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Going to picrel for 5 days next month. What do if I want to eat with and talk to Polish people and avoid filthy tourists like myself
When I was there it was impossible not to run into drunk Britbongs. You'll eat and talk with drunk Bongs. It was only a couple of hours, but I can say the city is Prague-ish / Budapest-ish.
>eat with and talk to Polish people
poolacks bearly speak english to be honest. even the young generation
Good. I've been learning for weeks
It was my first tourist city in a decade and I was shocked. It was full of people and literally nothing left of anything real. Felt like I was in a disney park or something constantly.
Then I just had to go a bit away from the tourist traps and it was ok but I didn't think things were that bad.
I actually felt bad about people having 2 weeks of traveling a year and spending all of them doing that shit.
you're one to talk
>literally nothing left of anything real
except for the whole city
>Then I just had to go a bit away from the tourist traps and it was ok
a fucking genius move, who could have guessed
you go to a bar mleczny
Foodwise I recomme Antler Poutine & Burger, it's kinda close to the main plaza (like 2 minutes walking distance), when I was there, the 500g of meat burger with poutine was 25zlt which is really huge value. It was tasty and juicy. Just my recommendation. This was 4 years ago though keep in mind
Also you can't avoid tourists there, you'll overhear people talking in several languages as you walk around. There's a ton of Brazilians and British people there.
I can guarantee you this is no longer the case. Eating out went ~80-100% up since COVID, the cheaper the place the worse it got. 25zł is about right for a medium kebab or chink takeaway now.
Need to give more info on what you're looking for, the things you like, and what you're aiming to get out of the trip.

If you can't provide any of the above, then tourist traps are probably your thing.
i'm looking for underrated but beautiful spots, maybe some you remember from your childhood
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Ok, here goes:

>Nowa Huta & Beksinski Permanent Exhbition
Nowa Huta is the 'communist' settlement which was built for steel miners. Feels totally different to the rest of Krakow. Watch the movie "Man of Marble" to contextualise this. Beksinski was a famous Polish painter who made fucking BLEAK works of art.

There's food trucks around the cultural centre, and you get a very nice view of the city from here. Great place to grab a beer.

A little further afield in this district is Zalew Nowohucki. A lake where people chill. The river's a bit shitty, but you should be able to book kayaks from near here, where you go down a stream to get to the main river.

>Podgorze, Kopiec Kraka & Liban Quarry
Krakow has various mounds around the city. A legendary king is apparently buried here. There's some pagan festivals around place for the solstices. You get the best view of the city from this point.
From here, you can take a path which leads down into the quarrry 'next door'. This is where scenes from Schindler's List were filmed (another film you should watch to contextualise Krakow). There's industrial equipment scattered around here to explore.
After, you'll be able to get into Podgorze - the 3rd touristy are after the old town and kazimierz. Here, there's plenty of restaurants and bars. (Spoko, Drukarnia

>Bikes to Tyniec (and Kryspinow)
Rent a bike and cycle up the river to Tyniec monastery. Decent little day trip. If you're comfortable on a bike, you can head round to Kryspinow lake where people chill in summer, and then cycle back down the other side of the river on a nice cycle path.

>Daytrip to Ojcow
National park nearby. Very cool location in a canyon.

>Daytrip to Silesia
Industrial region of poland, made up of shitloads of towns which have grown into each other. Takes about an hour to get there. Once there, you can visit mines, the Tyskie brewery (Tychy), etc.
Bumping in case anybody needs/wants this info, or would like more.
Tbh Europe as a whole is becoming more retarded everyday. I'm teaching english here and most people can't learn shit even after repeating something 100x times.
I think it's because more and more languages are available on websites, apps and programmes. People don't need to learn English to watch their favourite show anymore. Which is a shame. t. ESL
Where do you teach?
awesome recs
poland has the worst english in europe by far. young girls all speak it fluently cuzz of tickdick, but the guys and anyone older refuse to learn it
completely false, Poles speak good English compared to other nations in Europe, worse than the Swedes yes but on par with Germans
This guys never left the Schengen zone before
False lol, Poles speak English infinitely better than any non-schengen country and still better than Italians or Spanish
Just wrote part 1 of a trip report - cycling from Trzebinia to Krakow, but 4chan thinks the post is spam, so fuck it. Whats the point.
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You won't be able to avoid tourists, honestly. But it's still going to be a nice visit.
Enjoy the sights and have fun
Purge it of all meme buzzwords and anything that's a link or brand name, don't repeat words too much.
That spam filter is fucking autistic, I trigger it once in a blue moon but every single time it's a complete crapshot as to why it decided to pick on you.
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Did a cycle trip from Trzebinia back to Krakow yesterday.

Got on the 8:45 local train. Was 10pln for the ticket + 4pln for the bike or something.

>Step 1 - Trzebinia Station to Chechlo Lake
[link to route on map removed as maps are not appropriate /trv/ content]

Took the left exit at the station and it felt like stepping out to the middle of nowhere, with train tracks, some dirt paths, an elevated road, and a forest surrounding us. Lit up a smoke and decided to head for a nearby lake.

There looked to be a nice rough track - complete with broken glass - under the elevated main road, which we took, until breaking out on to a small country road at a nice looking church .

We had a beautiful gentle downhill stretch, passing some nice houses, and people doing mundane shit like washing cars, delivering post, etc, before getting to the bridge which crossed over the main A4 highway. We felt a smoke was in order as we looked at the cars go by, all before continuing on to the lake which lay about 500m ahead.

A very nice place. There was some hot clunge taking her pet rabbit for a walk, boat cunts doing a bit of sailing, a few fitness bunnies doing various things in tight clothing, and some down and outs smoking near the 'Bunkier Bar'. That's where we headed for, and was glad it was open to kickstart the day. Think it was 14pln for a beer, and it's always nice to be asked if I'm Czech or Slovak when speaking Polish. Hearing the arcade machines rattle off in the background was a nice reminder of being back at the seaside as a kid.

With all the caravans around, fire pits, nice beach, etc. Looked like a very nice place to spend an evening and get fucked up.
>and it's always nice to be asked if I'm Czech or Slovak when speaking Polish
Where you from, Anon?
Also there's something magical about crossing highways on bike/foot. I love just standing there and looking at all the traffic go by.
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>Step 2 - Chechlo Lake - Wygielzow

We left the lake, and vaguely wanted to head in the direction of a castle which lay to the south - "Zamek Lipowiec".

This was the shittest part of the journey by far, and our lack of preparation of route planning was quite evident. We had to cycle on fairly busy roads, with the sun starting to shine like a motherfucker. It also turned out that we had a 100m ascent over 7km to the town of Plaza we had no fucking clue about.

The beer wasn't settling nicely at all, and I felt pretty sick and dizzy at points, with obvious sunburn on the cards. After numerous "lets check the directions, lol" stops, which turned into cigarette breaks walking the bike along the side of the sun-drenched road, we finally finished our climb up to the village of Plaza, where we bought a couple of cold drinks and sat near the bus stop thinking "ffs".

Deciding now to actually check the maps a little more carefully, we had 2 choices from here
>Downhill on the main road
>Ups and downs on the country back road

Downhill it was, and it was fucking kino - a 111m descent over 3.7km. The world absolutely blitzed by, making the previous climb a foregone memory. With my eyes laser-locked on the road for bumps, I was reaching such speeds that cars couldn't even overtake me anymore, and without a helmet, I was often thinking about those cycling safety videos, and replaying my future death in slow motion. I just couldn't help myself, the gentle weaving of the road left and right downhill through the forest was too much to pass by.

My mate wasn't as comfortable, given his bike was apparently rattling, and took about 5 minutes to join me. A huge 'restaurant' sign greeted us at the bottom, which had a beautiful view of the castle we were planning to visit. Having already descended, it would've been a 100m ascent to get back up, so we opted to enjoy the view with a beer for 9pln instead.
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>Step 3 : Wygielzow - the Austrian Fort overlooking the Railway Bridge

Our original plan was to head south to the Wisla River, then cycle back along the banks home, so we continued south to the village of Olszyny. We were quite happy to have pavement on the side of the roads, especially given there were a fair few big vehicles using the road around here.

Upon entering the village we passed a shop. Knowing there'd be lakes and riverbanks ahead, we knew we needed to stock up on survival supplies - 4 cans of Lech, and 5 kabanos.

Though, just 2 minutes cycling later we came across another shop which had an umbrella and chairs outside. The temptation was just too much to pass by - 2 bottles of beer just had to be bought, and we joined actual stereotypes of Slavs squatting outside saying 'kurwa' every 5 seconds. One guy was showing off some kind of huge rusted blade which looked like farming equipment. If it had been a saw, it probably would've been the only thing with teeth in theat little corner of shade.

We made our way to the lake southeast of the village, passing by people riding horses. We finally made it to the water and I complained "my bags too heavy man, think we need to unload some supplies". This was code enough to crack open 2 cans by the lake, as the group on horseback shouted "Na Zdrowie!" as they passed as from behind.

The going was pretty tough from here. I switched to Open Street Maps and was following all kinds of colours. We were mainly cycling on the flood protection banks, and made our way to Oklesna, where we spotted a kino bridge on the map.

We totally missed the obvious cycle path leading there and ended up having to walk our bikes down a live railway track, while debating how wide trains actually are and whether putting your ear to the rail works.

We made it to the small Austrian fort intact and claimed it as our booze and smoking den, tightrope walking along the tops of walls.
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Grateful for the shade, we stuck around in the fort for a bit, hoping to see a train go by. Unfortunately, the only group we saw were some fucking kids, who obviously thought this was a kino place to play around, totally ruining the vibe. They were soon joined by their parents who seemed to have no qualms about kids walking along 30cm thick brick walls with 10m drops. I grinned as I said "Dzien dobry" in an obvious foreign accident holding my can of Lech proudly.

Along the bridge we went.a little regretfully not having another beer to crack open. We decided to head further south to Spytkowice, where there was a bar - Cafe Cameleon. It became relatively amusing we was meant to travel east back home, and had spent the last 4 hours(?) only going south.

A plate of fries and 2 beers came to 25pln, which is like ancient history back home in Krakow. Wondering what to do next, we spotted a ferry back over the river which we just HAD to take. It meant doubling back on ourselves pretty heavily, but was totally worth it.

From this point, we were pretty pissed, and the 'cycle paths' were non-existent - mostly shitty grass and dirt tracks which took ages to get across. At one point, some faggot had built a house in the way, and we had to somehow get our bikes up this steep as shit bit of forest, before downhill off road biking back onto the track.

It was evident at this pace we'd never make it home, and instead opted to cross the river for a 3rd time - over the hydroelectric power station - to Polwies, where we could take the train home.

A bunch of teens with skateboards kept egging each other on to shout random things in English to us as we laid in the sun drinking some more cans we'd picked up. By this point I probably looked like a fucking beetroot, and couldn't wait to get back and die.

Didn't quite set out to achieve remotely anything we had intended to, but it was fun nonetheless.
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From the UK. Bridge would've been picrel. There's definitely a weird feeling you get from all the traffic blitzing by, and the din in the background. It's like feeling you're in some kind of wind tunnel, and you shouldn't really be there.
you’ve never left america sweaty calm down
ive lived in vienna porto krakow warsaw belgrade malta and split. warsaw was by far the worst english speaking city with krakow second. im talking about men mostly. girls sound like they grew up in la in the remotest shit hole in europe

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