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>Jack Trimpey - Rational Recovery - Addictive Voice Recognition Technique (AVRT)

Testimonial: I sincerely recommend Rational Recovery https://youtu.be/S53OjsF3z-w It starts a little slow but in the first video you will already find out about the falsehood of the Disease Concept and the most important part: learning to recognize the addictive voice and making the "I" / "IT" distinction. That really is the core of AVRT. In the second video you will see an emotional moment where Tom is confronted with his addictive voice when he is asked to reach for a glass of drink (resembling a cold beer). That is the shifting technique. In total there are like five videos. Just by watching the first you already learn so much there is about addiction. It totally changed my world. I used it against pornography addiction too.

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Will check it out thanks
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To everyone struggling. Cold turkey works for casual 6 beers/night drinkers but actual alcoholics need to taper down or they will go into DT.

Read "Rational Recovery." https://files.catbox.moe/gbhmfx.pdf . Also download the torrent above >>1291895
of his videos explaining it if you don't want to read the book.

You need to dramatically cut down. If you keep drinking you are at extremely high risk of early alzheimers/dementia. that should scare you enough to quit. alcohol contains an anti-nutrient called Thiaminase(Google it) which blocks your bodies ability to absorb Thiamine, which is extremely important for brain health. alcoholics also tend to not eat well enough already, which compounds the issue. there are a couple of different brain issues that can arise from continued abuse in this manner, they have different names but are basically versions of alzheimers/dementia. > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wernicke%E2%80%93Korsakoff_syndrome
is an example. it can happen as early as your late 40s, so stop now while you're ahead. a good (real)scare is better than any "Yes man" kind words. save money you waste on alcohol, and save your life at the same time.
taper off using https://hams.cc/taper/
1. Buy a simple wall calendar
2. Pin calendar to wall
3. Record how many drinks you have that day.
4. Go a day without a drink, mark the day with a big red X in marker
You will accumulate days free of booze and will not want to break the streak of red Xs. Put this calendar right by your bed, somewhere obvious that you cannot miss when waking up or going to bed. Once you go a week, it will be so easy
Your body is probably lacking in electrolytes and vitamins so first days of your taper drink Pedialyte and supplement B vitamins.
You can do this anon.

Final point: you do NOT need to understand *why* you are drinking to stop drinking. That's a trap to keep you worried and drinking. Just stop.
You're welcome anon
Thanks lads, not a full blown alcoholic, but I have recognized a pattern and uptick in my drinking I want to keep in check.
this guy looks like he doesn't fuck
Stacy NO!!!
why to they (R) the VART and the beast?
Bumping for more seeds. This is important, bros
Do those 4 steps you mention also work for porn addiction?
bumping and also venting
trying to regulate my drinking but I find it's something I slip into unless I have something I have an external commitment to or sleep all day. I don't really want to quit entirely because it sounds too boring and pointless and a total slog for anything beyond a month. I know moderation is a meme for people who struggle with not binging, I just hate the binary conversation around addict or sober desu bros. people pretend like that isn't the case but it's so focused on
bumping. I'll dl and then seed for a few weeks at least.

>Cold turkey works for casual 6 beers/night drinkers

I only drunk regular beers. But yeah like 6-10 / evening for 10+ years. Tried quitting many times. Sometimes 2 weeks, sometimes 3 months. Other times only days.

Last streak: no alcohol for almost 18 months now. I still drink beer, but I switched to the 0% alcohol kind. Which has become remarkably good over the years I must admit.

Whatever works for you, just keep trying! one failed attempt does not mean failure, perseverance is key.
is there anyone else that immensely enjoys the thrill of getting drunk but can't into alcoholism because you eat way too much all the time? just me?
>or sleep all day
I've been sober for a week and this is all I do
bumping to thank the anon who linked this thread from another board before it got shoa'd
damn jannies
i only made it a few days sober last week because i couldn't handle the fatigue

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