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Why don’t these get enough love in toy form? Everyone seems to love the original expanded universe, but they never make enough figures of them. Before the recent 4 pack in the Black Series line, hasbro has avoided making figures of the EU. What’s the deal? The fans will gladly pay for them. These power of the force 2 figures were great back in the day.
Hasbro used to make comic packs, featuring characters from the comics.

That died, because poor sales or something.
Damn those are pretty cool. Of course I just looked them up and they’re super expensive now though
Man I forgot how bad the proportions are on those power of the force figures
I just got that Kyle Katarn recently and thought it was a bootleg at first because of the way they crudely penciled in a beard over his Dark Forces artwork.
>lightsaber guy
>has a gun
>generic alien being
These are why
they're not the first, and they're not the best, that's the tale of POTF2
Because they're not canon. Disney canon must be the only canon. But I think the real reasoning is redundancy. They lack creativity so will eventually go through and canonize major characters like they have with Thrawn or the Dark Troopers. Kyle Katarn and his gf was sort of canonized as Kanan and Hera in Rebels (and maybe a little of Cal Kestis too). This will go on as long as Disney keeps making new content. I bet we get a fully clothed Darth Talon one day.

Mara Jade must've happened because Disney had zero interest in making a new character like her.
A hot redhead with layers who winds up banging and falling in love with the straight white hero of the story? Yeah, definitely never happening.
KEK that's right so she must be turned into a black woman. So Reva? She worked for the Emperor and tried to kill Luke...OMG..
I liked them too. In fact, I have the Imperial Sentinel figure at my desk. Disney really got careless and prideful of their own stuff, so sad what they did with Star Wars. I'm not saying they should have copied the EU one-to-one and had a Yuhzang Vohn war or anything, but they should have at least loosely adapted some things. They did pick and choose a few things, like it was great to include Thrawn but they integrated him not that well because they already established a bad baseline due to the 7th/8th/9th movies.
I am hoping one day Hasbro will give us Kyle Kataran, the EU Spacetrooper, EU Dark Trooper (any phase), and others like Durge. Maybe. A person can hope/dream. It is probably a better idea to make a custom at this point.
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it’s another retrospammer thread
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>that is bs, there is no wa-
>check the youtube
Oh you gotta be kidding me.
Whatever, screw that. Lets talk about EU Star Wars stuff, forget that retro guy.
I also bought this McQuarrie Snowtrooper too. I didn't know the mask is removable.
I like the EU stuff. I also have other misc. stuff like the early Miniatures of the three phases of Dark Troopers.
Just watched the video out of curiosity, he doesn’t even open the toys. He also really hates shadows of the empire for some reason
didn't watch the vid but SotE was kind of week.

Outrider was probably the worst vehicle ever produced
Snoova, lame.
Han knock of character who isn't going to survive the end of the story, lame.
N64 game lame.

If they had made Guri and Dash's robot, those would have been cool.
I want Nom Anor firgure black series figure. They can include the one page comic like they did for "Carnor Jax " figure
Yeah, this. And bc the EU has been dead for more than a decade, there’s probably not many kids who are aware of it enough to want toys, and the adult collectors who do like EU is a small market for sure.
Eh, Hot Toys listed a Starkiller and Revan last week and they seemed to be a top seller.
That’s encouraging, at least.
May the 4th be with you bros
The 4th what?
The 4th wall, not to be confused with the 3rd rail or the 2nd sister.
File deleted.
oh you thilly goose

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