at 13 and knew not to use my actual username
/vm/ only been around for 3 years anon…
on 4chan dumbass. i remember the day /vm/ was added.
>i remember the day /vm/ was added
So does everyone else retard, it’s literally a header on this webpage
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You do realise that the whole point of a anonymous imageboard is to be anonymous, right? Don't be a lolcow like Lee Goldson and others like him.

Also stop speaking like a MUTT. Use normal people language.
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Nice avatar! it reminds me of my avatar that i'm currently wearing right now! (as you can see in gif)
there were plenty of namefags and tripfags back in the day. still a stupid idea to use your actual online username and not like a pseudonym, but most people generally dont care except for autistic teenagers and deranged schizos who go digging whenever they see a name.
i didn't know this was "anonymous" imageboard because i wasn't looking harder lol but now i know duh.
>namefag yall bro nigga fr fr my ass
bait too good to be true
>15 year old swarthoid spouting ebonics and nonsense zoomerspeak
Gatekeep, anon. Gatekeep.
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if you're underage you will stop posting here
simple as that
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Maybe not, but I know for certain you're too young for your parents to let you buy any proxies.
Erm! Actually.. parents let me do anything in the internet, so yeah.
pokemon clover bronze?
Anyways, have you peeps played this game before?

buy an ad Intr0v3rtRBLX
what you mean?
i missed out on the workclock set during the last ever sale and ill never not hate myself for it. got the emerald valk shades but they barely go good with anything and kinda look like shit. i remember everyone was doomering about how itd be the last sale without any actual confirmation from roblox. sad how so much stuff just ended without any fanfare in 2019 & 2020.
even the soigods are older than him
except for that i664k retard who outed himself as an 11 year old
Isn’t this basically free? How could you even profit of this?
its 100 dollars, fuck that, not giving the roblox corporation any more of my money, especially not 100 whole ass dollars.
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why are nu4chuddiarrheas like this
i'm sure he thought that uploading that would put him on the moral high ground
Why is this thread filled with people from the soijak website?
Anon, have you seen the absolute state of parenting? A lot of parents just drop a tablet and expect the kid to learn through that. There was this one image I saw of like a 9 year old on a certain wojak site which says a lot.
>gets called "namefag"
>gets called "underage"
>cause: talking about roblox game

Soijak symptoms

here's game if you were wondering!

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>your underage
>basketweaving forum for 18+
you had to solve a captcha in order to post this. all the while you had time to proofread your post so you wouldn't sound like a retard, and only to end up sounding even more retarded than the guy you were mocking. never change, roblox players. never change.
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>give myself the name AsagaiBeats
>be 15
>have ADHD and anxiety
>be born on August 21, 2008
>play Roblox and other games, primarily steam games
>be male
>mixed race child (black and hispanic)
>consciously take a blade to my own body due to mental illness
>discord tag is "asagaibeats"
>post on 4chan with my username out in the open and completely expose my identity like a retard
you could not have fucked up worse than you just did
behold, the robloxian /vm/ representative. president of the generals, so to speak.
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You guys are acting like retards, all because i named myself "AsagaiBeats" and y'all started to act like faggot ass RAT going through my stuff. i was literally acting normal, son...
imagine being that toxic lmao.
gotta private myself for this!
because soiparty and its splinters are an extension of 4chan
I think the tweets of him failing to kill himself and attention-seeking for constantly complaining why he failed at life is a true representation. Since he uses discord, all I wonder is, who groomed him?
btw forgot to mention I'm a trans black man
>1. soijak party is full of underage teenage autists
>2. this is a roblox thread
soiteens also really like sonic and undertale, should tell you enough
i was miserable like that at 15 too desu, though i had cut off all my other online outlets since i was active on /pol/ at the time, if hes posting on 4chan hes probably already too far gone anyway, you dont just come here by chance, you get drawn here for a reason.
if you keep giving them a reaction they'll keep digging, just pretend it never happened, dont even acknowledge this post.
find AsagaiBeats on roblox and mass report that fag haha
what is his username?
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Do not use the same username for every single account you create. People can find info on you easily.
If you want to stay here, I recommend assimilating to our culture (and language) or else everyone will keep outing you as a newfag. You don't have to turn yourself into a white supremacist but just behave properly and you'll be fine.
Hey, I made the same mistake too while shilling my stuff.

Shut the fuck up.
cry about it faggot
uwu bweed me daddy
Zoomiebob, stay.
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I saw the post you deleted. That minor spelling error of yours?
>Reape what you sow, shitskin.
I saw it. I'll remember it.
Whoops, lost myself for a second there, heh.

But if anyone would like to breed me, I would not be opposed. Offer's not necessarily off the table, if you catch my drift. *wink*
>SHIT avatar
>SHIT favorites
>SHIT groups
>SHIT profile
Asagai beats what, his meat? FAGGOT!
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Ugly nigga on the premises. I repeat: Ugly nigga on the premises.
Also a kind reminder to any of the retarded lurkers like this one: Don't expose yourself. Post anonymously. You could end up like this faggot, if someone looked hard enough he could easily be doxxed. Let this serve as a lesson to not be so fucking loose with your shit.
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this is the case for most /vm/ threads to some extent, but this one is the worst almost all of them are children, and that makes them roblox autists for obvious reasons, btw most of these faggots only came to the sharty becuase the owners is a self-admitted discord faggot who constantly encourages in petty harrasment campaigns against random people
>underage teenage autists
this would be true if you said this like a year ago, i don't think a single one of them is older than 12 years old at this point
awful thread
what is his username? I want to report that fag
I'm basically a newfag, so expect me to make mistakes but at the same-time why can't a nigger enjoy his shit bro. I don't understand.
And My twitter, i didn't know what i was thinking at that time and i changed. but just i posted stuff like that it doesn't mean i'm lowlife faggot.
I just did mirror spelling mistake. FUCK...
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why are you even trying to salvage this just fuck off you stupid retard holy shit
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Hey you stupid nigger, here's an honest word of advice: just drop it. Nothing you say here will change anything and your autistic flailing only makes you look dumber and dumber. Either close your browser and go outside, or live stream your suicide.
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Alright you stupid faggot, Just don't dickride me, my brother in christ.. SIMPLE AS THAT.
Why do niggers always think that "dickriding" is such a strong burn or something?
the nigger brain is naturally gay
ao oni mode: ON.
Although often used incorrectly, the implication that someone is emotionally invested or obsessed with another person despite barely knowing them or not having any significant ties to them at all is generally undesirable.
Go to soijakparty you'll be right at home being groomed by gay pedophiles on one end and talking about your favorite autistic ick of the week on the other
i support this
the i664k thread/incident was hilarious and needs a sequel
its more trendy than saying "obsessed" and its used more for utility than effect
shartys been dead for a while
oh no no no no no no nuvmsluttas
Sonic RPG Ultimate was the SHIT back then, oh man.
Come on bro... give AO a try at least...
Not as ugly because it uses a vibrant non-piss color that doesn't clash with the white letter.
Some kingdom life 2 revival. It's the place I originally got into ERP scene and made me into a furry.
im trans btw
in game it has a golden metallic texture
>brick bronze
>old ultimate driving
>old plaza
>town of robloxia/robloxity
>sonic ultimate rpg
>prison life
>pizza place
underage soitranny detected
no namefagging as someone else therefore you say that and are trans
larp list
yes we all moved to discord lmao>>1270931
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and xitter, absolutely no surprise
i was namefagging as you therefore hereby i declare that you are trans and you say that althoughbeit
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With an avatar like THIS, I dont think I'm gonna be able to make it past this years No Nut November.. Ooh, I feel my penis slowly rising as I write this out -- I need to have myself a filthy wank! Uh oh, came in my shorts again!
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Now they want our phone numbers too...

What features are they even hiding behind phone number verification?
finding """mutual contacts"""
and that's pretty much it
everyone is namefagging as him, retard
including you
so what you're saying is that you're trans?
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LOL tranny! DILATE!
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>shartoids are literal discord raiders and proud of it now
>falling for the most obvious lie on 4gagdit
they are though, but they have been for 5 years
summer's coming up... i might head on down to the onions party for a vacation.. haven't been there in a year though, so it's probably not the same
damn all the games are boring
AsagaiBeats i will rape you.
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Arcane Odyssey was too much for my retard brain. Might grind it and do some retarded novelty build
welcome to 2024 roblox
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how can you be bored with such a knockout lineup of experiences like this?
holy cancer
max attack speed light boxing conjurer, do it
>that og football game
football legends... vgh... take me back
holy KINO
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Where were you during the Ancient Robloxian Hyperwar?
Is there any alternative for ROBLOX? I hate everything about it now.
no. you only like roblox because of the memories you made with it and the brand. every roblox "competitor" is just more metaverse slop or irrelevant old roblox clones. play something else

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bought this like a decade ago or something, turns out its worth like $100?
There isn't and even if we do get one, it will be full of the same people who play current roblox (zoomers, furries, youtube lets-players, normalfags) because the internet demographics have changed and people turned into insufferable morons.
I heard at one point that Epic Games made some shitty ripoff but I hadn't heard anything about that in years by now
roblox is a zoomer game
even though you can’t even bring it into 99.999% of games
i hate roblox for deliberately breaking gears, imagine if any other company deliberately broke items people paid for with real world money
haha like that would ever happen
nah and there never will be
oh well
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oh wow there's yet another roblox thread on the 'log
i wonder wh-
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next time can they check for games that you can actually join when curating this list
>people switch to a worse game that's been shilled endlessly by roblox anime youtubers because of content drought
do shartwoken players really?
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new best game on roblox just dropped.
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>best game on RōBLOX.com even though neighborhood war lets you behead enemy persons of color with rusty machetes
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I was in a similar boat. Had an old account I was locked out of because the email that it was assigned to was deleted due to inactivity.
Took nearly a dozen separate support tickets to get them to do something, they finally removed the email assigned to my account, so I could get in. I probably just got incredibly lucky, but it might work for you too?

RIP, never mind.
roblox is a cancer now full of spergs buying robux crossdressing to play condo games or skibidi toilet brain rot
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God why is R63 Ruben Sim so hot?
edging to this rn
its funny thinking ruben is a regular on these threads based on his use of sharty lingo and likely is seeing this right now
honestly hope they model Ruben with her titties out soon.
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No s𐐬yjaks
forgot to replace xbros with xtroons
>hanging flagjak
>has no typical slopjak traits
speak english shartoid
anyone use any roblox extensions? which ones are the best ones to use?
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I use BTRroblox, it adds some QOL features and stuff. It's nothing too special but it gets the job done.
I'm looking for games with a good chunk of variety like plates of fate and natural disasters/"when the" to play with someone, but I barely know of any games of the like, so I need recommendations.
I wish 4chan didn't devolve into e-celeb circlejerking.
I haev account from 2008 and another from also 2000 and 8
ropro is all you need
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What's wrong with söyjaks? Do you hate indigenous 4chan memes?
RoPro only has like 5 features that BTRoblox doesn't that are actually useful for the regular robloxian. The rest are either visual cosmetics or tailor made for trader subhumans.
i like BTRoblox because it lets me purge ugc shit i bought a while ago out of my inventory
right is gemmy doe
>what the same comic would look like if made now

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