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Loco's cocos edition
>BD2 sold even better than the first
>Baiser ASMR hit 1M views
>Lovely Loco is close behind
>no news on whether Ononaka is healthy enough to deliver a new chapter
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I really like this artist. The chibis add so much
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Kaoruko deserves better than that pedophile desu. She'd be happier with Kiwi.
Agree, we just need artists to agree too.
>She'd be happier with Kiwi.
The two hate each other so much it makes it through the magical perception filter that keeps IDs secret and Kiwi has Utena. Who is objectively superior to Kaoruko.
this is a psyop
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I will feast on your fucking bones! HAROKAO FOREVER
S2 when?
Utena is a serial rapist and an incredibly bad influence for Kiwi.
How come Utena hasn't been canceled yet!? She can't keep getting away with it!
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Vena should get Utena to make an official Baiser social media account
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nah it's a black ops
>Utena is a serial rapist
I fail to see the issue here, this is just another point in Utena's favor over Kaoruko.
Kaoruko is a serial rape victim. She's superior.
Kiwi requires doting and attention. A coward that constantly plays tsundere wouldn't satisfy her heart. Kaoruko needs someone with more patience for her antics too.
It was cute how in the beach Kiwi cared about Kaoruko, maybe what Kiwi really needs is the reverse of what she thinks she needs.
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I agree.
>utena's pupil as a star in civilian form
What did they mean by this?
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Sorry for posting this, but this looks like Mazenntas and Arisus lovechild.
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Utena wearing the collar is heresy.
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Not enough content of Utena and Kiwi getting caught doing lewd shit at school
So is there a new chapter this month or what, I'm out of the loop on the hiatus status
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This one hits different
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according to the manga's website, there is no chapter until further notice
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Did anime success gave author heart attack or something?
worse, jap flu
>Toriyama dies
>MahoAko stops
Literally who?
>hetshit peddler
Oh. Anyway...
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MahoAko was the manga he wanted to do all along but couldn't because of social standards
mangaka is still retweeting things on his twitter so he isn't dead at least, but it's been 3 months now without an update. I wonder if he's actually working on another chapter or taking a long break to get away from the manga for a while.
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Probably the latter. New ch in October
Been thinking about why most of Enormita have sharp teeth of some kind, now all I can think of the trio of Utena, Nemo, and Matama getting teeth-realted problems during the fight and Alice has to play doctor to fix it (featuring nurse Kiwi). Just wondering what kind of sharp teeth related problems they have
you're a real pervert. Did you know that?
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Please god, give good health to Akihiro Ononaka, so that we stay sane in these trying times.
frozen elsa dentist flash game except with mahoako characters
I just want some ideas of could be troubling them. Alice's healing generally is a lot of prodding and sexual so I don't think actual dentistry will be performed
Huh. Prodding and sexual? Her heing utena that one time isn't indicative of her usual healing. Actually if you reread when utena went UFL she is rough and just doing what she needs to do. She isn't sexual about it at all.

If I'm wrong feel free to shit on me, I've been drinking
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>anon has an oral fixation
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I think Alice should have pointy teeth too, but we should only ever see them once. On the subject, this manga could do with more biting in general.
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A rape victim shouldn't walk around dressed like this.
this was pre-rape. Don't shame her.
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Weird question but anyone has a render of this crying Utena?
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UTENA mom will date Kurisu mom
and the daughter become sisters
So utena will be the mom on her sister
Why didn’t they do nude models for the mothers? Are they stupid?
Never ever reply to Mugino for any reason.
Michiko's eyes only
I want to see Baiser take her kitty on walkies.
>Tengeiji-san's eyes only
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>Isle of Man
Do you not remember the Rabbit episode from Flip Flappers? They will all get the urge to start chewing on non-food items and Alice will have to treat them.
In this case Isle of Woman
Ok now which of those schoolgirls on the left is most likely to be in a relationship with one of the mothers on the right?
second from left and far right for Utena's mom. fourth from right and far left for Korisu's mom. fourth from left gets with both of them.
Second from left seduces first mom.
Fourth from left seduced by second mom.
First from left is secretly the magical girl whom sixth from left unknowingly flirts with while in magical girl form.
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Delicious michiko
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I really, really like this image. Can't wait to see them finally get together seven years from now.
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Yeah... Same
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This is so fucking painful. My only hope of seeing based and cute pink get her adorable yellow bratwife within my lifetime is if stablediffusion 3 is actually as good as everyone is saying it's gonna be when it's open sourced. I don't normally pick stuff up before it's over but the anime duped me into reading the manga and now I feel pain whenever I see these two. I want them to kiss so bad it's insane.
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At least we have fanfiction https://archiveofourown.org/works/54442141/chapters/137914915
>turning to slop instead of pursuing creating your own content for your ship
this is a shameful thing to say
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Not who you responded to but yeah, I'm doing my part. If I could draw I'd be fucking drawing Haruka x Kaoruko, and Michiko x Randa stuff too
>If I could draw
unless you have no hands you have no reason to not be drawing right now
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You're right. Let me rephrase that to "if I could draw well". I doodle for myself but it's shittier than whatever a 5yo could produce
Kaoruko is Kiwi's wife.
Well if you don't have the dedication or money you could do what many have done in days of yore and just trace parts of other images and frankenstein together something, that way you're at least doing the creative work yourself (and possibly learning something) rather than relying on ai slop.
Yeah. Well I never have or will use AI. I'd rather create nothing than rely on it. I'll just ask some artist friends for advice and keep at it. I needed a break from writing anyway
>takes at least 2-5 years to become a competent artist
>even if you get as good as ononaka you're still capped out at one chapter per 3 months
Face it anon, AI is the future. Not the "right now" mind me, SD2 still sucks ass for creating cohesive stories, but imagine a world where the majority of effort in making a manga is actually in the writing and the art isn't some gargantuan task anymore.

I doubt it will be as easy as "make me a good manga LLM-san" any time soon, and I believe real artists who can draw who also incorporate AI into their workflows will have far more potential than pure proompters. But denying its potential for fostering a boom in obscure comic genres that don't normally get greenlit by serialized comic books in japan is silly. And let's not forget how shit the american comic industry is. Our art culture isn't terrible at all but it's not really the same as japan. We could once again have a thriving nerd culture of our own with AI since studios/corps have unilaterally denied to support anything of value.

Hell, even Japan with it's relative acceptance of weird shit in semi-mainstream comics like yurihime and proper publishers is still a bit tame for me. How many yuri manga do you get into that have absolute shit endings because they got axed 2 or 3 volumes in and the author clearly got blindsided? So many of these mangaka clearly don't have the means or resources to make proper long form manga on their own without corporate support.

AI will literally be the best thing to happen to yuri once it's actually good enough. You won't be calling it slop when you come across a comic with 15 volumes that hits all of your fetishes and is genuinely well-written (by a real human) with good-enough art.
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I want to fucking believe you and there is definitely truth in what you're saying but I just can't personally see past the negative points in other art careers. Whatever, I'm not going to debate something I don't have enough knowledge on.
>since studios/corps have unilaterally denied to support anything of value.
Right. Which is why corps are embracing AI so hard because they’ll do anything to save a buck. The only reason AI in this form even exists is because of real artists, and I think it’s a shame that you’re just accepting that you will never be able to put pencil to paper because you’re convinced a robot can just do it for you. I actually do believe AI can be a good tool for real artists, but just giving up on pursuing creating your own art altogether because you think you’ll be able to prompt it is just sad. The shittiest beginner artist is still better than somebody who has given up and refuses to even try.
>genuinely well-written
That's the thing, though. A comic relying on AI will most likely not be "genuinely well-written".
Do you know why light novels are such bottom-of-the-barrel, creatively-bankrupt schlock? Because they are written by virgin hikkis who never had to work for anything in their lives. Writing a LN consists of checking popular weeb trends and shitting out a mass-produced story based on those. There's no creativity because they're just checking all the boxes and putting in some irrelevant gimmicks to make it seem unique.
For a manga artist, the journey to learning how to draw well is a growing experience. Not only does it teach them the importance of hard work (a very common theme in manga in contrast with the "cheat powers" of LNs), it also gives them insight into a variety of topics during their research which they use as inspiration.
Relying on a magical genie to make all your wishes come true only stunts your growth. Touting AI as the future of yuri is bringing yuri down to the level of mass.-produced, uninspired crap, because no one who relies on AI to draw will write that well (and if they can write well they could just write a regular novel and commission or buy some art for the characters).
I cracked open a LN for the first time when I was in a bookstore the other day. I couldn’t believe how badly written it was, I had no idea that sort of thing got published in such a state. I could see ChatGPT thriving in the LN industry if that’s their standard for published work, but not the manga industry.
>but imagine a world where the majority of effort in making a manga is actually in the writing and the art isn't some gargantuan task anymore.

"ideas guys" thinking they actually have good ideas always cracks me up
>I'm not going to debate something I don't have enough knowledge on.
Anon I think you have too much common sense to be on 4chan
My spring semester is nearly over, and I have big plans for the summer. My main goal is to draw some completed pieces for MahoAko, but I’d really like to draw my own fan comic. I’ll most likely make it Azul/Utena, which is why I asked for those requests last thread (I’m going to do those after I finish up with finals). A more in-depth molestation of Azul from fangirl Utena is the leading idea in my head, but I’ll see what comes most easily during the summer.
>let's not forget how shit the american comic industry is
But this happened not because there were no talented writers and artists, it happened because of /pol/ reasons.
Even if you ignore all the inherent problems with it and find magical solutions for all of its issues, at the end of the day no amount of getting better will make AI a worthwhile tool for artists. It is just fundamentally not that useful for the kind of shit artists need do.
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Hey if you want to work up some motivation to draw, I'll match you. I'm in the same boat struggling to draw after more than 5 years of a dry spell. This series has really lit a fire under my ass and I want to try to capture that. If it'll help motivate the both of us, I'll start posting here, too, and try to match you 1 to 1 in what you post.

I've put off practicing anatomy for so long now, I think it's time to bite the bullet. I really just wanna draw anime girls fucking. My art style has been too cute for as far as I can remember (pic related, my most recent sketch).
Cute Momo
>/pol/ reasons
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Why is magenta so scary.
I mean, it unironically ISN'T but she said that because discussing the actual reasons is well beyond the scope of this board.
if by /pol/ reasons you mean alan moore reasons
Not particularly, no. The other, opposite side of /pol/ reasons.
Sure, I'd like to see what you've got. All I have for now is an unfinished part of a comic I'm doing for a request from last thread. Also, it's possible to keep a cute style and draw plenty of fucking...
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Should Sayo have been a thug and Sulfur a masochist bottom as originally intended by the mangaka?
At first I thought this was an edit, but it's just been so long since I've seen this. Didn't realize Azul's hair was so dark in the beginning
Submission is stored in the breasts.
almost looks like somebody edited Michiko in Sayo's place
Loco got 993K views
Just a little bit more
Since Kaoruko has a mommy fetish, how'd she feel about getting mommied by Alice?
Chapter 2 of the dark magical girl Utena doujin got uploaded recently (thanks /u/)
cursed Vena design
I'm curious to see where the author takes this. I wonder if Utena being a fucked up magical girl is her fault or Vena's. Also Kiwi seems fine with the situation kek
Working on some of your requests, decided to stream them to help stay focused: https://pomf.tv/stream/platypus
password is sparklingwater. sorry for the site of choice, it's the only place i can think of for streaming problematic nsfw...
hey platy, accept my twitter request
Thanks for streaming your process sis
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> anyone have the full model sheet for utena's schoolgirl uniform?
Gotchu nee-san. I didn't find the original so I had to quickly rescan and resize it.
awesome, thanks for that
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for u
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Thanks for the treat, nee-san. Enjoy your dinner.
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Absolute banger, worth your efforts nee-san. Stream was fun, too.
Full body blush! Woah!
Goddamn this is amazing.
Treasure of the livestream. I have no idea how it'll turn out.
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I changed it to Utena just because that's what I wanted to draw
kek, that looks funny seeing it in a small clip like that
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Utena, baiser, it could have been anyone as long as Azul got denied. Thank you so much
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one last doodle for the night of my age gap au

How can one Onee-san be so based?
This is sexual harassment!
Clearly her hand slipped
>Isn't* one of you supposed to be an angel?
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This. I want more of this sis.
What a cheeky expression Utena has
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>Baiser returned home battered inside and out. Kiwi wanted to mount a counter attack immediately, but was stopped by a single weak grasp from their leader. She sheepishly explained that the hand injuries were her own doing. Nurse Alice with the help of assistant nurse Leopard, and an inspirationally short assistant-nurse uniform likely plucked from a fetish catalog, did what they could to help in the team's doll-hospital. They checked Baiser's knuckles, cleaned her up, and set her lungs with a puff of a magic boo-boo inhaler. Neither had to ask how it had gone. The magical girls lost would not be coming back to duty.

>Utena barely spoke even as she saw her friends off. She was in mourning over the fate of the unknown magical girl, and even Kiwi recognized that there was nothing for it but to give Utena time and space. The rest of Saturday was a blur only really broken up by various texts from Kiwi trying to still be there for her. The following morning she woke up once more stretched out over her bed staring at the ceiling through half lidded eyes.

>Until once again Venalita popped in as she seemed to do. Korisu had taken her yesterday for a tea party or twelve but she had finally managed to escape it seemed.

>“I could have saved you the trip if you'd given me a chance to tell you they wouldn't work again.”

>Utena wasn't in the mood.

>“Do you actually need something from me today or can you let me die inside in peace?”

>“Feeling any different?”

>“Other than depressed should I be?”

>Vena floated down and over to the side of the bed so she could peek over top Utena's bedding as if wary of her.

>“You have Magia all over you, and not in the usual manner.”

>“I was around the three of them, oh and Vatz.”

>Vena perked up considerably at that. She put her sleeve hands on the bedding and pushed herself upright.

>“The coward actually saw you personally?”

>“You're going to float there and call someone else a coward?”

>“Takes one to know one.”
>She took a deep frustrated breath. Mascots at every turn are just so terribly disappointing.

>“She told me they couldn't be brought back, and why they couldn't be brought back. And that it had been tried before just in case but... but still didn't work.”

>“It's good for you that there are always new girls to refill holes in the ranks eh?” Utena scowled hard enough that Vena cowered back down into cover. “Touchy subject, message received!”

>Utena shifted over to stare down at the mascot directly.
“On the subject why the fuck is Enormeta hunting Magical girls?”

>“I told you they are the enemy that must be defeated.”

>“Yeah, yeah... No, you're really cool with my not defeating them basically every time though.”

>“You're doing things your way and its gotten more interesting than even I hoped it could have!”

>“While knowing full well that Enorme is out there committing crimes against humanity.”

>“Defeating our enemies is hardly a war crime Utena. Such is life in this conflict as practiced by both sides for longer than you or I have been involved in it.”

>Utena wanted so badly to argue what a villain should be, but at the same time did not want to get bogged down trying to argue with Vena right now. She was saved by another morning buzz of her phone like yesterday. She retreated back to the middle of her bed so she could pluck it from the shelf over her pillow.

>And just like yesterday it was Sayo.

>Unlike yesterday there was a photo attached. Her heart raced until it loaded to show a small forest clearing she knew because she had created it yesterday. The shattered remains of the tree that had been unfortunate enough to be within reach of hands when she stopped flying had been cleared. The photo was followed by practically a novel of a text.

>Morning. I hope you are feeling okay after yesterday. Unfortunately I call on you because you now owe Inari Ōkami a replacement tree. Please come at your earliest convenience, thank you.
>Vena cocked her head to the side.

>“Hm, the running partner you completely blew off yesterday?”

>“Y-Yeah... I need to go. Give it my best shot.”

>“Should I start to make arrangements for how to proceed after your untimely demise?”

>“I'm about three seconds from arranging your untimely demise if you don't give me a break already.”

>“Oooo, very nice! Could really feel the Evil overlord in the making in that one. I suppose making a move on Lord's forces would be difficult given they could be anywhere. Even the bombed out ruin of Nacht base!”

>“T-They started it.”

>“Indeed. I hope you can finish it.”

>“And what are you going to be doing?”

>“Searching for dark magical activity. Will let you know if anything turns up!”

>Utena nodded as she shot back a confirmation text before getting out of bed to face the day without the pestering of a dark mascot. Even if it was just an excuse to get away from her Utena didn't want to actually do anything. Not after yesterday. Yet there was once again the possibility of a Sayo in spandex at the end of this road she walked. As she went she internally debated over what would be best for Azul to wear to a workout, but unlike yesterday she did get an answer. At the top of the steps to the shrine grounds Sayo was waiting in her full shrine maiden's uniform.

>She had her hands tucked in her white sleeves and face hidden by a fox face mask.


>Sayo lifted her mask to peek down the stairs at Utena coming up and smiled.

>“Ohayō Utena.”

>The casualness of that good morning still felt off to Utena.”

>“M-Morning... So, what are we doing today?”

>Sayo gestured with her arm and Utena followed her to a smaller building on the grounds which served a similar purpose to the shed at school. Prepared and waiting was a kind of tied of bundle of a pack meant to be carried. But only one.
>“We are going to go to the open ground and replace the life you cut short in the shrine's forest. There is supposed to be a whole protocol for this sort of thing but I fear you may burst into flames should I attempt to petition divine intervention on our behalf.” Utena stared at her scared until Sayo continued. “Relax, it was a joke. Considering some of the domains Inari is associated she is probably just as likely to grant you boon as she is to curse you. In an effort to avoid the latter you must carry this to the site.”

>“The whole thing!?”

>“I made sure it was bare essentials only and already prepared the ground there. You will mostly be digging a hole and planting a sapling. I will handle the rest. Given your usual club activity at school should I take it you know how to properly do this?”

>Utena nodded and resigned herself to her fate. She hoisted the bag up and followed Sayo off the paved grounds and onto a dirt hiking trail into the woods. It didn't take long for her to start wheezing from effort.

>“C-Can't I just use a portal for us to get there?”

>“Sayo turned sharply back toward her. Wooden sandal grinding against the dirt as she lowered the fox mask back down onto her face and pointed at Utena.

>“Absolutely not! There are no shortcuts in processions! There is an order to things and they must be followed. You of all people should know this.”

>Utena was forced to concede the point and suffered in silence the rest of the way up. She contented herself staring at Sayo's backside all the way up the flat trail they were on. The uniform of a miko was not in any way shape or form designed to be flattering, but she supposed when you have the body of Azul just about anything and everything would always be flattering. When Sayo stopped suddenly Utena bumped into her.


>“We have to turn off the trail here and head north. I made sure there was an easy enough path to take but will this be a problem?”

>Yes. “N-No.”
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Love seeing you cook sis
Age gap AU is great for them honestly. Older woman getting swept away is very fitting
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Too bad Utena doesn't know she's not sneaky when she stares at Sayo lol

Glad to see ya churnin' out again, nee-san, always a pleasure
Sorry Utena, Reason and Lust are the voices you're getting. The angel quit a while back and you didn't notice
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This is a good running gag.
This manga is funny
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Absolutely devious.

Damn, that gave me heartache.

Blessed weekend.
This manga exudes a special type of charm that few I've ever read have really captured, in my opinion. The jokes and how they're delivered mixed with the over the top faces and reactions just always makes me laugh. This manga sparks joy.

I also love this gag because at the end of the day, Baiser is just a goober who isn't going to seriously fuck them up. My other favorite gag is any time Utena is having an autism moment and Matama tells her to shut up.
Or when Leber gradually accept the weird parts and knows not to mess with the flow.
Utena looks oddly boyish in this. Not sure how I feel about it.
I think it's because you can't see her tits and her hair is especially short. It combines to make her look flatter and more tomboyish than usual
Boys don't look like that.
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New scale figure announced for Azul’s La Verita. Kind of weird to be making second form stuff before her basic character design
To be fair the tres magia base designs are kind of generic looking while the la verita forms are much cooler and more individualized. If you're only going to make one Azul figure the miko version is definitely the way to go
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Pretty annoying, because there is no way the other Tres Magia figures, if they make them, will be also La Verita.
I hope they release them as a set with their regular outfits at some point then. Also this one doesn't fit at all with the Baiser+whip one, which is basically criminal
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doodle before i sleep...
Oh my god. Now we're talking
>big fat ass
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Unless you're the MC of this season's FOTM isekai.
I honestly would really like something poseable.
Same, I’m crossing all my fingers and toes for an Azul nendoroid because it would be more fun to pose Baiser‘s nendo if it had something to play with.
it’s Kiwi’s nerd rage
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No Magenta or Sulfur figs or nendroids
Looks like Loco got the 1M views
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Only natural for the greatest lyricist of her generation
one could even say she's a spiritual miracle lyrical individual
I hope Magenta wishes Alice a happy Mother’s Day today
1 Million people think Loco sucks. Charming sure, but sucks nonetheless.
Only Leber's opinion of her girlfriend matters
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Hi Fendey. Looking forward to this.
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Imitatio? Sexo.
I hadn't thought of it like that interesting perspective thank you anon
I hope Alice still doms the nurse
where should i start with the manga after having watched the anime?
from the start. It isn't a long read.
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>Utena struggled considerably with the terrain. Every tree root and rock was a potential mortal danger to her ankles which required careful navigation to avoid. Only the utmost concentration would allow her to move at any kind of speed. Unfortunately there was plenty of distractions in front of her. She looked on in amazement as Sayo traversed the wild landscape without so much as endangering the wooden sandals. Plenty of practice she figured. At some point Sayo stopped and turned back toward her.

>“Utena are you paying attention to where you are stepping?”

>“Gah! Y-Yes?

>Sayo hummed in thought.

>“Please do this isn't a proper trail and there are plenty of hazards to avoid. You're doing great though to make it this far.” Not long after continuing on Utena missed a root and almost tripped forward. Her own years of practicing recovering from her own uncoordinated movements helped though did nothing for her dignity. Sayo turned to check on her again and she had to wrench her eyes from the girl's ass. “Are you sure you're okay?”

>“Y-Yes! Totally!”

>“Maybe you should lead and set our pace. I can give directions from-”

>“NO! I uh, t-this is fine! It's fine!”

>She couldn't tell what Sayo was thinking on account of the fox mask. Regardless the girl continued to lead on toward their destination. Utena swore her hips were swaying more now though. Undoubtedly just movements required to deal with the ground. Totally. Eventually, it could be argued both too quickly and too slowly, they reached the clearing. As promised where there was once a shattered stump was now flat soft soil filled into the hole the tree had lived.

>Mercifully Inari could apparently excuse temporary exhaustion and Sayo called for a short break before they got to planting. Utena collapsed to the ground and sat against the bundle she had carried, somehow, this far into the woods. Sayo removed her mask and her face was flushed. Her white top showing skin color through in places due to sweat.
>Was there nothing underneath? No, there was definitely some kind of garment. But what? Did mikos have their own bras?



>She could tell now the flush wasn't remotely from the mask being hot. Utena had been caught leering at Sayo's tits. She knew that Sayo knew she had been staring.

>“E-Enjoying the woods?”


>Sayo smiled a blushing knowing smile. Dangerous.

>“We should continue. The sooner we finish this the better.”

>Utena groaned but got up and untied the bag. Within was a variety of hand tools and little bags of various plant supplemental nutrients around the burlap bundled roots of a sapling. She was far more familiar with flowers and bushes than trees so she couldn't tell what variety it was off-hand. Still she realized she had technically carried a whole tree the whole way in.

>Riding the high of minor accomplishment she went to the exact spot Sayo directed and set to work with a shovel and trowel to replant the sapling in its new home. Mindful of the roots and few precious leaves. Sayo roughly measured out amounts of powders and granules from the various small bags the tree would have everything they provide to assist its growth. Once the dirt was finished the tools and supplies were returned to their bag and Sayo clapped her hands clean.

>“Did we do it right?”

>“Almost, there is one last step.”

>“Which is?”

>“Have you seen the talismans on trees?”


>“We must ward the tree to protect it.”

>“Isn't it a little young for that?”

>“Yes. In such cases the ropes are tied around a number of mature trees around the new sapling, or in such cases there are no other trees available wooden posts can suffice. Though the process and ceremonies involved differ slightly.”

>Utena rechecked the bag just to be sure but looked up dismayed.

>“I think you forgot to pack rope. Does this mean we have to this whole thing over again?”
>Sayo fidgeted where she stood.

>“No. The sapling is in the ground it would only serve to potentially offend the divine again to rip it out. I assure you everything we need is here.”

>“Even rope?”

>“All the rope we need is in this clearing yes.”

>Utena glanced around and prodded through various potential hiding spots, but came up empty. Maybe this was Sayo's idea of punishment as part of this whole process. But no, Sayo was not offering a chastising for failing to fine the rope supposedly definitely here. Utena gave up and asked.

>“Where is it?”

>“W-Would you like a hint?”


>Sayo hesitantly grabbed at the fabric of her red hakama and pulled up. Which revealed that mikos did not wear pants at this shrine, but instead a heavy red skirt. Up she pulled and it was joined by the bottom end of her long white shirt. The white socks were thigh highs. Sheer material sewn with bright red thread that matched the sewing techniques of the uniform. Perfect artwork slowly revealed all the way to their tops, where they were joined by six finely crafted golden rope tassels hanging about her bare upper thighs. The ends of three ropes hanging there like divine garters.

>Sayo held the skirt up just below the point it would have shown her underwear. Leaving bare the perfect thighs of a magical girl miko. The most forbidden of zettai ryōiki human kind could think possible. Absolute territory more divine than gods themselves. Utena's mind went so absolutely wild thinking what wonder lie just out of view that could possibly top this it looped back around to blanking out from over-stimulation. Red trickled from her nose as her blood-pressure skyrocketed.

>“W-Well?” Utena looked up at her face. “I r-ritually bathed this morning before dawn to ceremonially cleanse my body to carry these ropes. Nobody ever specified to me in what manner they can be carried... W-Would you think yourself fit to take them off me? Mistress Baiser.”

>Purple light erupted in the clearing.
Reading it from the start is recommended, but if you want a specific answer, it's pretty much the point /u/ takes over from Helvetica.
Sayo's so needy
What a fucking tease!
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Whorefrost moment
>The involuntary trans magia was a surprise to Sayo. She had expected there to be more time to enact the final leg of her plan. While she wanted nothing more than to stand there and let Baiser absolutely ravish her, she knew that doing so would only sour both the mood and all the work she had done to get them to this point. She summoned her blue heart and sprinted out of the clearing in a specific direction. Baiser blinded by lust rocketed after her fully intending to shred her clothes as soon as physically possible. Even with the full power of her transformed state flowing through her though Baiser was hampered by the woodland itself. The trees and rocks were a natural obstacle course that prevented her from reaching Sayo directly.

>Soon enough though they burst out into another open clearing. The clear field she had been brought to yesterday. Baiser didn't notice. Sayo while quick on her feet was now in the open with nowhere left to hide. She opened a portal and grinned wickedly as Sayo couldn't stop fast enough to avoid falling forward into the other end.

>“Got you!”

>The still untransformed magical girl fell forward out the other end of the portal straight into Baiser's clutches. Immediately her left hand was griped tight into Sayo's shirt just under bust while the other went straight down for the skirt side to pierce it with her nails.

>“N-Not so fast villain!”

>Sayo pushed her blue heart toward Baiser.

>“Trans Magia!”

>Blue light enveloped Sayo's body. The outline of her form glimpsed only for the briefest of glorious moments as at long last Baiser witnessed the transformation of a magical girl in person. The energy of the transformation process forced Baiser back a full meter with only two torn off sections of fabric still in her hands. Magia Azul now stood before her in the usual magia uniform. Under which the lines of ropes could just be made out. Azul checked her skirt and was satisfied to find the six tassels were still under there.
>Baiser brought the slightly sweaty fabrics to her nose and maintained eye contact as she inhaled Sayo's scent. They both blushed as she tossed them back over her shoulders.

>“A woman of the cloth luring a poor hardworking villainess into the wilds with nefarious ulterior motives? Scandalous Azul, simply scandalous! What oh what am I to do with such a naughty magical girl?”

>Baiser willed her crop to her hands and began to slowly circle Azul.

>She was mirrored by Azul with willed up frost around her wand to form her sword of ice.

>“I k-knew your evil pride would never let you ignore such a challenge! All I uh, a-all I had to do was set out the bait to draw you out of the cowardly shadows you hide in! Prepare yourself to be finished by my hand!”

>Sayo had watched five hours of magical girl shows on Webflix yesterday to figure out what to say. The effort bore results as Baiser's star shaped pupils were dilating.

>“We shall see who's getting finished by hand today, hero!”

>Baiser launched herself recklessly at Azul. Her crop was aglow in dark purple energy as they clashed again, and again, and again. Neither could manage to land a clean hit, but neither could perfectly defend against the other's strikes. Azul's sword was leaving clean short cuts through Baiser's clothes. In return the star ends of Baiser's crop were punching holes in Azul's uniform and tore them open as swings dragged along.

>Soon enough hints of fine golden color ropes were exposed to the open air. Evidently wound and loosely knotted around Azul from nape to nethers. Should someone manage to grab an end of a rope it wasn't difficult to tell that a strong enough tug would drag it free along whatever route it had been winded along. Baiser concentrated her efforts into Azul's skirt. Azul though was the first to draw actual blood. Her sword sliced a shallow cut into Baiser's forearm. The melee paused as Baiser regarded it. Then licked it clean.
>“I uh, t-there's more from where that came from if you don't surrender now!”

>“Look at you, getting into blood play so soon.”

>“B-Blood play?”

>“Oh yeah, it's a thing. Shall I demonstrate my dear hero?”

>Sayo gulped.

>“Ah uh, n-no I... Y-You will not- um not get the chance I assure you!”

>In Azul's moment of weakness Baiser managed to slip inside her guard and ran a finger under Azul's chin.

>“It is quite advanced, fair enough, hero. Perhaps next time?” She avoided a punch. “Woo! I'm sure I can come up with something else in the meantime with THIS!”

>Baiser had gotten hold of a rope and yanked it. Like a snake it ran along Azul's skin while also pulling her off balance. If it were a regular rope she could have sliced it with her sword to break free, but it was no regular rope. Azul's eyes widened as Baiser licked her lips realizing that Sayo could not harm a blessed rope as it would be against her duties as a shrine maiden.

>Baiser dropped her crop and yanked the rope again to bring Azul into her hands. Her nails ripped into Azul's blouse freeing rope tied breasts to the open air. Azul tried to slash at her, but a yank on another rope ruined her aim and again pulled her off balance. Baiser wasted no time in using the first freed rope to tie up Azul's wrists and used the leverage to force her to down onto the grass below. Azul in desperation tried to use her transformation as a buffer force again. Unfortunately for her the ropes still held her fast and she was left powerless as Baiser straddled her waist. With a wicked grin Baiser tore the rest of the shirt open to once again strip her bound up chest. Revealing the fancy white lace bra she had put on before tying herself up.

>“Ohhh what do we have here!”

>Sayo squeaked and moaned as Baiser ran excitedly trembling fingers along the fabric. This was it. The training so far had paid off in getting her this far. But she had lost. Utena was always true to her word. She shivered in anticipation.
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I hope you're ready, Sayo
If she gets really worked up, she can transform without saying the words.
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How many views did y'all contribute?
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They were all me.
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>Soon enough though they burst out into another open clearing. The clear field she had been brought to yesterday. Baiser didn't notice.

Ah yes, the clearing. The clearing that no one else uses. No one at all. Right?
Isn't a Miko having sex with a villain on holy ground kinda frowned upon? Sayo could've passed the first time off as rape to the gods. Now she brought said person straight there in the heart of the holy land. Unless they're some sort of sex gods
Well, Inari is a goddess of fertility so...
It is important to remember that originally, miko were shamans, and like most forms of shamanism, at one point leaned heavily on divine ecstasy, and there's a reason the initiation rites somewhat resemble marriage to a kami. Supposedly, they even used to have ritualistic sex with priests to represent the kami, if you go far enough back.
Sayo playing the long game trying to ritually purify Baiser through several trysts over the years
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Should Sayo join Enormeeta?
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I don't think that would give anyone what they want, net loss for all parties involved.
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>Sayo knew down to her bones she had to do everything she could to fan this flame in the other girl now that it was finally lit. No matter what.

>“C-Cursed evil-doer, putting your hands on the pure body of a maiden like this... D-Do your worst I will MMph-!”

>Baiser backhand slapped her with a loud crack. Then grabbed her jaw to bring her face back forward. The other hand kept the rope bound wrists pinned back up over Sayo's head. She slid down further along Sayo's body so she could bring her upper half down. Breasts to breasts Baiser was hard enough to cut glass. Flushed face to face Baiser's thumb rubbed slowly at the sting the same hand had inflicted. Multiple kinds of warmth made in seconds of each other.

>“Be a good girl now Azul!”

>Any reply Sayo could make was silenced by an incredibly rough kiss. Once again it felt like lightning rippled through them as Baiser's teeth and tongue worked at anything and everything within reach. Baiser's hips began to roll against her. The second Baiser tried to let up it gave Sayo an opening to bite the other girl's lower lip back in defiance.

>Baiser paused before the magical energy around her burned in purple wisping haze. The static on their skin burned red hot. Her hand slid down from Sayo's jaw to her throat. It was joined by its mirrored mate to wrap fingers around the throat below to squeeze. Sayo's teeth released her under the threat of total suffocation.

>She managed to gasp once before the pair of thumbs pressed down on her windpipe again. The grinding continued as Baiser brought her again and again to the point of seeing stars. The moment Baiser let go at last Sayo swung her arms down to bring the rope to Baiser's neck. It was caught and stopped easily enough. But an attempt had been made despite her drooling half-dazed expression. Baiser's grin was as wide as could be.

>“Sooo close hero! But not close enough.”
>Baiser stood up and used the rope to haul Sayo up off the ground to her feet. She moved behind and pushed her toward the nearest tree. The two ropes still bound under the remains of her shirt used as a leverage point to prevent her from moving in any other direction than the one demanded of her.

>Azul had done as promised. A magical girl talking the talk and walking the walk. Even the beautiful lingerie was still purest white as a heroic maiden could wear. It was perfect. Too perfect to hide. When they reached the tree Baiser tossed the wrist binding rope over a lower hanging limb and yanked it. Sayo was stretched vertical until only the front halves of her sandals remained on the ground. The magical girl was forced to tip toe. With the rope tied off she was left bound and defenseless against anything Baiser was about to do.

>Baiser regarded the miko skirt, now missing a strip of material down one side to make a slit. Roughly she grabbed the material at thigh height and ripped it as she went around Sayo to turn it into a miniskirt. Those literally blessed thighs exposed to open air at last she could satisfy the most powerful curiosity of the day. Standing behind Sayo she ran her hands up from the girls knees to grope the tops of those thigh-highs, to the girl's firm perfect ass, until finally she pulled the back of the skirt up to reveal the back of a lace thong.

>“Matching! For me!? You shouldn't have! How did you know? I love it! Hows the front look though?” She dropped Sayo's skirt and slowly stalked around and admired her curves. She stopped facing her directly once again. “I expected a fundoshi honestly.”

>Sayo grinned back.

>“A girl... needs some excitement... in her life.”

>Baiser groaned in appreciation as she squatted down to give the panties her full attention. Sayo suddenly hoisted herself up by her wrists, spread her legs, and bucked herself forward to wrap her thighs around Baiser's head to try and trap it.
>Baiser was momentarily overwhelmed by the lace clad mons mashed into her face. She grabbed Sayo's thighs and dug her nails in to wrench them open and make clear a path to ground for the blood which poured out of her nose. Sayo froze. Was that too hard? Kami-sama had she broken the girl's nose!? Her worry ceased when Baiser looked up at her flushed like a tomato. She needed another moment to actually speak.

>“N-Nice t-try. I'm afraid I must postpone a demise by your thighs, for now.”

>She dropped one of Sayo's legs, but held firm to the other which she pushed up. Sayo was forced to stand in a wide vertical split carefully pushed wide enough to fully open access to her thinly clad sex. Sayo could only squeak out sounds as Baiser's nails dragged hot lines around her inner thighs until finally coming into contact with the lace thong. She was already wet enough that the slight disturbance allowed two beads of her arousal to run down her thigh. Baiser was transfixed by the two beads as they rolled down. Decision made she moved down and Sayo watched her catch them on her tongue. Then lick the thigh clean all the way up.

>Sayo blushed. Baiser was salivating as she touched her lips and breathed in and out hard. Each hot breath tingling higher and higher on Sayo's skin until they blew against the wet lace itself. Baiser's forehead leaned against her as she inhaled deep. The sight, taste, smell, and even the radiating heat of a magical girl's pussy filled every sense she had. This was the promised land. The holy land of a magical girl hers to do with as she wished. To the victor went the spoils.

>She could feel Sayo shuddering as she buried her nose into the lace, sent her long tongue forward and licked the material from back to front. Then a second lick. And third. Each one collecting more of that intoxicating sweetness that evolved into a salty bite like a fine cocktail. The elixir of life! She wanted this drug pumped into her veins! This was a reason to LIVE!
>She dropped the raised leg down onto a shoulder so she could use her fingers to spread Sayo's labia under the thong. With her teeth she bit the white material and dragged it aside. Sayo squirmed as the most intimate part of her was now fully exposed to someone else. To her enemy. To her domme. She moaned hard as Baiser took her sweet reverent time prodding and exploring every single millimeter of a magical girl's folds. Every drag of a finger, nip of teeth, and tongue swirl drew out deeper and louder noises from her as she began to involuntarily buck. Sayo's thighs tried to close again, but Baiser stopped and withdrew from under her skirt.

>Confused and desperate Sayo whined. Baiser stood panting and grabbed her bound breasts. Lips and chin sopping wet from saliva, and Sayo's juices. Neither could speak.

>Baiser clapped her hands on either side of Sayo's tits mashing them momentarily together. Her cry was shrill.


>Baiser took the open mouthed opportunity to shove a tongue once more into Sayo's. Twisting and turning she kissed Sayo over and over forcing her to taste her own arousal. When Baiser pulled back a string of it was left between them until it snapped under its own weight. Sayo wanted to beg so hard for Mistress Baiser to please get her off. Baiser put a single finger between her breasts she dragged along and around as she walked once more out of sight behind her. Down her spine it ran to her skirt. Once more the fabric was flipped so Baiser could grope her butt.

>She cried out suddenly when a slap hit her cheek. Then another. And another. Again and again on the same spot until the sharp sting bled into an amorphous warmth. Her toes couldn't curl any harder as her head fell forward. She clenched and relaxed her muscles with every spank. Each cycle of tension both momentarily raising the pitch of her moans, and seeping to her inner walls to make them throb in time with the hits.

>Sayo's need dripped onto the ground below.
>The spanking ended as abruptly as it had began. It was replaced by a gentle continuous rubbing. Followed by a series of kisses placed on the epicenter of pleasure and pain. They moved on a trail down to her thigh. Baiser then bit her and sucked hard on the spot.

>More pain swelled and tingled until Baiser released the pressure with a small pop.

>Sayo whined again. She couldn't take much more of this.

>Mercifully Baiser's hand trailed up the other thigh around to her front. The finger dipped downward and Baiser watched her face as she slowly forced it inside of her. The heel of a palm used to grind her clit as her walls were prodded for the first time by another. Sayo's jaw trembled.

>Baiser pulled the finger out and regarded it for a moment. As if contemplating what to do with the soaked digit. Until she gave Sayo one final test. The finger went back down and the hand behind it worked to push a second into her alongside the first. Baiser's index and middle fingers, mindful of those nails, gave her vaginal walls a swirl. Once thoroughly dripping wet they were taken out and presented to Sayo's lips.

>Slowly they were pushed into her mouth. She was overtaken once more by her own taste. Her own filthy mortal desire. But even then, desperate as she was, she knew there was only one move that would bring her relief. She flattened her tongue so Baiser's fingers would slide in, and bit them.

>Because a heroine does not allow a villain to do as she pleases.

>Baiser leaned in and whispered to her ear.

>“Good, fucking, girl.”
>Baiser dropped her head onto the crook of Sayo's neck as she pulled her hand free and sent it back down on its exploration mission below. She wrapped her thighs around one of Sayo's legs and set into a rhythm of grinding that matched the pace of the palm against Sayo's hood. Her throaty voice drunk on sex.

>“Fuck! Yes! Fight it, clench harder for me. That's it! Good girl! That's it! Be a good girl and hold on! One... Two, fuck fuck! A-And now... NOW!”

>Sayo screamed her throat raw as she finally came.

>Baiser groaned out swears shortly after and bit her collar.

>Sayo's knees gave out and she was left dangling by her wrists painfully. Baiser fell off her down to a knee, before getting up and mechanically moving to untie the rope. Sayo fell into her arms. Baiser pulled her over to the trunk of the tree and sat down holding the magical girl in her arms. The lingering whines and moans like aftershocks shushed quietly.

>After some time Sayo could feel her legs and managed to slide off Baiser's lap. She sat beside her and struggled for air. The grass tickled her skin. She looked over and Baiser was staring up into the sky like in a trance. Sayo slowly extracted the ropes from the remains of her clothes and coiled them neatly in her lap. She pinched at the new rough bottom hem of her skirt. Or at least what was left of it.

>Baiser mumbled.

>“Y-You look good in a mini.”

>“Do I?”


>“Hm. We should... We should probably finish with this.”


>“Are you going to transform back?”

>“I uh... n-need to d-dry.”

>Sayo gave her a quiet, “Ah.” They sat there for a while longer. Watching the world go by as the sun rose and their breathing returned to normal. Eventually Sayo helped a regular Utena stand and stumble back to the tree site. The ropes were tied around three trees, with much blushing, and talismans were hung from them to ward away anything that could harm the young tree. Mask and bag in hand they started back.
That's all for today. I need a shower.
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Sweet jesus

After reading that, same
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>She managed to gasp once before the pair of thumbs pressed down on her windpipe again. The grinding continued as Baiser brought her again and again to the point of seeing stars.

That was it. Right there. I think I need a shower now
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>She could feel Sayo shuddering as she buried her nose into the lace, sent her long tongue forward and licked the material from back to front.

Baiser's tounge being long is so fucking hot
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>those eye-covering bangs
Utena has become a true hentai protagonist
If I were to make a short fanbook for my Utena/Sayo pairing AU, would you rather it be...
>Pairing's first meeting and setup of the AU
>sex scene in the established AUniverse
>fluff of a random scene with the established pairing
At first I thought the first meeting option would be the obvious choice, but if I want to keep this to 12-16 pages, I'm thinking I should probably do something that can be a brief snapshot into their relationship...
Well, sex is always nice but I'd prefer either option A or C. If this is about that age gap AU I wanna know how Sayo got into this mess
aftercare fluff
That's a good point, it's a complicated enough dynamic that taking the time to introduce how it came to be would be good enough for the comic concept.
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Everyday life stuff is best to me
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Not done with this outline yet, but I really wanted to get the ball rolling on a comic. Need to start with it now if I want to have something done by the end of my summer break. Sorry if it's kind of incomprehensible at this stage, if there's any serious pacing issues let me know. I want it to move kind of fast though since this is an intro into a dynamic where it's (seemingly) one-sided at first and I don't want to spend 30 pages on this stage. Just want to introduce it and then move on.
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I'm eating this up. Anyway I think the pacing is fast. I like that Utena is dropping the act quickly honestly.
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Mind to do one with school teacher Magenta x first grade elementary schooler Kaoruko?
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If I made a book with them it'd probably just be a more NSFW version of the mommy kink stuff. I'm trying to set my sights on one thing because I've set out to make fanbooks several times before and failed every single time due to my own hubris. I'd really like to follow through at least one time (hence the smaller scope), we'll see what happens.
Well, I'll give you cash monies somehow when you're done. Further insentive
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>Utena's mind went so absolutely wild thinking what wonder lie just out of view that could possibly top this it looped back around to blanking out from over-stimulation. Red trickled from her nose as her blood-pressure skyrocketed.
this kills the baiser
This chapter feels like it gave Baiser brain damage. She lost a lot of blood, afterall. I wonder how much of this puts a wrench into Venalita's plan to keep Baiser's lust unfulfilled.
You could argue it just intensifies it. People become sex addicts and all that jazz right? This also wasn't out of love from the looks of things anyway like the hotel with kiwi was. All it would do is stoke the flames
if we base ourselves on the manga, vena quite literally doesn't have to do shit; if anything, i think she'd try to make baiser more aggressive so she can corrupt azure by proxy, which has very interesting implications down the line
streaming drawing again with this link, starting with creating some character sheets for my comic. Here's a link to the full outline: https://files.catbox.moe/utgu4h.png
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Magenta knocked her out in the pasties fight. She absolutely has moments where she is at risk from being too turned on and I worked with it. A little more stamina by this point helped keep her going after that, and being facially assaulted by magical girl pussy. As for days of blood loss, thank goodness for Alice's wonder "drugs".
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i know all of this happens after the "canon" pasties fight, but it would be kinda nice to see some of those events happen again in the greentext as well, specially with the new personalities that the characters have. having magenta basically mirror sayo's brash fight but not breaking probably would do mental damage to her psyche, or jealousy, because sayo could see haruka as someone more worthy of utena's attention
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If Baiser has never caused civilians any harm, why do the Threesome Magia keep attacking her? Are they all addicted to lesbian rape?
well they probably assume she was responsible for Lord's Legion attacks on civilians. Also Azul is addicted to lesbian rape and Sulfur is addicted to fighting.
So why does Magenta do it? Is she stupid?
addicted to little girls. also she's stupid.
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I love this pairing
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>Sulfur is addicted to fighting
>be willing to get raped in broad daylight over and over again just to beat someone up occasionally
Is she a slut?
File deleted.
No but you might be
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You think michiko would leave bruises on Randas torso and legs or would she not let herself go that far?
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>Former sadist unable to lay a finger on a willing masochist
What did Ononaka mean by this?
well I mean, look at it logically. We know she's carrying a lot of guilt she doesn't let out, the drunk chapter informed us of this. I wouldn't be surprised if she was probably scared and too guilt riddled to go as far as she might like
True. But it does make ya wonder. I mean, if you think logically about it, they are somewhat perfect for each other. And yet, with all of Randa's begging it bounces off Michiko's thick head. I can't wait for their depraved shenanigans.
Former sadist but current masochist who wants to be treated as the child she feels like after her spanking from Basier
A lesbian version of Gambit and Rogue.
Her sadism always seemed simply like a way to punish and humiliate her servants for their failures than anything sexual
That's true. Michiko isn't a pedophile. She doesn't molest underage girls, she only disciplines them for being brats.
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>Kaoruko is just like Vegeta in every way
>Vegeta is tsundere towards his rival, Goku
Does it mean Kaoruko will be tsundere at her rival in love, Alice? Is the world ready for the inevitable assertive younger loli x tsundere older loli OTP?
being responsible for the deaths of hundreds of girls would be quite a burden to bear yes
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Pls, I'm begging. This is exactly what I am waiting for.

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