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What’s the best option for MHA toys? Figma only did a select few characters and stopped, looked pretty good and were pricey but not too pricey. McFarlane were cheap, but also looked and posed cheap. And now Amazing Yamaguchi seems to be the main ones producing the figures with the largest roster so far. However, they’re pretty pricey even more so than Figma and I’ve always heard they’re meant to be in extreme poses and look strange in standard poses. So what’s the consensus? I know a lot of people mix all of them together, but AY seems to be the one who’s done the most characters now and is still going. If anyone has any of these figure lines, feel free to post pics to help me decide. I know AY is reissuing their Deku and most are still in stock on BBTS, I’m pretty sure all but Bakugo so I’d be down to start picking those up if they’re worth it.
Had this same issue myself and ultimately gave up. Bought all the Figmas but was incredibly dissapointed with the loose joints, lack of range and arms and legs constantly dropping off.

Then I started replacing them all with the yamaguchis, but didn't like the asthetic and the 2 lines didn't mix and match very well. Some of the new yamaguchis like kirishima have pin heads compared to bakugo so even within their own line they look off together.

Now yamaguchi has dropped the line completely and kaiyodo have a new sculptor doing the females with a new engineering style. No idea how these will pose or look with the previous figures.

At this point it's just become so convoluted and messy I've given up and all of my figmas and revos are back in boxes.

Good luck.
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Yeah, I really wanna like AY but some of their aesthetic choices are very strange. Comparing the new Uraraka that just went up to Deku you can tell they’ve changed the aesthetic completely since the beginning of the line. I’ll also never forgive them for finally giving us Shigaraki but in his most boring outfit yet. I get that’s when he had the most powers and is his most current look. But he doesn’t match Deku or the other characters’ looks since they’re from earlier periods in the show. I much rather would’ve preferred his original look or the trench coat one.
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can't find any My Hero female action figure... all the fuck I get is statue/pvc crap
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who are you looking for? amazing yamaguchi just put up Uraraka for preorder and she looks pretty good. Otherwise though, most companies didn’t do the female characters. McFarlane did the invisible girl, but it’s more of a meme figure. I know AY has also shown off a Mirko, but she hasn’t gone up yet. I’m surprised they haven’t done at least Froppy yet.
I don't even watch MHA but I recognize various characters that dont have anything yet: Fat guy, Washing Machine guy, Rock Kilowog, Tree guy. I also expect to get Brown Bunny before Froggy. Do they still care about Froggy?
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>Do they still care about Froggy?
Froppy and yes people still do. It’s funny because she seems like one of the better characters for AY to make because she’d need to be able to stand but also get into a crouching pose. Plus she could come with all sorts of different tongue parts to swap out. She’s honestly more popular than Uraraka I think at least.
I hope we eventually get a skinny, unpowered all might. Would really help the display. Could package in Principal Nezu with him for accessories.
I am looking for foggy
Im surprised the yamaguchi line has continued this long, is the anime still popular?
It's the "new" Naruto, as Demon Slayer is Bleach or something
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The 5" McFarlane figures are basic, no doubt, but there is a certain charm to them.
I'm 6 seasons in still waiting for it to get good. I haven't read the manga, but people keep telling me "wait, it gets better", but they been saying that for 10 years, lmao. I guess im just a glutton for punishment.
Imo it drags on way too much I stopped reading it
Yeah I tried watching a popular show and then didn't like it and moved on to something else, it isnt rocket science, retard
? I never mentioned attack on titan and have never seen it. Are you mentally well?
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meh. I often watch things after figures come out from gsc or bandai to help my decide whether it's something i'd like a little shelf of. All of my action figures are based of some media or other which I actively read/watch/play whilst collecting.

Sure there are loads of other series I watch like Majuu Sensen, but sadly we don't get any figures from them, so nothing to discuss here.
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I just want a figure of him, but it’ll likely never happen
People seem to forget/disregard that anime is just "characters talking for 18 minutes, then something happens in 2." The only reason anime generally impresses anyone is because the only cartoons they know are Tom and Jerry, Spongebob, anything from Fox or whatever filler is on Cartoon Network.
That’s only really in fighting anime, other anime with an actual plot have a lot more going on.
Why would you watch a show for 6 seasons believing it to bad and hoping it gets better?
I personally liked the first 3 seasons, but after seaspm 4 and 5 I abandoned ship due to a lot reasons. I like the character designs but can't stand the story direction anymore. Vigilantes is much better imo.
That is not most anime. Sometimes Dragon Ball Z would get like that, but most other anime has things happening throughout the episodes.
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Is there a way to get the mcfarlane figures to scale with the amazing yamaguchi? There’s several figures they made that haven’t been made in any other line and I’d like to display them with them. Especially the Tenya Iida since he’s a core class member and maybe Stain since he’s cool.
Literally just look at OP’s pic? There’s like four Mcfarlane’s on the right side. Fitting them in just depends on your posing and positioning.
Pic I found from a review, he's way too big imo. But like the other guy pointed out the OP pic shows how if you're fucking around with stands and heights across a larger display you might be able to get him in, especially if he's kneeling more in a running pose instead of standing up straight.

I know he isn't the most popular so you could just end up waiting for one that never comes but I think a revoltech of him really would knock it out of the park. I feel like we're reaching a stage with the MHA revoltechs now where it'll be the deciding factor whether they'll bother continuing the line. Mirko was unexpected to me, but it seems like they're nearing the end of the more popular characters to make, save maybe a handful more
>Why would you watch a show for 6 seasons believing it to bad and hoping it gets better?
Autism. I'm the same with TV, films and comic runs. Once I've invested a significant amount of time in something I like to see the franchise through to the end good or bad. I hate knowing I have a bunch of half finished shows I don't know how end.
>Is there a way to get the mcfarlane figures to scale with the amazing yamaguchi?

Sure put them in the oven for a half hour on broil and it'll shrink them down
Anon don’t do this, it’ll ruin your figures
Is there any chance that they'd do a Nomu at this point? Given what the character is I think it'd be a good fit for this line. I'm not expecting it from AY.
Nomu actually would be pretty cool, but it seems they’re only doing currently relevant characters now.
Don't listen to this guy, the only reason I buy mcfarlanes at this point is to bake them.
Just do Nagant and AY can end the line. Thanks.
Is she a bigger deal in the manga? She was in like one episode.
I'm watching the anime right now and... man it kinda sucks? Season 4 right now and hooo boy way to many tournament arcs. The fight with overhaul was ok but it all just feels mega rushed and dumb and I hate pretty much all heroes especially that love intrest one. Holy shit she's boring. Frog girl doesn't get enough spotlight or barely any in fact. Really hope it gets better because I'm in too deep to abort. I like the designs though but man...
Eh imo it doesnt really. Itll have some good moments and nice art here or there though. Its just an average shounen. I agree if theres one standout thing about the show its the character designs but sometimes that just makes it suck more when theyre wasted
It’s not the best but I wouldn’t say it sucks.
It came out during the peak of the MCU so naturally a lot of people were gravitating to other similar media, including it. It's not BAD by any means but it certainly isn't great either, hence people calling it "Mid Hero Academia" nowadays.

Honestly wish the series focused on All Might instead of Deku. Would have been nice to watch a story about a #1 hero dealing with his ailment and coming to terms with him not being able to do as much as he used to. You can even keep the bit about Deku inspiring All Might to be a hero and him returning the words of encouragement too.
>hur dur not his original design
Keep crying
Yeah All Might is the best character in the show by far imo
Surprising that Goodsmile didn't make a Figma of him when literally every other company did.
I'd take a figma of his skinny form, Im happy with my yamaguchi
I love my Yamaguchi too but I would t have minded a Figma purely out of curiosity + I occasionally like to collect characters who have rep in different figures to compare and contrast stuff like sculpt, engineering, paint etc.
I feel like MHA gets the horrible treatment for action figures not because they're bad but because of that they don't even put out most of the other ones.we only got deku,shoto,katsuki,Ochako,all might and some other ones as well.ive seen on the internet that people said McFarlane fucked up the line because they only focus on male characters and not the fucking females.Where in the fucking daylight is mount lady gonna get figure treatment?

Sorry about that but I am a mha fan but I wish Mha got the proper action figure treatment like dragon ball but it feels like that nobody cares anymore.at least were gonna get a revoltech figure of Mirko,fingers crossed.
You pretty much have to mix and match like the person who made this collection did, to put a decent set together.

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